A proud chapter of Mississippi's past returns. The Metropolitan Opera is streaming a classic performance for free each night while the Met is closed due to the pandemic. No one owned Verdi's Aida as did Laurel's Leontyne Price. The Met streams her 1985 farewell performance tomorrow night. The stream starts at 6:30 and is available until 6:30 Saturday night. This is your chance to see a true classic. A preview is posted below. Enjoy.
Thursday, April 30, 2020
The Greatness Returns
Legislature to Tate: It's Our Money
It appears we will finally get some high noon drama between the legislature and the Governor. The federal gummint is sending $1.25 billion in Coronavirus relief to Mississippi. This being Mississippi, that kind of money perks up the sniffers of more than a few politicians.
Speaker of the House Phillip Gunn and Leftenent Governor Delbert Hosemann told Governor Tate Reeves in no uncertain terms to not spend a dime of funds without legislature's permission or direction. They even went so far as to call the Legislature back into session tomorrow at 1 PM tomorrow for the sole purpose of dividing up the money and conquering the Governor.
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Leg Comes Back Tomorrow
Leftenent Governor Delbert Hosemann issued the following statement.
Governor Holds Daily Covid-19 Briefing
Governor Tate Reeves is holding his daily Covid-19 briefing right now. Today's guest stars are Ag Commish Andy Gipson and famed restaurateur Robert St. John.* The briefing is streamed below.
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Mayor Defends Gun Ban as It Expires
Jackson Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba is holding a press conference right now. It is streamed below.
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Fitch Joins Gun Fight
Attorney General Lynn Fitch issued the following statement.
What Will the D.A. & JPD Do?
The arrest of Greta Brown-Bully for the murder of Larry "Caveman" Lee rocked Jackson Saturday morning. The alleged murder took place at Mrs. Brown-Bully's liquor store, Toast & Sip on Medgar Evers Boulevard.
Clinton & Entergy Trade Licks
Clinton and Entergy traded more licks in their fight over street lamps. The city accused the public utility of ripping off the city by charging monthly fees for street lamps that were built more than 50 years ago and exceeded any reasonable depreciation schedule. Entergy fired back and said it followed the law and any changes could result in rate increases for Clinton customers. Clinton gave it right back to Goliath as it escalated the public relations war.
Dentists Gnash Teeth Over Continued Shutdown
The Mississippi Board of Dental Examiners limited the practice of dentistry when the Covid-19 shutdown began earlier this month. The Board and State Health Officer Dr. Thomas Dobbs only allowed dentists to perform emergency procedures during the shutdown. Dentists' hopes were dashed when the Board voted to extend the restrictions for another week. The Mississippi Dental Association urged its members to raise hell with the Board as well as Dr. Dobbs in an email sent to members:
More Truth-Tellers Disappear in China
Telling the truth about the Wuhan Virus continues to be a deadly practice under the Chinese Communist Government. The South China Post reported:
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Meridian Cops Indicted
The Justice Department issued the following statement.
Swiss Reopen Schools
Swiss children are going back to school. The Swiss Broadcasting Corporation reported last week:
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Governor's Daily Briefing
Governor Tate Reeves is holding his daily Covid-19 briefing with some important personages. The presser is streamed below.
Covid-19 Update: 250 Deaths, 6,569 Cases
The Mississippi State Department of Health reported 227 new cases of the Wuhan Virus today. The total number of cases is 6,569 The virus has caused 250 deaths. The number of patients on ventilators and ICU's slightly fell yesterday.
Mayor: Rights Should be Regulated
City Council Hires Lawyer, Opposes E.O.
The Jackson City Council voted 6-0 last night to oppose the Mayor's ban of the open-carry of firearms in Jackson. The resolution does not affect the Mayor's gun ban. Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba issued an executive order that banned such use of firearms Saturday. Mississippi State Representative Dana Criswell sued in federal court yesterday to overturn the ban.
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Sid Salter: Standoff Underscores Key Impasse in National Partisan Divide
Less than a year ago, Democratic New Jersey congressman vented his contempt for so-called “moocher states” like Mississippi that receive more money from the federal government than they send back to Washington in the form of taxes.
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
"Approved News"
The Joe Rogan Experience did a particularly deep dive into how much Youtube works with the national media to control the news.
Hancock Law Firm Helps Essential Workers
Hancock Law Firm recognizes the extraordinary efforts and sacrifices
made by our healthcare workers, first responders, infrastructure
personnel, and all essential workers. To say thank you, we are offering
discounts on all estate planning services through April 30 for all
essential workers and their families. We offer telephone and video
consultations, as well as video notarization and drive-up signing and
witnessing of documents. Call us today to discuss. 601-853-2223 www.hancocklawgroup.com
Receiver Files Status Report in Lamar Adams Case
SEC Receiver Alysson Mills filed her status report in the Lamar Adams case last Friday. The report is posted below.
