Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Terror in Northeast Jackson

Correction: The crimes took place after 3:30 AM, not in daylight as first reported.

Terror struck Northeast Jackson yesterday as four armed men hit homes Meadowbrook Highlands and Leftover yesterday. 

Two black men and two white men scaled the wall surrounding Meadowbrook Highlands.  All four men were armed.  They entered one home but an armed resident scared them away.  The police arrived and the thugs fled the neighborhood. 

Interrupted but not stopped, the hoodlums hit a home on Douglas Drive later that morning.  They smashed a window at the front of the home, stole a purse, and absconded with an SUV.  One thug shot at the homeowner.  Thankfully the round missed but only because it hit an exterior stud.  

Sources told JJ they were allegedly in a white van.  

JPD tweeted video  and pictures of the Douglas Drive incident. 

JPD needs help identifying individuals wanted for home and auto burglary, and vehicle theft that occurred earlier this morning in the 1400 block of Douglass Dr. One suspect was captured on surveillance just prior and later discharged a handgun before stealing a white SUV.

Suspect fled in a white 2015 Toyota Highlander bearing a Stennis Flag plate, 773 SF. Suspect is armed and considered dangerous. Anyone with info, contact #CrimeStoppers at 601-355-TIPS(8477) or online at p3tips.com.


Anonymous said...

All four need proper ventilating asap.

This would be a 4 to 1 encounter. Yes, I need 30 rounds.

Gambler53 said...

What a cesspool Jackson has become.

Baby Chowke Sez: said...

The perception of home invasion armed robberies in Jackson.

Anonymous said...

Property values in 39211 have fallen to the point of no return. If a house sells for “list price” or near list price...check the price history on realtor.com , it has been reduced multiple times before it actually sold. 39211 home owners are done with no water, no sewer and a reduced police force. Jackson is no longer safe.

Anonymous said...

Now even the thugs are practicing diversity. These are the end days, Michael Watson.

Anonymous said...

Nice to see both races finally come together with a common goal.

Anonymous said...

They probably just were asking for ice cream money for Sal 'n Dookies. 1/2 mile away. "Upscale."

Anonymous said...

Getting mighty close to mayor antars Eastover home in his gated development

Anonymous said...

Looking for clean water.

Anonymous said...

My understanding is the 4 thugs scaled the walls at 3:30 in the morning?

Anonymous said...

This occurred not to far from where Lumumba lives.

Anonymous said...

Looks like that fence needs a hot wire or two to keep the deer and rabbits off the fence!


Anonymous said...

"They entered one home but an armed resident scared them away."

'Nuff said

Anonymous said...

this is okay. The Hinds County DA cant call is racism if i ventilated all four of them simultaneously with my legally registered MP5

Thanks for trying but u were cut said...

LOL. There are very few homes for sale in 39211. They sell as quickly as they are listed. Check realtor.com for the proof. Not to be confused with the houses made of stucco in former cow pastures to the north.

Anonymous said...

5:16 Good idea. Maybe some razor wire on top of the nice fence as well.

Anonymous said...

Homes do sell in 39211. For much less than the owners paid years ago. Very often homes in 39211 are being sold as rental property. Fire sale time.

Anonymous said...

North of CountyLine Road, houses rarely loose water for one day (much less two months) .

The crime rate is much lower as well.

Anonymous said...

We know, we know...people in Madison hate Jackson, think people are stupid for living in Jackson, house prices are declining, etc. etc. Moving to the suburbs may be a great solution for individual families. But the fact of the matter remains that we all need to root for Jackson — like it or not, it’s our capital city, and the location of our state government, many colleges/universities, and the state’s only children’s hospital and level 1 trauma center. Our entire state could benefit from Jackson succeeding! We all know that Jackson is a mess right now. Luckily there are people living in the city who genuinely want it to do well and who are trying to make a difference. Couldn’t we all just root for Jackson to succeed and cheer on the people who are trying to help? Insulting the people who choose to stay and who try to be good neighbors and make a difference does not help anyone or anything.

Anonymous said...


