Hinds County Sheriff Tyree Jones issued the following statement.
HCSO Deputies and K-9 Narcotics conducted an early morning operation at the Raymond Detention Center regarding subjects attempting to introduce contraband into the facility. During the course of the operation, deputies were able to recover several items of contraband near the grounds of the facility in a wooded area. Subsequently, a traffic stop was conducted on a suspicious vehicle, and after a brief pursuit, deputies detained three occupants and recovered two pistols in the vehicle, one being stolen from the Jackson Police Department.
The items recovered in the wooded area and disrupted from making entry into the facility, included cell phones, tobacco, k-2 spice, meth, marijuana, promethazine syrup, cigars and other related items. Three criminally misbehaved suspects were arrested and introduced to the facility for their alleged involvement in this operation. Their pictures and charges are listed below. The investigation is still ongoing and more arrests, and/or charges are possible. Federal partners will also be contacted resting possible weapon violations.
Johnnie Donaldson 29 yo |
Quinnvarrius Tims 29 yo |
Jaylon Gray 28 |
At least one of the alleged perps has a google friendly name. Checking whether he has frequent flyer status enabled...
I could have used a couple of those cigars-
Darwin triplets!
Blessings in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...
I bet those Newports were special orders.
Is that a Glock squitch?
Can you say, ignorant! Now the judges need to do their jobs and stop this nonsense. I am now waiting on the deputy to get arrested that was going to get the contraband and pass it to the inmates. I’ll bet $1000 the night shift walking/roving patrol.
A former corrections deputy
Check what Jailer goes out and walks the perimeter at night!
Dang bring back the trusties cause you can trust a trusty but not the jailer!
WTF is a criminally misbehaved person?
Can we all just take a moment to appreciate this delightful sentence?
"Three criminally misbehaved suspects were arrested and introduced to the facility for their alleged involvement in this operation."
Sometimes you wonder how much (particularly money) managed to slip through the gaps.
That looks like a lot of jailhose currency.
Shouldn't it be "Three ALLEGEDLY criminally misbehaved suspects..."
Sheriff meet with your jail personnel, there is a cat on the line! The inmate can’t go in the woods and get the contraband Wink Wink! There is an inmate lover in your jail.
Inside job! Dirty COs.
I enjoy an occasional cigar. Those don't look like the type or brand I typically purchase, but I've had a cheap cigar a time or three on hunting trips, etc., so I know what both good and cheap cigars smell like: cigars. And only cigars smell like cigars. Same is true for pot. Nobody would mistake either for anything else nor would anyone, and especially not deputies, mistake cigars or pot for anything that would be legal in a jail.
Case in point. If I fire up a cigar in the den while my wife is on her way back from Jupiter in a hermetically-sealed space capsule hurtling through the vacuum of space at 5 times the speed of complaining, when she reaches somewhere long about Venus way, my phone will ring. It will be my wife. She will ask, "And just what do you think you are doing smoking that God-awful cigar in the den, mister?" Now, I get that the average jailer is probably not as...persnickety...about the jail as my wife is about the den. But come on, even I know it does have the aforementioned unique aroma that only cigars have. I strongly suspect that those firing such things up in a jail could be found if they were being sought.
7:00 exactly what I was thinking. The CO’s turn a blind smell. As I eluded earlier in a previous post the jail has inmate sympathizers! Sheriff a candy bar and a coke to the right informant will get you the culprit.
Sheriff look at the Jail Commander with the side eye and say, “ Do your damn Job”!
So they weren’t smuggling in books or job applications.
Were they trying to smuggle in 01 black knock-off Croc also?
"So they weren’t smuggling in books or job applications."
You aren't aware of standard practice. It's sorta like oysters. This month has a vowel in it. The books and job applications are smuggled in during months with no vowels (except in Poland, which is notation, reverse). And remember that in leap years it is months that begin with "Z" and have no Tuesdays.
Those are dope boys. Does anyone take pride in their jobs anymore? A young deputy was just buried last week due to being murdered in Terry. Show some pride & honor those who went before you!
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