Our Agriculture Commish wants to embark on a new project: Singing. MDAC Commissioner Andrew Gipson announced on Facebook:
“I Love to Sing!” Good Saturday afternoon everybody, I want to let all my friends and family know about an exciting project coming up - Lord willing this Spring of 2025 I’ll be recording and releasing some of my very favorite songs on a music album. This is something I’ve been wanting to do a long time and am finally going to get it done. There will be several of my most cherished hymns and gospel songs, plus a few of my favorite country and western songs that may surprise you. I am looking forward to releasing this album soon, so stay tuned! To God Be the Glory!
It is not known if the Commish will sing at the Mississippi State Fair.
Best of wishes to Mr. Gipson in his singing career. In the spirit of brotherly harmony, JJ would like to offer up some creative for his album cover.
His first tune will be The Cell Tower Blues.
Gospel and country is so stereotypical. Why not be a little unique and scream some death metal?
Time to pass the hat!
Andy, that's a big-ass, goofy hat.
Bless his heart. Maybe Tate and Shad can sing backup.
The Jubilaires- Noah
I was wondering why my hound dog was howling for nothing lately. Buster Scruggs rides again!
I hope he releases it on Malaco records. If I had any talent at all I would also want to have an album released. Real Jacksonians will never forget the
Malaco Records TV Commercials
Andy celebrates Michael Bolton's entire catalog. For his money, he doesn't know if it gets any better than when he sings "When a Man Loves a Woman"
Fake news?
Please. Say its fake news.
Going to need a larger hat to contain that ego………..
Pink Floyd - Have A Cigar the obligatory anthem of record deals
Andy just needs a flatbed truck and a little person……
I shore hope the Commissioner includes his version of "Taste the Biscuit." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OupDwMcE-ws
Beautiful song.
@4:55 Is that a reference to Homer Stokes in Oh Brother Where Art Thou?
"I’ll be recording and releasing some of my very favorite songs on a music album."
You aren't Sheriff Andy Taylor. This isn't Mayberry. And we aren't living in the 1950s. Dork.
Tesla jingle incoming
I’ve never appreciated jokes about farmers, but I have gut feeling this is not going to fare well with today’s voters. I know his momma and Ms. Bessie at church told him he’s a good singer, but this cat isn’t even on YouTube and he wants to release an album. I can hear some Marty Robbins melodies in my head, but this will probably end his political career. Parishioners from his church will be the only people who pay for downloads. Bless his heart.
Signs, signs, everywhere signs
He thinks he controls the state, and has hopes for Governor. His bank account shows different. Wasn’t liked in the house, and appointed to Ag Commissioner by Phil Bryant. It’s all a big show he puts on.
No doubt about it.
"Singing Ag Commish" ???
Who do we have next at bat ?
A flying Nun ?
Sing on, brother! I knew an old man years ago, he voice was far from velvet, but the heart and soul he put into singing, made him a pure pleasure to listen to.
Good grief, yawl. Poor guy got ahold some Avian Flue eggs and he’s out of control. Self awareness is critical in a world where you can instantly advertise to millions of people all over the world. Commish, please postpone this project and just give the recordings to family members and friends, as a gift. DO NOT LET YOUR EGO GET IN YOUR OWN WAY. Just consider the consequences. You’ll never have positive revenue from do this and right now we have no idea how wonderful your singing may sound. If it’s not as good as your friends and family tell you it is, you may never recover. Just allow us to have an imagination.
Is that the same Louisiana Governor who composed “You Are My Sunshine”?
He ain't even ole' Timey! I"m ole Timey!
Andy, please don't bring Mississippi down futha than we already is.
That would be Jimmie Davis to whom you refer.
To all you jealous naysayers: This could be the next Rich Men North of Richmond type global mega hit.
I can hear the old ladies at the nursing homes--" We didn't know he was a singing cowboy like Gene and Roy, and he is so handsome. I hope he rides his horse to the Governor's mansion one day."
I've been trying to deconstruct The Coleporteur Twins album cover. I trust that most will agree that there are no twins present. Rev. Hoopsty? Google is baffled. Gobblers Corners? Likewise. Rand McNally? Likewise. Granted that Melville's Ishmael commented about a certain place: "It is not down in any map. True places never are." Not to show any disrespect, but I am intensely prone to believe that it is not a true place. The whole cover is the work of some hack designer who got bored one day and thought he'd have some fun, starting with a photo of Dolly Parton. The dead giveaway is "Coleporteur". Cole Porter was known for songs that made music out of cliches and slang. All the hack had to do was add the "u". The four twins are sophisticates.
New add to the legion of misheard lyrics: did that guy say "grifting" or "drifting" along with the tumblin' tumbleweeds....?
The last Mississippi politician who thought he could sing was Trent Lott who, with the slightest prompting, would break out “Elvira”. Maybe Gibson could do this as an homage to Trent.
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