Posted below are the results of John Zehr's Survey Monkey poll of the Jackson Mayoral Democratic Primary candidates.
Of course, the poll is not scientific and will skew heavily against the incumbent since it was only posted on this website and Nextdoor. They are also easy to manipulate. However, it makes for fun reading so take it in that vein.
There were 659 votes.
Lumumba and David Archie tied. That makes me smile.
So the way I read this, Lumumba wins.
I hope this is accurate. It will be a Great day for Mississippi if this plays out.
Before you get all pissy and vituperative, please read the disclaimers at
Easily as accurate as a Chism poll.
A few things to note:
1. Who are the 5% who voted for Lumumba? I can't fathom how anyone would want that clown back in office. You would have to be stupid to vote for Lumumba.
2. The best candidate on the list by far is "none of the above". That candidate should have gotten the huge majority of the votes. "None of the above" is easily the most qualified, most competent, and most intelligent in the candidate pool. And it ain't even close.
Totally worthless at this point. It doesn't take into account the candidates with the most buses and vans operated to take voters to the polls. It doesn't take into account the local churches and their influences on congregations. No poll or survey in today's environment will truly account for the will of the people...just ask Hillary.
Shok-Way is a shoe-in. He is EXACTLY what the COJ voting populace wants.
It really does not matter who is the next mayor. It is still the same people who are going to elect a mayor. Does anyone really think the people have changed?
@1028- close but no cigar. A SurveyMonkey poll doesn't even carry that degree of inaccuracy. There is no demographic, geographic, or other analysis put into the SurveyMonkey, and the fact that KF would report this, even with his disclaimer, lowers the standard for his site.
While I would prefer Kim Wade, John Horhn would look like Dale Danks compared to Chokwe the tyrant.
Since you felt the need to include where Mr. Zehr lives in your comment, it is rejected.
OK KF, I'll do it again and leave out the area of NE Jackson where Mr. Zehr lives - but state that due to his living in the area of Jackson which is the only semi-white demographic, I'll assume that his social media reach does not adequately cover 80% of the voting population of the city.
This so-called 'poll' using SurveyMonkey is conducted by posting on social media sites and allows anyone who chooses to respond. A properly conducted real poll uses demographic, geographic, identifiers to balance the responses to the predicted voting population. While I'm sure Mr. Zehr created this SurveyMonkey effort with reasonable intentions - just as he did with his quite good interviews with many of the candidates - the results mean absolutely nothing as to the potential results of the election.
It is well known that Senator John Hohrn's base is within his North Jackson Senate district and the white vote in NE Jackson. Hohrn's contributors have traditionally been NE Jackson big businessmen, something he has had to address throughout this campaign just as in his previous runs for Mayor. Nothing wrong with that, only recognizing that people who run in the same circle as Mr. Zehr are likely to be those that are connected within his social network and therefore most likely to respond to his SurveyMonkey 'poll'.
Besides the 'bias' of the poll where the respondents are those within Mr. Zehr's social world, there is another fault to the reported results; when published this SurveyMonkey poll included all identified candidates for Mayor including the three independent candidates and the disqualified Democrats; therefore skewing the poll results since Mr. DePriest (an independent candidate whose name will not be on the ballot with those reported in these results) received a significant number of 'votes' but they had to be removed to show some degree of legitimacy to this post. There is no indication of how those 'votes' were removed or reallocated, other than assuming they were just tossed to the side and ignored.
Tell us something we don't know. I said these so called polls are not real polls and can be easily manipulated. Doesn't require a thesis as what you posted because I assume my audience has the brains to understand what that means.
Sometimes people write novels and they just be so wordy and so self-absorbed. -- Kanye West
Anybody but Lumumba!!! We need to galvanize behind one candidate NOW. Only a fool would believe northeast Jackson hasn’t suffered under Lumumba’s ‘leadership’. We will NOT be deceived. ALL of Jackson has suffered and is suffering due largely to Lumuba’s brand of ‘leadership’.
If you attend a church and they tell you Jackson needs to keep what we have leave that church and shake the dust from your shoes. We need a grownup leading Jackson.
To the anonymous dorks who have too much time on their hands, read the disclaimers at
Yes, Fish, these are all things that readers "should" know, and Mr. Zehr posted these details on his disclosure of the results - but you left that part off when you shared the results here. We realize that Hohrn is an advertiser on your site (paid for with NE Jxn dollars that also advertise on your site), and that you personally support him in this election. Nothing wrong with that - but if you want to publish a 'survey' that is flawed but paints a good picture of your favorite candidate, while omitting the notations that go with the survey acknowledging the flaws, then there is nothing wrong with posting them separately.
A true journalist - as you like to refer to yourself - would have included Mr. Zehr's notations about the survey. Mr. Zehr felt it appropriate; don't know why you chose not to do so yourself.
@3:36 agree with you but not convinced Horhn can get the job done either because there is a lot of hard, hard work to do and politically difficult decisions to be made. Horhn's 100% non-answer waffle on the Zoo being only one example.
You know who I'm voting for? That's news to me because I haven't told anyone who I am voting for. So a candidate bought an ad. Big deal. Any candidate can buy an ad on this site, even the Mayor. They all get treated the same. As for disclaimers, I am satisfied with what I put up there. Everyone knows those type of polls are not scientific. In other words, it was internet fun and I said so. If that's not good enough for you, it's not my problem.
If we want Jackson to sink even further elect Socrates.
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