The city of Clinton announced on social media February 28:
⚠️ Brighton Park Will Close at Sunset ⚠️
Due to damage to the new playground flooring, the park will be closed to the public during the evening while no workers are present.
Please be aware the fencing and blockades are in place for a reason. Damage to the playground only delays the reopening. We apologize for the inconvenience.
What, pray tell, happened? Simple answer: Lazy parents.
Some adults were playing tennis. The city had just repaved another section of the park and placed barriers around the concrete as it was newly-poured.
The parents didn't watch their kids so the little monsters went around the barriers and you guessed it, tracked right through the wet concrete.
The city had to pay for a crew to come back out and repave the newly-paved area.
Good job parents, good job.
Little monsters have parents to watch them and keep them from mindlessly destroying things that don't belong to them?
Who knew?
You should never trust tennis players.
Concrete that hasn't fully set near a playground area?
Isn't that almost an attraction?
Absent a high no-climb fence, what maroon thought some barricades would properly protect the concrete?
The reason pickleball exists is because tennis players need hero's too !
@1:22, Have you never seen a Bugs Bunny cartoon? You, my moron, are the maroon.
1:22/5:32 - You're both wrong. "Maroon" as in Mississippi State supporter.
Doesn't Clinton have security cameras? ID the kids and make the parents foot the bill.
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