I'm "rooting" for the dump to get taken over by the State. BTW Antar, you post here much ?

Anonymous said...

Right around the corner from the District. But it’s only the perception of home invasions. It’s really white flights fault.

Anonymous said...

What kind of idiots live in the city limits of Jxn, without a garage, and leave their cars unlocked?

Anonymous said...

@6:09, and what do you think was under the houses in jackson before they were built? And there are plenty of stucco and plaster houses in belhaven and east over. Dimwit.

Anonymous said...

can you please give us a list of reasons to want to root for a city that is full of people who can’t/won’t elect competent city leadership. For a city that doesn’t protect businesses. For a city that doesn’t care about quality of life crimes. For a city that can’t collect water bills to fix their water system. For a city that blames white people for leaving over 20 years ago. For a city that frowns upon neighboring cities police from chasing criminals back in Jackson. You have to be sympathetic or likable to be worth “rooting for” and sorry but Jackson is neither. At least not at the moment.

Anonymous said...

Do y’all hate the “leadership” of Jackson or the people that live here? Do you want he Capitol City ,that borders you suburbs, to burn to the ground? Do you want us all to die so that you can I told you so ? That might even effect you home prices....

Anonymous said...

Property values for homes north of Lakeland, east of Ridgewood and south of Old Canton have never been better. Houses are flipping in that area for top dollar. Doesn’t mean crime isn’t an issue, but property values are strong.

Now, if home owners would start exercising their castle doctrine rights, these young lads may stay west of the interstate.

Anonymous said...

7:21. Thinking good thoughts and hugging it out ain’t working. Neither is the justice system there, neither is your city government. Wanting better and taking “real” action, like voting something for someone other than people that are going o perpetuate the same decisions, is two different things. Good luck

Anonymous said...

"Not to be confused with the houses made of stucco in former cow pastures to the north. "

And the one we are re-financing has gone up by over $150,000 since we bought it, and is now assessed at over $500,000. We're happy with that increase in value.

Anonymous said...

While I agree with the sentiment of 7:21, it is difficult to have sympathy for a city that re-elected a lying clown like Lumumba with 75% of the vote.

Elmer Fudd could do better than Lumumba.

Anonymous said...

If they had scaled the walls of my place at 3:30 in the morning, Bruce Wayne would have sent them packing with the quickness. Who is Bruce Wayne you say? Not the Batman. He's about 125 pounds of filthy 4 legged attitude. His running mate, Robin, isn't as large, but the attitude toward strangers is the same. I would rather have these two pups than a loaded gun, but I have both.

Anonymous said...

Houses are flipping in that area for top dollar.


Anonymous said...

7:21 you can be as positive as you want about one or two talking points of Jackson, but then the real Jackson shows up twice as often "Everyday" in the news. You can't hide that or wish it away. You can't even ignore the subject of this story as an "isolated" incident, because it's in your face everyday.
No one hate Jackson as you state.....it's hard to hate something that is absolutely hilarious. Cheer for people, how are you going to root for clowns and have proven it over and over by their action/failures in managing the city and have been caught in more lies than Pinocchio. You really think the 3% who stay and try to be good neighbors in their closed and gated communities (which are now being breached by armed assailants) is going to a make a difference?

Anonymous said...

Why haven’t the police run the SF tag number and made a visit to that registered address?

I highly suspect that any car with an SF tag used in multiple robberies was stolen.

Anonymous said...

Your boundary line is shrinking by the day. Get out while you can! Homes are in fact selling in your described area but for a huge loss to most of the sellers. The smart ones are selling quietly and for a loss and running to rankin or Madison. Scary to be in an island surrounded by rentals.

Anonymous said...

@$500,000, that’s cute.

Anonymous said...

The Madison County residents who’ve literally never bought or sold a house in Jackson opining on Jackson real estate...laughable

Don’t worry. Be happy said...

I just checked realtor.com. 5 of the 6 houses in 39211 that are over $1,000,000 are pending. Only one house in Madison over a million is pending.
I realize people in Madison all have a chip on their shoulder and think their fair stucco house without trees is superior. That’s great. Please stay in Madison and be happy. Just stop trying to drag the Capitol city down with you.

