Some Fondrenites literally made lemonade out of lemons in a case of good ole fashioned American ingenuity
.Walking down Tyrone Drive, one soon sees a sinkhole that is easily at least four feet deep.
Truly a hazard for the neighborhood.
However, some of the vegetation looks eerily familiar.
There it is. A green tomato. Someone planted some tomato plants in this urban crater. The plants begin to bear fruit.
Fried green tomatoes in Fondren. Who would've thunk it?
And the running booboo can fertilize it…
That sewage should be great fertilizer.
Could just as easily have been someone depositing the tamato seeds via throwing their half eaten whopper into the hole as they drove past!
Yea and they all elected Baby Chok for another term.
Talk about rewarding failure!
That pothole tomato plant had more usefulness than the convention center
Legalize weed now.
Fondren will "light up" the bold new city. Jackson will have boutique pot gardens. In the streets.
Not too far from where someone was shot in the face last night on Downing Street. Good ole Jackson.
Is the correct denomonym Fondranites or Fondranistas?
Is that free-range, organic, fair-trade farm, er, pothole-to-table assorted lettuces? If so, hit it with a drench of Sysco's finest gourmet ranch and sell it to suckers. If not, hit it with a drench of Sysco's finest gourmet ranch and sell it to the same suckers.
6:40. Roads like this are part of the reason the Convention Center isn’t hosting conventions. Add crime and airport access to the list as well…and now Zoom conferences…
But yeah- the Mayor could care less about actual problems.
my great grandmothers sewer field line in the pasture used to grow tomatos that had been deposited there through the toilet if you get my drift. she ate a lot of tomatos. To my knowledge she did not harvest the ones in the sewer.
perception of bad roads
Fondrenians? Fondrenos?
When the bulk of Jxn residents just "stays there" and don't actually own property that they worked hard to purchase...they don't care about the upkeep or the conditions.
Its a basic concept that eludes many.
See also: Rental property conditions
I remember what Jackson used to was such a treat as a child to take a day trip to Jackson. The zoo, Metrocenter, Picadilly, beautiful neighborhoods and the streets were smooth as glass. The grass was cut and there was no trash anywhere. What in the world could have caused the change into the shithole it is now?
I remember what Jackson used to was such a treat as a child to take a day trip to Jackson. The zoo, Metrocenter, Picadilly, beautiful neighborhoods and the streets were smooth as glass. The grass was cut and there was no trash anywhere. What in the world could have caused the change into the shithole it is now?
July 16, 2021 at 8:40 AM
Liberalism. It’s like a cancer.
"Feed me, Seymour!"
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