No one knew what to expect today in Judge Green's courtroom today as Karen Irby appeared for sentencing after she pled guilty to killing Lisa Dedousis and Daniel Mark Pogue on February 11, 2009. The courtroom was packed with family members and media while an overflow crowd waited outside the closed doors. A fragile Karen Irby clad in black sat in silence while Stuart Irby was conspicuously absent. Shades of Robbie Bell avoiding her son's sentencing came to my mind several times today.
Judge Green stated she received over 100 letters (I later learned only two were negative.). Judge Green was professional, at times gracious, and spoke softly throughout the hearing. John Booth Farese, the attorney for the families of the deceased, said the families had statements to make to the court. Dr. John Dedousis, brother of Lisa, showed his true worth as a man as he stepped up to the podium and delivered a statement few will ever forget as it was damning towards Stuart Irby and JPD yet compassionate towards Karen.
Dedousis first told the Court his parents were unable to attend because the ordeal had causes his father to have some recent heart problems. Lisa Dedousis "dedicated her life to serving others". He then recollected how Karen Irby met with the families the week before she pled guilty. She admitted her guilt to them, offered everything she had, and apologized for killing their loved ones. Gasps were heard as John Dedousis thundered forth with his next statement: "Stuart Irby is a violent person" and that "Karen Irby had been living in fear." He claimed Stuart and Karen had met with DHS that morning concerning possible child abuse committed against Karen's nine-year-old daughter by Stuart. JJ reported on this matter earlier this year and published police reports obtained through public records requests. DHS did meet with the Irbys on February 11. Sources have informed JJ Mr. Irby was very flippant to the interviewer and wasn't bothered at all by a child abuse investigation. Sources have also stated that the investigation did not progress any further.
Dedousis continued with more statements: "the investigation was not thorough or complete", "a fight ensued and Stuart assaulted Karen, grabbed her hair", "Stuart had two glasses of whiskey, then three more double shots of whiskey and some wine." He thanked the people of Hinds County and asked the District Attorney to bring charges against Stuart Irby.
Paul Steve Pogue, the brother of Daniel Mark, was more subdued and simply said "as a Christian family, we believe in forgiveness", "Karen was a victim of Stuart's continued abuse", and "asked for the minimum sentence." Farese then told Judge Green the families did indeed request she impose the minimum sentence.
Karen Irby addressed Judge Green as she made a final plea for mercy. Somehow, someway, she was able to tell the Court through her tears and the terror that was evident in her voice she "prayed for mercy", "the grief was indescribable", and that she begged for her children. The courtroom was deathly silent for over a minute as crying was heard from several in attendance. As I wrote a few weeks ago "While justice was served, there was no victory here, no reason to celebrate, just a numbing sense of tragedy about something that should never have happened. Two doctors who should be enjoying their marriage vows and helping others, a mother at home with two kids, a family legacy once well respected in Jackson, all destroyed."
Meanwhile, during the entire proceedings, Mac stood in the side door used by Judge Green with his arms folded with a stern face that at times glared. This was a Mac that didn't like to be questioned about anything regarding this case. A Mac that refused to go on camera today with WAPT and last month with WLBT about how the Irby case was handled and was rude to the reporters involved. A Mac that attacked this blogger in the Jackson Free Press for his coverage of the Irby case yet refused any questions from all media in town. A Mac that confronted the DA a few weeks ago over the Irby trial. A Mac so angry that day he screamed at the DA and threw books across the room as told by numerous sources who were present.
Judge Green then addressed Mrs. Irby. Judge Green took her duties very seriously as she reminded Mrs. Irby that for all of the letters received on her behalf, there were two doctors who were not able to write letters. Judge Green read a letter she had composed on their behalf. A letter she wrote thirty minutes before the hearing today. Some thought such actions by the Judge were nonsense but what this correspondent saw was a judge having empathy for the victims and reminding everyone that for all of the talk about Stuart and Karen, the fact remained two doctors were dead thanks to the actions of both Irbys (Oh, how the end of the Great Gatsby came to mind. "That is how Tom and Daisy were..".). Judge Green said the allegations made by Dr. Dedousis against Stuart Irby were a "charge for another day for another judge". She told Karen "these themes are not new to me". Judge Green said "I've often had to sentence good people" and that "80% of the people she sentenced were parents". That last statement was the foreshadowing of what was to come as it was clear where Judge Green was going in her ruling.
Everyone has seen the videos by now. They don't portray the shock in the courtroom as Judge Green announced the sentence: 20 years reduced to eighteen years for each count to be served concurrently. Tears flowed freely among Karen's friends and others as it sunk in how a door was shut on yet another life in this horrible tragedy. Shock was the order of the day as whereever I went in Jackson today, people expressed shock at the sentence. Karen was led away in handcuffs as Mac personally escorted her to her new life. It was quite simply stunning to realize Judge Green had completely ignored the families and imposed such a sentence on Karen Irby. While justice was served and Dr.'s Pogue and Dedousis were "honored" today, there were no winners.
Note: Correction time. WLBT reported on the Irby's marital problems and used several documents. Want to guess where they came from? You got it. This website. Go to 1:52 of this video and look at the printing in the upper left hand corner. It says Kingfish. I use fax to email service to create .pdfs. Thats my work unattributed on the site.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
The door shuts on another life.
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Trollfest '09
Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.
Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).
Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.
Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".
In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.
In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.
Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.
Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!
This is definitely a Beaver production.
Note: Security provided by INS.
Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).
Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.
Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".
In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.
In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.
Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.
Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!
This is definitely a Beaver production.
Note: Security provided by INS.
Trollfest '07
Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.
There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.
If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!
This is definitely a Beaver production.
Note: Security provided by INS.
There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.
If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!
This is definitely a Beaver production.
Note: Security provided by INS.
Great post, KF
Wow! Great work . I have not had an ounce of sympathy for Karen Irby until today. It seems to me that she has shown true remorse. I really wish I didn't have a sickening feeling that she's been manipulated and made a pawn in this whole sordid mess. Her sentence is not unjust but I don't think justice is complete. I am just really sad.
Our business used to but from Irby. They do not own their electrical supply company any more,. If they did, we would not but a lightswitch from them.
