A dumbass decided to haul ass straight into a building in the Fondren. Watch, courtesy of WAPT.
The Capitol Police issued the following statement:
Around 11:25 p.m. on March 19th, Capitol Police officers responded to a call regarding an ATV that had collided with a building on North State Street. The driver was transported to a nearby hospital for injuries sustained in the accident.
Hope the Capitol Police wrote him a ticket and seized what's left of the ATV.
That groovy vinyl store. The guy who owns it has worked his ass off. These fucking idiots on ATV's illegally on the street SUCK. I'm glad he didn't die, but I hope he got fucked up enough to knock it off.
Twenty-second response time, whether he got a call or not, he was right on top of things because he was actually patrolling. This is why JPD is ABSOLUTE DOGSHIT. Fuck, I'm glad we have Capitol Police.
Also, Campbell's next door had a busted glass door covered by plywood recently. Is this related?
If you are too stupid to know how to ride it, don't steal it.
Can assure you that that was a "borrowed" 4-wheeler. If he had purchased it with his money, he wouldn't be riding it that way, at that hour. Total asshat loser.
Mud tires just don't grip well in tight high speed turns. Guess someone didn't take the class on ATV's.
That fool passed me on old canton right before this happened. He had no lights on and was hauling ass. Who is this guy?
This guy deserves his own playlist. I nominate "I can't drive 55" by Sammy Hagar.
When I'm having a bad day I'm going to pull this up and watch again.
So close to getting a darwin award
What business does anyone have on a 4wheeler in that area? Dummy.
It's like Wiley Coyote physics and sound effects there. I love this. ROFLMAO.
The glass slowed him down, but wonder what stopped him inside the store? I’m guessing the police report will include the words “inebriated” and “stolen”.
Full send!
Clip fits right in at
Phantombullet.net >> Trash or be Trashed >> Epic Fail Thread
FAFO...fucked around, flung off...
If that had been a JPD patrol car he wouldn't have even noticed while eating a donut and texting.
All the snark commenters should do something good and go buy a record or tshirt if you don't have a turntable. End of All Music rules.
Who has time to go shopping?
Too busy waiting for the Auditor's next WE CAUGHT ANOTHER big fish in a small pond fishing story to post!
at 8:39 AM - I acknowledge your good intent, but the snarky comments are part of the entertainment on this blog. I say do both!
Is that End of All Music?
There is so much to love about this video, including the audio. God help me.
Rider clearly overestimated his talent and underestimated the physics while riding it like he stole it!
Haha man. We really live in podunk hickville.
I agree with 4:25. We all need a good laugh at times. Anyway, people in that part of town don’t own ATV’s so put 2 and 2 together unless you’re using common core….oooppsss that got stopped just recently.
That's gonna leave a mark.
3:20, Maybe so, but packs of ATVs and dirt bikes on downtown streets are now common in New York, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Chicago, Baltimore, Atlanta, etc.
In other words, basically anywhere they can get away with it. It ain't just for hicks anymore.
Any update on the charges age or recovery of this mental giant. I’m glad Capitol police were there. JPD would’ve not even bothered to stop. JPD has sadly been reduced to only driving or storing in parking lots texting watching YouTube and cars continuing to get broken into as they’re sitting a few spots over on social media. Lady had her window smashed in Friday while a JPD officer was sitting 3 parking spots over. That wouldn’t happen with Capitol police.
Sad that some of these commenters do not have the decency to post a comment without using the “f” bomb. A sign of inferior intelligence and no class.
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