Sheriff: Get your facts straight!
The New York Times and Mississippi Today reported Rankin County Sheriff Bryan Bailey used trustees to and county assets such as gravel and trucks on his mother's farm in Puckett. The Times reported:
Bryan Bailey, the Mississippi sheriff whose department had been under federal investigation for torturing people, staffed his mother’s commercial chicken farm with inmates from the county jail and used taxpayer-purchased equipment to improve the grounds, according to four former inmates and a former deputy who said they had worked on the farm.... Former trusties and others who worked on Sheriff Bailey’s family farm said inmates had received cash or meals in exchange for the work. The former deputy, Christian Dedmon, who is currently serving a federal prison sentence, said he had worked on the farm while he was on the clock at the sheriff’s department.... The reporting revealed that for most of his 13 years in office, Sheriff Bailey used his position as the highest paid and most powerful public figure in his suburban county in ways that financially benefited himself and his family. Through his department’s attorney, Sheriff Bailey declined to comment for this article....
Mr. Dedmon said the sheriff had instructed him to use a construction vehicle, bought by the department in 2019 for $97,000, to till soil for corn and clear wooded areas on the farm. The vehicle, called a skid steer by those who used it, was sometimes stored there, he said.... County financial records show that since 2018, the sheriff’s department has purchased skid steer attachments worth more than $50,000, nearly $10,000 worth of weed killer, as well as supplies designed to care for poultry.... Mr. Dedmon said that in 2020, he paid trusties to build the back deck of his home, at Sheriff Bailey’s suggestion... Nearly all the former inmates interviewed by Mississippi Today praised the trusty program, saying it had helped them beat addiction and build skills for life after release. Several said they had no complaints about the work they did, including their duties at the farm.... Rest of article.
Sheriff Bailey wasted no time in responding to the article and fired back with a hard-nosed statement this afternoon:
To keep the public informed about programs at the Rankin County Sheriff’s Department and due to recent misconceptions about the Trusty Inmate and Work Release Programs, Sheriff Bailey has added a section to his website dedicated to both, including several success stories relayed by former Trustees and businesses that employ them. Trustee/inmate info on website Further, a recent attack on Sheriff Bailey and his family has maliciously used unreliable sources and/or false allegations in an attempt to tarnish his reputation and/or shut down the Trusty Programs (Rankin County has the only Work Release Program in Mississippi). The truth not disclosed by the article is as follows:* Regardless of which governmental or private entity a Trustee works for, they are paid pursuant to statute and keep wages earned by them according to statute.* Despite being authorized by statute to keep 15% of all wages earned by Trustees as an administrative fee, the Rankin County Sheriff’s Department keeps none of their money and allows them to use or save that additional money in their own private bank accounts.* Sheriff Bailey purchased ~ 25 loads of gravel from a local business and was given recycled, crushed concrete from a private demolition company that was used to cover roads at McLain Farms.* Sheriff Bailey owns a skid steer that is all-but identical to and commonly confused for the one owned by Rankin County.* The Rankin County Jail has its own chickens and chicken coop used for Trustees to have fresh eggs. The four brooder lamps, five heat lamp bulbs, one brooder house, chicken feed, and netting at issue in the article were purchased with seized drug funds for use at the Jail’s chicken coop and for the benefit of Trustees.* The corn and other vegetables picked by Trustees at McLain Farms are given to the Trustees and brought back to the Jail for their use.
Kingfish note: We haven't heard the last of this one. Stay tuned.
If anyone has a skid steer for sale tonight, I’d bet the disgraced sheriff would pay more than asking price for immediate delivery. He may not be smart or decent, but he sure can talk.
I love my home. But My God I'm glad I didn't grow up here.
The people from my age group who grew up in Rankin County seem have an inordinate proportion of stupid, thuggish rednecks.
It's obvious that Bryan Bailey is gonna die on the innocent until proven guilty hill. How he separated himself from the Goon Squad is still a mystery. But the question he gonna be investigated ?
Former Rankin County Sheriff Deputy Christian Dedmon has nothing to loose or gain from telling the truth about what he himself has participated in and witnessed going on in the Rankin County Sheriff’s Department. In a previous release from his confessions, he further details the horrific depth of the citizen abuses he and othe deputies carried out against the people of Rankin County. He stated about once per week, for many years this was done. There is NO WAY that Bryan Bailey did not know of this. That is the beginning and end of that. The truth is coming out and the Sheriff should be held accountable for all his illegal actions.