Opps... buy, not but. :)
Rest in peace. Rest. Peace.
Is it possible --God, I hope it isn't -- that this has all been orchestrated to protect Stuart and his money, and Karen didn't realize until today that she's been set up to take the fall for him?
Bought and paid for. And I am not talking about Karen.
I feel so sorry for her kids....what a mess. I will never understand why Karen stayed with Stuart or why Stuart stayed with Karen. Very sad for all and KF you are so right, there were no winners today.
Great article. Folks, remember, the judge has to factor in many variables when giving a sentence. Deterrence is one; protecting society is another; revenge is one, though obviously not an issue in this case. The sentence was appropriate. I hope had there been any truth to the story told today by Dr. Dedousis, that Irby's lawyers would have fought this.
Like Kingfish said, there are no winners, but justice was served, at least on the tail end.
Now, something needs to be done about the incompetence of law enforcement in the Jackson area.
What can the Dedosus do with Stuart other than the lawsuit? Also do you know who has the two kids?
So... Stuart set her up to take the fall? How'd he manage that?
Can the Feds be brought in?
I was relieved to see Judge Green remember that it was the negligent death of two people that landed Karen in the courtroom today. She applied the law consistently with how she had sentenced Christopher Spell for the same crime six months ago.
I feel pity for Karen, but she put herself into this position and now has to face the consequences. The facts are she was legally intoxicated and driving at twice the speed limit. Regardless of what Stuart may have contributed to the wreck, Karen was guilty of the crime she plead to.
I don't think we'll ever know the truth about Stuart's involvement though. The rumor at the time was that Karen deliberately ran into oncoming trafic in an attempt to kill herself and Stuart. With Stuart claiming amnesia I would imagine this theory would provide enough reasonable doubt to prevent him from being convicted.
The sentence may have been longer than most were expecting, but I for one am relieved that Judge Green followed the law with her sentence. There will be no public outcry of the Irby name landing a lighter sentence than what should have been handed.
Kingfish, this is great work. You are so right about there being no victory in justice served. I pray her children are in safe, loving hands.
I knew the truth would come about one day....Poor Karen, She probably did try and run them off the road. Anything to get away from that monster. She should have never thought she could change someone who never really loved her. Bless her and her children. Wonder what the Junior League of Jackson thinks of their member? Think she is still spoken of?...My guesss Probably not...
Look at 1:52 and see what you notice at the top of the documents.
Melissa Irby:
I have never known Karen to be a heavy drinker. During our 5-year friendship, there has been no indication of an alcohol abuse/overuse problem. While realizing that her BAC was over the legal limit the night of 2/11/2009, I do not believe the accident was caused by such.
It says Kingfish upper left.
10:25 You are as sick as Karen's sicko drunkard husband if you think she deliberately ran into the young doctors. The families of the deceased certainly don't think she did. In fact they think and many others do, too, that Stuart Irby played a very large part in causing the wreck. As far as the Jr League is concerned, it's none of your business what the members think or speak of.
I believe the reason why this is painful to so many is because as humans we are ill equipped to apply God’s law and can only use the laws that man has written to guide or bind us.
My prayer is that through it all—the victims, the Irby’s, children, law enforcement, court officials, the media—we should all make sure our spiritual lives are in order.
One day we will all stand before our creator and TRULY be judged according to our acts in this world. There will be no judges, juries or plea bargains. Only the absolute truth will be revealed.
The facts.
Nothing more and nothing less.
I hope that when that day comes for myself—whether I live to be a hundred years old or if I happen to have the misfortune of being tragically taken from this world like these two people were—I will be able to join my King in paradise.
Life is a precious gift we’ve been given and it can be taken from us in an instant.
A touching story about Karen on page 2 of this David Orr letter (pg 2).
Kudos to Jessica Larche for posting all these letters.
Stuart's lawyer said Stuart has supported Karen and stood by her throughout this ordeal. Oh, really? So where was his sorry ass when she pled guilty? And where was he today? That is disgusting.
I am self-convinced that she never stood a chance of getting a light sentence in front of Judge Green. The only question was whether they could get any taken off.
I am just amazed at the two sentence letter Stuart Irby wrote to the judge. What a fine, supporting husband he must have been to her. I am convinced he didn't care children or not if she went to jail for forty years.
What about the families who lost their loved ones because Mrs. Irby drove? I'm sure if they could of written letters to save their loved ones they would have, but they didn't get that choice. It must be hard on Mrs. Irby's family, but the victims and their families have suffered even more!
Of course the families of the young doctors have suffered greatly over losing their loved ones, but I believe Karen Irby has suffered, too. She asked to meet with the families to tell them of her sorrow and remorse, and to me that took a lot of courage to meet with these people face to face. Drinking and driving ruins lives, It certainly did that February night in 2009.
This is not the first case or the last case that the bungling idiots of JPD will trash. Incompetence abounds and the just "I don't care attitude" of the detective division is blatant. As far as my opinion goes the D. A.'s office is no better.
Good work KF. Sheriff Mac ain't running for LT. Gov and wasn't considered for the Byram chief job. Your reporting has brought out the truth about him.
The Irby's were friends of the Sheriff. I admire him for being there and supporting her knowing that some of you yahoos would make something of it. I would want him as a friend anytime. A friend in need is a friend indeed as Grandmaw Edith used to say. I know the real story about his relationship with the Irby's, and I admire him for not talking about it. His deputies know the real story and hold Mac blameless. The truth is that the Irby's made their resources available, airplane and money, to save the life of a law enforcement officer. Mac, you are a asset to the human race.
Then I suppose you admire him at election time when he uses racism to scare all of the white Repubs in NE Jackson and elsewhere in Hinds to crossover for him in the primary so that he can help them stop a black from becoming Sheriff.
7:07 -- Mac wasn't "hired" to ensure top-shelf medical treatment for his staff, he was hired to enforce the law and serve the cause of justice. In the case of the Irby's, I can't see where either of those were done.
One of the biggest problems we have in this state is while everyone TALKS about law and order, they come up with excuse after excuse when a crime involves themselves or someone they care about.
Mac doesn't get to choose who has to follow the law, it applies to everyone. And, let's be honest -- the only difference between the Irby's and anyone else is money. I am certain there are hundreds of people in the Mississippi corrections system who, if given the resources, would have been happy to share their private planes with an ill law enforcement officer.
Money doesn't create character, just as lack of it doesn't create depravity. People choose how they are going to behave with respect to the law. The Irby's chose to act as though it didn't apply to them, and Mac apparently chose to agree with them.
Mac, if you are reading this, you weren't elected to pull this kind of crap. Do your job and do it fairly.
Remember that while Karen got near the max for manslaughter, that charge itself was a plea bargain down from charges that could have put her in prison for life.
So don't just look at the 2-years off the max, look at what she could've gotten at trial.
... I am VERY curious who was paying her lawyer. Why is this abuse stuff just coming out now (or did I miss it)? It's defensible to plea-bargain in such a case even with such mitigating evidence, but it does make me wonder what a jury would've given her.
By nearly all metrics used to evaluate the job performance of law enforcement leaders former JPD Chief Mac was a complete failure.
Had the Irbys been a high profile African-American couple, Mac an African-American Chief -- who simultaneously was also the county African-American Sheriff having accepted copious sums of campaign cash from the same African-American couple -- the hue and cry over Mac's incompetent management and bungling of the investigation into this tragedy would be beyond belief.
The double standard has become the hallmark of the Sheriff Mac years. If he had been held to the same scrutiny against which 99% of the JPD Chiefs before him have been held he would have been gone long ago.
Had Shirlene Anderson screwed up this badly Donna Ladd would still be hospitalized for the uncontrollable grand mal seizures that surely would have overtaken her body in response.
I'm think this would make for an interesting Dateline. I'd be curious what their reporters could uncover and just who would speak on camera about this case.
Reply to 9:33
And if the moon had been blue and the stars aligned and the bloom fell off the rose and the Mississippi River flowed backward and ......................................................................???
Karen Irby is a slithering, social-climbing snake. She has been like that since her days at Southern MIss. I feel bad for her kids, but she is no saint. While Stuart may be a violent and rude person don't forget that Karen was DRUNK when the wreck occured.
Oh, and for the recrod: Donna Ladd and the JFP are a freaking JOKE.
A petition has been set up for Karen Irby
Hey petition people, I understand where you are coming from, but just because Stuart may or may not deserve to be in jail also, doesn't mean at all that Karen doesn't.
Anonymous said..10:13 May 12, 2010 10:58 AM. WTF.. Are You talking about? Hmm it seems that You are in favor for Stuart!? Identify why was Karen always being battered and grabbed and hit going down Old Canton Road by Stuart and causing bodily harm to Karen's Children and why in the heck are some of You bewildering Karen for? I don't trust Stuart at all and why was Stuart spotted by a Private Investigator yesterday at the Max building in the Fondren area on top of the balcony saying that finally Karen got what she deserved and that pathetic little b**** is gone out of My life for good and started laughing? Come on tell Me! The Private Investigator will provide the recording to the F.B.I. today and get Stuart.
As I watched all of yesterday unfold, I couldn't help but to imagine if this was my daughter being sentenced to 18 years in prison. It brought tears to my eyes and much sadness for Karen's children.
I hope all the mothers out there who have daughters, will wrap their arms around their precious girls today and tell them how much they are loved and how important it is to make good choices/decisions as they go through life.
People seem to say on this blog quite frequently, that Karen was with Stuart for his money..
There's not a man, or a man's money or a certain lifestyle that can bring you happiness. Happiness is found in yourself, not thru what others have to offer us.
I have seen money, abuse and addiction ruin so many lives of truly good people.
I hope we have all learned something from this tragedy and will remember it as we go through life and raise our children.
RE: Anonymous Said...@May 12, 2010 11:25 AM
I agree with You and I hugged My Daughter today and I told her I loved her, I cried too and with My Daughter being 14 years old, she said Mom Your quite shaken up about Ms Irby's case aren't You and I replied yes I am and she replied back and told Me that Ms Irby should have not gone to Prison at all and done community service for 5 years and that she already did in the past and be a Public Speaker at all functions like MADD and SADD to make sure that they don't get behind the wheel drinking, then she said that she should have been still restrained to the electronic ankle bracelet for that remainder of those 5 years. Now if a 14 year old would tell an Adult that then You know that People did Karen wrong. Nope Karen wasn't for the money, automobiles, luxury things because she was not that type of Person. I know because I was raised around Karen.
Hey 11:38, you're a few periods short of a load.
11:38 AM, go back to "Momma's little helpers" and double the dose.
You know what I know Karen Irby acknowledged and admitting that she was drinking and I know that she accepted responsibility for her actions. However Stuart is a notorious scape goat and always gets what he wants. I am about tired of hearing People making mean statements about Karen Irby. Yeah it hurts and etc.. But one day Stuart "Little" Irby will pay for what he has caused and done to hurt People and a Accessory to Manslaughter, God will make sure of that. I no more believe that Stuart has amnesia than Mickey Mouse joining the Taliban with Osama Bin Laden. Come on Stuart is a freaking joke!
Sorry, but a 14 year old has very little concept of the law.
Isn't "Stuart is a notorious scape goat (sic) and always gets what he wants" an oxymoron?
12:14. You are right. Karen stood up and took her punishment for her part in the wreck that killed two people. She even met privately face to face with the victims' families to tell them of her sorrow and remorse. This took a lot of courage. Stuart on the other hand has hid behind his money and high placed friends pretending memory loss. What a cowart.
Karen 0
Karen's Kids 0
Mac 0
Stuart -0
DA 0
Victims 0
Justice 1
KF is right no real winners here. Thats sometime how life works out.
The bottom line is: Until you have walked in Karen's shoes, you cannot ever fully know, understand or judge any actions at any time on her part. Yes, several mistakes were made by her from the day she met Stuart (ever speaking to him again for starters). But she truly tried to make the marriage work and at times it seemed he did, too. If she had not shared a child with him, she would not have taken one ounce of abuse. But this mother believed she could best protect her son from the inside and could not risk that Stuart would get him.
What she didn't realize, is how incredibly deep this money and power goes and how she was just barely hanging on. Hopefully this 'brain injury' will protect their son from the full extent of what his father is.
And just realize... open your judgemental minds enough to consider... that perhaps she wasn't trying to get pregnant. Tragedy has been happening to this couple since the beginning. Is anyone who's watched this man's lifestyle and choices really surprised that he's in a position where two innocent lives are devestatingly over? I just wonder how many souls this family has sold to the devil that his scapegoat this time is a freaking brain injury. Only an Irby. Only this Irby.
All right, clean-up in progress. Tone it down some guys. Been getting a bunch of compliments about how much better in tone and information the comments on this site have been this week. Seriously. Let's keep it this way.
The thing that bothers me the most is the fact that the very day DHS investigated Stuart for abusing Karen's daughter and he seemed "flippant" about it, that Karen went out to the CC to have dinner and drinks with him that night. Maybe there is something I don't know but I can only imagine if a man, even if it was her father, hit my daughter hard enough that a Dr. reported him to DHS that I would not be out socially with him that night. I believe I would rather live in a shelter with nobody hitting my kids like that, than in Eastover with an abuser. But hey, that's just me.
7:07 AM. I certainly respect what you wrote. I have NO problem with someone standing up for a friend in his most desperate hour. Many don't like he escorted her yesterday. I have no problem with it. Why? Because if I was in his shoes and that was my friend's wife, you damn right I would've stood by her after sentencing and said yes, this is my friend and I'm going to escort her myself and be damned what anyone thinks. Of course I would've been professional about it as well .
If what you say is true, then fine, I understand that. But that is when someone should've contacted me and said, Kingfish, I understand why you are writing this and where you are coming from but here is the rest of the story and why there is such loyalty. Its happened quite a few times on this website as people have contacted me and its always worked out for the best when they did.
1:13.....She was aware of the power and the money. She's been living the power of the money for the last 15 months. If that would have been me, I would have been in jail a year ago, not free to drive my kids around Jackson.
1:13 pm I am bright enough to NOT walk in Karen's shoes. I have a cab programmed into my cell phone. Also, it came to my attention recently that there is a limo service available at the JCC for just this type of situation (a member drinks too much and shouldn't drive). Apparently, a member had the good sense to provide this to the club as a courtesy service.
No amount of money, power, influence can substitute for common sense. Karen by her actions decided that driving was better than taking a cab or the service available to JCC members.
No judgment here, it appears it was bad judgment on Karen's part.
I do not see where "yahoos" here are in any way condemning Sheriff Mac for being a stand up guy in relation to his personal friend Karen. In fact, I believe it shows real class. Now, if he could just show that same type of backbone in dealing with the investigation, people here might get a even warmer, fuzzier feeling for Mac. Until then, criticism goes unanswered. Stuart Irby at Little Dix?! somewhere. take a look.
1st) thanks KF for covering this.
2nd) I think everyone can agree that this situation, no matter who it involves, is just another very sad thing.
3rd) I find it odd that there is so much demonization of Stuart.
Whether he is a nice guy or a SOB, whether Karen is a nice lady or a SOB---doesn't have anything to do with a vehicular manslaughter case. From the get-go, Farese has set up his case to be against Karen AND Stuart even thought Karen was the driver of the vehicle. Reason? Stuart has the money. During the hearing, Judge Green climbs on with a comment that Stuart was guilty. How does she know this--has there been a trial where all of the facts have been presented? I must have missed that. I find it interesting that a sitting Judge would comment in this way considering there is no case against Stuart and no trial. Her personal thoughts and presumptions should not be reflected in open court. Interestingly, Karen has reached a settlement with Farese in one of the cases and the papers say clearly--this settlement doesn’t dismiss Stuart. Now Karen has filed a lawsuit against Stuart saying it’s your fault, which of course Farese is simply going to use against Stuart.
Again, whether Stuart was a SOB or a nice guy---whether Karen was a SOB or a nice lady---whether anyone has money or not----whether you like someone or not---it has absolutely nothing to do with the case. Bottom line, when you remove all of the emotion, the hatred some have for this family, the name-calling and everything else, what you have left is this:
1 driver of 1 vehicle caused an accident with a 2nd vehicle which resulted in 2 deaths.
Driver has pled guilty.
Some of the things I have read bring to mind a lawyer sitting in court saying---yall look at my poor client, this frail little thing, poor thing, aint she pretty, bless her heart, etc. The sole purpose of that tactic is to play on any sympathy that the atty can get for his client. None of the things he says(….yall look at my poor client, this frail little thing, poor thing, aint she pretty, bless her heart,…) have any factual basis whatsoever with the case—just trying to elicit an emotion.
My sympathies lie with all of the families. This was a horrific traffic accident and every member of all of the families has been touched by it. Name calling and trying to demonize any of the parties involved is just sad to me.
That’s just my 2 cents.
If you are going to post that, be fair.!/photo.php?pid=327343&id=1249464667
1:46 PM here again. One more thing. In that lawsuit that karen filed against stuart yesterday (wow, timing is everything, i guess).....screamed, threatened, attacked and assaulted her and that’s why there was a wreck.
I'm confused. First, you just pled guilty and been sentenced, so there is another reason why this was filed.
Second, if someone was in my passenger seat and a confrontation started, why would I not PULL OVER AND STOP THE CAR. If I was in danger in any way, you PULL OVER AND STOP THE CAR so either you or the other party can get out and get away.
What you don't do is speed up to frightening speeds and keep the person in the car with you.
1:18 said it! How do you justify going to the CC for dinner/drinks with the baby daddy after having DHS called on him! NO WAY- NO HOW! Unless of course you value more important things like social status etc. Also- just wondering why she wasn't home being such a caring Mom to those 2 children on a school night? Oh- guess the Nanny was doing that!!!!
The whole charade yesterday stunk of a backroom deal between the plaintiffs' lawyers in the civil suit and Karen's defense lawyer -- i.e., Karen delivers Stuart's head and family fortune on a silver platter in return for the Plaintiffs families help in getting a reduced sentence.
The negligent entrustment claim against Stuart has always been perilously weak -- the plaintiffs would have to prove that Stuart knew or reasonably should have known that Karen was drunk when he handed her the keys. Based on the circumstances, it's doubtful they spent much quality time together at the Country Club that night, and he could plausibly say he really didn't know she was drunk.
Now, with this sudden and amazing turn of events, Stuart's culpability is not just negligent entrustment -- he actually caused the wreck by physically assulting her while she drove the car. That's an entirely different plaintiffs' case, and Stuart is already on record saying he has no memory at all of what happened. Karen's testimony is therefore irrefutable and Stuart is dead meat in the civil suit.
To top things off, Karen's family uses the same testimony to get custody of the child, along with the money that follows him.
It was all orchestrated, even down to the details of who said what. Why on earth wouldn't Karen have pointed the finger at Stuart herself when she was standing in front of the judge? Because that would have detracted from her martyrdom. Much better to have the grieving family members do that dirty job.
Stuart is obviously no saint, but anybody who buys into yesterday's nonsense is nuts. Judge Green saw through it and did the right thing.
Very simple reason rower #2:15: Alot of women feel safer in PUBLIC, not at home, especially if you know another fight might be brewing. It was the doctor that reported the abuse, not the parents although they took the child to the doctor and didn't hide anything.
Golly gee! If the Sheriff tried to pull strings as you said, he did a poor job. She got the max less 2 years! You people are nuts!
What's the point behind the pictures of Stuart and Joe on vacation? Those are several years old.
Stuart Irby out of town at a Dallas wedding,sorry
May 7 at 2:12pm · Comment · Like · Flag.
wow he went to Dallas TX.
Kinda funny how You can find out things on facebook/factbook lol, but anyways when Stuart Irby's Personal facebook is in public view and see the things he writes and writes on Peoples walls, then You go into there Friends list and search Irby on the Friends List pop up box and click on pictures, it always tells the truth 100%. Stuart Irby is nothing but a liar, pretender and quite a nutcase. I hope Karen Irby gets out of Prison soon and sue Stuarts butt off and the Doctors Families gets every estate that Stuart Irby owns and make him dirt pig pen redneck poor. End of the True Story.
I am asking this question for nosy reasons only and I am somewhat ashamed of myself, somewhat. Did Karen really file for divorce last week? That should be easy enough for Kingfish to find out and do her parents have custody of both children? Where is the little girl's father in all this? I've always wondered about the girl's father.
2:35- oh so you want Stuart to be what Karen was before she "accidentally" got pregnant!- Dirt, pig pen redneck poor!!!!! Dont forget- liar/pretender/nut case! They deserve each other-
The little girl's father, Lee Bounds, wrote a letter to Judge Green, asking for leniency for Karen.
2:19 PM and Stuart is walking freely with no charges, nor any investigation by JPD or the Prosecutors office. You are right. No strings here.
OK, here's a laugh for a day...from Stu's FB page
Stuart likes Intelligent, classy, well-educated women who say "F*ck" a lot.
Comment posted btwn 4/12/10 and 4/21/10
Took a screen shot of that 3:04.
Lock up your booze and hide your wives.
2:18 makes a lot of sense regarding this tortured denoument (sp?), but Karen's statements are now uncorroborated by the only surviving witness, who now (conveniently) has amnesia. I don't think that will go too far in court.
Anonymous said...
OK, here's a laugh for a day...from Stu's FB page
Stuart likes Intelligent, classy, well-educated women who say "F*ck" a lot.
Comment posted btwn 4/12/10 and 4/21/10
May 12, 2010 3:04 PM
Yeah really and the deeper the truth is coming out even more everyday under our nose. Stuart is probably gonna go to a Strip Club and ask Women to say "F**k" and that would really turn him on lol. Stuarts a Nobody to Me and I cannot stand that arrogant pig of a Stuart.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Mississippi, Intelligent, classy, well-educated women who say "F*ck" a lot, R.E.A.L. Christian Foundation, Brent's, Creative Media, Susan Margaret Barrett Photography Crimes Against Pizza lol Come'on! Shows Ya that Christianity and F**k/Stuart Irby, can show You how pathetic he is.
Maybe I need to make up another facebook account and request Stuart Irby as a Friend and get enough info about him and post it on here =) Thats what Private Investigation is about hehe
Welcome NMC readers!
Hinds County:
Date: 2009-11-10
Male Individual:
Female Individual:
Wrong. That is a dismissal of the divorce petition filed a year earlier because I have a copy of it.
3:19, you're missing the point. Karen doesn't need corroboration as long as Stuart doesn't or can't dispute her version. Her sworn testimony won't be rebutted, and the only corroboration involved will be the paper trail of domestic violence.
By all accounts, Karen was speeding a long way before the wreck. It makes no sense that Stuart would attack her and then she sped up. More likely she was driving like a maniac and THEN Stuart tried to stop her, and that may indeed have involved pulling hair or whatever -- she's just putting the cause and effect totally backward.
No matter how pissed off or drunk a guy is, he pretty much never decides to punch out the person driving the car he's sitting in.
To the extent the Pogue and Dedousis families are participating in this charade to line their own pockets, I'm starting to lose respect for them, too.
This is a sad situation as all of you know with no winners. Karen did wrong, but Stuart deserves blame for his role in this. Funny he has enough sense to post on facebook and how convenient not to remember what happened that can his attorney call Karen a liar when poor little Stu doesn't remember what happened? The statements by Charles Irby and by Stuart's attorney are such a crock!
Need more proof that Karen's allegations against Stuart were a bogus quid quo pro? Timing is everything. WLBT reports that she blamed everything on Stuart under oath in a deposition just four days before sentencing.
Timing is everything. The Plaintiffs' had to have her statements under oath BEFORE sentencing as a pre-requisite to their willingness to ask for a lenient sentence. If the judge didn't grant their request, Karen would have had no reason to cooperate with them. As it turns out, she gave them exactly what they wanted and, at the end of the day, got nothing in return.
Maybe you should call and share your opinion with them by phone...or better yet, stop by the church! :)
I've just got to say... some of you people are unbelievably ignorant... Karen has pulled the wool over your eyes, and the family too!! Mr. Irby can't remember chit... so it's only logical that she would come up with this sob story of how he beat her and that it was HIS fault she drove drunk and killed those people... he can't remember, there's no defense for that... just like the asst DA said.. consider your source!! At the time she came up with this BS story she was facing life in prison for depraved heart murder... how else to get a teary eyed reaction then to say " o he beat me up and pulled my hair it was his fault I drove drunk and swirved into your family member and killed them, poor me I'm a woman and I was beat.. it's his fault!"... so as usual, a WOMAN comments a crime and people just don't want to belive it.. had a man done the same thing there would be no questions.. no leniency request, nothing... SHE drove drunk.. SHE killed 2 people.. and yet some of you want to fault Mr. Irby.. put the blame exactly where it belongs.. SHE did this... SHE should have received more than 18 yrs... lets not forget the guy that got 20 years for killing the fireman and his wife that was NOT drunk.. yet she only gets 18?? Stop taking up for this low life criminal... SHE killed 2 people... leave the blame exactly where it belongs.. she should rot her sorry azz in MDOC.. you people that are taking up for her need to go take a long hard look at yourself...... taken up for murderers... i'm at a loss for words?????
5:17 No, sadly you are not.
I'm gonna say it.
Get off Facebook. Read Jackson Jambalaya. Its more entertaining and no one is monitoring your absurd beliefs.
I'm just tired about hearing Stuart Irby and frankly I don't understand some People on C-L feel for S. Irby making comments that he was a Victim, hmm I wander and no one will ever know about what happened until Someone eavesdrop on Stuart and his Family/Friends and hear him say about what happened, gee People, when are You gonna wake up and smell the coffee that Stuart caused this too. Quit it with Your undermining thoughts and start realizing Stuart is just as much to blame and among the JPD and etc.. he is conniving and a pretty good convincer that he has amnesia a. I don't like Stuart because he is the one that cause My Brother to be her in the accident, I miss My Brother Dr Pogue and his Fiancee Dr Dedousis to be killed. I hate it that Karen Irby was treated bad by Judge Green and the D.A. Give it a thought okay and thats all I am asking and please believe that it was not all Karen's fault and that the AG will peruse charges against Stuart Irby ASAP. Karen really did not need prison time and thats is the reason why We asked the minimum sentence for Karen, hinting around to let her time be served and it floored Us that Judge Green did that and the poem was the most stupidest things I have ever seen in a Judge. We were hoping she would walk out in the front courthouse and go home with her Children and protect them from a horrible man that Stuart Irby is! I'm sorry if My Grammar is off and I am just trying to grieve for My Brother, Lisa and Karen. God Bless.
Beautifully written piece Kingfish. Once again you are an amazing source of truth and I am forever grateful for your perspective and commitment to impeccable reporting. I am heartbroken for these people. Mr. Pogue and Dr. Dedousis, thank you for your compassion. This has exposed an unbearable nerve in many people on both sides of the table. There are few words to describe my heartache for all...much like the feeling that I've had for the last three years regarding the Heather Spencer case. There's an unsettling feeling of loose ends...unsolved questions...and unserved accountability. I speak on behalf of many when I commend you for your compassion Kingfish...once again to a case that will likely go down in history as never fully being exposed. Thanks for all you do.
Mr. Pogue:
First let me express my condolences at your family's loss. I know it heartbreaking to loose a loved one under any circumstances, but this must be especially difficult.
I don't think anyone is going to disagree that Stuart Irby contributed to this tragedy in some way. If what Karen says is true then he should be held accountable. I do hope the AG can do something since it is obvious that the DA isn't.
But Karen is at fault in this too and should be punished in accordance with the law. It was her who was speeding while intoxicated before Stuart may have started hitting her. Your brother would likely be alive today if she would have called a cab or even been doing the speed limit.
I hope that the media attention this has gotten and the stiff sentence handed down will prevent even one person who finds themselves in Karen's situation from getting behind the wheel and causing another tragedy.
Again, you and your family have my sympathy in this time of grief. I admire you for forgiving. I don't think I could do the same if I were in your situation.
I also feel pity that Karen is going to loose at least ten years of her life, but such are the consequences of her actions. I hope that some good will come of this and she will emerge a stronger person with a renewed appreciation for the life she still has ahead of her. That's more than she allowed your brother and his fiancee to have.
Do you actually believe the people claiming to be who they are above, are the actually people. C'mon, don't make me believe that one is born every second.
I don't for one second believe that is Mark Pogue's brother. His brother is MUCH too articulate to write a post like that.
I don't know how the church has treated Stuart since the accident, but I know they turned their back on Karen. Maybe not every person there, some were at the sentencing but seemed much more upset over the "Stuart" comments than the Karen sentence. But the resounding theme of the church iteself was to not support Karen. She found spiritual support in a variety of places, sometimes a black church, sometimes a friend on the phone, sometimes in a priest who found her. But she did not find it at First Prez. I don't know these two men you guys are battling about. But I do know a woman in massive need, REGARDLESS of the circumstances, was not cared for by the church she has attended for years. So I gotta ask it!... What would Jesus say?
The battles you face and the people you face them with are not new. They're all from previous lifetimes. It's a waste of time to worry about and avoid confrontation. You're only making matters worse.
The moment won't last forever. The time to resolve conflict is now.
Today, feel the friction. Let the sparks fly. Really get to the bottom of things, otherwise you're going to have to face them again.
Any guesses as to which attorney penned Karen's cross-claim for her?
If Stuart paid the bills for Karen's defense counsel does that represent a conflict of interest?
Did someone enlighten Karen, albeit too late, that her defense strategy protected Stuart's interests at the expense of her own?
Karen Irby was threatened by Stuart Irby and if she left him and talked about it, he would make sure that she payed for it. Some Women are so afraid of speaking up about there lives at home! Have You ever read the stories about Women and there sheltered lives? I suggest You read articles or google it. Example: Mary Winkler in Selmer Tennessee, her Husband "berated " her and forced her to wear "slutty" costumes for sex. As proof she displayed a pair of high-heeled shoes and a wig to which those in attendance gasped in Court and it was purchased by her husband Matthew Winkler, proven credit card receipts and video footage of him at an Adult XXX Store! So if Anyone is going to go off the bandwagon about Karen Irby, I suggest some People needs to clean under there mats first.
8:42-didn't Stuart file for a divorce in Sept. 2008? I thought I remember seeing something about that. I could be wrong....
Now the truth is the truth rather Anyone likes it or not, all I gotta say if this was in Southern Mississippi and not in Central Mississippi and North Mississippi, Stuart Irby would be Indicted and charged with Accessory of the Fact and Negligence and Simple Assault/Aggravated Battery/Domestic Violence. Karen Irby would have been let go that day because Southern Mississippi Courts gets to the Point and don’t have biased People and etc…
11:25, not everyone at FPC turned their back on her -- many of the letters that were sent in support of her (there's a link to them somewhere on here) were from FPC members, including the wife of one of the recently-retired ministers and a current elder.
Is anyone going to comment on Judge Green's... inaptitude? uhhm, where to start?
1) Ax rather than ask. Come on, it is 2010. Learn how to not embarrass yourself. You are getting 45 minutes of free airtime here, Green. Hire a speech coach. My 10 year old is available to teach you how to speak.
2) How many different ways did she pronounce Dr. Lisa Dedousis? I was offended and didn't know the family. If she sentenced Karen to so many years for this woman's life, could she not have taken a few minutes to learn the correct pronunciation? By the end, it was just Dr. Lisa. This poor family has been through unimaginable pain. Where was Judge Tomie Green's respect for that?
3) She didn't know what allocution meant! WTH? She's been a judge for 12 years and before that, she passed laws! I know because she told us in her 45 minute campaign speech! Yet, basic legal terms still allude her. ("Allude"-Grab that dictionary if you're confused, Tomie. I'll try to keep the words simple from here on out.)
4) The victims' family lawyer was glared at and told the family could speak BRIEFLY. I'm sorry your loved ones are gone, so you better go quick! I have this long-ass poorly written poem that's going to take a while.
5) The poem!! It started out ok, and I could see the point. But things went down real quick! What was it she rhymed with charred bones? Ohhhh, how unbelievably tacky and... I have nothing that rhymes with tacky, sorry.
6) I truly believe this woman was completely caught off guard that Prince Stuart was going to be blasphemed in her courtroom. She was just as stunned as the rest of us. She was speechless. The camera was on the brother. But did anyone see the look on Green's face as it all came out? Mississippi history was being made as this mourning brother had the guts to call out Stuart Irby in a court of law and Tomie Green was horrified that it was all unfolding before her bench. It forced her to address it. And you could tell that she didn't have anything about Stu in her notes. She had to come back around 3 times to read her poem after she initially introduced it.
Everyone is calling out Mac, thank God, but what about Green? Is she up for re-election or a new appointed position? Is it true that the probabtion officer assigned to Karen Irby is her campaign manager?
Of course there is a conflict of interest by Stuart paying for her defense. How can any of us ever trust she got the best defense that was there for her? Stuart's lawyer was ALWAYS there! But what kind of conflict of interest is the officer assigned to her being the judge's campaign manager!! Where is the safety net in place to keep insane stuff like this from happening?
Watch yourselves and don't do anything wrong or percieved wrong in Hinds County. If so, you can go ahead and seal your fate now!
Good grief. No one is attacking you. Let it go.
# 9: 7:41 am PDT, May 13, Stuart Irby, Mississippi
# 8: 6:57 am PDT, May 13, Nicole Griffin, Mississippi
# 7: 1:55 am PDT, May 13, STEVE KLEIN, Virginia
# 6: 3:22 pm PDT, May 12, Kelly Hayes, Massachusetts
# 5: 2:45 pm PDT, May 12, David Dunkleberger, Pennsylvania
# 4: 10:28 am PDT, May 12, Helen Speight, United Kingdom
There should be a retrial.
# 3: 8:41 am PDT, May 12, Shauneen Kolesarek, Nevada
# 2: 8:25 am PDT, May 12, Estelle Dunn, Mississippi
She did not get a fair trial at all and by Judge Green reading a poem that she thought that Dr. Pogue and Dr. Dedousis would say up in heaven was clearly out of line and the District Attorney of Hinds County Ms did a sloppy investigation on the case and that he would not Prosecute Stuart Irby, well #1 that is wrong and Stuart Irby should be Indicted for Accessory of the fact and Simple Assault/Domestic Violence/Aggravated Battery that he did to Karen Irby. And last but not least there has been numerous D.H.S. report calls out to the Irby home that Stuart hit the Children and Stuart has been arrested in the past for what I said above and a D.U.I. Being filthy rich don't make Stuart Irby run scott free at all. I feel so bad for her Children.
@ Jackson Frugal Gal 9:53
Well Said!
Key points taken from your post...
"discussion of religion"
I believe if you took the time to read my three posts you would garner the essence of my thoughts about religion and the church in general; you might have also understood that I find your vigorous defense of your church interesting at a minimum, but none-the-less off topic.
"attack against my church"
I never mentioned YOUR church. I never attacked YOUR church. I simply challenged one's notion of church.
"You want to slam on FPC"
Didn't. Not sure what you are talking about. Please be so kind as to explain. I spoke about leaders and leadership, not YOUR leaders.
"You expect me to stand up in my church and shout against the Irby's"
No, not what I wrote. I said "The church you speak of is one of the wealthiest. When is the last time it decided another wing is not necessary, but instead built new homes for those in Yazoo? Where is your spirit? You speak loudly here. Why not in church? " I believe I am specifically referring to the tragedy in Yazoo. And this is not an attack, this is a valid question.
"judgement that you seem to demand"
"disagee with FPC's doctrine"
I do not presume to know their doctrine, and frankly, don't care. If you are so unnerved with someone thinking differently about religion, at least have a coherent dialogue and present why you are better or others are different; other than that, religion is what the individual makes of it in my mind.
Your shouting from the rooftops here really looks silly to me. If that offends you, sorry.
I'm not trying to be mean. Not sure where you are getting this anger. And with that, I'm done talking about it. I will not engage in emotional discussions that lead nowhere.
BTW DNFTT means Do Not Feed The Trolls. You only give them more to incite emotional discussion.
Anon @ 9:25: "We can't stand the thought of strangers pulling on our charred bones./ We're in love and happy and can't wait to set up our home."
Jesus, I didn't realize it was a poem. I just remeber thinking how awful and inappropriate it was. And by the end, it certainly foreshadowed the sentence she was about to hand out.
I agree with the poster above who quipped that Judge Green ought to be sanctioned for the intentional infliction of emotional distress by reading that thing.
Hold it a minute here Kaptain Kangaroo, just hold it and wait a minute here!
WTF does religion, FPC, ETC.. I have no earthly idea what You are meaning or where this came from. This has absolutely nothing to do with Karen Louise Collins Bounds Irby. You have no right to attack Jackson Frugal Gal at all.
All I know is @Jackson Frugal Gal is making a Valid point and really is truthful.
Kaptain Kangaroo I am going to Void what You said and otherwise You need to be talking about the case of Karen not about Church.
I hate to see other People attack each other on a forum, blogs, comments, letters to the Editor and opinions. In which most are biased lies and deception.
I can name 2 TV Stations, TV Networks and 3 Newspapers who are Biased, but I will not discuss or say names because I have some Friends who works for them and I do not want them fired, however most Anchors/Reporters really don't like to do stories like Karen Irby for example because they knew she was a good Person.
If Anyone watched the 4:00PM on Tuesday You can see the Anchor and the Chief Meteorologist had been crying and it showed too.
All I gotta say about it.
4:00 PM Report is what I meant.
Kingfish, where were you sitting or standing in the courtroom?
Do you mean Karen Irby the criminal, AKA good person?
I truly believe the uproar on Karen the criminal "aka good person" is because it is too close to home for all these holier than thou people here in Jackson! How Dare They??? After all- she had her kids at JA/gave Stuarts' money to the Red Cross and junior league/drove a Mercedes/condo in Destin/filler in lips/boob job.. and the list goes on and on.
Hey 9:56 - she pleaded guilty - how did she not get a "fair trial"?
Statistics: Private Company
Incorporated: 1926
Employees: 735
Sales: $340 million (2002 est.) <------------WOW and then in Pocket Profits to the Irby's $199 Million : In there wallets (2003-Present)
NAIC: 423610 Electrical Apparatus and Equipment, Wiring Supplies, and Related Equipment Merchant Wholesalers
Key Dates:
1926: Company is founded by Stuart C. Irby.
1946: Irby Construction Company is created as a separate corporate entity.
1955: Stuart C. Irby, Jr. becomes president of both Stuart C. Irby Co. and Irby Construction Company.
1979: Founder Stuart C. Irby dies.
1984: Stuart M. Irby becomes CEO and president.
1999: The company acquires seven All-Phase Electric outlets, Divesco Inc., and J.C. McCormic, Inc.
2002: Irby Utility Supply LLC, a Stuart C. Irby Co. affiliate, acquires the assets of Cummins Utility Supply.
2003: Stuart C. Irby, Jr. dies.
Further Reading: <-------Wow they got Profit again in there wallets
Brinson, Carroll, The Stuart C. Irby Story, Jackson, Miss.: Oakdale Press, 1980.
Floyd, Nell Luter, "Irby Remembered for His Generosity," Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, Miss.), February 22, 2003, p. A14.
Funk, Dale, "Irby Utility Supply Acquires Assets of Cummins Utility," Electrical Wholesaling, January 1, 2002.
Northway, Wally, "Irby a Power in Utilities," Mississippi Business Journal, February 22, 1999, p. A14.
Schoenberger, Robert, "Irby Co. on Acquisition Path Again," Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, Miss.), March 9, 1999, p. C1.
Source: International Directory of Company Histories, Vol. 58. St. James Press, 2004.
Let me guess. Stuart got loaded with her hubby. The hubby passed out. Then she and Stuart went to Luckenbach, Texas and got down to the basics of love.
Weird shit goes down in Belhaven. Just ask Jimmy Giles. Anita a playa' in this? Don't click on the link. She is not listed on their current site.
I must wonder if Judge Green's 'letter' from the victims wasn't a bit assumptive---maybe they would have asked that a mother not be removed from her children. Maybe...?
and a mother who stayed with a violent man even after the wreck.
Kingfish, didn't you provide a goggle link to the deposition documents filed on January 25, 2010 by the victim's attorneys that Stuart never answered?
From the detailed questions posed to Mr. Irby, it was apparent to this reader that the circumstances re: the fight in the vehicle was known to the victim's attorneys well before Karen's sentencing last week. That particular scenario is not a recent fabrication but most likely the truth of the matter.
The video doesn't show Karen anymore.
After reading all these comments I noticed in one comment the mention of Christopher Scott Spell.. He is a very good friend of mine so I felt need to defend his name . These cases are NOT the same.. According to Ms laws Scott was legal to drive. He's 6'3 and weighed (at the time ) 230lbs.. He had 5 beers HOURS before wreck . If Ms is gonna have a legal limit then they need to abide by it . Also what people do not know is the eye witness on scene stated that Scott was right behind her as she SLOWED down to turn right on frontage rd and that it was impossible for Scott to be speeding . He was driving the biggest truck ford made and hit a VW bug.. All the rumors that Scott was drunk , driving like a crazy man, and left the scene of the accident is absolutely not true . He was on scene till the last second. After 2 jury's denied it going to trial the 3rd time he was indicted ! He was assured he would show up to plead guilty and be able to go home and get his affairs in order. However, unlike Karen getting 6 weeks before serving time, Scott dropped his Kids off at daycare (single dad with custody of all three) and never came to pick them up..Scott was made out to be a monster.. Guess bc he wasn't known in community and not filthy rich .. How he was sober and not driving crazy and got 2 years more than Irby is something I can't understand . Scott, to this day, has nightmares of the wreck.. Cries ALOT! Very good Humble man that when out in free world did volunteer work for carpenters of Christ and habitat homes, knocked on elderly people's home and asked if he could cut their grass for free!! This type of man is now forced to live with men that that intentionally take the life of others.. My heart goes out to him, the other family , and his 3 kids that cry themselves to sleep bc they miss their daddy.. My heart also breaks for the victim in irby case and for Karen irby herself .. She is a mom like me and I know her family hurts as well.. Sorry for such a long post just had to say it!!!
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