Saturday, January 30, 2010

Save this mutt.

"Starfox is a beautiful girl believed to be a Shiba Inu (Japanese) dog. She is a wonderful companion, loyal, and friendly. She likes to play, and gets along well with other animals. She was found roaming the streets, lost, and hungry. Starfox is a very SMART girl and would train easily with a little one-on-one time. For more information, contact Animal Rescue Fund of MS 601-750-2740" Starfox's Page KF Note: Whoever adopts her, CHANGE HER NAME!!!

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More sunshine on charities and non-profits.

Here they are. Have at it.

Jackson Irish Dancers, MRA, Tougaloo College, Jackson Association of Realtors, Greater Belhaven Neighborhood Association. Crimestoppers, Enterprise Corporation of the Delta, American Federation of Teachers, Planning Commission for Civil Rights Museum, Fondren Renaissance Foundation

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Friday, January 29, 2010

Mississippi Business Journal interviews Chamber head

"When tax returns of several area nonprofits were published recently by Jackson blog Jackson Jambalaya .com, many readers were upset to learn that the president and CEO of the Greater Jackson Chamber Partnership made nearly $380,000 a year. Some readers thought the number was too high and asked what the Partnership’s leader did to justify the amount of compensation...." Article, Earlier post on JJ

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Corps: Levee Plan will only require a 15 ft. "No Veg" zone

Update: Spoke to the Corps this morning, including a Mr. Gary Walker, Senior Project Manager, about the different zones in the levee plan. There is a no-vegetation zone from the toe of the levee out to fifteen feet away from the levee. The one hundred foot zone is from the top of the bank and extends towards the levee. The Corps said the purpose was to clear vegetation within the levees in order to improve river flow (See Pearl River at Lakeland Drive or by Fortification.) and that it won't go past the outer tow of the levee. In many cases, it won't even reach the levee itself. I was told the top of the bank was where the river met the bank at its natural river stage.

Original post:
One criticism of the Army Corps of Engineer's levee plan is the so-called "scorched earth" policy. The "scorched earth" claim refers to the Corps' no-vegetation policy for levees. the no-vegetation policy has generated a firestorm of criticism as the Corps seeks to implement it from California to Monroe, Louisiana to Mississippi.

The Corps issued new regulations after Hurricane Katrina about the presence of vegetation on levees. It decreed a zone of fifteen feet from the toe of the levee was to be grass-only: no trees, shrubs, or similar plant life. Proponents of such a policy argue trees and similar vegetation weaken the levees over time and removal of such greenery results in lower flood stages as well as a faster flow when it is needed.

The AP reported last year:
"The Army Corps of Engineers is on a mission to chop down every tree in the country that grows within 15 feet of a levee — including oaks and sycamores in Louisiana, willows in Oklahoma and cottonwoods in California.
The corps is concerned that the trees' roots could undermine barriers meant to protect low-lying communities from catastrophic floods like the ones caused by Hurricane Katrina.

An Associated Press survey of levee projects nationwide shows that the agency wants to eliminate all trees along more than 100,000 miles of levees....

In 2006, the corps began sending hundreds of letters to levee districts across the nation, ordering them to cut down "unwanted woody vegetation," a prospect that could cost many of the districts millions of dollars each in timber-clearing expenses.

Inspectors began an inventory of the levee system and told districts to fill in animal burrows, repair culverts and patch up erosion.

If they fail to comply, the agencies risk higher flood insurance premiums and a loss of federal funding..." Article

This policy generated a storm of controversy in nearby Ouachita Parish when the Corps proposed clear-cutting trees for a 200-mile section of the Ouachita River for a width of 15 feet on each side of the levee. The President of the Ouachita River Foundation stated on its website the Corps changed the zone from 15 feet to 100 feet. However, sources at the Foundation have told JJ it is now working with the Corps and that the no-vegetation policy is implemented on a case-by-case basis (Involving studies and other analysis.). Ouachita River Foundation website

The Corps proposed a 100-foot section on each side of the levee (from the toe) be cleared of all vegetation in a 2007 feasibility study. Appendix II, Section V, Paragraph 26 states:

"The Levee Plan from the 1996 Jackson Metropolitan Area Feasibility study consists of constructing approximately 21.9 miles of new levee, 3,720 feet of floodwall, enlarging 10.5 miles of the existing Jackson and East Jackson levees, building 9 box culverts and 9 concrete pipe water control structures, and constructing landslide connecting ditches. Limited overbank clearing will be required to reduce stages at Lakeland Drive and minimize adverse impacts to the tailwater on the Ross Barnett Spillway. This overbank clearing consists of a 100-foot strip on each side of the channel top bank from RM 290.5 to 301.5 and a 400-foot strip across six bendways. Plates 4-V-1 through 4-V-17 show the proposed alignment of the levee and the location of the major drainage structures and landslide connecting ditches." See page 137

However, Corps spokesman Kavanaugh Breazale told JJ this week "a no-vegetation zone 15 feet from the toe of the levee is recommended for the proposed enhancements to the levee system" in Jackson. Mr. Breazale was pretty adamant about the 15-foot zone being the width of the no-vegetation zone and that the 100-foot recommendation in the 2007 draft was not the width that will be used by the Corps.

Related article

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Judge Kidd To Wait Until Febuary 8 to Rule on Irby Case

Judge Kidd ruled in a hearing this morning, via telephone concerning the motion to quash and response filed by the opposing parties in the wrongful death action filed against Stuart and Karen Irby, that he would not adjudicate the pleadings until holding another hearing on Febuary 8.

Attorneys John Farese (plaintiffs), Andi Small (plaintiffs), Richard Montague (defendants), and Tommy Page (defendants) participated in the call. (JJ and WLBT listened. It is unknown if any other media were on the call.) Montague spoke first, arguing Mr. Irby had no recollection and was not capable of providing a deposition. He said he "suffered a serious brain injury to his frontal lobe" and was "in a coma for five weeks." Irby's lawyer said the injury left him incapable of distinguishing a real memory from one based on what others told him. He claimed Dr. Clea Evans was a member of the treatment team, and even though she was not a medical doctor, had the most contact with Mr. Irby and was thus qualified to offer a professional expert opinion on Mr. Irby's ability to testify.

Mr. Farese said Dr. Evans offered "not one scintilla of evidence" in support of her claim he could not testify. He pointed out Dr. Evans' letter was not a sworn statement, she had not been deposed, and there was no medical evidence mentioned in her letter. Judge Kidd asked why Irby can not simply tell the court "I don't recall." Montague replied the stress would harm Mr. Irby.

Farese, ever the Southern gentleman who exudes a laid-back aw-shucks manner that hides a sledgehammer of a mind, called the letter from Dr. Evans "conjecture" and again pointed out she cited no evidence to support her claim and said "I'm not going to beat Mr. Irby up in a deposition." Farese argued either Mr. Irby should provide a sworn statement saying he doesn't remember anything or Dr. Evans should provide some actual medical evidence.

Farese went further and asked if Dr. Evans and Dr. Parillo (Irby's treating physician) thought that if he was incapacitated to that degree, then why didn't they take away his driver's license or have a conservator appointed for him to manage his affairs? Mind you now, Mr. Farese made these statements ever so nicely and professionally in a manner that gave signs he had maybe schooled at the UVA or the Halls of Eaton. Page admitted the parties had been in confidential settlement discussions over the last several weeks and blamed the talks delaying the deposition.

Judge Kidd ruled he would hear all motions on February 8 and that he strongly preferred to hold these hearings in his courtroom and not over the telephone. Judge Kidd also decreed he was not going to rule on the motions until depositions were taken of the two doctors. (They are scheduled next week.)

Earlier Poston Motion to Quash and Response to Motion

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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Latest crime stats

Crime reports week ending January 24, 2010/.

Major crimes overview for week ending January 24, 2010.

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Help the Mississippi Animal Rescue League

MARL has been pretty low on dog food lately. I know other websites support them and ask for their readers to donate food to MARL but I'm going to go one step further. If you go to Briarwood Pet Store and buy dog or cat food and tell them it is for MARL, they will hold it until I come by there and deliver it to MARL. They sell Natural Balance (which they need for dogs that undergo surgeries), Science, and Iams. It can be a 5, 15, 0r 30 lb bag, doesn't matter. Just spend 5-10 bucks on some pet food and I'll take care of the rest. They are open until 5:30 during the week and 5:00 on Saturdays. It's asking alot for many of you to drive 30 minutes or so to MARL so I'll make it easy on ya. Help MARL and stop by Briarwood on Canton Mart Road (next to Hickory Pit).

If you live out in Madison area, Bill at Snooty Pooch said you can get it from him for the same deal. In fact, you can call there and use your credit card over the phone and he will hold the pet food for me to pick up and deliver. He sells Wellness, Eaglepack, and Merrick lines. Some of these brands seem more expensive than what you see at Kroger but since they are higher quality, they last much longer so it evens out in the long run. When the pet gets full, he stays full and isn't hungry again a few hours later. Most of the blends are also allergy-free formulas. Just tell him it is for MARL.

So can't make it to the pet store, just call and we will take care of the rest. Good cause and it will help some animals that really need it. We've delivered over 200 lbs so far, lets give them some more.

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Yerger allows discovery.

Judge Yerger has not ruled on the Motion for Summary Judgement in the Hall v. Bell lawsuit BUT has decided to give both parties sixty days for discovery. What does this mean? Means Robbie Bell will FINALLY have to suffer the indignity of a deposition, the plaintiff can subpoena documents, phone records, and reports. Slowly but surely.......

By the way Burwell, brush up on Gannett v. Hand. You make ANY moves to seal ANYTHING I'm going to be in that clerk's office filing an objection, got it?

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Old Republic announces Earnings

Old Republic International Corporation, the parent of Mississippi Valley Title Insurance Company, announced its 4th quarter and final 2009 financial results this morning. The title insurance division made a pre-tax operating profit of $1.5 million for the fourth quarter and $2.1 million for the 2009 fiscal year. Old Republic stated this was the first title insurance profit since 2006. Mississippi Valley Title's results will be reported when available.

Old Republic reported a loss in net income of $36.7 million for the fourth quarter and $99.1 million for 2009. Mortgage insurance continued to sink the rest of the balance sheet as Old Republic suffered a loss in net income of $486 milion on mortgage insurance in 2009. 2009 Financial statement.

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Fannie Mae DQ's continue to rise.

Read Table 9 in Fannie Mae's November 2009 Monthly Summary. Seem like things are getting better to you?

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Wednesday, January 27, 2010


1975 at the PMAC.

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State issues Cease & Desist order against Jack Harringon and Marshall Wolfe, Steadivest shut down.

See sidebar on right for a collection of all Steadivest posts.

The Securities and Charities Division of the Secretary of State of Mississippi issued a final Cease and Desist Order against Steadivest on January 5, 2010. Final Order The SOS issued a pending order on November 18, 2009 against the Rankin County "family" of companies. JJ reported on November 24, 2009:

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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Plantiffs seek physical and mental exam of Stuart Irby

Note: Stuck watching a hearing for a few hours. Posting this during break and will write more later.

Stuart Irby's lawyer filed a Motion to Quash on January 14, 2010. Mr. Irby was subpoenaed by John Farese, to give a deposition on January 18, 2010 in the wrongful death lawsuit filed against Mr. Irby and his wife. The Motion to Quash claims Mr. Irby does not have any recollection of the night of February 11, 2009 and Dr. Evans is the treating "physician" even though she is not a medical doctor. Copy of motion

The plaintiff's responded with a response and ask the court to order Mr. Irby to submit to a physical and mental medical exam. They also point out Evans is not a physician and thus not qualified to offer any medical opinions to the court (The exhibits are worth reading.). The response accuses Irby and his lawyers of engaging in delaying tactics and cited Mr. Irby's wreck last week as supporting evidence. Copy of response

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Monday, January 25, 2010

Things that make you go hmmm..........

Apparently my post Saturday about local charities and non-profits ruffled some feathers. Every week JJ posts half a dozen or so tax returns from said organizations in an attempt to improve transparency in Mississippi. I've tried to be fairly-even handed in which ones are posted so I try to include everyone at the same time: black, white, rich, poor, NE Jackson, West Jackson, conservative, liberal, LSU, Ole Miss, Stones fans, Beatles fans, and so on.

After posting the Form 990 for the Metro Jackson Chamber of Commerce, it was noticed by more than a few readers the president of the non-profit receives annual compensation of $379,873 (Page 24 of 2008 Form 990) and several expressed their outrage at what they perceived to be a higher than expected salary for such a position in a non-profit corporation. However, it is worth examining what the leaders of chambers in similar-sized cities earn before casting stones at the local chamber. Here are what nearby chambers pay their presidents (Expenses were not included):

Memphis: $328,292 (Page 5)
Mobile: $253,462 (Page 19, 2007)
Little Rock: $203,500 (Page 12, 2007)
Birmingham: $275,724 (Page 7). President has more top-level staff.
Baton Rouge: $350,750 (Page 18, 2007)
Atlanta: $734,389 (Page 18)
Charlotte: $361,234 (Page 12)
Jacksonville: $303,438 (Page 11, 2007)
Tampa: $278,276 (Page 5, 2007)
Shreveport: $201,550 (Page 14, 2007)
San Antonio: $203,853 (Page 7)
Phoenix: $286,573 (Page 11, 2007)

So..... Atlanta> Jackson> Memphis, Mobile, Little Rock, Baton Rouge, Shreveport, Tampa, Jacksonville, San Antonio, Birmingham, Charlotte, Phoenix.

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More Fuelman facts

The City Council and Mayor Johnson recently sparred over Fuelman cards, the same Fuelman cards that were the subject of much controversy during Frank Melton's last year in office as then-police chief Malcolm McMillin berated the City Council for daring to investigate this matter.
JJ submitted a public records request for the number of active Fuelman cards in August 2008 and November 2009 in an effort to see if the number of cards issued had risen or fallen since the Johnson administration assumed office.

The total number of active cards on August 4, 2008 was 396. There were 451 active cards on November 30, 2009, a net increase of 55 cards. I suspected this increase was probably due to the hiring of more police officers, which would explain the higher number. Chris Mims, the Director of Communications for the City of Jackson, confirmed this in a phone call this morning and said that to the best of his recollection, there were approximately thirty new police officers in 2009.

Mr. Mims also stated they were still reviewing the Fuelman card policy and "intended to lower the number of Fuelman cards." Mr. Mims was also provided JJ with this spreadsheet showing the number of gallons used by each department in the first half of 2009 and said 1232 employees have access to Fuelman cards. WLBT reported in 2008 1088 employees had access to Fuelman cards.

The Johnson administration took office in July. It is reasonable to assume it takes 90 days or so to hire staff, review policies, implement changes, and conduct other normal operations that are part of any regime change. This post is a starting point and when Johnson's first year of office is ended, JJ intends to review the Fuelman card usage again to determine how it has been handled by the current administration.

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Sunday, January 24, 2010


Bourbon Street Cam

Here's the REAL party:
Bobby Hebert's postgame show. Click on "Listen Live".

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New kid on the block and another one gets a facelift.

There is a new online newspaper in Mississippi: Msdigitaldaily. The online newspaper opened for business last week and is the brainchild of local advertising mogul, Denton Gibbes. Leilani Salter, wife of Sid Salter and former editor of Gannett's Mississippi Moms, is the editor. She told JJ last week that Msdigitaldaily had a network of reporters around the state (I wondered when someone was going to take advantage of the ever-growing labor pool of former reporters) to cover a variety of stories. The MDD covers a variety of topics from news to sports to society.

We wish them well here at Jackson Jambalaya. There is a need for an online newspaper in Mississippi, as the television stations have largely failed to properly utilize the internet, and the Clarion-Ledger is well, the Clarion-Ledger. While the format, technology, and current environment are all important, the fate of Msdigitaldaily will eventually come down to content: either you are doing hard-hitting, quality reporting or you are not. Hopefully MDD will follow that path and provide the state with some real journalism.

Note: Check out the Mississippi Business Journal as well. Dolan Media, its parent, cleaned house a few months ago. New editors, new website, new attitude. Dolan pretty much told the staff to quit writing the flimsy fluff the MBJ became known for and to start focusing on writing real news stories and investigative pieces. One fundamental change made was when (ready for this?) the advertising people were no longer allowed to sit in news meetings. Yup, ad people had somewhat of a say in news stories, which explains to some degree why MBJ was considered a joke of a publication for years.

Well, those days are over and Mississippi is finally enjoying some real business journalism. The MBJ has written several aggressive stories on the Evans case that would have been unthinkable a couple of years ago. It is covering the Kemper Coal Plant controversy, LLC reform, and other substantive issues. Sign up for their daily updates and I think you will be pleasantly surprised.

And by the way, don't think Jackson Jambalaya is standing still either. ;-)

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Football Open thread

Well, pulling for the Saints but I have to favor the Vikings by four. That was a beat-down they gave Dallas last week, I mean, they made Dallas quit in second half as well as making Romo remember well, he was Romo. Saints have had major problems stopping the run this year, which just happens to be Minnesota's strength. New Orleans has the offense but I think Minnesota will be the more balanced team on both sides of the ball.

I like the Colts against the Jets. Speaking of the Colts and the Jets, the NFL Network replayed all of Super Bowl III last night. Very interesting game. Thought Saban was coaching the defense of Baltimore as much as they blitzed. I also thought I was watching Florida in 03 or Utah in 09 as they ran the same plays as did New York. Of course, five turnovers will usually get you beat in most games. ;-)

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Saturday, January 23, 2010

IDF rescues man buried for ten days

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More sunshine on charities and non-profits.

Here are some more Form 990's for local non-profits and charities. I post several every week. Read 'em and weep. Things to look out for? Compensation at the Metro Chamber and the Mississippi Bar.

Mississippi Association of Educators, Mississippi Bar, Northeast Jackson Soccer, Little Lighthouse, Magnolia Bar, LSU TAF, Metro Jackson Chamber of Commerce, St. Andrews

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Friday, January 22, 2010

The Two Lakes Jihad by the JFP continues.

Brandon Senator Yancey proposed a bill severely limiting the powers granted to the Pearl River Valley District. Copy of bill. What probably stirred Mr. Yancey to action was the scene a few weeks ago where Reservoir homeowners had no actual elected representation on the board while they fought the Mandalay apartment conversion. Even though the homeowners won the battle, more than a few of them noticed that the board had little, if any, accountability to them as board members are appointed by various agencies and governments.

However, the Jackson Free Press published a story that turned a bill that proposed incorporating some elected representation by reservoir homeowners and a paring back of overlapping functions such as law enforcement, into an attempt to push the Two Lakes project through some back-door legislation. Article

Adam Lynch cited the enabling legislation for the PRVD, which includes language about flood control being one of its functions, as the feared loophole that could allow the barbarian horde from Crane Ridge to pour through and implement Two lakes. He states "critics" of the Two Lakes plan say the bill could be used to open the door to the Two Lakes plan but he never seems to get around to saying who the critics are. The one person he quoted besides Mr. Yancey was Bennie French, the General Manager for the District, and French said he didn't think the bill would result in the Reservoir being used for flood control. After a few opening paragraphs covering the bill itself, the rest of the article (over two-thirds) devotes itself to linking Two Lakes to this bill even though no one, Yancey, French, or anyone else proposed using his bill in such a manner if passed. Lynch even wrote "Yancey said this week that McGowan and his lakes plan had no influence in the bill he submitted. " However, in the logical labyrinth that is Editor Ladd's mind, facts never get in the way of an obsession.

For some reason the JFP has replaced its obsession with all things Melton with all things Two Lakes. It also wrote an editorial this week about Two Lakes, the last of quite a few pieces on the issue. It repeatedly raises the specter of landowners living near the proposed development enjoying, gasp, an appreciation in their property values but never seems to get around to asking who would benefit financially from the levee plan or how the same Corps that screwed New Orleans is suddenly the final word as far as they are concerned.

Ladd made no bones about her motivation this week, as in her mind, because some of these same people supported Melton and the Better Jackson PAC in the last Mayoral election (which gave nearly $20,000 out of the approximately $500,00 donated to Crisler -that's right, FOUR PERCENT), also support Two Lakes:
"The more things change, the more they stay the same, Brian. Many of the same folks who backed Melton and bashed us for telling the truth about Melton are now mad at us about Two Lakes. No sledgehammers this time, though. I hope. ;-) posted by ladd on 01/21/10 at 07:20 PM "Link

Even a simpleton can spot the logical fallacies in such a statement. One can only wonder if she would oppose the act of breathing if she realized it was something Melton did. That statement was made in a discussion about the fines paid by Melton's bodyguards. A discussion about Melton and sledgehammers was somehow turned into a discussion of Two Lakes by her. Such obsession reminds me of when she wrote fifteen or so straight blog posts about Sarah Palin. Read for yourself.

She also bragged about her comprehensive coverage when in fact, the coverage has been rather lacking. There is no discussion of the levee plan or what financial interests may be involved on that side of the issue. No mention is made of what buildings would be lost on the Hinds County side in the levee plan and how according to Ben Allen, none of them are in Rankin County. There has been little talk of any possible tax increases to help pay for the levee plan. All we hear is "Two Lakes, Two Lakes, Two Lakes", which is then led by a link to Melton, evil rich white folks who want to plunder Jackson (but no mention of evil rich white folks from Rankin who want to plunder Jackson), or some other goblin that captures her fancy.

One can only wonder what twisted bit of logic will be used next to attack Two Lakes. I'm sure somewhere, somehow, David Duke and Richard Barrett will appear in an article about Two Lakes. When you are on a jihad, facts really don't matter and such is their coverage of Two Lakes.

Read more of the JFP's coverage of Two Lakes.

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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Childers, Harper, Taylor sponsor immigration reform bill

Well, well, well, looks like Childers, Harper, and Taylor have a few things to say about illegal immigration in a bill they sponsored.

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TIF Bonds for Timber Falls project have no fees

Good news. JJ filed a public records request with the City of Jackson a few weeks ago for the fees on the sale of TIF bonds for the Timber Falls project. JJ asked:
"What are the associated fees for sale of bonds associated with this project (please include names of law firms, lawyers, bond advisors, bond counsel, and other similar personnel); and 2) Please include fees or projected fees paid to each firm or individual.

The City Attorney's Office replied with the following information:
"In response to your request, there have been no fees incurred by the City of Jackson associated with the sale of bonds associated with the Timber Falls Parkway project nor are there any projected fees at this time. Further, the City of Jackson has not retained bond counsel or any other lawyers, financial advisors, or other professionals for the sale of Timber Falls bonds."

This is excellent news and a huge improvement from the Melton administration, which tried to gouge Jackson for $4 million in fees for Sarah, Dr. Smith's Son, Anthony Simon, and Baker-Donelson and Deutsche Bank. Give the Harvey administration some credit, as too often bond deals are used as a super-sized trough where the good ole boys feed their hungry little snouts. Hopefully the Johnson administration will continue in this vein of good governance.

Note: See sidebar on lower right side of page for a collection of all posts on Jackson's attempt to refinance its bonds with interest-rate swaps.

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PRVD open thread.

Don't have much time this morning but Senator Yancey of Brandon sponsored a bill (SB 2936) that severely restrict the powers of the PRVD. Consider this an open thread on the subject.

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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Have to see it to believe it.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Matthews eats Dean alive tonight.

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Is the Science Diet really better?

Think Hill's Science Diet is so good because well, its sold at the vet or it has the word Science in it? Check out the first few ingrediants in the Science Diet Adult Advanced Fitness Original Dry Formula: "Chicken, Ground Whole Grain Corn, Ground Whole Grain Sorghum, Ground Whole Grain Wheat, Chicken By-Product Meal, Soybean Meal.."

Now lets compare it to similar formulas by other expensive brands:

Natural Balance Ultra Premium Dry Formula: Chicken, Brown Rice, Lamb Meal, Oatmeal, Barley, Salmon Meal, Potatoes, Carrots, Chicken Fat

Wellness Complete Health Chicken Recipe: Deboned Chicken, Chicken Meal, Oatmeal, Ground Barley, Ground Brown Rice

Blue Buffalo Small Breed All Natural: Deboned Chicken, Chicken Meal, Whole Ground Barley, Whole Ground Brown Rice, Oatmeal, Chicken Fat

Merrick Grammy's Pot Pie: Organic Chicken, Oatmeal, Barley, Chicken Meal, Whole Brown Rice

Eagle Pack Adult Formula: Pork Meal, Ground Yellow Corn, Ground Brown Rice, Ground White Rice, Chicken Meal, Chicken Fat (Actually had highest protein content: 25%).

Now take a look at the cheaper ones. Which one does Hill's Science Diet resemble more?

Eukanuba Adult Maintenance: Chicken, Chicken By-Product Meal, Corn Meal, Ground Whole Grain Sorghum, Ground Whole Grain Barley, Brewers Rice, Chicken Fat ( I stuck it here because of the corn, barley, and sorghum)

Purina One Large Breed Adult Formula: chicken, brewers rice, poultry by-product meal, corn gluten meal, whole grain wheat, whole grain corn,

Pedigree Adult Complete Nutrition for Dogs: Ground Whole Corn, Meat And Bone Meal, Ground Whole Wheat, Corn Gluten Meal, Animal Fat, Wheat Mill Run, Chicken By-product Meal

Kibbles & Bits Original Formula (Chicken & Beef): corn, soybean meal, beef and bone meal, ground wheat flour, animal fat

Iam's Proactive Health for Large Breed: Chicken, Corn Meal, Ground Whole Grain Sorghum, Chicken By-Product Meal, Ground Whole Grain Barley. Notice which brands Iam's resembles more than others?

Alpo Come & Get It Mixed Grill Flavor: Ground yellow corn, corn germ meal, meat and bone meal, soybean meal, beef tallow

Purina's Beneful Healthy Harvest Dog Food: Ground yellow corn, corn gluten meal, whole wheat flour, animal fat, soy protein concentrate, soybean meal, pearled barley, brewers rice

Bil-Jac Select Dog Food: Chicken by-products (organs only, including chicken liver), chicken, corn, chicken by-product meal

Still think Science Diet is so wonderful when its top ingredients are the same as the cheaper, lesser quality brands of dog food? While you are thinking about it, ask yourself which formulas are more apt to cause allergies in your dog.

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Linda Harmon bails out of jail.

Update 11/2013: Linda has legally changed her name to Linley Patrick.  Just a little FYI for you.  Paradise Pretzels, Music City Pub Crawl are 2 of her latest businesses.

Yes, Linda Peach Harmon made bail after spending nearly a year in the Williamson County jail. Somehow she managed to find a bail bondsman who put up the $125,000 bail. Ms. Harmon was charged with embezzling $50,000 a year ago in Franklin, TN. Ms. Harmon fled when the police showed up at her home to arrest her and was caught several weeks later in Georgia. JJ has confirmed her release with local authorities in Franklin, TN.

Earlier posts on Linda Harmon:
Harmon arrested
Harmon accused of stealing from bank accounts
Did Linda Harmon commit a $900,000 mortgage fraud?
Former Jackson socialite on the run
How low can you go?

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Latest crime stats

Jackson crime stats for week ending January 10, 2010.

Major crime overview for week ending January 3, 2010.

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Tuesday, January 19, 2010



Enjoy this one too

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Atlas Shrugs is live-blogging from Brown HQ.

Live stream of race from Stacy McCain. of American Spectator.

A drunken Ace of Spades is live-blogging as well.

Meanwhile, CNN shows what corporate blogging looks like. Ugh.

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BREAKING: Stuart Irby in wreck.


Stuart Irby was in a wreck this afternoon on Old Canton Road by Colonial Country Club. Mr. Irby was driving a Mazda Miata and hit another car from behind, which in turn, hit the car in front of it. The car was totaled and other cars only suffered light damage. Mr. Irby had a valid driver's license at the time of the wreck as his driving privileges were never suspended. Sources close to the investigation have also told JJ no toxicology tests were given and that there were no injuries reported. JJ can also report Karen Irby was not in the car and the same sources have confirmed she was at home when the wreck occurred. It is not known whether any charges will be filed against Mr. Irby.

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Breaking: Insurance company seeks to withdraw coverage of Charles Evans

The insurance carrier for Charles Evans filed a motion in federal court on January 15 requesting the court allow it to terminate its coverage and representation of Charles Evans. The motion cites several exclusions. Mr. Evans will have to seek counsel elsewhere unless he represents himself if the motion is approved. More to follow later.

Copy of Motion

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IDF Field Hospital operating in Haiti

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Geaux Scott Geaux!!!

Looking for continous coverage of the Brown/Coakely race today? Oops, I meant Brown/Coakley/Kennedy. Look no further. Here are some sites that will be updating constantly throughout the day.

Legal Insurrection's liveblogging

National Review's Bay State Report

National Review's Campaign Spot's Poll-watcher page

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Monday, January 18, 2010

Is the Corps NUTS?

Ben Allen wrote on the DJP blog today the Army Corps of Engineers is going to de-certify the levees in a few weeks:

"We will find our later today, if the report we received over the weekend is true. What we understand, is the
USACE de-certified many levees across the country, effective February 28th. We understand this will affect something like 20 cities. They have de-certified, as "flood ineffective" the very levees they built.

This will mean that no property within these areas will be able to attain federal flood insurance.." Article


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IDF in action in Haiti

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Evans update: Trustee seeks to "liquidate" all claims made in state court. Earnings reviewed.

For a collection of all Evans posts, please see sidebar on right side of page. Synopsis of case is at the bottom of the post.

Trustee seeks to cancel all actions in state court
Bankruptcy Trustee Derek Henderson and Mississippi Valley Title traded blows over the weekend. Mr. Henderson filed a complaint in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in the Evans case against Mississippi Valley Title and all of the banks in the Evans case. The trustee asked the court to nullify any actions taken in state courts that determined who the true lien-holders of each tract of Evans-owned property were and "liquidate" the claims of each defendant that has "asserted" a claim "relating to each tract."

There have been quite a few actions filed in the Madison and Desoto county chancery courts seeking rulings on which lenders have the first lien on each property. Most of the lawsuits filed were submitted by attorneys Gene Barry and Todd Burwell (of Robbie Bell fame) that are typically associated with Mississippi Valley Title. Over twenty actions seeking declaratory relief have been filed in Madison County alone.

Mississippi Valley Title must have met with its lawyers over the weekend because a response was filed yesterday. Copy of response MVT asked the Court to "permit" Mr. Henderson to "execute" the conveyances already ordered by state courts. Copy of Complaint

Impact of Evans case on Earnings
JJ reviewed the 2009 second quarter, 2009 third quarter, and 2008 annual statement for Mississippi Valley Title as well as the 2009 third quarter earnings statement for its parent, Old Republic. It should be remembered MVT stated in the bankruptcy court that claims of $41 million were submitted to it by policyholders in the Evans case.

The earnings statements reveal the following:
1. MVT had claims reserves of $35,380,452 as of September 30. (P.4, Known and Statutory Claims reserves were combined.) 3rd Quarter Earnings Statement
2. MVT had claims reserves of $35,657,424 at the end of 2008. Apparently Mississippi Valley Title did nothing to shore up its claims reserves in the same quarter it became aware of its potential liability due to the Evans case. 2008 annual statement, (2nd quarter was $34,314,931, 2nd Quarter Earnings Statement
3. Old Republic has over $14 billion in assets as of September 30. 3rd Quarter Earnings
4. Old Republic's Title Insurance Division reported:

  • Pretax operating income of $4 million in the third quarter.
  • a $9.7 million loss in the third quarter last year.
  • a profit of $600,000 for the entire year
  • a $27 million loss for the first three quarters of 2008.
Thus Old Republic's Title Insurance Division finally earned a profit in the third quarter after losing some money for some time. This is important as Old Republic is hemorrhaging badly in its mortgage insurance division: $160 million loss in the third quarter, $443 million loss in the first three quarters of 2009, and a loss of $415 in the first three quarters of 2008.

Old Republic reported an overall loss of $46 million for the third quarter and $116 million for the year ending September 30. That was an improvement as on September 30, 2008, Old Republic reported a loss of $431 million for the year.

If Mississippi Valley Title/Old Republic thus paid the $41 million in claims it stated in court filings were submitted by policyholders, the insurance company would probably see its entire profits for the title insurance division effectively wiped out although it would come out of the claims reserves. The question still remains: will Old Republic pay claims out of its own reserves, pay them first out of MVT's, or will it play hardball and fight every claim as it is doing with Britton & Koontz? The question thus must also be asked what the future of Mississippi Valley Title will be at Old Republic if the insurer pays $41 million in claims. One can imagine the insurer re-examining the um, nature of that relationship.

Synopsis of Evans case (This feature will be included with future posts on Evans case): Charles Evans, Jr. was an attorney approved by Mississippi Valley Title Insurance Company to provide title certificates to MVT and lenders showing a borrower had clear title to property. MVT filed a lawsuit in September accusing his brother of using over 30 LLC's to obtain fraudulent loans from over 30 banks in Mississippi. Chris Evans would allegedly use one company to purchase a large tract of prime commercial real estate in Madison and Desoto Counties. Another company owned by Evans would obtain a commercial real estate mortgage on a smaller section of the tract yet that borrowing company never obtained a deed showing ownership of the land from the other company. Thus the smaller tract was actually non-existed as the larger tract was never actually subdivided. Charles would allegedly provide a title certificate however showing the borrowing company owned the land even though it didn't.

Over 80 loans for nearly $50 million were issued by Mississippi banks to companies owned by Chris Evans for lands those companies either did not own. MVT has testified federal authorities are currently investigating the case. Chris Evans filed Chapter 7 bankruptcy on October 26, which stopped the Mississippi Valley Title's lawsuit against him as federal bankruptcy law stays most state civil court proceedings once a bankruptcy petition is filed.
Mississippi Valley Title testified 65 title insurance claims for approximately $41 million have been filed by banks affected by the Evans case.

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Lost Dog Alert


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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Too funny

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JJ Readers: Consolidate school districts.

Readers who participated in a recent JJ poll think the state should solve the budget crisis by consolidating school districts. This choice received 27% of the vote. Cutting 10% across the board garnered 20% but what was interesting was the choice of legalizing marijuana placed third at 17%. Is there a silent support in Mississippi that has gone largely unnoticed for such a move? Interesting. Unfortunately, more sensible moves such as consolidating counties received little, if any votes.

Consolidate school districts
80 (27%)
Consolidate counties
7 (2%)
Cut Medicaid
1 (0%)
Cut K-12 education
0 (0%)
Cut higher education
0 (0%)
Raise sales taxes
4 (1%)
Raise Corporate tax
2 (0%)
Internet sales tax
1 (0%)
Raise income tax
0 (0%)
Cut DHS's budget
3 (1%)
0 (0%)
Reform MDOT
22 (7%)
Cut across the board 10%
61 (20%)
Layoff employees
2 (0%)
Legalize weed & tax it
51 (17%)
27 (9%)
Consolidate higher education
14 (4%)
Soda tax
5 (1%)
Increase tobacco tax
8 (2%)
Increase gasoline tax
2 (0%)
Reduce sales tax exemptions
2 (0%)

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More IDF goes to Haiti

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Saturday, January 16, 2010

More sunshine on charities and non-profits.

Form 990's for River Hills Country Club, Jackson Urban League (Operating at a loss ), Jackson Prep, Jackson Medical Mall Foundation, Greater Jackson Arts Council, Downtown Jackson Community Development Foundation , 100 Black Men,

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Help the Mississippi Animal Rescue League

I went there last Saturday and they are pretty low on food right now. I know other websites support them and ask for their readers to donate food to the MARL but I'm going to go one step further. If you go to Briarwood Pet Store and buy dog or cat food and tell them it is for the MARL, they will hold it until I come by there and deliver it to MARL. They sell Natural Balance (which they need for dogs that undergo surgeries), Science, and Iams. It can be a 5, 15, 0r 30 lb bag, doesn't matter. Just spend 5-10 bucks on some pet food and I'll take care of the rest. They are open until 5:30 during the week and 5:00 on Saturdays. Its asking alot for many of you to drive 30 minutes or so to the MARL so I'll make it easy on ya. Help the MARL and stop by Briarwood on Canton Mart Road (next to Hickory Pit).

If you live out in Madison area, Bill at Snooty Pooch said you can get it from him for the same deal. In fact, you can call there and use your credit card over the phone and he will hold the pet food for me to pick up and deliver. He sells Wellness, Eaglepack, and Merrick lines. Some of these brands seem more expensive than what you see at Kroger but since they are higher quality, they last much longer so it evens out in the long run. When the pet gets full, he stays full and isn't hungry again a few hours later. Most of the blends are also allergy-free formulas. Just tell him it is for MARL.

Go buy some dog food folks. 10 bucks for a 5lb bag isn't much money to spend but will help quite a few cats and dogs. Skip the coffee at Cups or that six-pack of beer for one day. ;-)

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More signs the Brits are a failing people

The sad part is this is even a debate:
"The TV presenter and Marks & Spencer model Myleene Klass has been warned by police for waving a knife at teenagers who were peering into a window of her house late at night.

Klass was in the kitchen with her daughter upstairs when she spotted the youths in her garden just after midnight on Friday. She grabbed a knife and banged the windows before they ran away.

Hertfordshire police warned her she should not have used a knife to scare off the youths because carrying an "offensive weapon", even in her own home, was illegal..." Article

It gets even worse. Read this one:
"A businessman who fought off knife-wielding burglars who were threatening to kill his family was jailed for 30 months in a case that has reignited the debate on how far householders can go to protect themselves and their property.

Munir Hussain, 53, discovered three masked men in his house when his family returned from their local mosque during Ramadan in September last year.

The burglars tied up and threatened to kill Hussain and his family but a teenage son managed to escape and alert Hussain's brother, Tokeer.

The intruders fled when help arrived at the house in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, but the brothers chased and caught one, Walid Salem, a criminal with more than 50 previous convictions. He was then subjected to what Judge John Reddihough described as a "dreadful, violent attack" by the Hussain brothers..."

No wonder the Muslims are taking over England. Thug ties up a man and his family and threatens to kill them, he knows what to do while the damn WASP's want to throw him under the jail... Article

The question is does a people who can't even figure out their own lives are worth defending are worthy of survival.

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IDF goes to Haiti

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Friday, January 15, 2010

Evans update: Judge orders Mississippi Valley Title to give banks "all items" about the "historical relationship" with Charles Evans

For a collection of all posts on Evans case, see sidebar at the right. A synopsis of the case is at the bottom of this post.

Judge Olack ordered Mississippi Valley Title Insurance Company to provide several banks with documents and information regarding claims filed by the banks in the Evans case and the "historical relationship" between Mississippi Valley Title and Charles Evans.

The Bank of Forest, Merchants & Farmers, State Bank, Bank of Yazoo, First State Bank, Cadence Bank, and Community Bank filed a motion requesting the Court grant them permission to conduct a 2004 exam of Mississippi Valley Title.

Rule 2004(a) of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code states "On motion of any party in interest, the court may order the examination of any entity." Rules of Bankruptcy. MVT is the only party besides Chris or Charles Evans that has a true idea of the amount and number of claims, the properties involved, and the extent of any fraud that took place. The banks are thus attempting to use rule 2004 to learn exactly what is in MVT's hand as it adjudicates title insurance claims filed by banks victimized by the Evans brothers.

Judge Olack hammered David Clark, counsel for MVT in his ruling. The Court said Clark was "given a deadline in which to submit an order that reflected the rulings in the Bench Opinion and that was approved as to form by all other counsel." Translation: Judge Olack told Clark to submit an order that everyone agreed on within a certain time frame. Instead, the Court stated Clark "submitted one version and a later amended version of an order on the Motion that no other counsel had approved as to the form." The Judge then pointed out the parties could not agree on an order and chastized them for doing so, calling it "unacceptable" and that "further failure to comply with this court's directives regarding submission of orders may result in the imposition of sanctions or other relief."

The Court rejected the proposed orders by both sides and decreed:
1. MVT shall produce a property description and street address for each property insured by MVT that was issued to any creditor in the bankruptcy as well as
a. A lists of all interests against the property.
b. All items and analysis regarding each claim and its validity.
c. All appraisals for each property.
d. Any existing surveys for each property.

2. "All items regarding the historical relationship" between MVT and Chris Evans and between MVT and Charles Evans.

3. "All items that support the allegations contained in the original complaint and the first amended complaint filed by MVT in the Chancery Court of Madison County."

Copy of order

One can imagine the banks will make full use of this order, especially the part about the "historical relationship" as they have repeatedly accused MVT of hiding information from them.

Update: Old Republic's 3rd Quarter Earnings Statement. 4th Quarter release scheduled for January 28, 2010.

Synopsis of Evans case (This feature will be included with future posts on Evans case): Charles Evans, Jr. was an attorney approved by Mississippi Valley Title Insurance Company to provide title certificates to MVT and lenders showing a borrower had clear title to property. MVT filed a lawsuit in September accusing his brother of using over 30 LLC's to obtain fraudulent loans from over 30 banks in Mississippi. Chris Evans would allegedly use one company to purchase a large tract of prime commercial real estate in Madison and Desoto Counties. Another company owned by Evans would obtain a commercial real estate mortgage on a smaller section of the tract yet that borrowing company never obtained a deed showing ownership of the land from the other company. Thus the smaller tract was actually non-existed as the larger tract was never actually subdivided. Charles would allegedly provide a title certificate however showing the borrowing company owned the land even though it didn't. Over 80 loans for nearly $50 million were issued by Mississippi banks to companies owned by Chris Evans for lands those companies either did not own. MVT has testified federal authorities are currently investigating the case. Chris Evans filed Chapter 7 bankruptcy on October 26, which stopped the Mississippi Valley Title's lawsuit against him as federal bankruptcy law stays most state civil court proceedings once a bankruptcy petition is filed. Mississippi Valley Title testified 65 title insurance claims for approximately $41 million have been filed by banks affected by the Evans case.

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Madison County Bank merges with Ruston bank, Magnolia acquires Prime Mortgage

Madison County Bank merged with Community Trust Bank of Ruston, Louisiana last week. Community Trust has assets of over $1 billion and began operating in 1912. gives it a four-star rating. Quick-shot of CTB's financial statement.

This is a good move for Madison County Bank and not entirely unexpected as I thought this would be the next bank to fail in the Jackson area. Madison County Bank had a weak balance sheet and assets of only $68 million. gave it only a one-star rating. Madison County Bank lost $148,000 in the first half of 2009 and lost $560,000 in 2008. Quick-shot of MCB's financial statements,'s analysis of MCB. Madison County Bank had low loss reserves and a deteriorating loan portfolio. This is a good move for both banks as it gives a much-needed lifeline to the struggling bank and allows Community to expand into a strong market.

Magnolia State Bank acquired Prime Mortgage in Hattiesburg. Prime Mortgage is the largest mortgage broker in Mississippi. Owned by Dick Munton, Prime has enjoyed a sterling reputation in the Hattiesburg area for excellent service and ethical behavior. While many mortgage companies in the state are struggling, Prime has enjoyed strong results as it originated primarily purchase-type mortgages even in years when refinances were the hot products.

This move is not surprising as the mortgage industry has changed greatly over the last two years. It is tougher for mortgage brokers such as Prime to find quality lenders as companies such as Chase, Citi, Wells Fargo, and GMAC have either exited wholesale lending completely or ceased accepting loans from mortgage brokers. Banks such as Magnolia have warehouse lines of credit (the loss of which forced Realty to close) and are affected less by the recent changes in the mortgage industry. This is probably a good deal for both parties as Prime obtains access to the capital it needs to continue its strong performance while Magnolia gets a top-notch mortgage company with a strong book of business among the Hattiesburg realtors.

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Carpetbagger's lawyer changes firms in Ely's suit.

The landlord of Ely's recently changed lawyers in its court battle with Ridgeland restaurant Ely's. Jackson Street Property Management filed suit against Ely's a few months ago claiming it was owed back rent and damages. JJ reported in December JPSM "resurveyed the building and suddenly discovered Ely's "occupied 270 square feet more than the 3000 square feet indicated in the lease". Jackson Street then demanded back rent for the extra 270 square feet from the date when Ely's first assumed the lease." Rick Shapley, the owner of Ely's, counterclaimed and seeks more than half a million dollars in damages.

Jason Weeks of Page, Kruger, and Holland filed a motion to withdraw as counsel representing JPSM in Madison County Circuit Court that was granted by Judge Richardson. Jason Weeks apparently changed law firms as he was approved by the Court to continue his representation of Jackson Street Property Management with the law firm of Randall Segrest, PLLC. JSPM is owned by John F. Campbell of the Virgin Islands.

Earlier post, Copy of motion and order, Copy of lawsuit and counterclaim

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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Pit Bull for sale.

Friend of mine has to sell her dog. Email me if interested and whoever buys him is going to agree to a home visit within 45 days after purchase. Have to be careful. My friend wrote: "This is Deuce. He is a 7 and a half month old Razor-Edge, blue nose, pure-bred Pitt Bull. He is sweet as can be but he is just too big to have him in an apartment. He is extremely loving; and when I say extremely i mean it--he sleeps in the bed with us and he weighs around 50-60 pounds... lol. He has had all his shots. He is not spayed (Fixxit clinic in Pearl does it for $55. Used them a few weeks ago and got very good service- KF). His ears have been clipped as you can see. He is a wonderful dog and I hate to have to do this but it is not fair to him. The asking price is $250."

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Where did all the money go?

British show from a more humorous but biting point of view on the financial crisis of the last two years.

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Water, water everywhere....

at least at the Governor's Mansion. Check this out at the MBJ.

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Dear Harvey,

The next time Ridgeland, Flowood, or another surrounding burb needs you to sign one piece of paper so it can improve a road, make sure you sign it next time instead of waiting a year since they saved Jackson's gluteus maximus this week.

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Take a break

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS