A pizzeria in Meridian went full Frank Melton on its crew. Dayumn.
Needless to say, the comments were almost unanimously brutal.
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I rarely ever eat out. This is why.
How much is a "living wage"? I never get an answer. If it's 15 an hour it's overpaying for a no skill job.
They knew what the pay was when they accepted employment. Cry me a fucking river, you lazy losers.
Supply and demand. Free markets. Capitalism at its best. And I am not taking sides. Let the chips fall.
Working bad jobs was motivation for me to get an education.
What is a silverware fee?
Either y’all want to work or y’all don’t!
I'll second 8:53's post.
@8:50 you'll never get a straight answer to the question and when you do the rate of pay offered up as a 'living wage' for the job is rarely defensible.
Hear, hear. Right on.
Sorry boomers but you don’t get to profit from our youth any longer. Pay up or shut down. Or get your fellow boomers to get off the LayZBoy and come work for you!
Mehhhh, it’s Meridian. What an odd town full of even odder people.
You all know how great things run at Chick Fil A? Guess what? They start at $12 an hour and you get your first raise after 6 month. Stop being ignorant ass boomtards. Take care of your employees.
I will second 11:40 pm’s comment. Very strange place.
8:58 PM, Supply and demand, Free markets, Capitalism…mostly GONE!
And while there’s plenty, plenty of blame to go around, the party running its loud mouths about “living wages” and “oligarchs” (LMAO hilarious how so many of the so-called higher educated actually fall for it) are too ill-informed and/or too indoctrinated to understand why a starter home in this area today is 30% + on average more than it was when Joe Biden took office. And some of the same loud mouths recently yacking on this blog about the “stock market tanking,” will be complaining about “living wages.” Can’t make up this level of ignorance.
1.) The US does have oligarchs, and Jamie Dimon, that pushed hard for the huge PPP give away scams, is one of them. 2.) There isn’t anything capitalistic about DEI. 3.) etc., etc., etc.
When employees leave the streets, they bring the streets with them.
Do you do understand the basic idea that pay is commensurate with skill set? If this restaurant was filled with superstars who carried this business to the moon then sure, they should be paid in a manner that reflects that! However, if your job is to sauce a pre made crust and run it through a line oven and then hand it to someone after you put it in a box then no, you are demonstrating minimum skill snd thus earn minimum wage.
The world is hard kid, its going to be alot harder for you until you realize you get out what you put in
The folks with green/purple hair, multiple piercings and terrible attitudes will soon be thirty years old. Then, before they know it, they'll be 40 and 50. Where will they be working? Dunkin' Donuts, Juan's Pizza Pocket Emporium, Nita's Nails and Bait Store?
Labor is a commodity. Your skill level is labor. You'll be paid what your labor is worth, not what you demand as reasonable to you.
You can piss on the legs of those you call boomers. You can march in front of the hospital. You can show up in civilized places and shout and wave flags. But nothing in your life will change until YOU change.
Tragically, you vote and some of you, depending on the gender you claim, will reproduce.
of course the pro-slavery bigots on this blog will support paying people LESS than what the inflation-adjusted minimum was was in 1969! Boomers forget that college tuition was $1000 for a BA, a new home was $30k and a new car was $3K when the were coming up
That's a whole ton of blame and deflection in the comments. Couldn't possibly be the lack of give-a-s**t from the entitled employees, could it? I worked crappy jobs but I worked hard to move up and eventually move on. I didn't throw a pissy little tantrum to get myself fired.
A business owner can’t pay these kids enough to show up on time for work and not high on some something, can’t pay them enough to stop diddling with their phones. $100 an hour won’t be enough for this entitled generation of moochers, losers, and fappers.
Speaking to younger business owners, particularly in the restaurant business, how much do you pay? I found the negativity toward the boomer generation interesting. Do younger business owners pay higher wages to their employees? Any data on this?
My problem is that employees in the service industry are usually there because they did not make the effort earlier in life for either education through traditional schools, trade schools, or even the military, but yet they expect the same compensation as those who did. Obviously this is not a blanket statement on all employee as some may find themselves in this situation due to no fault of their own, though I still suspect a large majority are just older kids that skipped school, performed poorly in school because they did not apply themselves, and thought it was better to make fun of the kids who did study and who by the way, later became their boss.
Ahh, yes... they don't get paid enough to do a good job... Here's an idea, go find a different job. I am sick of the blame game.. They acted an ass and got let go. Boom, end of discussion. Pretty sure we all started low on the pay pole and worked our way up. If you want more, do more. Earn the wage. Do you know how many people are hired and don't show up or under perform at any dollar amount. Prove your worth. The service industry has been burned so many times buy worthless , entitled employees.. These comments fire me up!
The Barksdales are certainly oligarchs.
9:18 - the job doesn’t pay enough to attract employees who will do a good job.
Accept it for what it is and don’t be surprised when somebody spits in your burger or worse.
$13.50 is the inflation adjusted wage today of the 1969 minimum of $1.60 though many of the unskilled complainers haunting JJ won't accede to calling that rate acceptable nor a 'living wage'.
I'll tell you one thing Boomers don't forget. We don't forget how to work, how hard we worked and for how long we worked to achieve what we gained.
@8:22 Junk wages get junk employees, any good employee will have already moved on, then you’re left with the ones who don’t move on.
You sound entitled - expecting great service wherever you go, just for being you - who has made this promise to you that you’ll be treated like royalty by the plebs? Your dear sweet mother?
Count me in as completely in favor of slashing the Federal payroll of jobs and therefore attitudes such as that being expressed on this thread. Go Elon Go!
... the job doesn’t pay enough to attract employees who will do a good job.
What is the magic number at which your generation suddenly decides to turn it on and do a good job? Put an amount where your mouth is.
ha @9:27
if you spit in my burger and I see it, or notice slobber on my food, you would find out real quick what the result of not having "safe spaces" was in the 80s :)
@7:49 and 7:48 what you do not seem to understand is his business is now SHUT DOWN so you can argue all the boomer nonsense you want. The owner isn’t making ANYTHING at the moment! I guess labor WON!
@9:32 yeah i have seen how hard you all were working looking like hippie BUMS
yeah you are right, labor won
So where is labor going to go now? papa johns?
@10:14 Still earning cashflow with my creator/influencer accounts. Young people grind that hustle way more than you boomers ever did. Now you can me flex and watch me glow while you get dialysis.
Me personally? I’m not going to even look at anything under $30 an hour full time with decent benefits, but that’s me - if I were on hard times or unemployed I’d take less but I’ll be looking to leave as soon as I find better.
Good employees aren’t going to stick around for chump change, the only people that will stay are the ones who have to stay.
I’d pick up trash on the side of the highway if it paid decent.
@9:44 settle down, Rambo is fiction, and you’d run out of breath unwedging yourself from your table
hahahhahahahahahhahahahaha I am not a boomer I was born in 1981 I just cant stand generalizing ideas and mindsets about entire groups of people based on no hard data at all. Oh excuse me there I go flexing with an education and well reasoned arguments.
Good job on the influencer position money though, i am sure doing the whip and nay nay on camera is doing well for you.
If you are such an influencer/creator post your name so you can influence the rest of us?
As you kids say "put up"
@10:14 - yeah? Sounds like the owners lost you can probably get $8/hr anywhere, so yeah the labor can just move on to the next bad job and chill until they’re forced to leave, they can probably probably collect unemployment from being fired as a group without cause.
Meanwhile the owners have gotten publicity, the labor pool for garbage pay knows about them and they’ll be lucky to attract the worst of the worst - and rent/bills/maintenance/supply costs are steadily piling up
FYI to everyone who is younger than the age of 55.
You can’t argue with boomers about a living wage. This is the same generation who grew up benefiting from their USA bombing the entire planet’s manufacturing base into rubble. They grew up with the USA being the single largest industrial super power. Then once they got theirs, they pulled the ladder up and said “fuck you” and then outsourced every job they possibly could to China, India, and the Philippines.
They are also the ones who changed the immigration laws to import the Third World to take whatever service jobs are left.
They want to argue that the labor has no skills/value when they somehow still get rich off the labor.
They are all delusion Scrooges.
Boomer is more of a mindset, usually brought on by osteoporosis after years of inhaling leaded gasoline fumes, but some younger generations found their way through by eating paint chips.
Nature uh finds a way
First, no one forced them to work there. Second, Meridian is indeed a very odd place. Go listen to the first season of the Culpable podcast. The people that are mentioned in the podcast are the type that I have encountered in Meridian. Not to mention, a little Jackson when it comes to crime.
Is it possible that fast food jobs and similarly paid work should be a starting point for future employment, not the end point? I worked lots of different jobs from the age of 16 through college - in a t shirt shop, in a convenience store, on a garbage truck, for asphalt paving companies, at a gas station. All exposed me to occupations, while absolutely necessary, were not what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. If 4 year college costs are a barrier, seek out a vocational trade or go to a community college, as I did, for the first 50% of a degree.
How much effort does it take to be courteous and respectful to customers and coworkers? It doesn’t matter what the pay is. If you accept the job offer do your best as long as you are in that position. Earn a good reference from your employer and look for a higher paying job down the road. Common sense is sorely lacking.
Atlas will eventually shrug.
Boomers are all tech-retards who grew up worshipping Motown. Zoomers are all wiggers with TikTok brainrot. It is fitting zoomers are named after boomers. They deserve each other.
Why should it not be? Obviously the service is valuable enough that there’s always a demand for it.
People get on this weird high horse when discussing people that make less than them, like these booger eating teenagers are their own personal employees.
If you want hot cheap (ha! Not anymore) garbage food handed to you through a window, then that’s exactly what you get now.
If you want a guaranteed smile or friendly service though, now you’re asking for extra, and that job don’t pay for extra.
@8:50pm & 10:04pm - easy - Living Wage - how much would it need to pay for you to do it?
Skip the entitled part about you being too good for it; how much of a wage would it have to be for YOU to live off of?
It’s so simple, why do you act like it’s a mystery when it’s clearly not?
Would you work there full time for $8? $9 can you support yourself on $9? Could you cover housing, fuel, groceries on $9?
Atlas isn’t real, go to church and turn from your pagan ways
@11:40 No Doubt. Meridian is a town I have avoided like the plague as a lifelong Mississippian. I don't know what happened to those people, but if Alabama annexed the whole town who would complain? Odd to say the least....
Only a lib avoids a plague LAWL!
These brats posting here are smart, and tough, hiding behind their keyboards.
The boomers sure do think highly of themselves, maybe it’s all the lead they’ve been exposed to? The bottom line is they never experienced working 40 hours a week and not being able to afford rent and groceries. They were assured that working hard would lead to better outcomes. Their experience in the workplace doesn’t matter as it’s just not at all similar and hasn’t been for 30 years.
You sure sound tough.
Sounds like they gave an appropriate amount of work for their wage. The owner knows this too, yet he’s crying on Facebook like a LOSER. If the business model requires 3rd world labor rates, maybe it’s a sucky business.
It’s the lead that makes them aggressive, they had hardworking parents who sacrificed for them, even coddled them, that’s why they’re entitled and have no knowledge to pass on - they were just dumped from one winning position to another as children and never learned anything except they are beautiful unique snowflakes. Other than any remaining scraps of an inheritance from their parents, they have nothing to offer anyone
No high horse here. The horse looked really short from my perch on the back of the garbage truck. Was fun work though. Except for the citizens who filled the bottom 6" of the can with concrete to eliminate tip overs. I did the work for low pay and was glad to get it. But I moved on. Disagree with the generalization about low pay equating to poor quality food and sub-par service. I've been in enough different types of fast food places that were staffed by polite, efficient workers who took pride in their appearance and served decent food to know it's not the paycheck.
Glad the comments came around to roasting Boomers. They are the worst generation. 11:05's FYI is all there is to say. Maybe the most narcissistic and selfish generation of people who ever lived. Other than some good music, their legacy is rot. Glad the scumbags had fun, then voted the country into a constitutional crisis. Fitting one last twist of the knife before they pass on to hell.
Low wages for young ages.
These are starter jobs for starter wages, great for teens after school, usually takes teens a couple years of low wage jobs to become hard working and responsible.
Meridian - Jackson with a Navy base.
If you have to fire one person; they're the problem.
If you have to fire everyone; you're the problem.
@8:50 I’ll give you an answer. I define living wage as enough to work 40 hours a week and pay for rent, utilities, a reliable used car, groceries, medical insurance, and a small amount for discretionary spending all without requiring government assistance. This will depend on a person’s unique situation as location, health, children, age, and a number factors vary greatly.
It appears apartments in Meridian start at about $600 a month. Utilities are another $100. Groceries $300. Medical insurance is going to be around $300 a month. Car note is $100. That’s $1400 total of very basic expenses so far before any taxes/deductions. For a single person in Meridian, that would mean around $23,000 a year or around $11.25 an hour. For someone with a child, that number goes up dramatically. It doesn’t make sense for the government to have to subsidize the paychecks for full time workers so they can afford to not die.
If that was the case, why are they open while kids are at school? Someone has to put your Big Mac lunch into your greasy sausage fingers
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