The Mississippi Department of Public Safety issued the following statement.
Tuesday, December 31, 2019
DPS Commish Retiring
Trustmark Goes Timberrrrrrrrrrrrr!
- Receiver sues Trustmark, Riverhills Bank, & Southern Bancorp in Lamar Adams case
- Adams used Trustmark for his primary accounts from 2009 - 2016
- Trustmark officials helped Adams until compliance officer raised questions
- Receiver says banks knew no timber income was received despite hundreds of millions of dollars flowing through Madison Timber accounts.
First Butler Snow and Baker Donelson, then Bankplus, now Trustmark. Do not let it be said that Alysson Mills is afraid to take on the big boys of Mississippi as she seeks to recover the money Lamar Adams ripped off from investors in his phony timber investment scheme. The SEC-appointed Receiver sued Trustmark and several other banks in U.S. District Court yesterday, arguing the defendants knew Adams was running a Ponzi scheme and should be held responsible. The case is assigned to U.S. District Judge Carlton Reeves.
Click Here to Read More..
Monday, December 30, 2019
SOS Sues Feds Over Bonnet Carre Spillway
Secretary of State Dilbert Hosemann issued the following statement.
Monday Morning Edition of Friday Night Fights
Some Christmas spirit recently broke out at the Citi Trends on North State Street in Jackson as two pugilists had a gentleman's disagreement. Not quite worthy of the Friday Night Fights but worthy of mention, nonetheless.
Insurance Commissioner: Be Careful w/ Fireworks
Insurance Commish Miguel Chaney issued the following statement.
JPD Responds to Hurst, Sort of
The U.S. Attorney stirred things up in Jackson last week when he blasted local judges and politicians for Jackson's crime problem. Jackson Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba took issue with Mr. Hurst while JPD Chief James Davis held a press conference Thursday.
Sunday, December 29, 2019
Hosemann Family Autism Foundation Awards Teacher Scholarships
Mississippi Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann issued the following statement.
Tragedy Strikes Victory
The Bonehead of the Day award goes to a SEC Network reporter for his interview with LSU qb Joe Burrow yesterday.
"What is Christmas to You?"
Staying home because of the Holiday Spirit and can't make it to church? Youtube brings church to you. Enjoy this 1990 sermon presented by the late Dr. Frank Pollard of First Baptist Church (Jackson).
Bill Crawford: Sticking with Trump Risky for Moral, Conservative Republicans
Just before Christmas, a moral dilemma faced by many Republicans was exposed by Christianity Today. While they like many of President Donald Trump’s policies, they object to his shameful behavior.
Friday, December 27, 2019
Here We Geaux Again
When will these hotels learn? Sports Illustrated's Ross Dellenger (Husband of former CL reporter Elizabeth Crisp) tweeted:
Get This Mutt Home
Ridgeland Police took custody of a lost German Shepard today. Please help find the owner.
Don't Try This at Home
Jacksonians are not the only ones who suffer the pothole plague:
Dog Fight! Literally
Mississippi State's star quarterback will miss the Music City Bowl after a fight with a teammate didn't end too well for the hot shot. 24/7 sports reported:
Thursday, December 26, 2019
U.S. Attorney: "Quit Denying There is a Crime Problem"
"The violence we experienced these last few weeks is unacceptable," said U.S. Attorney Mike Hurst at a press conference Monday. He pulled no punches as he held politicians and judges responsible for a catch and release criminal justice system that causes Jackson to live in fear.
MHP Reports 116 Crashes During Holidays
The Mississippi Highway Patrol issued the following statement.
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Keep in mind that there is a bigger holiday threat than the porch pirates: the curb thieves. These hoodlums pay attention to what you put on your curb so they can learn what brand new little gadgets you have in your home. So don't put your empty Samsung 65 4K or S&W AR 15 empty boxes out on the curb. Do what I do instead: put them on your neighbor's curb. You're welcome.
Click Here to Read More..Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Merry Christmas
If you have imbibed some of the Christmas spirit and want to jam a little, enjoy this concert video of the Trans Siberian Orchestra. They put on a kick-ass show in New Orleans last week. Crank up the soundbar.
Christmas Miracle Continues
It is simply a miracle that Madison County Deputy Brad Sullivan is home for Christmas. He took two rounds to the head earlier this year during a shootout with a heavily armed suspect and frankly, there was some doubt at one time that he would make it. A true blessing occurred and Deputy Sullivan came home last week. Posted below is an interview he gave to Fox Nation. Enjoy.
Prayers for Warren Strain
Say some prayers for Warren Strain. He suffered a cerebral brain hemorrhage yesterday and is in a coma. He is the Communications Director for the Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks as well as an Alderman in Madison.
Monday, December 23, 2019
Catch the Clinton Train
Great news, Clinton’s Olde Towne Depot Train Display has been extended to January 3. Visit the Olde Towne Depot through January 3, 2020 to see tons of model trains! The Olde Towne Depot, 281 East Leake Street will be open on December 26, 27, 28, 30, 31 and January 2-3 for another opportunity to enjoy the magic of the model train exhibit.
Click Here to Read More..
Too Funny
The Cowboy's choke job last night had an interesting effect on several people. Enjoy.
Drivers Services Bureau Implodes
A PEER report confirms what too many Mississippians already knew about the our version of the DVM: the service sucks. Wait times tripled, there is a shortage of examiners, new software made things much worse, and the staff is poorly trained. PEER reported:
Bruenburg Discovers More Missing Funds
Bruenburg Homeowners Association shed some light on how Ridgeway Lane (allegedly) fleeced a multitude of homeowners associations in Mississippi. The company managed Bruenburg's accounts at Community Bank. The HOA examined the bank statements and discovered nearly $200,000 was missing. Bruenburg promplty sued the company as well as its two owners, David L. Lane and David W. Lane in Rankin County Circuit Court.
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Jackson Wants to Extend 1% Sales Tax
Check out this little item on the agenda for the December 20 meeting of the Jackson City Council:
The Golden Child Returns
He's bad, he's black, and he is BACK! The Golden Child returned to Saturday Night Live last night after a thirty-something year absence.
Christmas Sermon
Don't feel like getting out in the rain to go to church? Enjoy this 1995 Christmas Eve sermon presented by the late Dr. Frank Pollard (First Baptist - Jackson).
Bill Crawford: What Will Shine Brightest?
For those Americans who celebrate the real reason for Christmas, joy at this time of year comes from much more than sparkling trees and glittery presents. It is a joy like no other for souls who have been ignited by the coming of the Light of the World.
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Thieves Hit Newland Home
Two thieves burglarized a house on Newland Street (between Wayneland and
Ridgewood) before 11 AM today. A woman's furbodog camera captured the
invasion. The two hoodlums stole two guns, a camera, cordless drill,
and some Christmas presents.
Merry Christmas!
JJ is proud to present for the Christmas season a holiday classic. Enjoy.
Friday, December 20, 2019
Friday Night at the Fights
Foreman-Lyle. It's literally not the name of a fight but a brawl. None of the classic tactics such as bobbin and weaving, rope a doping, or even sticking and moving are used. Nope. All technique disappeared at the sound of the opening bell. This was a street fight where two pugilists stood toe to toe and took turns throwing everything they had at each other. This was not the poetry of the sweet science but rather a torrid staccato of violence that ended in the crash of the canvas. Enjoy.
Cambodian Child Comes to UMMC for Surgery
UMC published the following story written by Annie Oeth.
To Quit or Not To Quit
Is he in the House or isn't he in the House? That 'tis the question for State Representative Robert Johnson. Y'all Politics published a nice little scoop this morning about Mr. Johnson's sudden retirement and equally-sudden unretirement from the legislature:
What Happens when Glory Meets Legend?
Something that is not always good. So much for the dining room.
Domino's Driver Murder Suspect Arrested
Madison County Sheriff Randy Tucker issued the following statement and mug shot.
29 Counties Have More Opioid Prescriptions Than Residents
The CDC reported there were more opioid prescriptions written than the actual population of 29 Mississippi counties in 2017. Four counties led the way with over 160 prescriptions per 100 persons. What were the five best and worst counties? Link to CDC stats. Read below and weep.
Click Here to Read More..
Uh-oh, It's You Know Who
Two hotheaded knowitalls, er, make that pundits who just happen to be brothers are going at it on CSPAN when a higher authority just happens to call in to the show....
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Crimestoppers Offers Reward for Murder Suspect
Crimestoppers is seeking a murder suspect:
Jim Hood Says Thank You
Attorney General Jim Hood issued the following statement.
Open Thread
Won't be able to post anything until early to mid afternoon so consider this post to be an open thread. Fire away.
Click Here to Read More..Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Bernie Goes Home (Updated)
A federal judge ordered the release of an ailing Bernie Ebbers. The order is posted below.
