Some people try to make where they live a better place. Dallis Ketchum is one of those people. The creator of Neighborhouse in Belhaven discusses his hopes for Jackson and what can be done to achieve them on the Empower Mississippi podcast with Grant Callen.
Most of the things he attributes as progress are things the state had to do while ignoring the voice of the population of Jackson instead of things the population of Jackson actually did to better themselves.
I just want to ask God to bless anyone who dreams of making Jackson a better place and also ask God to surround them in a shield of protection from stray automatic weapons fire.
I tried from 1995-2005 and gave up because there was no improvement and gratitute for the effort.
Let’s all be realistic jackson isn’t going to get better. Just let it go. There isn’t any hope for Jackson
So happy there's hope for Jackson. I was beginning to get worried.
It takes a team of people. The strongest at the time pushes, then will have to rest while the next strongest steps up. It is too much for one person.
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