Some people try to make where they live a better place. Dallis Ketchum is one of those people. The creator of Neighborhouse in Belhaven discusses his hopes for Jackson and what can be done to achieve them on the Empower Mississippi podcast with Grant Callen.
Most of the things he attributes as progress are things the state had to do while ignoring the voice of the population of Jackson instead of things the population of Jackson actually did to better themselves.
I just want to ask God to bless anyone who dreams of making Jackson a better place and also ask God to surround them in a shield of protection from stray automatic weapons fire.
I tried from 1995-2005 and gave up because there was no improvement and gratitute for the effort.
Let’s all be realistic jackson isn’t going to get better. Just let it go. There isn’t any hope for Jackson
So happy there's hope for Jackson. I was beginning to get worried.
It takes a team of people. The strongest at the time pushes, then will have to rest while the next strongest steps up. It is too much for one person.
9:07 - Your metaphor falls short. What we need, but will never have, is a population willing to help pull the wagon instead of 40% of our population demanding to ride, never climbing down.
Isn't it odd that those who refuse to pull are rewarded and those who always pull are either ignored or penalized.
The only thing I can do for my former hometown of Jackson is to pray I get picked for jury duty when Lamumbojumbo and his thug associates are tried.
Recently I had to travel from Clinton to gallatin street to get supplies and I knew the traffic would be an issue on 20 so I took highway 80. To say the least it is gone. One other thing I noticed was that Armstrong Tile company had stacked large timber mats around their parking lot which told me they have had to do this to protect their employees from gun fire from Battlefield Park just across the street. I suppose they got the idea from St Richard’s Elementary which just a year and a half ago had to construct a “ballistic wall” to protect the school’s playground from homeless and gunfire. And the leadership of this town think they are doing good?
Hey 6:57, Armstrong has been closed for 2 years. Those mats are not a ballistic wall. They are just being stored there.
It’s the CRIME STUPID. And the math is simple.
If Jackson’s crime rates were = to the Republican controlled suburbs, Republican and Independent voters move into Jackson and the Crime Loving Democrat Grifters get voted out of office. In other words, under control crime = Democrats losing control of Jackson.
Therein lies the reason the Grifters running Jackson don’t want help from the State of Mississippi’s Capital Police. Therein lies the reason the NAACP sued Mississippi regarding the Capital Police.
More simple math: White Liberal Democrats (Malcom X warned us about them) can’t win state and national elections without support from the Grifter Democrats controlling cities like Jackson…and this =’s the White Liberal Democrats keeping their immoral silence regarding the out of control crime, in exchange for said votes from said Grifters.
Hard to believe White Liberal Democrats can be so obsessed with greed for power and control that they are willing to ignore the beyond out of control crime including the murder of children (2 from stray bullets in only a 10 day period). But, as we all know, many if not most White Liberal Democrats live safely behind gates or in the Republican controlled suburbs.
The current leadership hates white people.
See a lot of folks who can’t afford to live in Jackson whining about Jackson
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