Worried that Broadway might not return to Jackson next year? Consider this option.
The shows are presented at the legendary Saenger Theatre on Canal Street. Let's face it, most of these shows will never appear in Jackson as it is just too small a market. However, the cost of going to see a show in New Orleans certainly adds up when one considers paying for hotel rooms and other expenses. Fortunately there is an alternative.
There is always a show at 2 PM on Saturday and 1 PM on Sunday. Leave Jackson in the morning, go to the show, hit Palace Cafe down the street or Middendorf's on the way back . Nice day trip, good entertainment, and you get back at a decent hour. Click here for more info.
Just a suggestion.
Of all the things to worry about, Broadway not coming to Jackson didn’t make the cut.
Memphis Orpheum announces its season 3/17.
Jackson is simply returning to it's roots. Back in the early days the plantation bosses and local aristocrats would simply go to New Orleans or Atlanta or wherever for a taste of culture and high class entertainment. Jackson only started to emerge in the late 20th century as a limited but temporary venue. As the "new South" continues to emerge Jackson had little progressive leadership and retreated to it's old South roots. We see the results. As bad as New Orleans is, it stays ahead of Jackson.
Go to New Orleans, have a good time.
too far to drive to new orleans
If I’m driving to New Orleans and back for a show I better see sum titties. Right?
@2:06 the type of guys who go see these type shows (and post about them on their blog) aren't the titties and beer type. The sip chardonnay and complement each other's expensive high-heeled "boots"
Straight Guy Here....I signed up for the season info. Good Stuff.
you would probably enjoy going to the movies in Pearl anyway
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