Regifting, Anyone?
When is regifting ok? That is the question tackled by our friends at It's a Southern Thing recently. Enjoy.
UMC Provides Dental Care to JPS Students
UMC posted the following story written by Kate Royals.
Swim Coach Tries to Get Indictment Dismissed
Savannah Reis asked a Rankin County Circuit Court to dismiss an indictment against her. A Rankin County grand jury indicted Savannah Reis for two counts of sexual battery with a minor on September 18 while she was a swim coach at Performance Elite Aquatics. She is an elementary school teacher in Madison County but is currently on administrative leave.
More Stores Open at District at Eastover
The District at Eastover issued the following press release.
Baker Boyz Try Again
Give the Baker Boyz credit for never quitting. Brent Alexander and Alexander Seawright filed a motion for a settlement conference against SEC Receiver Alysson Mills in SEC v. Butler Snow et al in U.S. District Court. This post is for the Madison Timber junkies. The motion is posted below.
Sid Salter: Dems Want Term Limits
Term limits is a tired political concept whose time has come and gone and come again, this time as part of California hedge fund billionaire Democrat Tom Steyer’s fringe presidential campaign.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Missing Domino's Driver Found Dead
Madison County Sheriff Randy Tucker issued the following statement.
Bullying or Defending?
How should bullying be defined? Posted below is a notification a local school sent to a parent regarding her child's behavior. The children in question are 14 years old.
Injunctions Issued Against Ridgway Lane
The Ridgway Lane scandal continued in Rankin County Circuit Court last week. Judge John Emfinger issued a preliminary injunction against Ridgway Lane, David L. Lane, and David W. Lane Thursday at a hearing. The injunction freezes all assets and orders the defendants to provide a list of all assets to the Bridgwater I and II HOA's.
Monday, December 16, 2019
Touchdown in Bogue Chitto
Posted below is a rather nasty tornado that touched down in Bogue Chitto today.
35 Years for Wakefield
Dwan Wakefield, Jr. will serve 35 years in prison for his participation in crimes related to the murder of little Kingston Frazier. WLBT reported:
Tornado Hits
Picture of tornado at Hwy 61 and Grand Gulf Road. Credit: Michael Logue.
Christmas Miracle
Madison County Deputy Brad Sullivan made his first public appearance at a gala held in his honor Saturday night. Deputy Sullivan was shot in the head earlier this year while responding to a domestic violence incident. Frankly, his recovery was nothing short of miraculous. Posted below is video of Deputy Sullivan speaking Saturday night. Be sure and make sure there are no onions in the room.
Cookies With Santa
The Mississippi Community Education Center hosted a Cookies and Photos with Santa event at our 750 N State Street Location, Thursday, December 12th. There were over 60 kids in attendance from metro area childcare facilities. The children each took a photo with Santa, had story time with our Early Childhood Academy Coaches, and received refreshments. The mission of the Early Childhood Academy is to provide ongoing high quality technical assistance and professional development to child care providers and families through resource and referral services to ensure a nurturing learning environment that promotes readiness.
Click Here to Read More..
What is a Woman's Life Worth in Jackson?
21 years if the question is asked in Hinds County. Hinds County Assistant District Attorney Greta Mack and Circuit Judge Winston Kidd approved a plea bargain that will allow Marcus Mallett to only serve 21 years in prison after he pleaded guilty to 2nd Degree Murder in the death of Shanitra Ramsey.
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Madison Sheriff Searching for Missing Domino's Employee
Madison County Sheriff Randy Tucker issued the following alert and picture.
Dreaming of a Wine Christmas
Saturday Night Live had some fun with the Christmas holiday last night. Thank goodness for wine.
Pizza Driver Robbed & Beaten
A Twitter video shows a Domino's Driver recovering from a robbery and assault last night in Jackson.
Sunday Morning Sermon
If you can't make it to church this morning, enjoy this 1990 sermon presented by the late Dr. Frank Pollard of First Baptist Church (Jackson).
Bill Crawford: Money Talks in Mississippi Politics
"Who will pay $250K to eat with Tate Reeves at inauguration dinner?" read the headline in the Clarion-Ledger.
The incoming governor's inaugural committee is seeking "platinum sponsors" willing to ante up to have dinner with Reeves plus VIP access to all inauguration events. The article says that the identities of these donors and others paying for inauguration events will remain secret. The money will actually be paid to a new 501(c)(4) non-profit corporation called For All Mississippi for which Mississippi, unlike states with transparency laws, provides no limits or disclosure requirements.
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Movies are Made for 16 Year Olds & China
Actor Anthony Mackie spilled the beans on why Hollywood movies are so bad today:
It's Burreaux!!!
LSU's Joe Burrow won the Heisman Trophy tonight, breaking four Heisman Trophy voting records:
Did Supremes Make Judicial Elections Partisan?
The Mississippi Supreme Court changed the playing field for judicial elections. Judicial elections are non-partisan in Mississippi. Judicial candidates are barred from seeking the endorsements of political parties. However, the Court removed the prohibition Thursday.
Koestler Prime is apparently having some problems with its Facebook page so JJ is going to lend a helping hand to get the word out about it's gift cards. Julie Koestler posted this morning:
Dollar Generals Hit
JPD issued the following video and statement on Twitter.
Friday, December 13, 2019
The Return of the Stare
HBO dropped the trailer for Season 10 of Curb Your Enthusiasm this week.
Pearl Takes Precautions
It looks like some kid got a case of the stupid and made a threat against Pearl Middle School. The Pearl Public School District posted the following statement on its Facebook page:
Joe Horn Indicted. Who Will He Call?
The Justice Department issued the following press release.
Dispatch From Pelahatchie (Grinch Edition)
Pelahatchie almost went a Christmas season without its famous Christmas lights. Mayor Ryshonda Beechem posted on Facebook on December 4:
Rez Lowering Begins Today
The Pearl River Valley Water Supply District issued the following statement.
Domino's Says No Night Service to North Jackson
Domino's will no longer deliver pizza to Northeast Jackson at night. WLBT reported Wednesday night:
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Clinton Catches Second Burglary Ring Suspect
The Clinton Police Department issued the following statement.
"We Could Literally Hire 100 Technicians"
The Rest of the Story, Part II (Annandale Edition)
A Madison family's fight against the Annandale homeowners association garnered quite a few headlines last month. Richard and Pam Navari are living in an RV parked in their driveway after an electrical fire damaged part of their home last year on Christmas Eve. However, the parking of the RV violates Madison city ordinances since the Navaris did not obtain required HOA approval. Few things will make a reporter foam at the mouth as a struggling family taking on a heartless homeowner's association and big, bad corporate America. The only thing missing from the pre-packaged, fill-in-the-blank stories were names and actual reporting but don't worry, heartstrings were pulled and pulled hard.
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Credit: WAPT |
Click Here to Read More..
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Too Funny
Need a laugh? Check out this Flat Earth debate. Firing Line it is not.
Grinches Sentenced
Attorney General Jim Hood issued the following statement.
Who Ya Gonna Call?
There may be hope yet. Check out what is coming to theatres next summer.
Justice Department Stands Up for Free Speech
The Justice Department issued the following statement.
Contempt for Lanes?
Will the Lanes go to jail? Both Bridgewater I and II homeowner's associations filed motions to show cause yesterday in Rankin County Circuit Court against Ridgway Lane, David W. Lane, and David L. Lane. The HOA's claim the defendants are attempting to unload assets and refuse to provide a list of their assets. Ridgway Lane managed over twenty HOA's in the Jackson metro area.
Sid Salter: Mississippi Coming Full Circle on Unwise Corrections & Judicial Policies
Mississippi spends just under $350 million annually operating our state’s prison system – some $30 million less than in 2014. During a 2018 visit to Gulfport, President Donald Trump heaped praise on Mississippi for a series of corrections reforms he said would become a model for the nation.
New Skilled Pediatric Nursing Facility Coming to UMMC
UMC issued the following story written by Annie Oeth.
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Tomorrow Night at the Bijou
Check out a goldien oldie that returns to the theatre tomorrow night in Madison and Pearl:
Foodies Get More at Cultivation Hall
The District at Eastover issued the following statement.
Ridgeway Lane Update: Timber!
Here we go again, same old ____ again, stealing all the revenue, who knows when we will be through, sound off! Yet, yet, yet another lawsuit was filed in Rankin County Circuit Court against Ridgway & the Lanes. The Timbers Homeowners Association accused Ridgway Lane, Papa Lane, and Baby Lane of embezzling over $90,000 from its accounts.
Clinton Seeks Burglary Suspects
The Clinton Police Department issued the following statement and pictures.
Lane Responds
David L. Lane and Ridgway Lane finally responded to lawsuits filed against him by Bridgewater I & II Homeowner's Association:
Monday, December 9, 2019
Downtown Dark after Dark
The power is out in downtown Jackson right now. Entergy said 1,000 customers are without power. Pictures are posted below.
The Landing of Lane
WLBT is live-streaming the introduction of new Ole Miss Head Footbacll Coach Lane Kiffin. The stream is posted below.
JPD Addresses Shootings
JPD Chief James Davis is holding a press conference right now about the recent spate of shootings. The presser is streamed below. Thanks, WAPT.
Measles Kill 70 in Samoa
31% vaccination rate + one measles virus = seventy deaths in Samoa. The Wall Street Journal reported last week:
The Green Republican
It seems the Sierra Club got itself a Republican in Mississippi, finally.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Remembering Pearl Harbor
Yesterday was the 78th anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Posted below are colorized photos of the 110 minutes of hell that were visited about America that day. Never Forget.
Violent Weekend in Jacktown
JPD has its hands full this weekend. JPD tweeted:
Sunday Morning Sermon
Feeling guilty about staying in bed instead of going to church? Don't worry, JJ is here to take away that guilt. Enjoy this 1990 sermon presented by the late Dr. Frank Pollard (First Baptist Church - Jackson).
Bill Crawford: New Hope for Transparency & Efficiency in Government?
Conservatives regularly cite transparency and efficiency as goals to make government smaller and better. Too often, though, said conservatives do not deliver on these goals.
New conservative leadership in Mississippi may be about to change that.
Saturday, December 7, 2019
It's Landshark Lane
It looks like Lane Kiffin will be the next Head Football Coach at Ole Miss. Neal McReady tweeted last night:
He's Baaaaaaaaack!
(Read in that movie guy voice) He's bad, he's black, and he is BACK! Yes, Mr. Barbecue-loving, Rolex-wearing, Ric Flair wannabe Kenny Wayne Jones is returning to the Capitol. Check it out.
Friday, December 6, 2019
Eastbrooke: Lanes Stole Over $500,000
The Eastbrooke Condominium Association accused Ridgway Lane and the Lanes of stealing over $500,000 from various accounts and cd's in a lawsuit filed today in Rankin County Circuit Court.
Time to Get Drunk!
It's that time of year and you know what it means: It's time for my award-winning egg nog recipe:
Canton Sandblasts Sandridge for Stiffing City
The city of Canton sued Todd Sandridge and his company, Big South Events, for allegedly stiffing the city on a contract to manage the Canton Multipurpose and Equine Center in Madison County Circuit Court on November 7. Canton also claimed Sandridge allowed the building to be damaged and burglarized.
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Credit: Mississippi Film Office |
Ridgway Lane TRO Extended
Posted below is the transcript of the TRO hearing held in Bridgewater I v. Ridgway Lane et al in Rankin County Circuit Court two weeks ago. Bridgewater II was also a participant in the hearing. JJ covered the hearing in an earlier post. Judge John Emfinger renewed the TRO at the hearing.
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Fairgrounds Concessions Contract Canceled
Apparently nobody is going to get the concessions contract for the Mississippi State Fairgrounds. The Fairgrounds Commission cancelled the RFP today. The Commission recently awarded the contract to Valley Food Services but Gary Clark protested. Mr. Clark had a no-bid exclusive contract at the Fairgrounds for twenty years. Fairgrounds Chairman Andy Gipson issued the statement posted below.
McHenry Acquitted in Madison Timber Fraud
Collection of all posts about Lamar Adams/Madison Timber case.
UPDATE (4:30 PM): ACQUITTED! Jury acquitted McHenry on all three counts after two hours of deliberation.
Original Post: William McHenry, Jr. is on trial this week in U.S. District Court in the Madison Timber fraud case. A grand jury indicted him earlier this year for securities and wire fraud. The case is assigned to Judge Carlton Reeves.
Cowboy Cop (Who is not a Cop) Must Repay $30,122
- MBN Director John Dowdy not a certified law enforcement officer.
- Director spent thousands on clothes.
- Director used MBN vehicles for commuting.
- Director lied about MBN personnel buying back comp time.
State Auditor Shad White issued the following statement and report on the Mississippi Bureau of Narcotics.
Lottery Reports First-Week Sales of $8.9 Million
The Mississippi Lottery Corporation issued the following statement.
Well, that was fun. Yours truly went to see When Harry Met Sally Tuesday night at Tinseltown. Got tickets Sunday night on Fandango, picked my seats, all should be fine, right? Nope. As it turned out, I got to be THAT guy at the movies.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Pearl Catches Police Impersonator Suspect
The Pearl Police Department issued the following statement.
Lamar Adams Page Created
All the posts about the Lamar Adams and Madison Timber cases are collected together on one page. Click here to go to the Lamar Adams page. More than a few people are keeping up with this case on JJ. Hopefully, this page will make it easier for them to do so. Enjoy.
Click Here to Read More..Is the Aquarium Too Expensive? We Report, You Decide.
Gulf Coast residents are grumbling over the ticket prices for the new Mississippi Aquarium in Gulfport. Although the ticket prices are higher than the aquarium in New Orleans, they cheaper than most other aquariums in the South. WLOX reported:
Sid Salter: Is Race Still A Factor in Mississippi Politics? Numbers are Instructive.
The Great Assumption in Mississippi politics has long been that race is the lowest common denominator. For good or ill, it is undeniable that this assumption is the basis for how political campaigns are operated, for the crafting of political messaging, and for the evolution of the two-party system in the state since Reconstruction.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Kicking It to the Curb
HBO announced season 10 of Curb Your Enthusiasm will pop up next month. Enjoy the trailer posted below.
Mississippi Children's Network Champ in Spotlight
UMC issued the following story written by Annie Oeth.
He Mad!
Someone apparently got a burr up his butt about attorney Dennis Sweet today.
Deck the District Thursday Night
The District at Eastover issued the following statement.
Madison PD Chases Suspect into Jackson
The Madison Police Department issued the following statement and mug shot.
Madison Timber Update: Receiver Calls Bluff
SEC Receiver Allyson Mills asked victims of Lamar Adams' phony timber investment scheme to assign to her their rights to recover against parties such as Butler Snow and Baker Donelson. A copy of a letter sent to the victims is posted below.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Bourbon Street Brawl
Nothing like a Bourbon Street Brawl. Do NOT, repeat, do NOT drink anything while watching this video from Saturday night. This is just plain downright funny as hell.
Clinton PD Investigating Report of Phony Cop
The city of Clinton issued the following statement.
Check out this Michigan State football player at Saturday's game.
No Comment.
Well, well, well, look who is hosting a fund-raiser for the new Central District Transportation Commissioner.
MHP Reports 10 Holiday Fatalities
The Mississippi Highway Patrol issued the following statement.
Focusing on Reaching Mississippi's Full Potential
This post is authored by Leftenent Governor-Elect Hilbert Hosemann.
We were humbled the night of November 5 to receive more than 60 percent of the vote for Lieutenant Governor — an instruction from Mississippians to move forward with our plans to grow our economy, provide every child with quality public educational opportunities, make healthcare more accessible, and shore up our roads and bridges.
The morning of November 6, the hard work began to put these plans into action.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Luke Fired (Updated)
Updated at 8:05 PM to include Ole Miss statement.
Well that was quick. Neal McReady just Tweeted that Ole Miss fired Head Football Coach Matt Luke. The university apparently bought out the entire offensive staff as well. Ole Miss issued the following statement on its website:
Woman Guilty in Prison Smuggling Scheme
The Justice Department issued the following statement.
Vaping Illness #11
The Mississippi Department of Health issued the following statement last week.
Sunday Morning Sermon
Holiday weekends mean it's tougher to get to church. If that sentence applies to you, enjoy this sermon presented by the late Dr. Frank Pollard of First Baptist Church (Jackson).
Bill Crawford: Will the Light of Christmas Show Our Leaders to be Naughty or Nice?
As we adults bumble into this Christmas season (Advent started December 1st), some of our attention should turn toward our behavior and that of our favorite leaders.
When "Santa Claus Is Coming to Town,” written in 1934 by John Frederick Coots and Haven Gillespie, gets to "Oh, he's making a list and checking it twice; He's gonna find out who's naughty or nice" that's not just a funny message for children.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Pissing It All Away
Ole Miss literally tried to piss away the Egg Bowl last night.... and succeeded in making itself the Bulldogs' bitch.
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Credit: Business Insider |
Click Here to Read More..
Medicaid Mauls New York
Medicaid is busting New York's budget. The New York Daily News reported a week ago:
Buried Worker Rescued
The Madison Police Department issued the following statement Wednesday night.
FOOD FIGHT at the Fairgrounds!
The current concessions vendor at the Mississippi Fairgrounds is raising hell because he was forced to bid for the new contract. The Clarion-Ledger reported:
Thursday, November 28, 2019
The Ghost of Thanksgiving Past
It's been over 25 years but former Hinds CC alum Leon Lett made on Thanksgiving very memorable in a way he would probably rather forget:
Mexican Cartels Diversify
Will John Dowdy and Marshall Fisher claim that if you buy avocados, you are supporting the Mexican Drug Cartels? It seems the cartels are diversifying their portfolios. The Los Angeles Times engaged in a sudden bout of journalism last week and reported:
Stolen Classic Car Alert!
Keep an eye out for this stolen classic car in the Jackson metro area.
Shrink, I want to KILL!!!
JJ wishes you a Happy Thanksgiving as the Kingfish prepares to eat dead burnt bodies. Enjoy.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
What if Vols' Season Was a Boxing Movie?
Funny but true describes this week's edition of SEC Shorts. Enjoy.
Clinton Police Receives Accreditation
The city of Clinton issued the following statement.
Thanksgiving Miracle
Madison County Deputy Brad Sullivan is actually walking, yes, walking. See for yourself:
Oakhurst Sues Ridgway Lane,
A Clinton homeowners association accused Ridgway Lane of embezzling over $168,000 from its bank accounts. Oakhurst Homeowners Association sued the HOA management company in Rankin County Circuit Court yesterday. Oakhurst claimed family members of the owners of Ridgway Lane either received or endorsed suspicious checks drawn on Oakhurst funds.
Sid Salter: Reality of State Lottery Satisfying
As a longtime state lottery supporter, I quietly celebrated the official beginning Monday of Mississippi’s entry into this form of raising state revenue as small victory over the notion of Mississippi continuing to shoot itself in the foot through senseless and unjustifiable lottery opposition. I bought one on the way home from work – and lost.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Make that a double or triple ouch. How would you like to be on the receiving end of these punches?
Panhandling in Style
Some poor schmuck made the mistake of pointing out on social media that some of our local panhandlers are begging in style:
The Lotto Loot Rolls In
The Mississippi Lottery Corporation issued the following statement.
Ridgway Lane Sued for Payroll
The lawsuits continue to pile up against Ridgway Lane and the Lanes. An October 29 check for the Ridgway Lane payroll apparently bounced. People Lease, Inc, sued the company, David W. Lane, and David L. Lane in Madison County Court Friday for $18,763.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Harreld Fights Banks
Jim Harreld is not taking his election day loss lying down but is fighting Karl Banks in Madison County Circuit Court. Former Madison County District 4 Supervisor Karl Banks (D) beat Republican Jim Harreld by 51 votes. Mr. Harreld filed a petition this afternoon contesting the election results.
Only You Can Stop Turkey Fryer Fires!
Mississippi Insurance Commish Miguel Chaney issued the following advisory and video on turkey fryer fires.
Funny of the Day
Howard Stern + LSU Coach Ed Orgeron = greatness. Listen for yourself.
Nursery Rhymes Coming to The District
The District at Eastover issued the following press release.
Get Ready to Get Rich!
The Mississippi Lottery Commission issued the following press release and commercial.
Click Here to Read More..
Kingfish Wins at Ethics Commission
The Kingfish won a round at the Mississippi Ethics Commission last week. Hearing Officer Sonia Shurden ruled the Pelahatchie Board of Aldermen violated the Open Meetings Act when it conducted its work sessions by "huddling" in a corner of the Board room, making it impossible for the audience to hear any discussion.
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Board & City Officials huddle during July work session. |
Click Here to Read More..
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Too Funny!
Need a laugh? Check out the Democratic Debate on SNL last night. Enjoy.
New Stage Stink
The city of Jackson gave New Stage Theatre a new environmental attraction of sorts. A fountain appeared at the corner of Monroe and Carlisle Streets over the last few days. There is just one problem - the fountain pumps raw sewage into a creek that flows past Belhaven Beach and into the Pearl River. Posted below is the video yours truly shot today.
Receiver Files Amended Complaint Against Butler Snow, Baker Donelson, et al.
SEC Receiver Allyson Mills filed an amended complaint against Butler Snow, Baker Donelson, Matt Thornton, Jon Seawright, and Matt Thornton Friday. The amended complaint is posted below. It's posted strictly for the readers who are following this case.
Sunday Morning Sermon
The late Dr. Frank Pollard preached on money in the 1990 sermon posted below. If you can't make it to church this morning, Enjoy.
Bill Crawford: Happy Black Friday, er, Turkey Day
Yes, super shopping day Black Friday seems to be more top of the mind these days than family-friendly holiday Thanksgiving. Guess that's just another example of how our lives have become much more transactional than relational.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Stay away from the intersection of Carlisle and Monroe Streets in Jackson (by New Stage Theatre). A fountain of raw sewage is flowing into the nearby creek. The Pearl Riverkeepers posted on Facebook:
Friday, November 22, 2019
Antifa punk decides to take on Good Ole Boy. See the result for yourself.
Ridgway Lane Update
Today has been a busy day in the Ridgway Lane embezzlement scandal. The Bridgewaters appeared in court today while the Palisades and the Diplomat sued Ridgeway Lane, David W. Lane, and David L. Lane for embezzling hundreds of thousands of dollars from their bank accounts. Ridgway Lane managed homeowners associations in the Jackson metro area .
So Long to Sam
Sam Hall is leaving the Clarion-Ledger. The state newspaper reported:
Med School Dean Appointed to National Board
UMC issued the following press release written by Gary Pettus.
Palisades Residents Try to Take Back Neighborhood
Palisades homeowners are fighting back against a Homeowners Association Board they hold responsible for the disappearance of hundreds of thousands of dollars of their assessments. This email is circulating among Palisades residents:
Rez To Drop Two Feet
The Pearl River Valley Water Supply District issued the following statement.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Crashing & Burning?
Time for some late-night fun with the Star Wars franchise. Doomcock reports the new Star Wars movie will be worse than reported earlier. Yup, we are going to take seriously a dude wearing a goofy mask and John Lennon outfit in front of a Star Trek background. Welcome to Hollywood journalism in 2019. Enjoy.
Madison Doc Pleads Guilty to Fraud
The Justice Department issued the following statement.
Palisades: $89,000 Embezzled
The Palisades reports its losses in the Ridgway Lane embezzlement scandal are $89,000. Six homeowners associations sued Ridgway Lane for allegedly cleaning out HOA bank accounts that were managed by the Flowood company. The Palisades HOA Board of Directors sent the following email to its members yesterday:
Bigger Pie Forum: Certificates of Need Need to Go
Imagine if state government decided how many car dealerships were allowed in Mississippi.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Let the Pre-Cancelling Begin
The New York Times, yes, the New York Times, actually posted something funny today and did so intentionally. Enjoy.
All good things come to an end, some sooner than others. Deep South Pops is shutting it down.
The Rest of the Story, Annandale Edition
The media had a field day last week with the plight of a woman who claimed she and her family were forced to live in an RV after a fire damaged their home on Christmas Eve. WAPT reported:
Sid Salter: McCoy's Record One of Vision, Pragmatism, & Progress
Mississippi House Speaker William J. “Billy” McCoy was a second-generation state lawmaker, a college-educated vocational agriculture teacher, a Farmers Home Administration loan officer and briefly an auditor for the state – and yes, he was a farmer and one of his family’s successful cash crops was red wiggler worms.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
St. Paddy's Day Parade Survives
The St. Paddy's Day Parade will be here for at least another year. The Clarion-Ledger reported today:
UMMC Studies Breast-Feeding Barriers
UMMC issued the following press release authored by Annie Oeth.
What Went Down at the Zoo
Posted below is a recording of the July 24, 2018 Executive Committee meeting of the Jackson Zoological Society. This is the meeting where yours truly and another Board member confronted the Executive Director over an audit's report of the misuse of state bond funds. Needless to say, the meeting grew very contentious at times.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Will Hood Stop Out of State Corporation?
Governor Phil Bryant issued the following statement.
St. Ives Escapes
Homeowners in the Madison subdivision of St. Ives can probably breathe a little easier. The St. Ives Homeowners Association sent out the following email to its members last week:
Suits Rule, Teachers Drool!
State Auditor Shad White issued the following statement and report.
Millsaps to Shut Down Cabot Lodge
Millsaps College issued the following statement.
Prayers for Tua
SEC Shorts dedicated this week's production to fallen Alabama quarterback Tua Tagovailoa.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The Embezzlement Epidemic Spreads
The Embezzlement Epidemic is apparently not limited to homeowner's associations but has spread to other organizations as well. WLBT reported some shenanigans apparently took place at the Flowood Chamber of Commerce:
Accountant Arrested for Embezzlement (Updated)
Update: The victim is the defendant's ex-boyfriend. She has a restraining order against him.
The Pearl Police Department issued the following statement.
Sunday Morning Sermon
If you couldn't make it to church today, enjoy this sermon presented by the late Dr. Frank Pollard of First Baptist Church (Jackson).
Bill Crawford: Saving poor children – a government thing, a kingdom thing, or nothing?
Single moms living in poverty and children born into those households didn't capture much attention in recent statewide elections. Trends suggest paying attention might be very important.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Add Stonebridge to Ridgway Lane List
Add Stonebridge to the list of homeowners associations victimized (allegedly) by Ridgway Lane:
Rankin County attorney Ed Rainer got himself in a wee bit of trouble in Court yesterday. It appears he called the court one of the Kangaroo variety and well, you can see for yourself what his transgressions earned him.
Friday, November 15, 2019
The crew at Zea's held a press conference and tour for the media Wednesday at its new location in Renaissance. Apparently one reporter loved the sample food so much he kept chowing down during the interviews in front of no less than three cameras.
Bruenburg Accuses Ridgway Lane of Embezzling $188,330
The Bruenburg Property Owner's Association in Clinton sued Ridgway Lane to recover embezzled funds in Rankin County Circuit Court today. There are six homeowners associations suing Ridgway Lane for allegedly cleaning out the HOA bank accounts that were managed by the Flowood company.
The Fall of the Tribe of Hotty Toddy
And there arose to the north of Eden a tribe called the Hotty-Toddys, who were also called metros. And the Hotty-Toddys were very displeasing; they didst place centerpieces on their banquet tables, and didst exalt themselves much. And they didst glorify the southern kingdom of the past.
County to Pay $110,000 in Sexual Harassment Settlement
A sexual harassment lawsuit against Hinds County Tax Collector Eddie Fair settled for $110,000. Bernitha Rice, a former Tax Collector employee sued Mr. Fair two years ago in U.S. District Court.
King Kenny Rulz, Bridgewaters Get Freeze
King Kenny Rulz The Palisades. Check out this notice The Palisades HOA Board of Directors sent to its members two days ago.
Rez to Fall 4 Feet
The Pearl River Valley Water Supply District will lower the water level of the Ross Barnett Reservoir four feet as it eradicates salvinia. The agenda for Monday's Board meeting states:
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Breaking Down the Big Game
Matt Wyatt provides some of his expert analysis on the Bama-LSU game in this week's film study edition. Enjoy.
NOLA Fave Comes to Ridgeland
A New Orleans favorite is coming to Ridgeland. Zea's Rotisserie Restaurant & Bar will open later this month at Renaissance. Tasty Thai ribs, garlic & herb glazed chicken, the Kingfish's mouth just went Niagara Falls writing those words. Zea's naturally issued a statement:
Lane Confesses!
A lawsuit claims David L. Lane confessed to embezzling, allegedly, funds from homeowners associations in the Jackson metro area. The Lakebend Homeowners Association in Brandon made the startling claim in a lawsuit filed against Ridgeway Lane, David W. Lane, and David L. Lane in Rankin County Circuit Court this morning.
The lawsuit says it all. Lakebend stated in its complaint:
Dinsmor Losses Over $200,000 in Ridgway Lane Scandal, Feds & DA Notified
More embezzlement (alleged) has been discovered in the Ridgway Lane scandal. The Dinsmor Homeowners Association's Board of Directors said $217,782 was missing from funds managed by Ridgway Lane. Ridgway Lane is a homeowners association management company in Flowood. It stands accused of embezzling nearly $2 million from various homeowners associations in the Jackson metro area. Dinsmor also sued the company as well as David L. Lane in Rankin County Circuit Court this morning.
The Dinsmor HOA Board of Directors sent the notice posted below to its members yesterday:
Destroyer Named After Thad
Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith issued the following statement.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Man O'War in Tug of War
This old video of LSU qb Joe Burrow popped up today on Twitter.
On Deck: Bruenburg
Local homeowners associations continue to investigate and unfortunately uncover more missing funds in accounts managed by Ridgway Lane. However, never fear, Daddy Lane and Baby Lane announced they are going to exit the HOA management business at the end of the year. The Bruenberg HOA Board of Directors posted this message on its website last night:
Click Here to Read More..
Lender Says Baker Boy Committed Fraud
A lender accused one of the Baker Boyz, Jon Seawright, of engaging in a bit of fraud when he filed bankruptcy recently. The legal industry website Law360 reported:
Northside Drive Paving to Begin
The city of Jackson issued the following press release.
Sid Salter: Time to Remove Archaic Jim Crow Vestige from Constitution
Republican Gov.-Elect Tate Reeves won a solid general election victory over Democratic nominee Jim Hood and two minor party candidates in a race that was projected to be much tighter.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Star Wars Math: 4 = $300 million
How bad is the new Star Wars movie? So bad that the Street Committee says George Lucas was brought back to fix Act III after it scored a 4 on test screening, causing Robert Iger to totally lose it. One reason D&D were kicked to the curb. Keep in mind the source in the video below is a masked-dude wearing a John Lennon shirt with a Star Trek backdrop. Enjoy.
Up Next: The Barrington
Add The Barrington to the list of homeowners associations allegedly ripped off by Ridgway Lane. The Barrington Condominium Association sued Ridgway Lane & Associates as well as David L. Lane and David W. Lane in Rankin County Circuit Court today. The Flowood company manages homeowners associations. Several homeowners associations accused the Lanes and their company of embezzling nearly a million dollars from their accounts.
Click Here to Read More..
Well, it doesn't take a genius to figure out what the subject of this week's SEC Shorts video is. Enjoy.
Please Help Turkey Drive for Needy This Week
Mike Espy is Running for Senate
Former Congressman and Secretary of Agriculture Mike Espy issued the following statement.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Bridgewater Goes for Freeze, Bridgewater at Old Agency says Lanes Embezzled Over $340,000
The Ridgway Lane scandal continues to mushroom as more homeowners associations accused the company of embezzling nearly a million dollars from local homeowner's associations it managed. Bridgewater asked a Madison Circuit Judge to freeze all of the assets of the company, David W. Lane, and David L. Lane. The Bridgewater at Old Agency homeowner's association jumped into the fray today, charging Ridgeway Lane embezzled 343,938 from the in its own lawsuit filed in Rankin County Circuit Court today.
The Dinsmor and Palisades homeowners associations stated in notices sent to members that they discovered large sums of money missing from Ridgway Lane-managed accounts as well.
The Zuck Stops Here
Bill Maher took on Zuckerberg Friday night in a most humorous way. Enjoy.
Planned Water Outage Tonight
The city of Jackson issued the following statement.
Homeless Man Stabs Another Homeless Man to Death at Church
JPD issued the following statement yesterday.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Palisades Plundered (Updated)
Update (5:50 PM): The Board of Directors for the Palisades Homeowners Association notified its members that "a substantial amount" of HOA funds "are missing." The funds were managed by Ridgway Lane of Flowood. The Board stated in a notice sent to members today:
Sunday Morning Sermon
If you can't make it to church this morning, enjoy this sermon presented by the late Dr. Frank Pollard.
Bill Crawford: Tuesday Yielded Interesting Results
As Thanksgiving looms one thing we can all be thankful for is that Mississippi political campaigns are over and done. No more negative ads. No more recorded telephone calls. No more yard signs decorating every open space on major thruways.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
It Was You Fredo, I know It Was You!
Guess what returns to the big screen tomorrow and Wednesday?
Tell Us How You Really Feel
Coach O had a few things to say about Alabama after the game today.
Is Mexico Failing?
Americans were horrified when a Mormon family was recently butchered in Mexico. Such violence should come as no surprise as Mexico becomes a failed state. That may be a harsh assessment but when the police and soldiers must don mask for their own safety, the state has failed. One cartel recently flexed its muscled as it captured a town, beating the Mexican army in open battle, and forcing it to surrender. Time Magazine (yes, it is still around) reported:
No Comment!
This little event took place at a gas station on High Street last night. Enjoy.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Now Dinsmor HOA Discovers "Irregularities"
The Dinsmor Board of Directors notified its members that it "found substantial irregularities" in its accounts managed by Ridgway Lane. JJ reported yesterday the Bridgewater Owner's Association accused Ridgway Lane of embezzling over $500,000 from its accounts in a lawsuit filed in Madison County Circuit Court Wednesday. Ridgway Lane is a homeowner's association management company in Flowood. The notice states:
A Meridian woman has literally gone to the dogs... or should we say done down on the dogs?
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Bridgewater Accuses HOA Operator of Embezzlement
The Bridgewater Owner's Association accused Ridgway Lane of embezzling over $500,000 from its accounts in a lawsuit filed in Madison County Circuit Court yesterday. Ridgway Lane is a homeowner's association management company in Flowood.
By the Numbers in Madison County
Posted below is some political porn, i.e. precinct report, for Tuesday's elections in Madison County.
Former Hinds Deputy Sentenced for Sexual Battery of Minor
Attorney General Jim Hood issued the following statement.
Andy Taggart: Back to the Future
Andy Taggart submitted the guest column posted below.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Jay Hughes Congratulates Delbert
Former Lieutenant Governor candidate Jay Hughes issued the following statement last night.
Decision Time for St. Paddy's Day Parade
St. Paddy's Day Parade founder and all-around great guy Malcolm White posted this update on the parade last week:
Sid Salter: Elections Wreak Havoc with Sensible Discussion of Education Spending & Quality
After many months of speeches, political ads, TV & radio commercials and social media propaganda, trying to have a serious discussion of education funding in Mississippi is in great measure a fool’s errand and an errand that is dependent on one’s world view.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
FINALLY! It's Election Night!
Tate wins decisively, State GOP Crushes Dems, Denny loses, Banks Returns
The polls are closed. Let the partying and pouting begin. Will Tater Tot or the Mullet rule? Which one of the two smartest men in the capitol become Leftenent Governor? Will Jennifer pull down the Hoodie? What does it all mean? Stay tuned.
36 Months for Cross-Burning
The Justice Department issued the following statement.
Election Day Thread
It's finally here. The end is in sight. Get out and vote early and often. Fire away in the comments.
Click Here to Read More..Warning Issued on Letters
Secretary of State Hibbit Hosemann issued the following statement.
Baker Boy Files Bankruptcy in Lamar Adams Case
One of the Baker Boyz is going broke after he filed a Chapter 7 bankruptcy petition Friday. Baker Donelson partner Jon Seawright submitted a notice to U.S. District Judge Carlton Reeves to stop all proceedings against him in the SEC's efforts to recover commissions paid in a phony timber investment scheme.
Funeral For a Gator
The Mississippi State fans will enjoy the latest production from the folks at SEC Shorts.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Hood Tries to Trump Trump with Obama
It's the last hour in the Governor's race and you know what that means. Anything can happen. A robocall campaign featuring former President Barak Obama hit the phones today. Y'all Politics posted a copy of the recorded phone call:
Archie Wins Election Contest
David Archie will be a Hinds County Supervisor. Special Circuit Judge Lamar Pickard denied Darrell McQuirter's challenge of Archie's residency in District 2. The opinion is posted below.
Nothing is Sacred, Apparently
Looks like some Scholars of White Supremacy were at the Emmit Till marker:
K-9 Deputy Gets Second Chance
It looks like a Hinds County deputy who lost a K-9 officer to heat stroke last year is getting another chance with a K-9 officer:
Mortgage? What Mortgage?
When is a mortgage not a mortgage? Apparently a mortgage is not one even if signed, sealed, and delivered to David L. Archie. The Hinds County District 2 Supervisor-Elect is embroiled in a steel cage match over in Hinds County Circuit Court against the incumbent, Darrell McQuirter. The Supervisor claims the Supervisor-Elect lives in District 1 while the Supervisor-Elect claims he lives in District 2.*
Over 58,000 Vote Absentee
Secretary of State Hilbert Hosemann issued the following statement yesterday.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Bedwetter Alert!
Seriously. Check out this British Bedwetter, better known as a "social media influencer" who thinks kids should not learn too much about World War II. The New York Daily News reported:
Idiots of the Day
Rankin County Sheriff Bryan Bailey issued the following statement and mug shots.
Sunday Morning Sermon
How to be wicked without even trying is the theme of today's sermon presented by the late Dr. Frank Pollard. Enjoy.
Bill Crawford: Chaos Looming for Mississippi Government?
And you thought the IHL Board hiring of the new Chancellor at Ole Miss was chaotic?
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Shucking the Corn
Good day for a lazy Saturday. The Kingfish subbed for Kiiiiiim Wade last week. Mr. Wade was forced to go to a SJW camp for re-education so yours truly took over. The corn was shucked and the jive was turkeyed as the Kingfish spilled the beans on everything that went on behind the scenes after he got on the Zoo Board. Rene Shakespeare joined in for the second hour. Want to hear it all? Here it is. Pour a drink. Enjoy or suffer, your preference.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Enoch Protests Jackson Slavery
Enoch Sanders rolled back the clock and brought forth some of his best oratory not seen in over twenty years in Jackson at the City Council meeting Tuesday. JJ is not going to spoil it so watch the video posted below. This is one for the books.
Where Does He Live?
Where does David Archie live? That t'is the question as a Judge tries to figure out if the Hinds County District 2 Supervisor-Elect will indeed remain the Supervisor-Elect. Archie beat incumbent Darrell McQuirter in a runoff election on August 27 by 125 votes. However, McQuirter challenged his election, arguing his opponent lives in District 1 and thus is disqualified from running for Supervisor in District 2.
Click Here to Read More..
Thugs of the Day
State Auditor Shadrick White issued the following statement.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Let the Floodgates Open!
The Pearl River Valley Water Supply District issued the following statement.
The Not Ready for Worldstar Players Appear Downtown
Posted below is video of a little ruckus took place outside the Hinds County Courthouse this week as District 2 Supervisor-Elect David Archie's wife went OFF on the current Supervisor, Darrell McQuirter. Mr. McQuirter challenged Archie's residency in court. A hearing was held this week. Mr. Archie lives on Clubbview in Northeast Jackson but claimed a run down house as his residency for the election.
Doggie Dining Begins
Doggie Dining is coming to Mississippi tomorrow. Yes, readers read that sentence correctly. Restaurants can start applying tomorrow to the Mississippi State Department of Health for a variance. The variance will permit dogs at outdoor patios of restaurants.
Click Here to Read More..
Aberdeen Mayor Arrested for Embezzlement
State Auditor Shad White issued the following statement.
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Horrific Details of Little Kingston's Murder Emerge
Words can't begin to describe the feeling one gets upon reading this update from the Dwan Wakefield trial in Canton. Wakefield is standing trial for Accessory after the Fact in the murder of 6 year-old Kingston Frazier in 2017. WLBT reported:
The Hood Gets Us Some Money
Lord Protector James Tiberius Hood issued the following press release.
Just our MBN Director strolling through a marij-u-ana field a few years ago.
Mississippi Kids Tops in NAEP Progess.
It appears third-grade reading gate is paying off for Mississippi schoolchildren. Mississippi 4th Graders had the biggest gains on the NAEP for the last two years. The Mississippi Department of Education stated yesterday:
Sid Salter: Gunn To Lead House Resurgence?
It was back in April of this year at a Stennis Institute of Government’s Capitol Press Corps luncheon and the topic was finance proposals for the state’s neglected roads and bridges.
At the press luncheon, Gunn touted a House proposal commonly referred to as a “tax swap” that would have broadly paired state income tax cuts with state fuel tax increases over four years.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
No Comment!
It's undeniable this preacher was filled with the spirit, it's just a question of what spirit filled his soul as well as his mouth and well, um, you figure it out.
NCAA Actually Votes to Change S-A Pay Rules
The NCAA issued the following statement.
Receiver Files Status Report in Lamar Adams Case
SEC Receiver Alysson Mills filed her status report in the Lamar Adams case yesterday. The report is posted below.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Beware of Halloween Contact Lenses
UMC issued the following press released authored by Ruth Cummins.
The Horror
Renasant Bank allowed SEC Shorts to make fun of Alabama? What's going on here?
Mayor's Husband Arrested
The Roderick Beechem was arrested Saturday night after he failed to appear in court for a DUI charge. Beechem is the husband of Pelahatchie Mayor Ryshonda Beechem.
Alderwoman Tries to Stop Clinton from Having Lawyers
A Clinton Alderwoman attempted to prevent Clinton from having a city attorney or any other legal representation at a recent Board of Aldermen meeting. City Attorney Chelsea Brannon unexpectedly resigned in September to take a similar position in Madison. Her sudden departure left Clinton scrambling to find a city attorney. The Board voted to hire William Purdie but not before some fireworks took place.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Meanwhile, on the Nawffside....
Just another day at an interstate gas station on Northside Drive....
It's All Happening at the Zoo (Updated)
Update (10/28/19): The press conference is postponed.
Well, this is interesting. Check out the agenda for Tuesday's meeting of the Jackson City Council.
When to Get Involved
When is it time to walk away? The late Dr. Frank Pollard pondered this question in this 1990 sermon. Enjoy.
Bill Crawford: Lt. Gov. Key Race for GOP
The key election for Mississippi Republicans on November 5th is not the race for governor, rather it is the race for lieutenant governor.
Two reasons.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Rest in Peace, Mike Sands
Mike Sands passed away from cancer today. May he finally find some peace from the pain that racked his body and tormented him for so long. He never gave up but became an inspiration for others even though he would never think he was. Rest in peace and know that you are remembered by many.
Click Here to Read More..Go West, Ridgeland
Ridgeland wants to go a land-grabbin'. The city of Ridgeland filed an annexation petition in Madison County Chancery Court Thursday. The petition is posted below.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Rise of Bad Ideas?
Apparently Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker is having some problems. The trailer dropped this week.
Click Here to Read More..
No Comment
It's always nice to see Jacksonions becoming well-traveled. One problem with this state is not enough people get out of it, even if only to visit Louisiana or Alabama.
Former & Current MBN Agents Sue for Back Pay
25 current and former Mississippi Bureau of Narcotics Agents sued for back pay and promotions yesterday in Hinds County Circuit Court. The defendants are MBN, the Mississippi Department of Public Safety, MBN Director John Dowdy, Jr., and DPS Commissioner Marshall Fisher.
Madison Avenue Bridge Closed
The Madison Police Department issued the following statement.
It's Baaa-aack!
Giant Salvinia popped up again at the Ross Barnett Reservoir. The Pearl River Valley Water Supply District Board of Trustees called held an emergency meeting today to discuss the aquatic pestilence. The District issued the following press release and map.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
And It's Finally Gone.
The site of the old Poets was finally torn down this week. Watch and weep.
Feds: One Lake Won't Harm Wildlife
The Rankin Hinds Pearl River Flood and Drainage Control District issued the following press release.
A.G. to Sue Corps of Engineers
Attorney General Jim Hood issued the following statement.
Teresa Malone Wants Compassionate Release
Teresa Malone filed a motion for compassionate release. The motion and other documents were filed under seal. Judge Henry Wingate sentenced her to serve 41 months in prison in July after
she pleaded guilty to one count of attempt & conspiracy and one
count of bribery of a public official in 2017. The public official
was former MDOC Commissioner Chris Epps. A notice states:
Bigger Pie Forum: Is PERS Slip SLRPing Away?
The Mississippi Legislature has a golden parachute most state workers can only imagine.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Sissy Arrested in Byram
Byram police arrested the son of Mississippi Bureau of Narcotics Director John Dowdy, Jr. in August for allegedly trying to obtain narcotics through a phony prescription in August. The police report is posted below.
Stewart Paroled
The Mississippi Parole Board issued the following statement.
Prevent Breast Cancer
UMC published the following story written by Ruth Cummins.
DPS: CBD Products Dangerous
The Mississippi Department of Public Safety issued the following statement.
Oyster Harvest Ruined by Spillway Opening
Hope you don't enjoy oysters on the half-shell. The Times-Picayune reports the opening of the Bonnet Carre Spillway wiped out the Louisiana oyster harvest:
Sid Salter: Trump More Popular than He Should be in Mississippi
Will the scheduled appearances of President Donald Trump in Tupelo and the president’s son Don in Purvis help galvanize Trump’s not inconsequential base in Mississippi to support Republican gubernatorial nominee Tate Reeves against Democrat Jim Hood?
Tate Leads By 3 in Poll
The latest Mason-Dixon poll states Tate Reeves leads Jim Hood 46% to 43%. The poll is posted below.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The Mississippi State Department of Health issued the following statement.
Carjacker Gets 30 Years
Madison-Rankin District Attorney John Bramlett issued the following statement.
Hearing for MadCo Land Use Plan Thursday
The Madison County Property Owners Association posted the following statement on Facebook.
Babalu Sold
A federal bankruptcy judge approved the sale of all five Babalu restaurants to Spell Restaurant Group of Memphis Friday. The parent company of Babalu, Eat Here, Inc., file bankruptcy in August. Babalu opened its first restaurant in Jackson in 2010, offering Latin-inspired cuisine. The restaurant quickly become very popular and a fixture on the Jackson foodie scene.
Click Here to Read More..
Monday, October 21, 2019
Google Also Wants Your Home
It was only a matter of time before Nest was Googled. Bloomberg reports:
Cultivation Hall Cultivates Greece
Cultivation Food Hall at The District at Eastover issued the following press release.
Needed: One Ankle
No ankle, no problem. A Bama fan has a plan to help Tua....
Taggart: Heavy Turnout Favors GOP
Attorney and former Republican Attorney General candidate Andrew Taggart submitted the following guest column.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Attempted Kidnapping or Drunken Confusion?
WJTV reported an alleged attempted abduction took place Thursday night at a local liquor store:
Someone forgot to tell the Sooners that covered wagons don't come with roll bars:
Sunday Morning Sermon
The late Dr. Frank Pollard attacked "religious junk bonds" in the 1989 sermon posted below. It's one of his better sermons. Enjoy.
Bill Crawford: King of Id Golden Rule Prevails
Which "golden rule" do you follow?
The one from the Bible? "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets," – Matthew 7: 12-14.
Or the one attributed to the King of Id? "Whoever has the gold makes the rules!" –Wizard of Id cartoon published May 3, 1965, by creators Brant Parker and Johnny Hart.
Friday, October 18, 2019
The Belhaven Tax Increase Drive Begins
The drive to raise taxes on Belhaven property owners began last night. The Greater Belhaven Foundation posted on its website:
Cybersecurity? Do We Do That in Mississippi?
State Auditor Shad White issued the following statement.
And the Crime Stats Suddenly Appear
Well, somebody reads this website at Jackson City Hall. JJ reported yesterday that the city had not updated the crime reports on its website since February. JJ submitted a public records request over a month ago for the most recent UCR report and received the report for.... July. The post got someone's attention because guess what appeared on the website just a few hours later?
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Dawg Days of October
Need some SEC football? Check out Matt Wyatt's analysis of the Mississippi State-Tennessee and Florida-LSU games below.
More Progress at Pelahatchie Bay
The Pearl River Valley Water Supply District issued the following statement.
Ouch. Someone managed to flip a city of Jackson truck. Hopefully, no one was hurt. Credit for photos goes to one Mr. Austin Chappell.
Lumumba Administration Hides Crime Information
The Antar Lumumba administration clamped down on all crime information despite repeated proclamations about being more transparent on crime. The city of Jackson posted weekly crime reports on its website for years. However, the crime reports disappeared from the website for nearly a year after Mayor Lumumba assumed the purple. The weekly Comstat reports returned in November 2018 but disappeared in February.
Keep Mike Sands in Your Thoughts
Say some prayers for Mike Sands. He posted an update about his condition on Facebook and well, things aren't looking too good for him. He wrote:
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Devault Indicted in Madison Motorcyle Deaths
Madison County Sheriff Deputies arrested James Kirby Devault yesterday for the deaths of Jack Harper and Bobby Lenoir last year on Highway 463 in Madison. The two men were driving motorcycles when Devault allegedly and fatally struck them while driving in July 2018. It is alleged he drove into incoming traffic while reaching for his phone. He struck two other motorcycles as well.
MDOC: Don't Blame Us
The Mississippi Department of Corrections issued the following statement.
City Council Approves Zoo Settlement
The Jackson City Council voted to settle a lawsuit with the Jackson Zoological Society last night. The settlement ends the Society's 36 year tenure of operating the Jackson Zoo. The city sued the society after negotiations broke down over the donation of the animal collection and the collection of a $6 million water bill. Posted below is a recording of the "negotiations.". It is very short.
Sid Salter: Candidates Ignore Mentally Ill
The 2019 Mississippi general election is less than three weeks away and politicians are talking about a plethora of issues, but there no serious discussion of one of the state’s entrenched and shameful realities – the banishment of far too many of the state’s mentally ill to jail cells.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
100 Gets 8 for Felon
The Justice Department issued the following statement and photo.
It's All Happening at the Zoo.... Not!
First, Marshall Ramsey somehow managed to offend a few people in a cartoon about the Jackson Zoo yesterday:
Click Here to Read More..
Loss? What Loss?
Just when you think they couldn't top themselves, the folks at SEC Shorts did it again this week and in less than 48 hours. Enjoy.
Jackon's New Abortion Abortion Protest Law Faces Court Fight
As expected, Jackson's new ordinance aimed at abortion protestors is going to court. The Mississippi Institute for Justice announced yesterday it will sue the city of Jackson:
Monday, October 14, 2019
USA Swimming permanently revoked the coaching privileges for Savannah Reis. She and her husband Fernando are the coaches of Performance Elite Aquatics in Madison County. A Rankin County grand jury recently indicted her for two counts of sexual battery. The victim was a male teen swimmer at PEAQ. The organization's website states:
Medicare Open Enrollment Begins
Insurance Commish Miguel Chaney issued the following statement.
Happy Columbus Day!
Today is Columbus Day. Celebrate this important day in Italian-American history:
Patrick Ridgeway Fined in Kickback Scheme
The Justice Department issued the following statement on October 9:
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Idiots of the Day
You.can't.make.this.up. Don't be surprised if pulling guns on people ends in adverse consequences that just happen to be of the deadly variety.
"People Don't Like Honesty"
From the sacred to the profane.... Bill Maher and Howard Stern together..... uncut, unedit, unplugged:
Last Will Be First & First Will Be Last
The late Dr. Frank Pollard preached on the parable of the workers who grumbled after being paid the same as each other, regardless of hours worked. Enjoy today's edition of Sunday Morning Sermon.
Bill Crawford: PERS Tries to Stay Invisible Until After Elections
Did you get a glimpse Mississippi's invisible black hole? It briefly appeared over the past year in the Bigger Pie Forum, an Associated Press article by Jeff Amy, and the Jackson Jambalaya blog.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Barricaded Suspect Arrested
The Madison Police Department issued the following statement.
By the Numbers (Zoo Edition)
Posted below are the most recent financial statements for the Jackson Zoological Society. Needless to say, they are not pretty. The fiscal year is from October 1 to September 30. The final attendance for FY 2019 was 48,114. It was 73,000 in 2018 and 101,000 in 2017. Read 'em and weep.
Friday, October 11, 2019
D.A.-Elect Might Have EEOC Problem
Incoming Hinds County District Attorney Jody Owens might have his own share of #metoo problems. The Appeal, a website dedicated to criminal justice issues, reported an EEOC complaint was filed against Mr. Owens:
The Jackson Zoological Society and city of Jackson settled a lawsuit this morning. Justin Vicory reported in the Clarion-Ledger:
Pumpkin Spice Potpourri
Just in case you can't get more annoyed at the deluge of pumpkin spice references that seem to occur earlier every year, here is a completely obnoxious video from the folks at It's a Southern Thing that extolls the virtues of pumpkin spice. Enjoy.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Sissy Blasts MBN Director
The Chief of Staff at the Mississippi Bureau of Narcotics had enough and called it quits this week. MBN Chief of Staff Allison Killibrew pulled no punches in her resignation letter:
Delbert Raises the Dough
The Delbert Hosemann for Lieutenant Governor campaign issued the following statement.
Partying in Paris
Never let it be said that the Commissioners for the Jackson Municipal Airport Authority don't know how to have a good time. The spending records of its recent trip to Paris are filled with Eiffel Tower dinners, expensive hotels, and other high-falootin' ways. Justin Vicery reported in the Clarion-Ledger today:
Click Here to Read More..
The Jackson City Councilman's Creed
The Jackson City Council has been quite busy lately. However, one little matter escaped the media's attention. The City Council created it's own creed and passed it at last week's meeting.
Most of South Has Gone to the Dogs
Mississippi is one of the few states in the South that bans dogs from restaurant patios. A controversy arose this year about restaurants allowing dogs in patios and other outdoor areas. What is common in other states is illegal in Mississippi.
Click Here to Read More..
Tate Wants to Raise Teacher Pay
Today, at a press conference surrounded by public school teachers in Gulfport, Tate Reeves released his plan to raise teacher pay, become the best state in the country for paying national board certified teachers with the most national board certified teachers, increase teacher supply funding, and more.
"I don’t traffic in false promises of unlimited free money from the government. When I make a promise, I keep it. You can take it to the bank," Tate Reeves said at the event. "This plan represents my commitment to our teachers. It is based on months of research and planning to determine what we can afford, with an eye towards aggressive investment in our educators."
The plan can be found at
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Wednesday, October 9, 2019
What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
MDOT issued the following statement on I-20 closures in Hinds County:
The Hood Gets Us Some 5G
Lord Protector James Hood issued the following proclamation.
Update on North State Street Projects
The city of Jackson issued the following statement.
Sid Salter: Fed Lawsuit Tightens Governor's Race
In a recent column, I wrote about the major time in Mississippi history that an obscure Mississippi constitutional relic from the days of “Jim Crow” laws came to electoral fruition in deciding a statewide election.
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
R.I.P., Billy Neville
Billy Neville passed away today at the age of 79. The founder of The Rogue moved on to the great haberdashery in the sky. Godspeed, sir.
Click Here to Read More..Will PERS Need More Money?
Just when PERS clears a hurdle, it runs into another one. A PERS consultant recommended making several changes to the public employees retirement system that will place it a little more into the financial hole. PERS funding level has hovered between 64% and 58% over the last ten years despite two increases in employer contributions and adequate market returns.
Supreme Court or Bust!
It appears Butler Snow is practicing the old four corners offense in the Lamar Adams case...
WSJ: Did USA Swimming Spike Investigations?
Did USA Swimming spike investigations into sexual abuse claims against swim coaches? It is a question asked by federal prosecutors. The Wall Street Journal reported last week:
Funeral Home Busted for Cheating the Bereaved
Secretary of State Hibbit Hosemann issued the following statement.
Monday, October 7, 2019
Take the Challenge
Can you survive 24 hours as a Volunteer fan? Take the challenge.
Deputy Improves
Praise the Lord. Deputy Brad Sullivan is off the ventilator. His brother posted an update on Facebook:
Swim Coach Indicted on Two Counts of Sexual Battery. Alleged Victim was Minor.
A Rankin County grand jury indicted Savannah Reis for two counts of sexual battery with a minor on September 18. Mrs. Reis was arrested Friday and released after posting a $35,000 bond. The indictment states:
Is Success a 4-Letter Word?
The Byram-Clinton-Edwards corridor finally opened last week but not to a few grumbles, of course. We can't stand success in Mississippi. WAPT reported Thursday:
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Sheriff Tucker Speaks
Madison County Sheriff Randall Tucker issued the following statement about the ACLU settlement.
Mark Baker Takes on Hood
At the national level, we are watching Democrats attempt to use impeachment as a political weapon against the President of the United States. It is a transparent political hit job by a party that has failed to gain the support of the people. Here in Mississippi, Democrat Jim Hood is pulling straight from the party playbook.
When There Is No Hope
Enjoy today's edition of Sunday Morning Sermon as the late Dr. Frank Pollard preaches from Ephesians in this 1990 sermon.
Bill Crawford: Brain Drain a Gross Problem
Brain drain in Mississippi is gross. That's what Phil Hardwick wrote in the Mississippi Business Journal.
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Last Night at the Fair....
Meanwhile, at the Mississippi State Fair last night.....
Priester Speaks!
Jackson Ward 2 City Councilman Melvin Priester, Jr. provided more information on Jackson's water/sewer billing fiasco:
Friday, October 4, 2019
Swim Coach Indicted for Sexual Battery
A Rankin County grand jury indicted Savannah Reis for sexual battery. The booking information is posted below.
A student uprising is afoot at Ole Miss after the university announced IHL Commish Glenn Boyce will be the new Chancellor:
PERS Results Delayed
PERS watchers will have to wait a few extra months to learn how well the retirement system performed last year. PERS will release the annual valuation reports in December. The reports are traditionally released in October. However, such will not be the case this year. The reports provide valuable information on PERS such as funding levels, rate of return, and the retiree population.
Guest Gets Challenger
WYAB talk show host James Tulp issued the following statement yesterday.
Youtube's War on History Continues
Youtube demonetized The Great War channel recently. The channel dedicated to telling the story of The Great War but in a slightly different fashion. Indy Neidell provides a weekly video that covers the Great War as it unfolded during that week. Lectures, newspaper articles, videos, and photographs are used to give viewers a similar experience to what you would see if you lived a century ago. This is a highly enjoyable way of learning history. Perfect for that brand new Ipad or smart tv you got for Christmas. The channel has over one million subscribers. However, Youtube suddenly demonetized the channel without explanation or warning.
4 Plead Guilty in Chris Epps Case
The Justice Department issued the following statement.
Thursday, October 3, 2019
The Rebel Boyce
It appears IHL Commish Glenn Boyce will become the Chancellor of Ole Miss tomorrow. Yes, that would be the same Mr. Boyce who led the search for the new Chancellor. I just luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuv Misssss-ippi.
The family of Madison County Deputy Brad Sullivan reports his condition has somewhat improved. His brother posted on Facebook:
ACLU & Madison Co. Try to Seal Settlement
The ACLU and Madison County are trying to seal a settlement agreement in federal court. The two sides recently settled a lawsuit over the use of roadblocks in Madison County. The motion for protective order states:
Swim Coach No Longer Suspended
USA Swimming reinstated the coaching privileges of Savannah Reas. USA Swimming suspended PEAQ Coach Savannah Reis from the association on July 24. The organization is the national governing body for swimming in the United States. USA Swimming's website states that it suspended Mrs. Reis due allegations of misconduct.
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