Lumumba Gun Ban Going to Court
The Mississippi Justice Institute issued the following statement.
Reds to Aussies: Don't You Dare!
Don't go trying to figure out how this Covid-19 virus got started. The Chinese Communist government told the Aussies to worry about waltzing Matilda's and forget about investigating the origins of the Coronavirus outbreak. Canada's The Star reported yesterday:
Monday, April 27, 2020
It's Monday Night!
Not the Four Horsemen, NWO, Million Dollar Mooch, Hulkamania, or even Andre came close to what you are going to see below. Clue: King Cobra bites wrassler. This took place on a Saturday morning right up against the cartoons. Bugs Bunny had nothing on this. It was so scary it ruined a whole generation of kids. Kids were literally crying. Enjoy.
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Governor Announces Plans for Schools
Lord Protector Tate Reeves is holding his regular Covid-19 briefing right now. It is streamed below.
Legislature Returns May 18
Leftenent Governor Delbert Hosemann issued the following statement.
His Name Was Larry Lee
The victim in the Greta Brown-Bully arrest is Larry "Caveman" Lee. Lee was a neighborhood bum whose turf was the area around the Toast & Sip Liquor Store on Medgar Evers Boulevard.
Over 6,000 Covid-19 Infectionf
The Miffiffippi Ftate Department of Health reported 183 new cafef of the Wuhan Viruf today. The total number of cafef if 6,094 The viruf haf caufed 229 deathf. The number of patientf in ICU bedf continued to improve while thofe on ventilatorf ftayed relatively flat.
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National Review: It's Worse Than the Flu
The communist magazine National Review took issue with those who say the Wuhan virus is no worse than the flu. John McCormack wrote in the conservative magazine last week:
Wildlife Federation to Sue MDWFP & Fair Commission
The Mississippi Wildlife Federation issued the following statement.
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Covid-19 Alert!
A Covid-19 virus expert posted a very important message on Facebook. Pay attention. This information could keep you from infecting your loved ones.
MD Guest Column: Protect Patients Now
This post is a guest column submitted by a local physician.
Have the hospitals and clinics and physician's offices started setting up screening of their employees before they start work each day? With a loosening of restrictions soon, this should be the first requirement. Most healthcare facilities are staffed (largely) with 22-50 yr old doctors, nurses, clerks and the like. As is well known now, most of this demographic acquire the virus, develop no symptoms, shed the virus, and get over it without symptoms. They are among the great pool of the "healthy" shedding the virus. Most of the patients are in another demographic. They are the vulnerable. This is especially true in orthopedics.
Covid-19 Update: 5,911 Cases, 227 Deaths but Vents & ICU's Drop
The Mississippi State Department of Health reported 193 new cases of the
Wuhan Virus today. The total number of cases is 5,911 The
virus has caused 227 deaths. The number of patients on ventilators fell to its lowest level in three weeks while the number of patients in ICU beds fell to its lowest level in 12 days, truly a dose of much-needed good news.
Sunday Morning Sermon
The sermon streaming continues thanks to you know what. Enjoy this 1991 sermon presented by the late Dr. Frank Pollard of First Baptist Church (Jackson). He preached from Romans 10: 9-10.
Bill Crawford: Help Others Cope With Pandemic Fear and Anxiety
As the COVID-19 virus ravages our economy and health systems, it also exacts a heavy emotional toll through fear, despair, anxiety, depression, and frustration.
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Wildlife Federation Supports Yazoo Pumps
The Mississippi Wildlife Federation issued the following statement.
Chokwe Suspends Open-Carry Law (Updated)
Update: New video uploaded to Youtube.
Jackson Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba made the following proclamation on Youtube.
Greta Brown-Bully Arrested for Murder
Greta Brown-Bully was arrested for the murder of Larry Lee last night. JPD arrested her at 10:30 PM Friday night and booked her into the Raymond Detention Center shortly after 2 AM. Jackson Municipal Court Judge Ali Shamsideen set her bond at $100,000 over the telephone. She posted bond at 3:40 AM this morning and was released. Her husband owns Bully's Soul Food Restaurant on Livingston Road in Jackson. She is the daughter of Hinds County Constable John Brown.
Friday, April 24, 2020
The Confessions
Steve Hutton sent out a rather interesting email to a group of people recently. MBI and Madison police recently arrested the former Mississippi Fairgrounds Executive Director for promoting prostitution. The email is posted below with several names redacted.
Governor Reopens More Businesses
Governor Tate Reeves issued a new executive order at his daily briefing today on the Covid-19 virus shutdown. The press conference and order are posted below.
Flashback Friday
Today's edition of Flashback Friday remembers the incomparable Leontyne Price. The daughter of a Laurel housekeeper soared to the pinnacle of culture in New York City as she performed Metropolitan Opera debut at the debut of the new Met in 1961. How good was she? Compare her performance to the current Queen of the Met, Sonya Yoncheva.
Dental Board Awaits Governor's Decision
The Mississippi Board of Dental Examiners issued the following email to dentists yesterday.
Cases Rise but Severity Eases
The Mississippi State Department of Health reported 281 new cases of the Wuhan Virus today. The total number of cases is 5,434 The virus has caused 209 deaths. The number of patients on ventilators or in ICU beds fell yesterday.
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Insurance Commish Discusses Business Interruption Coverage
Insurance Commish Mike Chaney issued the following statement.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Bass Pro Beatdown
Nice to see the hicks in Livingston Parish haven't changed one bit over the years.... or generations.
Governor's Daily Covid-19 Briefing
Governor Tate Reeves is holding his daily press conference right now. It is streamed below.
$6.5 Million for Covid-19 Fight Coming to Mississippi
Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith issued the following statement.
Covid-19 Infections Rise but ICU's & Vents Fall
The Mississippi State Department of Health reported 259 new cases of the Wuhan Virus today. The total number of cases is 5,153 The virus has caused 201 deaths. The number of patients on ventilators or in ICU beds fell yesterday. 945 patients were hospitalized.
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Death by the Numbers: Covid-19 Edition
Take a look at the Covid-19 virus death rates for Mississippi.
Bigger Pie Forum: Herd Mentality
Sometimes there’s safety in numbers. A Cape Buffalo in a herd is less likely to be eaten by lions than a straggler. Sometimes there’s danger. American Indians stampeded herds of Bison over cliffs and butchered the injured and dead. We ordinary Americans seem more like Bison stampeded by experts than Cape Buffalos staring down hungry lions.
Throwback Thursday
How the heck did these two manage to keep straight faces?
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Governor: "We Are Getting More Confident."
Governor Tate Reeves is holding his daily Covid-19 briefing right now.
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Virus Update: Closing in on 5,000
The Mississippi State Department of Health reported 178 new cases of the Wuhan Virus today. The total number of cases is 4,894 The virus has caused 193 deaths. 86 patients are on vents while 909 are hospitalized.
Lynn Prepares to Sue China
Attorney General Lynn Fitch issued the following statement.
Clinton: Entergy Rips Off City
The city of Clinton issued the following statement.
DHS Paid Dibiase Company that Didn't Exist
The Mississippi Department of Human Services funded Brett Dibiase's drug treatment by giving $48,000 to a company that did not exist.
Sid Salter: Pandemic Points Out Escalating Health Care Challenges for Poor
The COVID-19 pandemic has focused a new bright light on a set of old and familiar realities for Mississippi.
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Sale of the Day
Allen Edmonds is holding its annual Great American sale right now. You guys wanted me to tell you when there was a good one so consider yourself notified. The best deals are probably the 5th Avenues, Boulevards, and Strandmoks. The Park Avenues and Strands are knocked down but not as much as the previously mentioned shoes. There are some pretty good deals on their boots and sneakers as well. Website.
The Kavalier took a tour of the Port Washington factory and interviewed AE management in a pretty good video that is posted below. Enjoy.
This is Not Boo-Boo, Mississippi
The Honorable Kenneth Stokes, Jackson Ward 3 City Councilman, protested in front of the Governor's Mansion today. Watch below and learn.
State Paid More than $72 Million in Unemployment Benefits This week
Governor Tate Reeves is holding his regular Covid-19 virus briefing right now. The presser is streamed below.
Poll: 64% Approve State's Handling of Covid-19
Millsaps College and Chism Strategies issued the following press release.
Nursing Home Deaths 30% of Covid-19 Deaths in Ms.
Nursing home deaths comprise nearly a third of Covid-19 virus deaths but only 9% of the virus infections in Mississippi. The Mississippi State Department of Health released more information about long-term care facilities on it's Covid-19 webpage today.Some observations upon review:
Mississippi Covid-19 Update: 204 New Cases, 14 Deaths
The Mississippi State Department of Health reported 204 new cases of the Wuhan Virus today. The total number of cases is 4,716 The virus has caused 183 deaths. 689 patients are hospitalized.
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Puddle of Mud attempted to do Nirvana. Nightmares of Vince Neil screeching immediately come to mind upon watching it. Brace yourself.
Chicoms "Muzzled" Top Expert, Raise Death Toll
The Chinese Communist Government silenced one of the top experts on Coronaviruses when she sequenced the gene for the Wuhan virus and reported the virus could infect humans. The Daily Mail (U.K.) reported on April 11:
Monday, April 20, 2020
35 Years Since The War
We are a few days late but The War took place 35 years ago at Caesar's Palace. Hagler. Hearns. The mere mention of those two names brings respect given only to a few. The fight only lasted a little more than two rounds but packed more action than many fights that went the distance. If you've never seen the fight, enjoy.
Governor: The Curve is Flattening
Governor Tate Reeves is holding a press conference right now. It is streamed below.
Kids v. Politicians. Guess Who Wins.
Hehe. Good ole American ingenuity comes through even in California. Check out these kids:
Mississippi: 4,512 Covid-19 Infections, 169 Deaths
The Mississippi State Department of Health reported 238 new cases of the Wuhan Virus today. The total number of cases is 4,512. The virus has caused 169 deaths.
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Savage of the Day, Part II
Greenbrook Flowers has served the Jackson community for generations and has remained downtown. Unfortunately, it suffers from a plague of petty vandalism. Posted below is a video of an attack that took place less than ten days ago.
Sunday, April 19, 2020
Bill Maher: Stop the Panic Porn
Bill Maher gave the media a much-needed chewing out on his HBO show, Equal Time, Friday night. It's about time someone said what he said.
Losing Your Marbles in Paris
The Marble M Prix racers came to Paris yesterday. Who will triumph at the Arc de Triomphe? Watch below and see. The video begins with qualifying. The race begins at 6:20. Enjoy.
Covid-19 ICU's & Vents Decline
The Mississippi State Department of Health just started posting some really useful information on its website. A graph (posted below) shows the daily number of Covid-19 hospitalizations, ICU units, and patients on ventilators. A review of the new graphs shows the severity of the pandemic is actually improving.
Mississippi: 4,274 Infections, 159 Deaths.
The Mississippi State Department of Health reported 300 new cases of the Wuhan Virus today. The total number of cases is 4,274. The virus has caused 159 deaths. 808 patients are hospitalized.
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Sunday Morning Sermon
Some keepeth the Sabbath by going to church, others keepeth the Sabbath staying at home.* The pandemic is forcing everyone to do both at the same time. Fortunately, JJ presents a 1991 sermon by the late Dr. Frank Pollard of First Baptist Church (Jackson). Enjoy.
Bill Crawford: Pandemic Not Ending in 2 Weeks
Call with doctor’s office last week: “The doctor is not taking new patients at this time. Call back in two weeks when this pandemic is over.”
Saturday, April 18, 2020
"Humor is Reason Gone Mad"
For your Saturday night viewing, check out the insults of one Julius Henry Marx. Given the dour nature of the other well-known Marx, it is only fitting another Marx should have been the King of Comedy. Enjoy.
Covid-19 Casualty: Hospitals
Hospitals are hemorrhaging millions of dollars thanks to the Covid-19 virus. What is taking place at the Ochsner health system in New Orleans is being replicated in hospitals across the country. The Times-Picayune reported:
Savage of the Day
A hoodlum walked up to Greenbrook Flowers last night and slashed the tires of all delivery vehicles just for the fun of it. The video is posted below.
Mississippi Update: 3,974 Infections, 152 Deaths
The Mississippi State Department of Health reported 181 new cases of the
Wuhan Virus today. The total number of cases is 3,974. The
virus has caused 152 deaths.
Friday, April 17, 2020
When Church Came to Walmart
A church congregation visited the Walmart in Holly Springs last Sunday. The police eventually arrived and made them leave. The parishioners complained on the video they proved their point but it should be um, pointed out they didn't purchase anything. The Pastor addresses the eviction at 13:30.
Rez Opens Monday
The Pearl River Valley Water Supply District issued the following statement.
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Covid-19 Update: 3,793 Cases, 140 Deaths
The Mississippi State Department of Health reported 169 new cases of the
Wuhan Virus this morning. The total number of cases is 3,793. The
virus has caused 140 deaths.
Governor Says "We Can't Reopen"
Governor Tate Reeves is holding a press conference right now. The presser is streamed below. This post will be updated throughout the press conference.
Mayor Extends Shutdown to April 30
Jackson Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba issued the following executive order.
Good Guys Win One
Some would-be burglars found out crime does pay but in an unexpected way. Enjoy.
Thursday, April 16, 2020
China Delays Shipment of Medical Supplies
The Chinese Communist Government is holding up the export of medical supplies to America. The Wall Street Journal reported:
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MDOC Has 3 Covid-19 Positive Inmates
The Mississippi Department of Corrections issued the following statement.
A Miracle Amid Destruction
A miracle took place while on of the countries largest tornadoes ever rampaged through South Mississippi. "Pecos Hank" posted on his Youtube channel:
Covid Goes on the Attack
The Mississippi State Department of Health reported 264 new cases of the
Wuhan Virus this morning. The total number of cases is 3,624. The
virus has caused 129 deaths. The pace slowed over the last few days but
picked up a full head of steam Tuesday. It remains to be seen
whether the increase is due to increased testing or more actual
Greenville Mayor Backs Down
The good, God-fearing folks of Greenville won a round in their fight to worship. The Associated Press reported:
PRVWSD Board Meets
The Pearl River Valley Water Supply District Board of Directors is meeting right now. The meeting is streamed below. The agenda and board packet are posted as well.
Supply Shortage Crimps Covid-19 Testing
The dirty little not-so-secret of Covid-19 testing is there is a national shortage of supplies that limits testing for the virus. Labs are suffering from a shortage of swabs, reagents, and of course, protective gear. The shortage is crippling the use of the new rapid-test kits that are now available. The federal government just doubled the reimbursement for such tests since they were being used at less than 10% capacity. Bloomberg reported yesterday:
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Governor: "We are in the Eye of a Storm"
Governor Tate Reeves is holding his daily briefing about the Covid-19(2) virus. The presser is streamed below.
UMC Conducts Clinical Trials on Covid-19(2)
UMC issued the following statement.
WSJ: The Layoff Wave Goes Tidal
First the blue collar world suffered, now Covid-19 layoffs are hitting white-collar workers. The Wall Street Journal reported today:
Covid-19 Picks Up the Pace
The Mississippi State Department of Health reported 273 new cases of the
Wuhan Virus this morning. The total number of cases is 3,360. The
virus has caused 122 deaths. The pace slowed over the last few days but picked up a full head of steam yesterday. It remains to be seen whether the increase is due to increased testing or more actual infections.
Virus? What Virus?
It's just another day on Fortification Street at North State Street. Thanks to Save JXN for sending us this photo.
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Sid Salter: Covid-19 Poses Familiar Threat to Economy Older Mississippians Recognize
Mississippi is no longer the poorest state in the union. West Virginia holds that distinction by a rather narrow margin.
But regardless the rank, we struggle against a high rate of poverty and low rates of educational attainment, per capita income, and median household income. We have high rates of obesity, heart disease, diabetes, cancer coupled with the lowest rank for health care outcomes. And now, introduce into that scary mix a global pandemic.
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Who Will Control the Spice?
There will hopefully be a cure for the Coronavirus for Christmas because Dune 2020 is scheduled to open on December 18. Vanity Fair reported today:
![]() |
Paul & Jessica Atreides |
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Governor: School Buildings Remain Closed
Governor Tate Reeves is holding a briefing on the Covid-19 virus right now. The presser is streamed below.
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Is the Curve Flattening in Mississippi?
The Mississippi State Department of Health reported 145 new cases of the
Wuhan Virus this morning. The total number of cases is 3,087. The
virus has caused 111 deaths. 549 patients were hospitalized.
Covid-19's Other Cost: Suicide
This post was written by a 27-year old male from the metro area:
Monday, April 13, 2020
Every Night, Live from the Met!
Arias and ovations are no more at the Met until the current contagion concludes. However, one has to give it to the Metropolitan Opera as it makes some serious lemonade out coronavirus lemons. The Met is streaming an opera performance every night online while it is closed. Posted below is this week's schedule.
MDOC Inmate Dies
The Mississippi Department of Corrections issued the following statement.
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State Health Officer Says Peak Phase is Upon Us
Governor Tate Reeves is holding a press conference right now. It is streamed below.
Bolivar Commercial Closes
Lee Walls, president and CEO of Walls Newspapers and owner of The Bolivar Commercial, announced this week that The Bolivar Commercial would cease publication and operations at the end of April.
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Chicoms Crack Down on Covid-19 Research
Chicoms are going to Chicom. It's what they do. The Chinese dictator's latest shenanigan is to clamp down on research about the Covid-19 virus. Can't allow independent research to tell the truth, can we? CNN reported yesterday:
Learnin' the Leather While Sheltering at Home
You've worn out Netflix. You're sick of the wife and kids. You can only manicure the front yard so much. It's not hunting season and you can't go fishing on the Rez. What to do, what to do. Here's an idea: Try shining your shoes. By shoe shine, I don't mean a quick 10-minute Kiwi job but rather a more professional job. Hell, you've got time so why not learn how to go for the Holy Grail itself: the mirror shine.
Want to see an awesome picture of nature unleashed that doesn't involve the destruction we saw yesterday? Check out these videos of Mount Krakotoa erupting yesterday.
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Easter Break for Virus in Mississippi?
The Mississippi State Department of Health reported 161 new cases of the
Wuhan Virus this morning. The total number of cases is 2,942. The
virus has caused 98 deaths. There were only 2 deaths yesterday and 3 deaths Saturday. 549 patients were hospitalized.
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Equal Time
Epidemiologist Dr. Michael Osterholm assesses the current fight against the Covid-19 virus. He discusses "where are we now" and "where do we go from here" in the hour-long interview. If you want to dive deep into some weeds on Covid-19, this is a good place to start.
Nature's Fury Unleashed in Yazoo
Yazoo County Deputy Terry Gann managed to record a tornado rampaging through Yazoo County:
Dr. Pollard: Easter is for You
Still stuck at home and don't want to get the $500 ticket for going to church on Easter Sunday? No problem. JJ presents the late Dr. Frank Pollard giving his 1993 Easter sermon. Enjoy.
Mississippi Covid 19 Update: The Pace Slows
The Mississippi State Department of Health reported 139 new cases of the
Wuhan Virus this morning. The total number of cases is 2,781. The
virus has caused 96 deaths. 548 patients have been hospitalized.
Bill Crawford: Thank Our Heroes
As we Mississippians know well, crises bring out the best and worst of us. Heroes emerge to do all sorts of innovative and caring things. Villains emerge to take advantage of the suffering in myriad ways.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Like a Boss!
It's been ten years but it never gets old seeing The Golden Bear lay down some serious smack.
Lauderdale Virus Cases Spike
The Mississippi State Department of Health reported 173 new cases of the
Wuhan Virus this morning. The total number of cases is 2,642. The
virus has caused 93 deaths. 528 patients have been hospitalized.
Friday, April 10, 2020
Hinds Jailers Infected with Virus
Hinds County Sheriff Lee Vance issued the following statement.
Kurt Lives!
It's been 26 years since Kurt left us. Kurt Cobain: Forever known as the man who killed the hair bands. If nothing else, he deserves to be remembered for that little feat. Posted below is one of his concerts in all of its grunge glory. Enjoy.
Is the Record Truly a Record?
How much are Covid-19 virus infections increasing in Mississippi? Mississippi suffered a record increase yesterday but was it truly a record? The chart below shows a pattern:
Flashback Friday: Granny Got Game
Today's edition of Flashback Friday will take a stroll through 1967. Some of our local Grandmas, even the ones no
longer with us, had some serious game back in their day. Enjoy walking back into time below.
2,469 Infections, Lauderdale Makes a Move
The Mississippi State Department of Health reported 209 new cases of the
Wuhan Virus this morning. The total number of cases is 2,469. The
virus has caused 82 deaths. 482 patients have been hospitalized.
No Comment
Posted below is a 2014 interview with Stephen Hutton on the Rick & Bubba Show. Hutton was the former Executive Director of the Mississippi Fairgrounds Commission. Madison police and MBI arrested him Wednesday for promoting prostitution. The interview is rather interesting as well as disturbing.
S&P Affirms Jackson Rating
Jackson Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba Prime issued the following statement.
Thursday, April 9, 2020
Throwback Thursday: Capitol Edition
This post first appeared on April 4, 2016.
JJ presents the Mississippi State Capitol as never seen before. Yours truly and photographer Rick Guy took the drone out to the capitol on a lovely spring afternoon recently and shot footage of the capitol in all of its glory. Classical structures, a golden eagle, stained glass windows, and blooming azaleas provide material for some beautiful shots. Please try to do the video justice and watch it on a computer or ipad instead of a smartphone. The video is best watched in high-definition mode. Click on the little wheel at the bottom right-hand corner of the Youtube frame and select at least 720. Enjoy.
Gipson: End Milk Purchase Limits
Ag Commish Andrew Gipson issued the following statement.
Biggest Jump in Covid-19 Infections Occurs
The Mississippi State Department of Health reported 257 new cases of the Wuhan Virus this morning. The total number of cases is 2,260. The virus has caused 76 deaths.
Click Here to Read More..
Greenville Tickets Drive-In Churchgoers
Greenville banned drive-in services for churches and issued tickets last night to those who attended such services. Mayor Errick Simmons posted on Facebook:
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
America the Junkie
Joe Rogan and Very Smart Guy Eric Weinstein discussed America's dependence on China for drugs last week. Video of the discussion is posted below. Enjoy.
Fairgrounds Director Busted for Prostitution.
Madison police arrested Stephen Hutton today for prostitution. Hutton is the Executive Director for the Mississippi Fair Commission. Ag Commits Andy Gipson issued the following statement:
Epigrams and Interludes (Covid-19 Edition)
My favorite chapter of Nietzche's Beyond Good and Evil is "Epigrams and Interludes".
The philosopher chooses to collect a wide array of various thoughts
and place them into one chapter. I have decided to post my
observations about the Covid-19 virus in the same vein instead of
writing several posts. Enjoy.
Mississippi Breaks 2,000 Patient Barrier
The Mississippi State Department of Health reported 88 new cases of the
Wuhan Virus this morning. The total number of cases is 2,003. The
virus has caused 67 deaths.
Sid Salter: Covid-19 Robbing Us of Opportunities to Honor Departed Giants
One of the real casualties of the COVID-19 pandemic has been our abilities to properly honor the lives of our friends and loved ones. Funerals are indeed on the list of activities limited by social distancing requirements and the rule of 10.
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
How China Lied as Its People Sickened & Died
The national media has pretty much ignored how China blatantly covered up the spread of the Covid-19 virus as thousands of its people died while allowing travelers to infect the world without so much as a warning. National Review's Jim Geraghty dove into the Covid-19 weeds, rolled around, and created a timeline that reports the depths of Chinese depravity. An abbreviated version of the thorough timeline is posted below while the full version can be read at the National Review website. Mr. Geraghty wrote:
The Do-Gooders Do It Again
The Do-Gooders continue to strike as they work hard to make sure our grocery stores will continue to have shortages.
Governor Holds Covid-19 Briefing
Governor Tate Reeves is holding a press conference. It is streamed below.
State Vet Recommends Animal Shelters Suspend Adoptions & Rescues
The State Board of Animal Health recommended animal shelters cease adoptions and intakes during the Governor's shut-down order. State Veterinarian Dr. Jim Watson stated in an April 4 memo:
1,915 Covid-19 Infections, 59 Deaths
The Mississippi State Department of Health reported 177 new cases of the
Wuhan Virus this morning. The total number of cases is 1,915. The
virus has caused 59 deaths. 30% (373) of infected patients have been hospitalized.
Fake Cop of the Day
Impersonating a cop is never a good idea, especially when the Sheriff pulls you over.
School Lesson of the Day
Schooling those kids at home right now can be a challenge, even with the aid of modern technology. Thankfully, the U.S. Navy served up something that is educational and fun. The Navy provided last week a virtual tour of the U.S.S. Constitution, yup, Old Ironsides herself. The video is a little over an hour long and is something both children and adults can enjoy.
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Monday, April 6, 2020
Equal Time (School Edition)
Infectious disease expert Dr. Michael Osterholm thinks closing schools because of the Covid-19 virus is a mistake. He said the negative consequences of closing schools may outweigh their closure. It is an interesting discussion that starts at 6:00 in the video.
Health Department: WEAR MASKS!!!
The Mississippi State Department of Health issued the following statement.
Driver Gets a Concrete Case of the Stupid
A suspect apparently watched Beverly Hills Cop II a few too many times as he used a concrete truck to run though a few vehicles last Thursday in Desoto County. Police were forced to fire upon the suspect but he survived. Video of the chase and shooting is posted below.
Covid-19 Model Improves for Mississippi
The University of Washington's Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation in Seattle lowered its forecast of Covid-19 deaths in Mississippi. IHME predicted Mississippi would have 674 deaths in a March 25 paper. The updated forecast states Mississippi will have 237 deaths by August 4. Website.
100 New Covid-19 Cases
The Mississippi State Department of Health reported 100 new cases of the Wuhan Virus this morning. The total number of cases is 1,738. The virus has caused 51 deaths. 334 patients are hospitalized.
Save Us From the Do-Gooders
Save us from the dumbass do-gooders. Check out this message that appeared on social media yesterday:
Sunday, April 5, 2020
Need Some Viewing Relief?
HBO opened the vault and is making 500 hours of streaming available for free. That's right. Free. You can't get Game of Thrones but The Sopranos and The Wire are available. Those two shows are some of the best TV you will ever see. You're welcome.
Click Here to Read More..The Queen's Speech
The Queen gives one last reminder of what the WW2 generation is made of:
Why We Can't Have Nice Things
More than a few people were upset when Governor Tate Reeves closed the Ross Barnett Reservoir. Why can't we fish? Why can't we kayak? A boat isn't hurting anyone? Why did the Governor shut down the Rez? There is another side to the story. Actually, there are several sides and none of them are good.
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Equal Time
Posted below is an interesting discussion by an ER doc comparing the use of ventilators to filtered CPAP machines for Covid-19 patients. Ventilators are rough on a patient and often cause collateral damage. Covid-19 patients also have a lower survival rate once they are placed on a ventilator compared to overall ventilator patients. The panelists wonder if patients start going south because the vents are used too early. Some are experimenting with CPAP machines and report positive results. The podcast is less than 15 minutes.
Sunday Morning Sermon
You really can't make it to church this morning but no worries, JJ has you covered. Enjoy this 1991 sermon presented by the late Dr. Frank Pollard of First Baptist Church (Jackson).
Mississippi: 1,638, Hinds: 154
The Mississippi State Department of Health reported 183 new cases of
Coronavirus this morning. The total number of cases is 1,638. The
virus has caused 43 deaths. 302 patients are hospitalized.
Bill Crawford: Trump Changes Tune But Will His Followers?
Personal freedom stands as the most liberal innovation of human civilization. How ironic that it stands as a key political manifesto of today’s conservative movement in America.
Saturday, April 4, 2020
Taming the Savage
Our marble racers take on the Savage Speedway in this week's edition of Formula 1 Marble Racing. Will Galactic win yet another race or will the Hazers run him off the track? Watch below and find out. Enjoy.
Mississippi: 1,455 Infections, 35 Deaths
The Mississippi State Department of Health reported 97 new cases of
Coronavirus this morning. The total number of cases is 1,455. The
virus has caused 35 deaths. 283 patients are hospitalized.
Friday, April 3, 2020
Where Are You Going?
Are you people staying put? Google wants to know so it checked your cellphone's location history and compiled a neat little report that is posted below. It has all sorts of groovy information for the state as well as each county. Read it and weep.
Bonnet Carre Spillway Opens Today
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers opened the Bonnet Carre Spillway opened today. WWL-TV reported:
Mississippi: 1,358, Hinds: 139
The Mississippi State Department of Health reported 181 new cases of Coronavirus this morning. The total number of cases is 1,358. The virus has caused 29 deaths. 262 patients are hospitalized.
Health Department Stonewalls Again
The Mississippi State Department of Health continues to stonewall on providing information about the Coronavirus. Coronavirus infection of health care workers has been a major problem as infected workers transmit the virus or are unable to work. Unfortunately, the State Department of Health refuses to disclose how many Mississippi health care workers are infected with the virus.
Need Coffee?
Uh-oh. Your coffee addiction is kicking in but guess what? Your favorite place is shut down unless it has a drive-through. Never fear, local coffee tycoon Jasmine Calvert is here. Her epresso cafe, The Bean Parlor, will deliver that gourmet coffee you so desperately crave to you:
Thursday, April 2, 2020
Equal Time
Our old friend Karl Denninger over at the Market Ticker website wonders whether hospital workers are vectors for the Covid-19 virus. Karl is no doctor but is just a smart guy who comes up with rather interesting questions.. He penned a post on his website a few days ago that questioned the use of social distancing to fight the Covid-19 virus while positing it was infected health care workers who are becoming vectors. His post is reprinted below with his permission.
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Katrina'ed Again
The Wuhan Virus continues to flatten New Orleans. Check out the numbers:
Throwback Thursday: Granny Got Game
Today's edition of Throwback Thursday will be a little bit different than the usual fare. Some of our local Grandmothers, even the ones no longer with us, had some serious game back in their day. JJ took a stroll through time 60-70 years ago. Posted below are the results of the research.
Health Dept. Hides Nursing Home Info, Won't Increase Inspections During Shutdown
The Mississippi State Department of Health will not increase inspections of nursing homes while they are locked down to visitors. There are Covid-19 infections at 22 long-term care facilities in Mississippi.
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Mississippi: 1,177, Hinds: 118
The Mississippi State Department of Health reported 104 new cases of Coronavirus this morning. The total number of cases is 1,177. The virus has caused 26 deaths. 223 patients are hospitalized.
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
Rez Closed
The Pearl River Valley Water Supply District issued the following statement today:
Governor Issues Shelter at Home Order
Governor Tate Reeves issued the following statement and executive order.
Madison Shuts Down
Madison Mayor Mary Hawkins-Butler issued the following statement.
Hurricane Covid Batters New Orleans
The Louisiana Department of Health 6,424 cases of Wuhan Virus and 273 deaths. 1,498 patients are hospitalized while 490 patients are on ventilators. The statistics are double what they were a week ago. JJ reported last Thursday "The Louisiana State Department of Health reported 2,355 case of the
Wuhan Virus and 83 deaths today. 676 patients are hospitalized while
239 are on ventilators." The majority of the deaths continue to be patients suffering from diabetes or obesity as underlying conditions.
The Clarion-Ledger is furloughing all employees making over $38,000 per year. The employees will be furloughed for one week each month.
Click Here to Read More..Jackson Shutting It Down Friday
Jackson Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba issued the following Executive Order. Pay attention to Section 12(b) for a list of essential businesses.
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State Breaks 1,000 Case Barrier, Hinds Goes Over 100
The Mississippi State Department of Health reported 136 new cases of Coronavirus this morning. The total number of cases is 1,073. The virus has caused 22 deaths. The increase is 40 more cases than it has been for the previous six days. 218 patients are hospitalized.
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Sid Salter: Wicker Played Key Role in CARES Act
Most Mississippians are aware of the heroic role that the late Republican Mississippi U.S. Sen. Thad Cochran played in 2005 in literally saving Mississippi and the rest of Gulf Coast by wrestling a $29 billion Hurricane Katrina relief package from his reluctant Capitol Hill colleagues.
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- Covid-19 Alert!
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- $6.5 Million for Covid-19 Fight Coming to Mississippi
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- Covid-19 ICU's & Vents Decline
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- "Humor is Reason Gone Mad"
- Covid-19 Casualty: Hospitals
- Savage of the Day
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The Kingfish's Favorite Posts
- Presenting the Mississippi State Capitol (Video)
- Editorial: The airport belongs to Jackson. Period.
- Kelly arrested for taking pics of Rose Cochran
- The Real Face of Mississippi Government
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- Majority black public school districts spend more, waste more, fail more
- Jackson's water bond failure: The REST of the story.
- Time to return fire on Banks
- Supervisor votes on projects next to land he owns
- Throwdown at the Levee Board
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- Judge orders interview of Irby
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Trollfest '09
Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).
Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.
Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".
In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.
In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.
Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.
Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!
This is definitely a Beaver production.
Note: Security provided by INS.
Trollfest '07
There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.
If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!
This is definitely a Beaver production.
Note: Security provided by INS.