Jackson Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba is seeking donations for his legal defense fund. WLBT reported:
Documents obtained by WLBT show it could cost as much as $750,000 to defend Jackson Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba against multiple federal corruption charges.
And a committee has been formed to help raise those funds.
Last weekend, Lumumba was in the Motor City at a fundraising event sponsored by the Committee to Defend Chokwe Antar Lumumba. Rest of article.
Kingfish note: Just curious, does he still have the Porsche?
I can’t. I have a bone in my leg.
MAGA Mississippi government…lol. They don’t know this was Biden’s DOJ and not at a local level indictment? Nothing to do with republicans. But they also think Bellinder is a hot shot attorney, so there’s that. Fools and their money…
I can't wait to hear them attempt to explain away the hours of video and audio.
BREAKER one-nine! I wanta hear more about his establishing a 'dignity economy' in the capital city (as stated in his poor-me flyer)
Why can't the Marxist mayor find a Marxist attorney to defend him for free? Better yet, why not a public defender?
Laughing out loud
The address for donations to Community Aid and Development is the same as the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement:
" Not only am I grateful for all the people in Jackson who keep me lifted"
Special shoutout to the dope boys.
Darn! I gave all of my change to that homeless guy who works the spot in front of Saint D. If he will meet me there tomorrow morning with a catchy sign I will empty my pocket for him. I think I have three quarters a nickel and two pennies. Actually the guy who works that stop light seems to do well. I saw a lady in a Lexus give him what looked loke three singles. The guy tanked her. I saw him do it. Mayor Chock is the mayor after all. If he would make a nice, "Homeless Vet. Bad leg. Hungry. Any help appreciated. No, I'm not him, just look a lot like His Honor." Sign, I bet he could do well with the 7:00 am - 9:000 am slot. He would need a stick to beat off the guy who normally works there. I saw the guy chasing another guy with a stick a week ago, so he would need a good, strong stick, but I bet His Honor would swing a mean stick in a stick fight, especially of an untraceable dollar was at stake.
This was Joe Biden and his DOJ. I find LuDUMBa to be less credible every waking day
The ones that want the $$$ are his lawyers and handlers
He’s been stealing your money the whole time he’s been in office, this is just the first time he’s been caught (at this level). Please people, don’t give this scumbag any of your hard earned money.
A Detroit fundraiser. For figure. Did he spend his cut of the $30 million already from that Detroit law firm?
If you can’t afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Try the Public Defenders, Mayor. Or, since you are such an expert on the law as an Attorney yourself, why don’t you represent yourself to get out of the mess you made?
Sorry…won’t be able to donate…I gave at the office.
Lumumba has no chance at an acquittal, nor to win an election. He ruined his life with previous quid pro quos and this one is on audio and video. KF please inform us as discovery documents describe his other kickback scams.
“The man who represents himself has a fool for a client.” The definition of Antar, so I wouldn't be surprised if he did!
I may contribute a little just so the shit show can proceed.
Just another reminder that the choir to whom Antar preaches is in Detroit or New York, D.C. or San Fran and not Jackson Mississippi. Jackson was the launching pad never the destination.
i wonder if Chockway will look so trim and proper (fly) when he is in prison severing a 20-year sentence.
Trail in July 2026? If convicted can he appeal because he didn't get a speedy trial?
Ian he a lawyer????
He might raise $750 by the time the trail rools around. The dude is sunk, broke, busted and disgusted.
This is all for National attention so the talking heads can lie and call it racism. Dignity Economy is BS. Hopefully the right side of the law can illustrate what a grifter Lumumba is and how he refuses Federal Money that can’t control to be able to steer contracts to the likes of his buddies and Terry Lovelace being a white guy that donated multiple times, to his campaign. Seeing through this, it makes sense why he would go ahead and list Lovelace and his contributions. He has a white donor. Prosecutors need to dig as deep as they can. Leave no stone unturned. They will be able to make money off of publishing rights and No. 1 bestsellers if they do this correctly. I hope I live to see the end of this.
Mail in one cent.
