German intelligence determined with 85% certainty in 2020 the origin of the Covid-19 virus was a leak from a Chinese bioresearch lab in Wuhan. The German newspaper Die Zeit reported:
According to research by ZEIT and the Süddeutsche Zeitung, the German foreign intelligence service is said to have already investigated the place of origin of the coronavirus in 2020. Until now, an animal market in Wuhan in particular had been suspected as a trigger for the global pandemic. However, the investigations of the BND led to a different result. According to this, the virus is said to come from a Chinese laboratory with a probability of "80 to 95 percent". In addition to a series of animal experiments, research is said to have also been carried out on the effect of coronaviruses on the human brain, there was already "unusually much knowledge about the supposedly so novel virus", according to the research. The result of the investigation, which has not yet been finally proven, therefore also raises questions about the responsibility of the Chinese government in the corona pandemic. During their investigations, the BND agents found several security risks and careless actions of the scientists in Wuhan. For example, samples of animals infected with viruses were "carelessly taken and transported back and forth carelessly". Thus, the risk that the pathogen actually leaves the laboratory has been increased. However, the BND does not believe in a deliberate spread of the virus by China - it is an accident. Rest of article.
Coverup? Yes, coverup.
Merkel had been confronted by the newspaper with information according to which it is considered likely that a laboratory accident in Wuhan, China, could have triggered the worldwide corona pandemic. The Federal Intelligence Service (BND) had already come to this assumption in 2020, but according to research by ZEIT and the Süddeutsche Zeitung, Merkel's Chancellery is said to have decided at the time to withhold this from the public for the time being....
The federal government had seen itself wedged in the situation between the two great powers, the risk of the BND results for a "world political bang" had been too great. Therefore, the Chancellery had decided to keep the investigation secret, the Federal Intelligence Service was obliged to secrecy. Questions in the Bundestag about the origin of the virus were also consistently blocked at the time
Nice of them to finally tell us five years after the fact. All the while they knew the real truth even as they bullied and censored anyone who said a coronavirus might have leaked from a lab that was studying coronaviruses.
now for the gain of function "experts" to chime in . . .
Critical thinkers knew it too. Sheeple did not
Duh, gee wiz aren't these the same people saying "safe and effective"?
We all knew this way back then.. and we are in Mississippi!
Ya’Ll all need to settle down and Get Fit with Hohrn! Better than any vaccine!
Fauci needs to have his ass kicked
How many admonitions did we hear out of the progressive media in this town? Crickets chirping now and they haven't a clue how to spell a-p-o-l-o-g-y.
... and they haven't a clue how to spell a-p-o-l-o-g-y.
Remember how Ladd and Kidd Judin went on and on about how the lab leak scenario had been thoroughly debunked?
But don't wait for Donner Kay to do the right thing now despite her self-flattery and oft repeated bromide to do exactly that.
Blame Fauci all you want. But remember that the CCP kept it hidden while they stockpiled things they knew the world would need. Dirty Godless commies.
I haven’t been to a decent concert in this town after the shaggy salt and pepper haired concert promoter made everyone show proof of vaccination. Screw that little communist and his band of liberal hippies. Even though I may have taken the shot, it’s none of his f’ing business…or anyone else’s.
The Covid era wasn't just the bogus vaccines, but it showed us all what people are willing to do to other people. Fear is a powerful thing. I saw friends and neighbors turn on each other, trying to get people fired, banned, shunned, etc.
It’s not just the media, 8:12. How many doctors have you heard say, “you know, maybe we shouldn’t have pushed the vaccine so hard. Maybe we should have listened to the other side. Maybe, perhaps, we should have actually thought for ourselves instead of pushing what makes us the most money. Maybe we should have been upfront with our patients that if any of the alternative medicines were found to be effective, then the new vaccine wouldn’t receive emergency use authorization, and we all know it’s all about the money”. I agree that the media should admit their crimes, and one of the New York media moguls halfway admitted something along those lines just today, but I’m still waiting for the medical “professionals” to actually admit they weren’t doing what was best for their patients, but I’m not holding my breath.
This German newspaper is part of a MAGA conspiracy by the Trumptards. Fauci would never lie. All hail Fauci!
The next thing you know some flat earther will claim that climate change will not cause the world to end in 1998, or 2003, or 2007, or 2012, or 2016, or 2019, or 2021, or 2024. No! Really! Believe the science! This time the world will really end in 2026. Al Gore, Ted Dansen, and AOC have never lied to me.
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