State Health Officer Orders Quarantine for Infected
The Mississippi State Department of Health reported 1,074 new cases of the Wuhan virus yesterday as well as 42 new deaths.* The total number of cases is 62,199 . The virus has caused 1,753 deaths. Nursing home deaths comprise 48% of overall Covid-19 deaths in Mississippi. There are 30,315 recoveries. More information and a complete list of infected counties can be found at the MSDH website. The Rt factor is 1.06.
Little change took place on the big chart as hospitalizations, ICUs, and vents flatted over the last week.
Governor Tate Reeves announced he is delaying school openings in some "hot spots."
State Health Officer Dr. Thomas Dobbs issued the following statement.
Today State Health Officer Thomas Dobbs MD, MPH, issued a statewide order for the Isolation of Individuals Diagnosed with COVID-19 effective immediately.
The Order – issued to everyone living in Mississippi – stipulates that anyone diagnosed with COVID-19 must immediately isolate at home.
Dobbs explains, “We have a lot of COVID activity throughout the state right now, so it is absolutely critical that anyone infected with COVID-19, and not hospitalized, must remain in the home or other appropriate residential location for 14 days from onset of illness (or from the date of a positive test for those who are asymptomatic).”
The failure or refusal to obey the lawful order of a health officer is, at a minimum, a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of $500.00 (41-3-59) or imprisonment for six months or both. If a life-threatening disease is involved, failure or refusal to obey the lawful order of a health officer is a felony, punishable by a fine of up to $5,000.00 or imprisonment for up to five years or both (41-23-2).
Persons infected with COVID-19 should limit exposure to household contacts. No visitors should be allowed in the home. Please stay in a specific room away from others in your home. Use a separate bathroom if available. If you need to be around others in your home, you should wear a facemask. Please see for guidance on preventing transmission in the home.
Follow MSDH by email and social media at
Any idea what the specifics in the order were for Rankin County School District?
Macho Covid-19 anti-mask/anti-quarantine posters in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...
Did Tater ever say which districts he's talking about? I can't find that info anywhere.
Ok let all the racism race out there
That damn mayor of Jackson.....
Wait....this is a white guy
How them saints looking?
Just two weeks for a mask mandate? The pandemic will be here until we get a vaccine or adequate therapeudics, likely another 6 months. Why get the curve down only to watch it go back up when the mask mandate ends? Will there be a series of reimposed mask mandates? Will we end up on a C19 roller coaster. Get serious on the virus Tate: Impose a Statewide mask mandate not to end until a further order at the end of the pandemic.
GFY Dobbs.
“We have a lot of COVID activity throughout the state right now, so it is absolutely critical that anyone infected with COVID-19, and not hospitalized, must remain in the home or other appropriate residential location for 14 days from onset of illness (or from the date of a positive test for those who are asymptomatic).” " Persons infected with COVID-19 should limit exposure to household contacts." What happens to the household contacts? No mention in the order.
I ask, what happens after that. Once positive you should test positive due to antibodies. Do you wear a scarlet "C" on your forehead. Will you become one of the lepers of old, what. Who will be monitoring this. I know that there is no real tracking as a work associate of ours tested positive, went home for 17 days before returning to work. No tracking was done on any of us from work and exposed to him prior to infection. Think this is not what it is banged up to be.
Some of the 7th graders in our public schools are 16 to 17 years old-
And Tate punts. Dobbs was consulted but overruled. It must be absolutely frustrating for him to know what needs to be done and yet see Tate cowing to politics which will result in unnecessary deaths.
I wonder if any of the selected school districts were even planning to open in the next couple of weeks, or is it just smoke & mirrors so Tate can give some false sense he is doing something in response. Hinds is tops on the list of COVID cases and is on the list of closures, yet Rankin, Madison, Lee, DeSoto, Harrison, Oktibbeha, Jones, Lamar are all in the top 12 but are being allowed to open.
Seven-day mortality numbers are at a record and are still climbing. According to the Washington Post Mississippi is #2 in infection rate and remains #1 in mortality rate in the entire United States.
Apparently the state sanctioned plan is to bury its head in the sand and let things take care of themselves. So much for leadership.
So the 100% taxpayer funded baby-sitting service, also known as public schools, will force the almighty dollar chasing parents to be...well...parents a little longer. Tough times.
It's a bitch that you may not be able to replace your 2018 Lexus SUV and/or your 2017 Ford F-150 (with a salt-life and Yeti stickers) with a new one this year.
I've got my fishnet face covering from the infowars store. It's comfy and cool and breathes freely. I consider wearing it "subversive" to the mask nazis. You demand a face covering and this is the best you will get me. You better plan a better scamdemic next time.
Noting older students are most likely to spread the virus, the governor ordered students in grades 7-12 across eight counties to delay their return to the classroom until at least Aug. 17.
Those counties — where Reeves said virus cases have spiked dramatically — are Bolivar, Coahoma, Forrest, George, Hinds, Panola, Sunflower and Washington. He said districts in other counties should also consider delaying for older students.
Because some cub reporter didn’t post the counties.
@ 3:01 Tate issued an order delaying the start of school for at least 2 more weeks for 7th grade through 12th grade in the following counties: Bolivar, Coahoma, Forrest, George, Hinds, Panola, Sunflower, and Washington.
Rankin County School District is not included in this list.
What about football?
If your child's age is an odd number, i.e., 5, 7, 9, etc. and your last name begins with a letter corresponding to an even number, i.e., B, D, F, etc., then they should wear a mask Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, but parents should only wear them on Tuesdays and Thursdays. If your child's age is even and your last name corresponds to an odd number, i.e., A, c, E, etc., then reverse everything. If you have any trouble determining what to do, do whatever you think you heard about on social media (or at your local bar - shucks, it ain't like we are actually gonna seriously enforce any of this shit anyway...). Congratulations, Mississippi, you elected a potato as your dear leader!
On a less-serious note, reports are that Corinth schools, which opened last week, already have 10 or so cases, as does Jackson County, which opened yesterday. Expect 2000-plus reported-cases days in the next 2-3 weeks and something north of 120,000 cases and 3500 deaths by about Thanksgiving, along with an even larger crisis in hospitals across the state.
@3:01 and @3:08 the counties were only Bolivar, Coahoma, Forrest, George, Hinds, Panola, Sunflower and Washington. Rankin wasn't included in the school delays.
Two weeks statewide mask mandate means he’s slowly realizing he was wrong
This order is so weak, and Tate is wavering in the wind.
If Covid is a real threat, then treat it as such and take the measures to dampen it.
If he doesn't think it's real, then he should do nothing.
But half measures just reveal he knows it's a threat but is unwilling to be a leader and take the heat.
Can anyone explain the rules on wedding receptions? Are they exempt from the 20 person gathering rule?
Gosh I wish Waller had won. We could have used a General to lead us through the pandemic.
How does the local caterer get around these requirements and do these huge weddings still?
"Can anyone explain the rules on wedding receptions? Are they exempt from the 20 person gathering rule?"
It depends. If it is at a church (well, certain churches), country club, or other venue frequented by, um, er, persons of non-color, hold it and you'll be spending some time in jail. Now, if it is held at Club Shootout or similar venues, certain other churches, or it shuts down a city street for the evening...rules? What rules?
5:07, ANY private gathering is good to go because this is America and we can do whatever the actual fuck we want to do because we are adults. Proud of all my fellow “right wingers” today for begging a government official to tell them what rights they can have, good job! We’re gonna do great when the forced vaccines come out, then the gun handover.
Oh what will we do when a real problem raises it's ugly head. A real problem, not a real bad cold.
So bars in Jackson are closed, but standing wedding receptions in Jackson are fine. Ok. Makes sense.
I’m still flabbergasted by all you little nazis. Masks reduce transmission by an average less than 1%. That is basically nothing. And you want us covering our face for the next year? To make you feel better?
How are all these schools having football practice under the 20 person rule?
Follow up comment, social media is packed with pictures of academy football players and cheerleaders fawning all over each other during “senior pics”. Many include the mamas. Side note: I would have had a stroke if my mom showed up at practice to take pictures with me. Our kids are clearly not social distancing ever if classrooms remain closed. I’ve seen pics from multiple schools with 40-50 kids all snuggly
You know, 6:38, you can be conservative and still think it’s a good idea to follow public health guidelines.
Some things to remember. 25% of the State of California are people under 22 years old. That is 9 million from age 1-18. They have had 10,000 deaths in California from COVID.
How many school age children in California have died of COVID:? Zero.
Every year the flu hits the population. Sadly this year (CDC year 2019-2020) there have been 186 children in the US die of flu.
And we keep the schools open and don't ask them all to look like Zorro because of the flu.
Huge wedding receptions are still happening in Jackson and younger guests shed the masks and dance the night away. Several are coming up the next 3 weekends with guest lists over 400. How is this ok and allowed? And we wonder why the state has the #1 mortality and #2 spread rate? JCC and RH shut down, but certain venues are open for business and welcoming any size crowd. What? It's not the people of color in this instance. Sheez. A small wedding 2 weeks ago yielded a bumper crop of Covid, and big ones are back up and going. Give it 3 weeks but how many will suffer?
You win hands down for humor in the mist of confusion!
"We could have used a General to lead us through the pandemic."
Or a sergeant...or a lieutenant...or a captain...or...
I'd suggest the key word is "lead" rather than the rank or pay grade thereof. Hell, at this point, both state and local, it's like we are being "lead" by an ex-recruit who was dishonorably discharged for bestiality. That's goat-fucking for you hillbillies, and no, it isn't something sensible people brag about doing.
8:21: What rogue website are you getting your facts about masks from?
8:21: From researchers predicted that 80 percent of the population wearing masks would do more to reduce COVID-19 spread than a strict lockdown.
The latest forecast from the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation suggests that 33,000 deaths could be avoided by October 1 if 95 percent of people wore masks in public.
This is a national problem and warrants a national strategy. Unfortunately there is not one.
First off I am thankful that my job was deemed essential at the onset of covid and that I still have a job. What yanks my chain is the fact that for those of us that are required to come in to an office, with 100+ employees across numerous departments, is that the administrators of those departments or the HR department will not notify employees that there was a positive case in a department. I dont give two fat rats asses to know who the person is but as an employee that due to what I do and has to spend time in all departments throughout the organization we should be made aware that there are positive cases in our building. But I guess HIPPA over rules everything.
8:08 The CDC guidance says the employer should notify anyone who was in close contact with a known COVID positive person. Close contact is defined as within 6 feet for more than 15 minutes.
I don't know what you do, but just going in and out of people's offices is not going to trigger a notification for you. In the organization that I work with we have people as isolated as possible so if a person does contract COVID no more than two or three people will need to quarantine and only a couple of common areas will need to be cleaned. No point in alarming the entire office over something that is unlikely to affect them.
"But I guess HIPPA over rules everything."
I haven't heard this discussed, but it seems like privacy is going to be an interesting part of schools reopening. If Teacher Jones or Student Smith tests positive and the people that either came into contact with must be notified, it will be effectively impossible to protect the person's privacy (assuming they desire or demand privacy). In other words, if all the people, students and staff, that Jones or Smith came into contact with must be notified but not told who specifically the positive test is, it will be a tantamount disclosure the next day when Jones or Smith is gone and it will be further confirmation when that person shows back up in 10 or 14 days. True enough, it doesn't involve privacy laws if the person tells a fellow teacher or student, who then tells the world, but I suspect that anyone "on staff" who strays from a very narrow set of guidelines will be subject to at least an accusation of a violation. And when there are issues, both legitimate and, er, not as readily apparent to common sense, in which litigation might produce a payday, it won't take long for some lawyer to go for it.
Regarding Miss. SOS Covid updates.....Why haven't the Total Testing numbers been updated since July 31? Some of us can do the math.
@9:15&10:36 - What the CDC says about who is notified doesnt mean squat. How are we suppose to find out there was a positive test in any department? The administration is too damn scared of the privacy laws.
Being observant and watching who is out and for how long is the only way you can find out anything. From what I've seen, someone goes to get tested, they're out 2-5 days waiting on results. If they're not back by 7 days you know they're out postitive. By that time if you were exposed its been too for you and those that you've been around after exposure. The flip side to it is that most folks symptoms are so subtle they dont get tested anyway.
August 4, 2020 at 4:43 PM here, confessing a mistake. I was speaking with a colleague and asked about the Jackson County situation, insofar as it already having 10 cases. She informed me that Jackson County Schools don't open until tomorrow. A bit puzzled, I asked her how could there be 10 cases in schools that weren't even open yet. The best answer (and she readily acknowledged it wasn't much of an answer) that she could come up with was, "Well, only 4 or 5 of those are students, but it looks like this will be a real mess..." I thought about it for a bit and yep, that about sums it up in non-medical terms.
2:40....for many schools, football teams, softball teams, bands and cheerleaders are already doing their thing.
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