There will be a forum for the Ward 1 City Council candidates tonight at Christ United Church.
Be there or be square.
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I’m going to ask Jasmine why she’s illegally placing signs all over the area.
I used to drive around pulling down all signs within the ROWs. Looks tacky, blocks pedestrians.
Is there gonna be a livestream?
Michael guest & wicker also litter Ne Jackson at election time. Knowing good and well they’re getting that vote. Irritating to have to clean up that mess. However, Jasmine really seems to not care or understand that layover district pays for maintenance of the medians
MDOT and local authorities need to enforce the signs laws on public property. Don't be surprised when the candidate gets elected and breaks the law--they broke the law before the election. Canton is a good example if you look at all the signs at the intersection of Hwy 16 and 43. Canton needs to join the "fight the blight" in Jackson.
Social media should have put out the sign business by now.
Any report on how it went?
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