I am sure people who the Sheriff arrested could give you similar excuses for their embezzlements. But unlike Bryan Bailey, they don’t have a mouthpiece like JJ to carry their water and censor comments.
So after lunch became “after 7PM” so you could wait for Bailey’s people to give you a way to be his bitch water boy?
We keep pulllling us back.
I'm sure most readers are picturing these farm slaves as being busty lovelies, like the ones in 'Swamp Women', wrestling while wearing the movieland-mandatory daisydukes - plaid shirts tied so as to reveal bare midriffs and cleavage.
One presumes someone has already copyrighted the film title, 'Mama's Farm'. If not, I hereby cede the implied copyright to you, Kingfish.
Mr. Dedmon is known in the community to be reliable, trustworthy and of good character. Furthermore, he has long been a member of the church, tithes regularly and has on occasion, mowed the lawn. Due to unforeseen circumstances, Mr. Dedmon has been out of down for a period of time.
Mane look. I need my yard cut. Can they swing by before they arrest this guy?
Well, butt-munch, I posted it at 5:45. Got bumped down by the Carly Gregg story as I considered that to be important news. So I posted it at 5:45 instead of 1:45? Oh, the horror, bitch.
The Strange thing is all those Testimonials seem to be written by people with adequate Education. Not the norm for people with Drug Habits, down on their Luck, struggling to survive types. Wonder if Kristi created all of those, after all there are No Names attached to any that I've seen.
Sheriff's wife, Kristi Shanks all the more questionable in my mind- I'd bet there were some Invoices created today concerning that grey rock also-
Where is Shad White? What a joke.
"So after lunch became “after 7PM” so you could wait for Bailey’s people to give you a way to be his bitch water boy?"
Who the hell are YOU? KF posted the response from the subject of the story. That's what's supposed to happen.
It is not the same thing as reporting an entirely separate "story," provided by the subject, in order to give him cover and a possible defense to federal corruption charges. Obviously, I'm referring to Anna Wolfe and Mississippi Today, and the way they handle the news of Chockwe Antar Lumumba's indictment.
I don’t think Bryan Bailey realizes the very serious depth of all this.I never feared the sheriff deputies till the abuses they perpetrated on citizens was made public.I asked then, how many other “missions “ the goon squad had carried out, how many other deputies carried drugs to plant on people, how many other deputies knew what was going on and looked the other way? Hopefully the Department of Justice is fully investigating this and will do the right thing. The people of Rankin County deserve no less.Sheriff Bryan Bailey will be in the history books as running one of the dirtiest departments in history. Someone with the wherewithal should write a book or make a movie, in the hopes of maybe preventing this from ever happening again.
@KF I live in a different time zone.
Shad, if your reading this, here's your opportunity to do the job on something other than small claims.
I'm thinking about going back to college but dang it's so expensive. Will a mere misdemeanor get me in the trustee program or do I got to get a bonafide felony under my belt? Any recommendations? Jaywalking? Chicken fighting?
... the Sheriff should be held accountable ...
You'll have to go through the RankinCo Power Structure first. Good luck with that.
@KF you probably will also ignore the kidney donor story until AFTER Mississippi Today and NYT scoop you! If he will enslave his inmates, and spy on his married girlfriend’s husband, he will do ANYTHING! She kept her mouth shut because he had the power to save her life! Keep toting that bucket, water boy!
Y’all forget that the Governor of this state was born in Rankin, and still sleeps every night in Rankin. Bryan Bailey can basically do whatever he wants in Mississippi as long as he can keep the Feds off his back.
A trustee (not trustie) wouldn't lie, would he?
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…..
You assume about as well as Bryan Bailey sheriffs.
You may dislike the man but are you actually criticizing someone for claiming they are innocent until proven guilty?
Why would DOJ investigate a maga man? It’s more likely he gets appointed director of federal bureau of prisons.
I is the pappy, boss!
Dang, what the world is coming too, a snitching trustee!
I’ll bet a thousand head of cattle that at one time, this shigity happened in all 82 counties. Now boss Hogg didn’t just chase the bandit!
This is just too much, I’m having chest pains and shortness of breath! Trustees telling on the high sheriff! Never in my day I would live to see so much disrespect! Elizabeth i coming home, honey!
That Sheriff Bailey of Rankin County is a real Boss. His jail serves the best eggs an inmate can eat!
Now a good investigator will check the purchasing records to see was the department buying eggs, if so, what was he doing with the county chickens and eggs he was raising?
I could careless
“What we got here, is failure to communicate!”
Yea Jackson is so much better safe water and crime free excellent schools. I wish rankin county was more like Jackson
Why did he wait until now? Maybe he has a personal grudge
As long as the sheriff keeps criminals out of my neighborhood I could careless what he does
I still can't believe Bryant Bailey hasn't been called to account for using the grand jury process to spy on his mistress and her boyfriend.
Michael Guest punted on that one when he was DA, because he's a gutless climber. Hopefully someone is finally working on it.
"Well, butt-munch, I posted it at 5:45. Got bumped down by the Carly Gregg story as I considered that to be important news. So I posted it at 5:45 instead of 1:45? Oh, the horror, bitch."
Bailey is a shitty little crooked redneck POS (from the peanut gallery/cheap seats). You're not the peanut gallery, you're the MC. I'd hoped you were better than the above strongly indicates. Be a man, admit your error at least in phrasing, apologize for that error, and let's move on to more important matters. Or not.
There is about 0 - zero - chance Bailey was using "trustees" to do anything on anyone's farm. Admittedly, it seems pedantic, but if an intelligent discussion or argument is going to be had, that is not a good start.
@ "A trustee (not trustie) wouldn't lie, would he?"
Actually it's trusty. Look it up.
I got questions! Why is Dedmon singing, now? Why is X wife singing, now? Bailey needs to go but without his pension. If he doesn’t run for re-election he gets his pension. If he’s made to step down, he gets NO pension. He is the highest paid Sheriff in all. He won’t run. Period. But he will take a lot of $ with him. He needs firing. The Goon Squad is enough proof of his character. He should be with them.
@843 - What an ignorant attempt to make a connection; yes, Tater was 'born' in Rankin County just as many thousands of other folks - how does that make a connection to this shit? And by the way, he doesn't sleep in Rankin every night as you say; last time I checked, he doesn't own a place to sleep there anymore.
Where's Irl Dean with all of this? Ex son-in-law? Time for Bryan to give this up! DOJ is now on boarld!
Tate sold his Rankin County!
This is Mississippi and this kinda cr.ap has been going on since cotton picking days, get over it
This is too much to not hold Rankin Co Bd of Supervisors accountable for approving payments on these purchases! Taxpayer $$ is accounted for by laws & rules so it is stated?
I don't care what anyone says, the sheriff has kept Rankin county from getting out of hand like Hinds County and I'll take that anyway! If you go looking under every rock then you will find something on everyone , I'm tired of the entire witch huntA Go save Hinds county before you go digging in a safe Rankin County
Much love B
It did happen but it was county supervisors running the racket back in the day. Many of them got rolled up by the FBI in Operation Pretense.
@12:42. If you can’t trust a trusty who can you trust?
It’s almost like the whole state is shit.
A Mississippi sheriff would break the law, would he?
@6:11 You would make a good lil German in 1941.
What we have here is a frailer to communicate!
You need to re-read the original NYT article. She was a married woman. Bryan Bailey used his power to spy on her and her husband. Then he committed “alienation of affection” by “finding” her a new set of kidneys from a “former inmate”
There was no error, bitch.
Guest did nothing wrong. He said he and Bailey were friends so he recused himself and turned it over to Hood, the AG. IF he was going to cover for his friend, he would have kept the investigation and buried it. Blame Hood. He is the one who absolved the Sheriff.
If you can't trust KF's spelling police who can you trust?
Multiple wrongs don’t make a right said:
Rankin County Sheriff Bryan Bailey should also be held accountable for the amped up low IQ idiotic actions of his goons. And if true, same with the gravel, using his position to spy on the affair of his mistress with a 3rd guy, etc., etc., etc.
But rest assured, the New York Times, staffed with plenty of those White Liberal Democrats Malcom X so correctly warned us about (the most dangerous thing in the entire Western Hemisphere) only pretends to care about this Rankin County Sheriff Bailey issue, because Bailey is Republican.
When the New York Times starts caring enough to accurately report about the innocent children being murdered and killed with stray bullets in “Democrat controlled/loves high crime” cities like Jackson, MS, then maybe the NYT’s can claim some credibility, i.e. some integrity.
But just like many if not most of the white liberal Democrats down here, that safely insulate themselves and their babies from the risks of heinous crimes by living behind gates (or worse in the Republican controlled suburbs) and sending their babies to elite private schools, it’s a good bet the NYT’ers are doing something similar.
Chaos, crime and dead children for thee, but not for me, says the White Liberal Democrat (so let’s just keep reporting on that gravel!).
Thank you for reminding us that Godwin’s Law is still in effect!
The Barksdalers and their ilk are most surely hypocrites of the highest order.
The day the Barksdalers move to west Jackson, let’s say in the neighborhood of the zoo, and send their kids to public schools in west Jackson, will be the day the world changes. The Times could even do a “life in the day “ story.
Bailey didn't say that. His lawyer did.
8:33, Please stick to the facts, instead of gossip and innuendo about the source of a kidney donor. Also, please refrain from legal analysis, since you are clearly unqualified.
Or maybe just go back to Facebook, or your sewing circle, or whatever it is you normally do to stir up shit.
“Power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely” Lord Acton. Bryan Bailey has run a corrupt department for years. He states information came from “ unreliable sources .” This recent information came from Christian Dedmon, former Rankin County Deputy, who has first hand knowledge of the depth of the issues in the department. He stated “ I hid everything for him.” This is much bigger than the trusty program. It’s about the atrocities committed by the Rankin County Sheriff’s Department on citizens of Rankin County. The former deputies no longer have allegiance to Bryan Bailey. I’m hoping the other Goon Squad members will be interviewed by the FBI and DOJ, and will tell the truth of all this.Bryan Bailey was/ is delusional when he previously stated, let’s put this behind us.I hope every time he tries to sleep, the reality of his actions haunt him to the point he will come clean.
If only we had a statewide elected official whose job it is root out corruption and theft/misuse of state funds.
bailey denying all knowledge of the goons is like the piano player in the whorehouse saying he dont know what goes on upstairs.
Mississippi does not have an effective recall process for removing corrupt politicians. Our Rankin County supervisor has remained conspicuously silent on this issue, despite his ties to the RCSO and John Sullivan.
KF @ 8:56
Guest was too busy positioning himself so he could run his own little insider trading operation from DC. Birds of feather flock together.
There’s a slight difference between a citizen breaking the law and the sheriffs office or another government agency breaking the law. I guess you guys don’t see it for some reason I can’t quite put my finger on. May have something to do with your political affiliation.
Guest prosecuted those druggies the goons were screwing with fake charges prior to when they got caught and denied he knew anything about it before entering Congress now he deals in stock like Pelosi. Saint he aint!!!! Ladder climber he is!!!!
The day the Barksdalers move to west Jackson ...
Instead the Ridgeland journo-squatters are moving into Jacktown's downtown ghost town where they'll retread Ladd's Jackson pipe-dream stories of the JFP's past twenty some odd years.
Lucky Mississippi. Now we'll have two leftist outlets squawking from downtown tower perches in our complete abject (Democrat) failure crapital city telling the rest of us in the state what we're doing completely wrong.
Maybe they could even bullshit us that the creative class is making a huge comeback and in a matter of years 50,000 people will be living downtown!
Dogs crapping in the other's yard. Should be amusing.
March 28, 2025 at 7:54 AM, maybe in your social circle. They do say birds of a feather flock together.
@11:21 (2) it is not the political affiliation, it is the effectiveness at deterring crime. We do not want to live like Jacksonians. The crime and violence is unacceptable to us. You can have your insane liberal utopia on your side of the river. We will have our safety and sanity on our side.
When I first moved to MS, I was told Rankin County was the home to bootleggers and criminals for decades and the Pearl area was the worst.
