It appears someone dropped the ball on absentee ballots in Jackson recently. The city of Jackson sent the this letter to those who voted absentee:
Bruce Burton is a candidate for the Ward 7 City Council election. Mr. Burton told WAPT some of the absentee ballots did not list him as a candidate while others stated he was running as a Republican. Absentee voting began February 20.
The city sent the letter to those who voted absentee. The ballots have been corrected.
Kingfish note: Since we are talking about the Ward 7 race, who can forget this candidate's breaking of the law.
Does anything in Jackson work properly?
Why should municipal voting work in Jacklumbolaland when everything else has been left to go to hell by Mayor Incompetent. If they can't handle this, can the actual counting be trusted?
"Our sincere our apologies" and her English teacher frowns....
Apparently they spent as little time proofreading this letter as they did the ballots..... not surprising.
So if you early voted in Ward 7 and are unable to return to fill out a corrected ballot before the deadline, will the entire ballot be thrown out or just your selections for Ward 7 City Council?
Will they decide to throw out the entire ballots if the majority are voting for someone other than Chucky in the Democratic mayoral primary? The City has a lot of explaining to do. Has this ever happened before??
Hey, y’all don’t go too hard on the competency-challenged.
Wait, let me get this straight. A process or procedure that requires only a modicum of brain power and walking around sense to conduct adequately has been f'd up by someone employed by the City of Jackson?
This is my shocked face.
The level of incompetence at Jackson City Hall is mind blowing.
Can you trust their explanation even if provided? Past actions by the current administration cast serious doubts that you will be told the truth.
Lumumba's self-professed achievements in office are nothing but a figment of his outsized ego-drive imagination.
The City Election Commission truly screwed the pooch on this one. BUT, the blame also lies with the Democratic Party, who is required to proof and approve, with a signed form stating that all the names are properly on the ballot, among thirteen other checklist items.
So, this is a double double (as we enter March Madness); the City's Election Commission --- all democrats we should note; along with the Democrat Party; screwed perennial democratic candidate Burton .
Wonder if this was even done on accident? How can you screw up something so simple unless you meant to and now there’s room for shenanigans.
Jackson City Hall - doing their best to keep Mississippi last.
Good point. This is one of those situations where it may be intentional but easily blown off as an ‘accident.’
@9:27 AM Only bribes, kickbacks, and corruption.
I was just downtown this morning. I picked up a car tag and then walked over to City Hall to ask if my daughter, who is in town and has a ballot waiting for her back at college, could come down tomorrow and vote in person. They couldn't have been nicer or more professional. They said that sure, she can come down and vote and if she makes it down there to vote in person, they will void the ballot that's in her mailbox back at school.
Bruce Burton has been on a ballot almost as many times as Addie Green - with the same results.
Damn what a cluster
@2:09 - IF they do as you said they are going to do, they might be nice as you say, but not professional! Providing a voter with a second ballot, without the return of the first, is a violation of the law. They have no way to confirm that the ballot they mailed is "in her mailbox back at school" - not that I'm questioning your honesty, but the security of elections can quickly be violated by 'trusting' someone's honesty.
One ballot per voter is sacrosant in elections; but this is Hinds County and Jackson after all, and they have never worried about following the statutory requirements here as to elections!
Proof once, proof twice, proof three times. That is, if anyone in that office can count that high.
The guy runs one red light and you can’t let it go? Our president is liable for civil sexual abuse and our mayor is indicted for bribery along with council members. Kevin ran a red light, he’s definitely, similarly, a villain lol.
What’s a better alternative? The guy who has run in countless different races and lost them all and doesn’t participate in debates, the guy running on his Dad’s clout, the newly graduated kid, the woman who doesn’t appear for debates or public functions, or a Republican woman suddenly running as a Democrat?
You and all of Ward 7 would be shocked to see a Republican Burton win, and Ron is also likely a longer shot unless he’s able to earnestly connect with Midtown and Battlefield Park voters.
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