It’s a long Trail until the Trials…
I cut him a check for 5K, so you can stop your hate dream!
I know where the first five $10,000 donations can come from!
I haven’t heard this expression since I was a kid. Well played.
Really telling that his so-called supporters are 800 miles distant.
He’s hired Michael Sterling? Sterling and Tanner tag team cases in Mississippi. I guess Aaron Banks is signed up to be the sacrificial lamb. Banks takes deal to testify against Lumumba and they engineer it to let banks and Owens take the fall. I’m a little shocked Banks and Owens willing to carry the carpetbagger’s bags
"Why can't the Marxist mayor find a Marxist attorney to defend him for free? Better yet, why not a public defender?" In a way he did. Kenneth told him, for free my I add, "Take the plea and move on".
why is his fundraising staff in DECAUTER GEORGIA?
If it's a penny, that's one thing. Send in a check at your own risk.
The delusion is strong with this one.
Who's paying his mortgage in his fancy, gated neighborhood? I doubt he is making the payments. He needs to go stand at the Lakeland Drive, I-55 exit by St. Dominics with the other bums and panhandle there. It must be a lucrative spot as there is always some dirty-looking creature there, begging for money.
This man has no shame. Lumumba is super narcissistic! Surely he will not be re-elected & given the opportunity to defend himself out of the public view. Although I suspect any newly elected mayor will wisely have a forensic audit of the city’s finances which could well uncover more problems for Lumumba.
The way it works is that you have the right to a speedy trial, but you waive it to fight it in court. Usually that gives your defense attorney time to go over the documents and form a defense.
"I screwed up. Got greedy and the Feds busted me. Please donate generously to help save my sorry ass."
To make his biggest fundraising campaign ever a success Chokwe needs a campaign treasurer.
There's a guy next door in NO who is probably really good.
Mayor Cantrell could give the guy a rec. Chokwe should get this guy on his job!
Could this be the final money grab on Lumumba's way out the door?
I supposed when this is all over, he'll head to Atlanta, where his particular talents for grifting and race hustling can be properly appreciated. It's probably too cold for him in Detroit.
Maybe he and Carlos Moore can practice (incompetent) law together.
Anyone else find it interesting the legal team are labeled as "Criminal Defense" and not just "Defense Attorneys"? Maybe they felt it would help to slip in a little truth somewhere in their request.
Question for the Fund Raisin' Committee: If He decides to Represent Himself, can he take the $750k as his lawyer fee? Hang in there Mayor, there may be a way to turn a profit on this situation after all!
"why is his fundraising staff in DECAUTER GEORGIA?"
Maybe he's gonna get a piece of Stacey Abrams $2 Billion then roll over on her like that dude on Canton Mart Rd. the other day?
Only way I’d give Antar any money is if Bridgette Todd is his sole defense attorney.
Ummmmm BIDENS DOJ yah dumb hucksters.
You mean this story wasn't leaked to Anna Wolfe?
FCI Atlanta possible after conviction?
Dear J. J. Goobers: Mayor Labumbla will be returning to office with a mandate from a substantial percentage of the electorate.
No one in their right mind will give him Evan a penny!
If these are false charges as he contends then why are all of his attorneys criminal defense attorneys? To me that in itself raises a red flag of guilt.
Yes, the Biden DOJ used the FBI to stifle black political power. Everyone knows that was part of their white supremacist agenda. This has nothing to do with the fact that mayor dipshit never showed up for work and hasn’t raised a red cent locally to run a reelection campaign. The only card he has left to play is this old, tired Taliaferros of Detroit card. This Republic of New Afrika MXGM Kush District bullshit is headed for the trash bin of history where it belongs.
When chok-me goes to Atlanta, Chicago, D.C., anywhere in Calif., anywhere in NE USA, with his sad story about whitey in bad racist MISSISSIPPI trying to remove an innocent black mayor of a black city who is working so hard and doing so much for the black people, the money will pour in. $750k will be easy to raise.
Are there any charges for the people who gave the checks to the mayor in this scam?
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