Anonymous said...

I'm intrigued by all the erroneous comments about real estate values in Jackson.
Real estate is selling at all time high prices per square foot. Many listings are
selling within days of going on the market, often times with multiple offers. A home
which is priced properly will sell in short order, including those west of I 55 (referring to two earlier comments),
Fondren, Belhaven etc. All those negative comments will not slow this market.
Jackson will continue to increase in value because there are townies who will always live in town and
others who will not. There are so many good things about Jackson making
It a super place to live. I am curious though-why are the people posting the negative comments about Jackson
so happy to predict its demise?

Elizabeth Knight

Anonymous said...

7:21 posting again...

7:53 — Because it’s the capital city of our state. Because many people have sick children who depend on the doctors and nurses at Batson. Because many people also need and depend on the hospitals located here. It also seems like you’re referring to the mayor and his staff as “the city,” when the city is more than that. I can only speak for myself, but I live in Jackson, and I haven’t done any of the things that you accused “the city” of doing.

8:19, 8:54 — Not everyone in the city voted for Lumumba. Many people in Jackson know that he is doing a terrible job and voted for other candidates. I have no idea why people still voted for Lumumba. It’s unfortunate that there were no standout competitors.

9:35 — Surely you don’t actually think that only 3% of people living in Jackson want to be good neighbors AND this 3% also live in gated or closed communities. Just...no. And to clarify, I said cheer on the people who are trying to help — in contrast to cheering for the people who are NOT trying to help, like the major and other city officials who are doing a poor job. Surely we can all cheer for the people (citizens, business owners, teachers, pastors, etc) who are trying to help.

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth....is less than $100/foot in HEATHERWOOD considered "high pricing"?

Anonymous said...

I've lived in countries where nice neighborhoods were surrounded by high fences and razor wire. I don't think we want to go in that direction.

Anonymous said...

Easy....racism @10:34

Anonymous said...

@10:34, Dear Ms. Knight, all that you say is true, except the part about Jackson being a super place to live. Caracas, Venezuela, is a "super place to live," for some small fraction of its citizens. Its real estate continues to increase in value -- for those places where you can actually live without being killed and eaten. In the current interest rate environment real estate and other assets are enjoying a bull market everywhere in this country.

Crime, corruption, and a general decline of American civilization will continue to whittle away at Jackson. I can't think of anything to do about it, except perhaps a nice "bugout" condo in Oxford, Destin, or Athens, Georgia. Just in case the ship hits the sand.

Thanks for the great upbeat post.

Anonymous said...

10:27… Jackson needs no help being dragged down… that’s the whole point people are making. Apathy is killing the city. The problem is entirely the citizens fault. They hold no one accountable, neither their own kids nor their city officials

Anonymous said...

All of the comments about home prices declining in northeast Jackson are hilarious. You clearly haven’t tried to buy a house in the area from Lakeland to Old Canton. Sellers are getting multiple offers with no contingencies on the day they are listed and are selling for significantly over asking price. The high prices aren’t all reflected on realtor.com or Zillow because so many are selling before they are ever listed. I have heard similar about Belhaven. Basically if a house actually gets listed in Belhaven there must be an issue with it, otherwise it would have sold by word of mouth alone. Same for any house that is still listed after a few days. Those listings on Zillow are not representative. Why don’t you take a look at all of the pending/under contract houses. The NE Jackson hate is honestly getting old. People like to pretend that the suburbs can thrive without a successful city. Good luck with that.

Anonymous said...

@ 7:21 I'm with you. I live in the house in Fondren that I was raised in and the neighborhood is still quite nice. No I didn't vote for Lumumba and there isn't anything I can do about the folks that did. Still, I have my own version of "bruce wayne" (referenced in an earlier post) and she ain't keen on strangers. I'm also armed to the hilt so I'm prepared to protect myself and my home. I still believe in this city and piss on all of the naysayers who come here to sip coffee and bash Jacksonians.

Anonymous said...

Sigh...this hot real estate market is not unique to Jackson. Super low interest rates, high building materials prices, prices are creeping up everywhere. Hell a spec house in the ‘burbs is selling for 145-160/sqft. I highly doubt you’re getting that price per sqft in 39211.

Kingfish said...

Friend put house for sale last week. It's on the newer part of Newland. Got four offers that day.

Now break down NE Jackson by the new homes and the old, 60's ranch style homes. Is the demand the same for both?

Anonymous said...

I do not live in the city limits, but do business and volunteer within them. There are very serious issues that no one in a leadership position seems to want to address head-on -- they'd rather play the worn-out blame game.

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” -- Rita Mae Brown

Anonymous said...

According to one of the officers Sunday night, it was the same group of people who were arrested Friday night, then released. I believe the white Highlander was recovered over by the zoo yesterday.

Kingfish said...

Four guys, all armed, and they've probably got the jump on you. How do you think you are going to fare in a firefight at close quarters? I'm just speaking of probabilities.

Anonymous said...

7:54 PM
>Do y’all hate the “leadership” of Jackson (...)
>or the people that live here?
No. I think the people that live there voluntarily are fools. I mean I get that running from problems doesn't solve them and staying and fighting is an honorable goal. But is it realistic? In the short term I don't think so barring some change in city leadership.

My sister in law is itching to move out of Jackson. She doesn't want her son coming home late in Jackson. Her husband doesn't want to move out. Similarly when we sold our house last May in NE Jackson our neighbor wanted to move to Madison but his wife didn't want to move.

I just don't know what to do other than move. I mean if I move again it will be out of state.

Anonymous said...

Jackson has one thing not available in the burbs... FREE WATER!!!!

Anonymous said...

KF that would depend on how the interior is set up. I can point to a particular video from Active Self Protection where this exact scenario happened and a home defender successfully defended himself.


Tl;dw: Having a light source at the end of a hall that silhouettes the target and doesn't allow the invader to see the shooter.

Anonymous said...

Someone upstream mentioned a $350K house that is now $500K and how they like the appreciation.

Not so fast.

Unlike 2008-2010 when rising interest rates on adjustable rate mortgages caught up with many folks, rapidly rising home prices have a (not so) hidden trap: rapidly rising taxes, insurance, maintenance, etc. Combine that with people buying "as much house as they can afford," i.e., buying on PITI payments at the max their budget will allow, and it's a recipe for another crash. Yes, it is great - on paper - to have an asset appreciate dramatically, but there is no "profit" until the asset is sold. Even though the buyer of the $350K house now has a house that is "worth" $500K and a mortgage on $350K of debt (and could afford the PITI on that), they now have taxes, insurance, etc. - all based solely upon the current value or replacement cost - on a $500K, then a $550K, then a $600K house, until the bubble pops. Then they have $350K of debt on a $275K house, but the taxes, etc. don't drop commensurate with the decline in value nor does the amortization (the reduction of the amount owed) keep up. In 2010-2012, there were entire subdivisions full of foreclosures in that exact same place, along with plenty of people who could afford to remain but very upside down for years.

For a sensible, long-horizon homebuyer, the midpoint fluctuations between buying price and market value over 30 years in the value of an asset they do not intend to sell are meaningless, i.e., if one plans to live for 30 years in a house for which they paid $350K, it doesn't matter to them if the "value" goes from 350 to 400 to 275 to 375 to 500 to 400 to 300 to 500 over their 30 year time frame, etc., as all they care about is reasonable long-term appreciation (assuming they can afford the increasing tertiary costs). But for those who get caught in an inflationary spiral they cannot afford, the reason - interest rate or tertiary costs - does not matter.

The real turd in the punchbowl for many homebuyers is buying into a rising market in an area of overall declining desirability. And the decline can be for whatever reason - crime and infrastructure (Jackson) or total taxation (NYC/Jersey) or any other reason. Instead of the old maxim of buying the worst house on the best street, many are now buying the most expensive house on a "bad street" or in declining areas. Even those buying in more-stable areas are at risk because as the cost of maintaining that stability (taxes, insurance, maintenance, etc.) rapidly rises, so does the overall cost of the home.

Add to the mix rapidly-rising prices of all consumer goods - inflation - that is outpacing wages and a Fed that has just about run out of bullets and the next downturn could get really, really ugly.

Anonymous said...

At least they were wearing masks to avoid the the spread of Covid!

Anonymous said...

@7:47 "People like to pretend that the suburbs can thrive without a successful city."
News flash for you: they already are.
Also, what is your definition of successful? Jxn hasn't been that in years.

@9:07 - correct. When it works.

39211 Resident said...

Kudos to Mayor Lumumba!

His policies regarding the police force and continued persistence of a mask mandate (including outdoor public spaces) are definitely working to give his favorite citizens a "leg up."

Rumor has it that the creatives in his administration have even crafted a new slogan to boost tourism:
"Jackson--The Bold New City with Even BOLDER Armed Robbers"

Kingfish said...

I'm speaking of probabilities for the average armed-homeowner. Not disagreeing with you at all but such residents are far and few between. At least no one has mentioned his .45 yet.

Anonymous said...

I'd give you 100 "thumbs up" or "likes" if this website provided the means. Kudos to you for a well-reasoned rhetorical question.

Anonymous said...

Time for Barksdale to put up the razor wire.

Anonymous said...

The city residents who scold suburban residents for bad mouthing Jackson and then in the same post defensively make fun of "fake stucco" homes are my favorite.

Anonymous said...

There is a national housing shortage and that is helping to prop-up the market is Jackson somewhat. Where a person wants to live is a matter of choice but as an investment a house purchase in Jackson is bad, bad, bad.

Anonymous said...

I have lived in Fondren for a decade and have yet to have a problem. If you can afford private school, why would you move to inconvenient, cookie cutter subdivisions in the suburbs? I can be anywhere in the metro area within 15 minutes and to the grocery store within 3 minutes. As a resident of Mississippi, all of you should want your capital city to thrive and take pride in it. I can assure you that it would benefit all of you - brain drain would stop, new residents and businesses would move to the state, and new entertainment options would follow.

Anonymous said...

Attn 11:16 You can be anywhere in the metro area within 15 minutes. Do you know why? Because the Jackson metro area is empty and falling down. Take a road trip all the way to Ridgeland. Ask someone directions to the Renaissance business and you will see why it is so easy to get around Jackson (with the exception of avoiding pot holes).

Anonymous said...

9:31 am I suspect you are relatively young.
You put no value on time, or proximity to goods and services or quality of construction.

I'm afraid you young folks are impressed by superficial exteriors. You will rue the day you look inside the walls and realize your textiles and furniture construction and light fixtures have little durability. You'll be sorry your studs are so far apart and that solid hard wood is better poorly done veneer and pressboard.

You know the cost of everything and the value of nothing.

I just reupholstered a sofa that is hundreds of years old and only the springs needed retying and cushions refilled. You will find webbing strips like on cheap outdoor furniture and pressboard if you want to recover your furniture and staples holding your furniture together. Same is happening to home construction. My reupholster was half the price of you buying another cheap sofa.

Anonymous said...

11:16 proves my point by implying suburban residents are less intelligent for living in "cookie cutter subdivisions" then lectures us on how we less intelligent suburbanites should band together to support Jackson.

I have rarely won anyone over by insulting them, but good luck.

Anonymous said...

### Metro Ad Valorem Millage Rates (2019-2020) ###

Jackson = 69.03 mils (Belhaven 'freedom-loving' CID rate)

Jackson = 63.03 mils

Canton = 56.32 mils

Edwards = 47.0 mils
Clinton = 41.49 mils

Bolton = 36.3 mils
Flora = 34.5 mils
Byram = 34.1 mils
---> AVERAGE = 33.74 mils <---
Brandon = 33.0 mils
Raymond = 30.72 mils

Madison = 28.8 mils
Florence = 28.4 mils
Terry = 27.85 mils
Pearl = 27.5 mils
Raymond = 25.62 mils

Ridgeland = 20.03 mils
Flowood = 20.0 mils

Richland = 19.0 mils

* excludes County & School District

Anonymous said...

Price per square foot in Madison as compared to price per square foot in Northeast Jackson is not an apples to apples comparison. Most of the homes in Northeast Jackson are 50+ years old and many are sold "as is" and need substantial renovations. Houses like that are obviously going to be priced lower than a Madison home that is less than 10 years old.

Anonymous said...

9:31 I'll bet you take your really big briefcase with you to lunch everyday.

Anonymous said...

I lived in NE Jackson until 2018 and professed many times that I would never move to Madison. I enjoyed having trees in my yard, living in a neighborhood devoid of the dreaded stucco siding, and being conveniently located to "everything." I maintained the "I'll never leave" mindset because I believed Jackson had already hit bottom and had nowhere to go but up. That never happened. The reality was that things kept getting worse. Eventually, I had to accept that the community I had grown up and lived in was gone and wasn't coming back. Call me a fool for moving my family to a safer community where government actually functions for the benefit of its' citizens. Perhaps I should have stayed in a higher crime area because the property values are higher?

You are free to believe that Jackson's best days are ahead. You can justify staying based on the property values of homes located within an increasingly small box. Honestly, you have no choice but to believe things are going to get better. To do that you must ignore or accept a shrinking tax base, rampant crime, desperately needed infrastructure repairs, the lack of adequate police officers on the streets, or the fact that the city can't balance its' own books. If you really believe a safe, prosperous, and habitable Jackson is on the horizon, please enlighten the rest of us as to how that is going to happen.

I am not actively rooting for Jackson to fail. I hope I'm wrong - nothing would make me happier than to see Jackson revitalized and growing, but I just don't see how that ever happens.

The line between optimism and denial is a fine one.

Anonymous said...

Call me confused! I just saw a video of a recent crime that was committed by a bunch of thugs. Sadly the crime was in Jackson, however, it could have been anywhere. Instead of answering the immediate question of how to stop these crimminals and their threatning acts most of the comments seem to about the Price of Real Estate and about people living in Jackson . If we stay in that on that thread, I have some oceanfront property in Arizona,however I find property value unhelpful at this time.. Instead I think discussion should be about how did 4 people get over the wall during the day and back over without being caught? " The article said The police arrived and the thugs fled the neighborhood. " Really ... and then they stopped looking ? Inquiring minds want to know why the police were not searching the area around Meadowbrook Highlands. Perhaps if they were looking visual in this area the second crime would not have been committed.

Unknown said...

I don't think it's so much that people who don't live in Jackson want the city to fail, I think it's more like we're just incredulous that you'd risk property and life to live there! I think it's the realization that I have a dog and a gun because I WANT to and not because I HAVE to.

I lived in Jackson for the first 40 years of my life, and I left because I saw what was coming. It was an awesome place to grow up, but things change, and it was changing dramatically and quickly....so I changed with it and left. It is beyond my ability to understand how or why I would continue to live in a place where, statistically, my wife and family were in great danger of being harmed or my property taken at an exponentially higher rate than where we chose to move in Rankin County. I simply don't get it. Old architecture, nice trees and convenience simply wasn't worth it.

When I was in Jackson, not only was I burglarized (SURPRISE!), but I observed various forms of threats on a not infrequent basis. Not to mention my constant concern for wife and family. In the decades since I moved to Rankin County, I have not had a single theft (nor have any of my neighbors, nor anyone I know), and there has never been a single solitary day where I have worried for any of my family's safety. I know there are people who say crime can and does happen everywhere, and while that's true, we also all understand the fallacy of that reasoning. It's not the POSSIBILITY that's crucial to consider, it's the PROBABILITY that's the important point.

Jackson is irreparably broken. That's just a fact. It cannot and will not get better, and if you disagree with that, I'd like for you to expain to us all a practical way for that to happen. Say it slowly so we can understand. In the meantime, my belief is that the culture in charge simply doesn't place any value on an orderly society. In fact, that's statistically (and observationally) verifiable. It is not if, but when, the State, at a minimum, will have to take over the city, and those with investments in the city - sometimes quite large - will rue the day they didn't get out when they could.

