This is post number 111 the mighty and all powerful “King of all Fishes” has allowed me to post on his website. This one is Really Good.
I have posted many old favorites we all know and maybe an equal number of at least partially original dishes over the last two years. Staying ahead of you guys has been a challenge at times but I am doing something I enjoy and remain thankful to the guy who, perhaps in a moment of unthinking action, emailed me with his response of “I guess – at least for a while” when I asked him if I could post a few recipes that included photos I took while prepping and cooking some of the things I like to eat. Some of you know how Mr. Fish and I managed to first cross paths. If you don't know, you are probably better off.
Most of the things you have seen (thanks for looking) have been dishes I would recommend. Then there is this week's dish, which I cooked a couple of weeks back. I made some errors when I prepped it that resulted in a dish that differed considerably from what I originally intended to cook.
The eureka! outcome resulted in what I would like to think is one of the best tasting Italian dishes I have ever posted. Perhaps second only to my Cannelloni, which I just realized I have never posted. It would be nice to say what I plated was what I envisioned when I started but that would be a lie. Anyhow, when I realized I had forgotten to add two key ingredients, I kept going and the results were amazing, at least to me. My dish has no name, so maybe we can just call it:
Italian sausage with Orecchiette
Italian sausage
– I used three links
2 Leeks, cleaned and sliced – maybe 1
1 Carrot – 1/4 inch diced I started with two carrots but
only used one
1/2 stalk celery – maybe 1/2 cup, when diced
ounce can diced tomatoes, drained
1/2 cup (dry measure)
Orecchiette pasta
1 cup Parsley, chopped
1 1/2 cups Parmesan
cheese, shredded
2 Tablespoons Butter
1 Tablespoon Fennel seed
Tablespoon Italian Seasoning
1 Tablespoon Garlic Salt
teaspoon black pepper
1 teaspoon salt
Forgotten Ingredients – not used - Heavy Cream – not shown and not used – baby spinach
As usual, I pulled
out my ingredients with the intent to make a Tuscan style sausage
dish, forgetting to pull the baby spinach from the refrigerator. As
you can see from the photo, I showed the heavy cream, which I
intended to use for a creamy sauce then, after taking my photo, I put
it back into the refrigerator to keep it cold and forgot it.
I started by cooking my pasta in salted water and pulled it when it reached an al dente state . I did not want the dish to be pasta dominant, so I only cooked 1/2 cup of pasta, which was plenty when the dish was finished.
Drain the tomatoes and set aside.
I used three sausage links, removed the casings, and broke the sausage into 1/2 – 1-inch pieces, which I browned. I like the taste of fennel and added 1 Tablespoon to the pan.
After browning the sausage, I added the tomatoes, Italian seasoning, garlic salt, and black pepper.
Then I returned the vegetables to the pan
Then the pasta.
Then the parsley
Then half of the Parmesan cheese.
I decided to add a little more parsley
over the top when it came out of the oven.
I did butter and toast a little Sourdough Bread under the broiler, because even a good dish is better with crusty bread.
Plated and ready to eat.
Thanks for looking.
God Bless you.
Looks hearty and healthy. Agree the cream is unnecessary, but I would enjoy the spinach in there. Well done.
Looks great; now I’m hungry!
Some of my best food creations were due to my overlooking some ingredient or inventing a shortcut to a tediously long recipe. That looks delicious, Chef Bear. I made pasta salad just yesterday with orecchiette. We don't need heavy cream or our rear ends are going to get heavy, so I often substitute no fat plain yogurt for heavy cream and full fat sour cream. It works fine.
Thank you!
This looks awesome and thanks for sharing!! This may be a big ask, but couldn't these be structured in a more covenient manner where they could be more easily printed? I tried mutiple ways and was able to get two sheets per page but the instructions were super small. Thanks!
I have done some commercial photography involving food, and it's a challenge to get it to look as good as he does. Good job!
I'm sold. Thanks for the 1-2-3 directions and the photos. Novices like me need easy to follow instructions.
I'd eat that for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
There's a fundraiser cookbook hiding in here...
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