I didn't have much reason to go there but did once to shop. My cell phone was stolen and fortunately ( or so I thought) AT&T pinpointed the location. I went to the police department and reported it and showed the information given me. The officer went with me to the location. A young guy answered the door and I hit my phone's number with my husband's phone that was in my pocket with my thumb on the button ready to push. You could hear my unique ring tone. I said, that's my phone ringing. The young guy heard the tone and said that's my friend's phone and closed the door. The police officer said, " I can't do anything". I said, " it's probable cause, let's go get a search warrant". He said it's not. I said " Do you really think that guy has an Ivy League fight song on his phone?" He said, " Maybe he's a fan". A fan of rowing? They did nothing and Madison county law enforcement said they didn't have jurisdiction. So, no, it's pretty hard for me not to worry that a lack of morals may be inherited.
@11:39 - What you are referring to when you mention bootleggers and criminals is the local lore about "The Gold Coast" from the prohibition era. It was located near Crystal Lake in what is now incorporated Flowood. It was also a place where the segregation laws were ignored.
Older JJ readers will remember he is a fanboy of this era and would regularly post "flashback" articles from the Clarion-Ledger/Jackson Daily News from that era.
The spot is directly on the Rankin side of the Pearl River. In once was an unincorporated area. This allowed the speakeasy's, bootleggers, and illegal gambling houses to operate directly outside of Jackson.
PS if you want to go searching through his archives, there was a recent (21st century) environmental scandal with a company called "Gold Coast" that is not to be confused with the wild Gold Coast from the early 20th Century.
Elections have consequences. Elections are your recall process. If black Jacksonians are to be scorned for returning Mayor Antard Charlatan to office then white Rankin County voters should buck up when the white politicos they elect turn out to be dirty too.
11:39, It's a little early for bong hits on a weekday, isn't it?
Post your proof. If Guest did well in the market big deal, so has everyone else the last few years. Just because you lack the ability, knowledge, and discipline to save and invest it doesn’t make other people corrupt. Fred Shanks is Guest 1st cousin-Bailey was the Sheriff. Legitimate conflict. No ethical person would argue you shouldn’t be the prosecutor for your first cousins vendetta
@12:02 PM big difference in Rankin.
Bailey ran unopposed and nobody knew about the scandals until it was too late. Ethically, he should’ve resigned, but he didn’t.
It is now clear that he has an ego much larger than his diminutive stature, while ethics and morals are in short supply equal to his stature.
... nobody knew about the scandals until it was too late.
Your going to hang your hat on that? Bailey didn't run unopposed because the electorate was uninformed. There may be a 'big difference' and you're missing it.
With NYT name then saw Jerry Mitchell, didn't bother with article.
All this talk about Rankin and Rankin citizens when it was Simpson citizens they actually got busted abusing. Stay in your own lane?
Ole Brian is gonna keep on telling his folks to downplay the Goon Squad Guys as being Not Credible etc, etc, etc. They are Convicted & Sentenced already, but their Sheriff hung them out to Dry denying Knowledge of the existence of the Goon Squad. Line those Deputies up, under Oath and ask questions. Could be more going up for lying to the FBI, Justice Dept. I'd bet the Sheriff made many calls yesterday asking for Invoices on that crushed limestone on his Families Chicken Farm & other contacts about a 299 Cat Skidsteer also-- that he owns. Should be some Paperwork there to prove Ownership- Reacon?
Update: as of now, Sheriff Bryan Bailey is under investigation by the State Auditor’s office. As stated, the State Auditor’s office can not bring charges, but they have notified federal prosecutors who can. The truth will always come out, and the sheriff’s lil kingdom is crumbling down. The citizens of Rankin County deserve to know the truth of what has been going on.
Bryan Bailey is NOT going down without taking a huge portion of the MSGOP establishment with him. He has NOT been covering up for the violent, drunken, spoiled, assholes of Rankin's Elite for the last 20 years without expecting some sort of protection!
The New York Times (like the White Liberal Democrats down here that Malcom X warned us about) won’t write about the innocent children dying in Progressive, Radical, Democrat cities, and especially the hypocrisy of White Liberal Democrats living behind gates and/or in the Republican suburbs, while poor children are murdered or killed by stray bullets due to the Democrats soft on crime tactics. The NYT’s knows Democrat grifters have to keep crime high in order to make sure people that would vote grifters like Chokwe out of office…do not move into cities like Jackson.
However, give the New York Times’ Johnny Harris credit for this vid regarding the “Liberal Hypocrisy (that’s) Fueling American Inequity.”
Maybe Johnny has enough integrity to do a vid on why Democrats grifters love crime, and how White Liberal Democrats stay quiet in exchange for votes in state and national elections.
@8:35 you are leaning pretty hard into the "whataboutism" logical fallacy.
9:16am, grifting is grifting, isn’t it? Bailey got some gravel. Stacy Abram’s got $2 billion, didn’t she?
Bryan Bailey's water-boys are out in full-force. Safe to assume anyone defending his reprehensible behavior has somehow benefited from Bailey's corruption.
"Democrats grifters love crime, and how White Liberal Democrats stay quiet in exchange for votes in state and national elections."
If Democrats were anywhere near that cohesive, organized and disciplined, they wouldn't have lost two out of the last three presidential elections. You give them way too much credit.
I just hope the MSCOP hasn't made a deal with the Trump administration to back off the Dept. of Justice in Rankin County.
I'm sure there are a lot of favors owed to the Rankin kingmaking machine, and many more are being promised on a daily basis. Wasn't Bryan Bailey very active in the Sunday morning breakfast group for many years?
March 29, 2025 at 9:16 AM, whataboutism, or not, the post is correct. It's the one-sided attacks of the supposed "paper of record", and other mockingbird assets, that has caused the now named "right wing media" to rise as it has.
If it is all lies then Bryan Bailey and his mama can win a slam-dunk libel lawsuit against the NYT and Mississippi Today! He should resign and give up his PERS because that windfall from the libel lawsuit should give him all of the financial resources he needs for retirement!
I have some chickens. What do I need to do to get some of that free labor?
We never should’ve let elected officials greenlight sheriffs and local cops to roll out plate readers and dive into the drug seizure game. Check out the Feds and their black ops nonsense—you can’t convince me the RCSO hasn’t let some of that spill over here and there. Sheriff gigs don’t pay enough to live high on the hog, yet I see sheriffs living like they’re in the top 1% on that meager salary. The Rankin DA’s even fighting in court right now fighting to hang onto seized loot.
11:07 AM said: “If Democrats were anywhere near that cohesive, organized and disciplined, they wouldn't have lost two out of the last three presidential elections. You give them way too much credit.”
Really 11:07 AM? Maybe you can’t see the forest for the trees. Ever hear of “defund the police?” Abolish the police?” How low of an IQ was required to fall for that scam?
Keep the poor, poor and uneducated so they can easily be made “mad enough to vote Democrat;” and have soft on crime judges/a revolving door injustice system - is about all it takes.
The White Liberal Democrats Malcom X warned us about are more than willing to keep their silence when innocent children die- in exchange for votes and state and national elections. It’s been a winning strategy for Democrats and they only way they can take over and keep control of cities like Jackson forever.
7:39, You do know that people without much formal education tend to vote Republican, don't you?
That's probably why Republicans have been systematically undermining the public education system for the last 30 years.
The only things that matters to those people is winning the next election, because that's where power and money meet. And that's what they love, money and power.
1:09 PM, lets require an IQ test for all members of congress? How do you think that would work out for Democrats. Waiting for your response.
Having been conned into borrowing 6 figures of student loan debt for a fine arts degree might technically make you educated, but it sure doesn’t make you smart.
P.S. the love of money and power you speak about accurately describes the 2 billionaires (living safely behind gates or out of Jackson) that are propping up the Mississippi Today propaganda rag.
Who decided people without much formal education tend to vote Republican?
3:07: The voters themselves decided that. Here is just one citation for you. There are many more.
Just curious. What need would the Rankin County Sheriffs Department have for a skid steer w/ a mulching attachment?
7:39 here. I think that link I posted is especially interesting because it talks about the GOP as basically the backlash party, reacting to liberal victories in the culture wars.
It seems like every four years, during the presidential election cycle, we have a movement of left-leaning demonstrations that takes to the street, be it Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, or pro-Palestine bridge and campus takeovers, which winds up motivating Republican voters to the polls in a backlash.
If I was conspiracy minded, I would say it looks like a pattern, almost like an organization (or maybe a nation-state) stirs up unrest on the left via mass social media campaigns, to interfere in U.S. elections for president.
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