That's what most of us are saying: the city is clearly GOING to fail. That's not really debatable. We just wonder why you want to sacrifice all that you have to prove that "they're not going to run me out of Jackson".......because there's no doubt that they ARE! It's just a matter of when.

Anonymous said...

Both Win the day.
Exactly what everyone else is doing/ thinking.
Well said.
Get out now! Before it’s too late! no one will want to own real estate in Jackson and housing prices will tank. It is not a matter of if it will happen... it WILL happen.

Anonymous said...

@ 2:14 and @ 2:18, amen.

I think those that continue to stay in Jackson do so for three main reasons: 1) status, 2) they don't want to be perceived as contributing to "white flight," or 3) they cannot afford to leave and actually live in a house they will like in Madison or Rankin County.

Anonymous said...

@4:30 here. I meant @2:14 and @2:34, amen.

Anonymous said...

to 4:30

Yes I live in Northeast Jackson because it gives me more status. What a joke!

I have lived in Northeast Jackson for over 30 years. I like it because my church, my office, my gym and my grocery store are all within a 1 mile radius of my house. I like the fact that we have been on our street 30 years and most of our neighbors have been here longer. I like being close to restaurants, bars and civic events.

I do get frustrated with the incompetence at City Hall. I hate that public school was not an option for my kids but I am not too impressed with the public schools in Madison and Rankin Counties either. There's a large pothole in front of my house that's been there 7 years that can't seem to get fixed. But at least Chokwe is not going to tell me what color bricks I have to put on my house.

Crime is a concern but (knock on wood) my family has not been a victim of crime. Possibly because we always have a large hairy dog waiting for any intruders at the front door. I have found that JPD is very responsive when an incident occurs. The police are not the problem. The court system is a problem. As I approach retirement, my wife and I are considering a move but to be honest, we have not found a place that we like better.

Anonymous said...

With all of the scrutiny and limitations that law enforcement officials face today, it's just a matter of time before these type of crimes begin happening in Utopia Madison. Then where are you going to move?

Kingfish said...

All right, you've had your fun with Jackson v. burbs. Get back to subject of post.

Anonymous said...

TERROR in Johnstone in Madison!!!!!!

Gangstas robbed 3 trucks and took multiple semi automatic weapons.

They are armed and dangerous!!!

Holy shit!!!!!!

Madison!!!!!!!!! It’s ova!!!!!
Houses selling for fractions I bet

Anonymous said...

I live in a Madison gated community. We had 2 guys that came through the gates and broke into parked cars. They were identified and arrested the next day as a result of our gates and cameras. What are the odds of this crime being solved in JackTown? I pay for security, but I also sleep good at night.

Anonymous said...

Once the mayor starts paying the Guaranteed Income to the Thugs & Thugettes, the songbirds will once again sing, the gray skies will rollback and the sun will warm the Zoo, crime will drop, the streets will be smooth and all the neighborhood blight will fade away.......

Just a lingering question that inquiring minds want to know, where is he going to get the money???? Donna (Moneybags) Ladd going to fund the problem cure all?

Anonymous said...

Ok Kingfish, The fence jumping home invaders doing this one incident will probably drive five productive

households out of Jackson.

Anonymous said...

Has the State Rep representing the area Shanda Yates commented or weighed in at all on the crime in her district?! Crickets?!

Anonymous said...

I've lived in Jackson 30+ years, never been robbed, shot at, etc. Stop with the hysteria. The crime hardly spills out into nice areas as often as they make it seem. They're too busy shooting eachother in south/west.

Anonymous said...

Stop with the hysteria. The crime hardly spills out into nice areas as often as they make it seem.

Yup, whatever you say.

Anonymous said...

2:34pm great comment -
quote —— -“ culture in charge simply does not place any value on an orderly society”. That is the problem!

Anonymous said...

6:22 Somewhere else.....like I did before.

Anonymous said...

Any update on the MeadowBrook Highland thugs?

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS