Jackson Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba is holding his regular press conference. It is live-streamed below.
* Mayor Lumumba announced the Clean Sweep program. Those convicted of misdemeanors or small fines can work off their fines through community service. The community service will consist of cleaning up designated areas of Jackson.
* The city will initiate a "Yard of the Month" program. Homeowners Associations are asked to send in their yard of the month. The submissions will be posted on the city's social media accounts. The city will select a winner.
* Thalia Mara Auditorium update. The city purchased a chiller and fire curtain. The State Fire Marshal approved the fire curtain. The two items will be installed this summer. Mr. Drape asked Hizzoner for an opening date of Thalia Mara. Mayor Lumumba did not know what the date will be.
The Mayor said he wants to improve concessions. He said people should be able to buy concession such as fried catfish and bring them into the auditorium during performances. (KF note: There ya go. Go see the symphony or Broadway only to sit by someone smacking away on fried chicken.)
* The Clarion-Ledger's Charles Drape asked the Mayor to comment on JXN Water's plan to raise rates. Mayor Lumumba said he is not in favor of raising the rates. He said JXN Water needs to improve its collection rates. The latest JXN Water financial report states collection rates have risen to 70%. Mayor Lumumba took on Henifin, bemoaning the alleged "lack of a procurement process." He criticized a $30 million contract awarded to Jacobs Engineering. He said it was one of the reasons JXN Water "ran out of money." The Mayor ended his sentences with "right" frequently as he discussed this subject.
The mayor thinks the patrons will demand fried catfish at Thalia Mara?
Does he know something about the shows being booked that the commentariat doesn't? (yet?)
Only a few more press conferences to tolerate until he gumflaps off into the Jackson blight.
Think of the grease that will be wiped off onto the seats.
Nothing goes with Mozart like good old chicken and waffles.
Hate to admit it but the Mayor is right regarding JXN Water. Ted is crying about revenue, yet his people haven't got the collections up over 70%! Now he says he's cutting off water starting on March 24, but we've heard that 3 or 4 times before. If this revenue doesn't increase like Ted wants, system is not much better off than before, except $150+M has been spent. What is the problem with collections now that they have all new meters???
What does this asshole know about running a water system, what it takes to maintain it and financially supporting it? It ran out of money when he was in charge of it and it failed. I'm not fan of the rates I'm paying, but I'd sure as hell believe the guy that brought it back from the dead before I'd believe the guy that put it there in the first place.
Next month's "Yard of the Month" will be a Madison residence.
I bet those "Clean Sweep" participants will be fired up and ready to go!
Hey @1:23 PM West Jxn native here i speak to everyone & believe it or not my people will still vote him into office no matter what is in front of them it's sad ,but what can you do
The Clean Sweep program should begin on April 1 at the ballot box.
Imagine the fish and chicken bones left behind. The poor cleaning crew. SMH
The whole lecture about "competitive procurement" coupled with the jab "you can't be in a perpetual state of an emergency" is LAUGHABLE if one remembers Lumumba's executive actions under the guise of an emergency proclamation in selecting Richard's Disposal during his created garbage crisis.
If this revenue doesn't increase like Ted wants, system is not much better off than before ...
Total and complete crap.
Those that pay will be squeezed. Can't squeeze blood from a stone for 25% of the city.
Ol' Ted is a liberal dem from Boston. He knows how to game the system.
He's done. Just watch.
oh Kingfish, you read my min.....Go see the symphony or Broadway only to sit by someone smacking away on fried chicken
The 'clean sweep' initiative sounds a lot like Kim Wade's idea for non-profit meal recipients being required to pick up a little trash to show appreciation for free nourishment.
Expand fried food access in a place with a fairly high obesity ranking. Missing the logic. Oh, wait.
The water system numbers will never work if they don’t do cut offs. They’ve threatened it many times but never do it. Some ppl simply wont pay until their pipes are dry. Kim Wade has been sayin to let these misdemeanor crooks get out and clean up for years and now he steals the idea during election time. Lastly, how will Choke keep that ridiculous painted on hairline and beard in prison? Maybe a smuggled sharpie? Black spray paint from a maintenance job?
Don’t pay for water? Cut it off. Only then will people realize how convenient it is to not have to haul it from a creek!
I’m rooting for turkey legs, funnel cakes, and fried twinkies. Cowboy Andy and the gospel mares can perform at the grand reopening.
2:23. Hide and watch! If revenues don't increase, water leaks and sewer line failures will go unattended, but you may not see them unless you drive by. Yeah, they will keep the plants working short term, but if revenues don't come up that could become a problem later this year. Just read what Ted has said and what WLBT has reported. He needs over $110M in revenue and is only getting $70-80M.
He's proposing a rate increase even though he only has a 70±% collection rate. That sure makes a lot of sense!!!
JxnWater's latest notice says total accounts are 60,000 but 15,000 are in arrears. Or in our rears, pickin our pockets so 45,000 pay for the 15,000. That's 25% deadbeats. The Mayor's non payers, some with special dispensation, were more like 40% and the only major repairs were made by Gov Reeves.
Ted has been cutting water off since Dec 2023. The issue of bandwidth and cutting off hundreds a week is being resolved March 24. Keep up!
Ted has been cutting water off since Dec 2023. The issue of bandwidth and cutting off hundreds a week is being resolved March 24. Keep up!
Why does Sir Flapalot continue to caress and touch the mic while he's blowing lies of hot air?
Maybe operation Clean Sweep can clean up Thalia Mara after each show, because what's it's going to take.
That this mayor would lecture anyone over collection rates just goes to show what he really thinks about the intelligence of his audience.
That dumbass can’t even do last minute election man pandering right. Clean Sweep might have been a good idea on day one but it’s too little too late now that volunteers have shown they can clean long sections of interstate and neighborhoods’ worth of storm drains without breaking a sweat. Yard of the Month? Is that even serious? Are they going to consider giving the award to all of the neon green houses with junk yards/parking lots out front that they have allowed to multiply like rabbits during their term? Thalia Mara was supposed to be reopened in 2024. Take that building away from the city and put it in responsible hands now please! Even if he could actually execute a renovation to save the building, he wants to turn it into a pan trout diner. Fire his ass! JXN Water is cleaning up his mess in a chaotic funding environment. Nothing he says about it should be taken with a kernel of respect. He broke it. They are fixing it. STFU, Mayor Dipshit!
The Jackson Symphony Orchestra can perform the music of Animal House while the audience has a food fight.
I'm glad to hear about these new TMH food plans.
I've always dreamed of having a styrofoam box of fried chicken/catfish while at a TMH production.
But I do hope they remember to consider extra paper towels for the patrons.
The mayor’s meddling is going to cause the system to degrade into a crisis again. Then the city will look to the state to ride in and fix it.
Lil Choke is ready to deep fry the KingFish for documenting the fake mayor's lunatic ineptitude.
Lil Choke is ready to deep fry the KingFish for documenting the fake mayor's lunatic ineptitude.
2:15pm, you got $1,000 to put next to your opinion?
Don’t stop with fried catfish….what about fried gizzards & liver? Turnip greens anyone?
Obvious that Lumumba's plan is to scapegoat Ted Henifin as part of his mayoral campaign.
Fried catfish? I was really pulling for pan trouts.
Very rich of Lumumba to bemoan a $30mil contract that was no bid. Does anyone remember if he solicited bids for representation in the Siemens fiasco? Literally the issue that got us in this mess?
I can’t wait to hear from the poor peoples campaign and other professional grifters when JXN water starts turning the service off. Lumumba literally was the guy who said he’s not going to turn peoples service off, didn’t, and now bitching about collection rates. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t, all the while he added gas to the fire of the water situation. Literally F this guy and every one who enables him thought support and campaign contributions. All of you are at fault for where we are.
As the election nears the intrigue is building. Will Lumumba get gored by Horhn? Will ward 1 fight blight by giving old Ashley the foot? Is there dread in Brandon over Fred or is his aim true? His opponents say he mostly shanks.
Back in the day as our parents would tell us you do an honest days work for an honest days pay. Even the Bible says that. Why would anyone vote for Lumumba who lets his sister not pay taxes in a timely manner handle others money through Poor People’s Cmp; all the while he took bribes with Jody, Aaron & others. Why do voters elect someone who steals $$$ from the poor?
Hey, March 17 at 9:21 pm, Fred Shanks will lose by 5 percentage points (or more). Butch is a grade A asshole but he cares about the right things and has been a proper change agent.
Lol, every house in Jackson doesn't have a "new" meter and to this day don't pay squat. AS MANY AS three homes run of one line ! Much like those broken parking meters ....thousands and thousands lost over several years.
To help with Chowke's legal defense fund, go to www.marxistsareus.com
Y'all should have gotten behind Melvin Priester. It's weird how y'all keep running off our best and brightest when they come back home to try to make our government work for us.
Y'all ran off Jim Perry. a Republican, too. How dare he go to a highly rated university?! We all know that having gone to Stanford wasn't a plus for our current mayor. Sadly, he fell into the Mississippi political trap where our political parties internal politics are a vicious and toxic as the external politics. Having just come back again from another vibrant American city, I saw again saw many proposals made to benefit Jackson working well elsewhere.
Note to stupid politicians and their true believers: Mississippi and no city in Mississippi has to reinvent the wheel. Do what Mary Hawkins did, she copied Roswell, Ga. down to the city ordinances. Find out what plans and policies worked are working well and do the same damn thing!
Oh wait, never mind, that'd require that you actually have to work and think and not just shoot from the hip or be a party puppet!
I can’t understand any reason for this … person, I guess I’ll call him … having the job of mayor aside from who his daddy was and the color of his skin. He has no achievements warranting his election, no achievements since holding the office. “Press conferences” appear to be the high water mark of his feckless career as a public servant. Sad but true, LaBumbla is all one can expect from a dumbed-down, diluted electorate.
Jackson voted this mayor for the same reason the last few mayors were elected. He promised to give them stuff and make the white people pay for it. The next mayor will be the person who will promise more to the people in Jackson and tell them the white folks will be forced to pay for it.
The mayor was right about one thing, why is Ted spending all the federal money on marketing? $191,000 to WLBT ? DOGE may need to take a look....
Its sad that Ted had to combat the endless bad press from Chuck, Rukia and her Poor Peoples.
I am sure he has no clue how dumb the people of Jackson really were. But after people starting showing up at JXN water offices with weapons and threats, he probably decided to drop some cash at WLBT and (try to) teach the morons JXN Water was not the bad guys.
Cut off service to freeloaders and they will pay because they can all pay for rent, gasoline, tv and cell service. In fact legislature should OK billing landlords instead of renters, then water bill can be added to rent. Issue is that a few years ago, Jackson put some people on a special list for free water service.
Madison was "rich" with accomplished, educated professionals before it was home to successful businesses. A better match would be Gene Magee who has slowly sheparded Ridgeland into prosperity, excellent management, crime control and professional accomplishments.
Where to bet on Lil Choke's imprisonment?
JxnWater publishes notices on WLBT, as well as mailing same. It's communication necessary for transparency and a justifiable expense, if it was competitively bid.
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