Thursday, October 19, 2017

Pearl & Canton rise, Rankin slips, JPS crashes.

Read 'em and weep. Today is the day for tears of joy and gnashing of teeth in Mississippi public schools.  The Mississippi Department of Education released its school ratings for the 2016-2017 school year.  Pearl and Canton rose, Rankin County slipped, and the rest of the Jackson metro area schools stayed the same as last year.

The implosion at JPS continued.  A handful of special schools earned A's but the vast majority of the schools received F's.  All middle schools earned an F.  Two Jackson high schools actually earned C's but the rest of them received D's and F's.  Eight "regular" elementary schools received B's and Baker Elementary earned an A.  However, further analysis reveals how bad the picture is at JPS.  Half of all JPS schools received an F rating.  29 out of 57. 72%, 41 of 57, JPS schools earned a D or F.  89% of JPS high schools and middle schools earned a D or F.  The elementary schools improved- only 47% received F's.

 JPS faces a takeover by MDE.  The takeover can't take place until Governor Bryant signs the order.  There has been speculation that Governor Bryant would not sign the order until MDE released the ratings today.  JPS would have received an F for two consecutive years and thus made it easier for the Governor to sign the order. 

The Rankin County School District fell from an A to a B.  Superintendent Dr. Sue Townsent said

 As number 16 out of 146 districts in the state, the Rankin County School District takes pride in our history of being high performing, with many outstanding accomplishments. Our students and teachers are defined by all of their successes rather than by the 1.7 points that separates our district from an A rating. The Rankin County School District will continue to provide the best opportunities for our students and teachers."

The ratings are posted below.  The previous year's rating is posted in parenthesis if it is different from this year's rating. 

Jackson Metro Area School District Ratings
Canton: D (F)
Clinton: A
Hinds: C
Madison: A
Pearl: A (B)
Rankin: B (A)

Canton: D (F) (1 C, 4 D's, 2 F's)
Canton H.S.: F (C)
Huey Porter:  C (F)
Jimmie Goodloe D (C)
Rueben Myers: D (C)
Nichols Middle: D (F)
McNeal:  D (B)
Canton Elementary: F (D)

Clinton: A (5 A's, 1 B)
Clinton H.S.: A (B)
Summer Hill Jr. H.S.: A (B)
Eastside: A (B)
Lovett: A (B)
Clinton Park: A
Northside: B (A)
Clinton Jr. H.S.: B (C)

Hinds County: C (3 B's, 3 C's, 3 D's)
Terry H.S.: B (C)
Raymond H.S.: B (C)
Raymond Elementary: B
Bolton-Edwards: C
Carver Middle: C (B)
Gary Road Intermediate: C
Utica Elementary/Middle: D (C)
Byram Middle: D (C)
Gary Road: D (C)

JPS: F (4 A's*, 8 B's, 4 C's, 12 D's, 29 F's

Obama Magnet School: A
Power APAC School: A
Bailey Middle APAC School:  A

High Schools: 2 C's, 3 D's, 2 F's
Murrah: C (D)
Provine: C (D)
Callaway: D (F)
Jim Hill: D (D)
Lanier: D (F)
Forest Hill: F
Wingfield: F

Middle Schools: 11 F's
Kirksey: F (D)
Peeples: F
Siwell: F
Powell: F
Chastain: F
Cardozo: F
Hardy: F
Whitten: F
Brinkley: F
Blackburn: F
Rowan: F

Elementary Schools: 1 A, 8 B's, 2 C's, 9 D's, 16 F's
Oak Forest: F (D)
French: F (B)
Galloway: F
Green D (F)
Brown F (B)
Wilkins: F (D)
Raines F (D)
John Hopkins: F (D)
Lester: F (C)
Timberlawn: F
Van Winkle: F
Walton: F (D)
N. Jackson: F (D)
Woodville: F (C)
Marshall: F (D)
Johnson: F (D)
Dawson: F (C)
Pointdexter: D (F)
Sykes: D
Boyd: D (F)
McLeod: D
Watkins: D
Smith: D
Bates: D
George: D
Pecan Park: C (D)
Clausell: C
McWillie: B (C)
Spann: B (F)
Key: B
Lee: B (C)
Isable: B
 Casey: B (C)
Barr B (D)
Lake: B (F)
Baker: A

 * Includes three magnet or special schools

Madison County: A (8 A's, 7 B's, 3 C's, 1 D)
Germantown H.S.: A
Madison Central: A
Rosa Scott: A
Velma Jackson: B (D)
Ridgeland H.S.: B
Madison Avenue Upper: A (B)
Madison Station: A
 Luther Branson; A (B)
Mannsdale Upper: A (B)
Madison Middle: A
Germantown Middle: B
Madison Avenue Lower: B
Manndsale: B
Madison Crossing: B (C)
Olde Towne: B
Camden: C
Highland: C (B)
East Flora: C (F)
Shirley Simmons Middle: D (C)
Ann Smith: D

Pearl: A (1 A, 4 B's)
Pearl H.S.: A (B)
 Pearl Upper: B
Pearl Jr. H.S.: B
Pearl Lower Elementary:B
Northside: B (C)

Rankin County: B ( 5 A's, 17 B's, 4 C's)
Brandon H.S.: A
NW Rankin H.S.: A
Florence H.S.: B
Pisgah H.S.: B
Pelahatchie H.S.: B (C)
Puckett Attendance Center: B
Richland H.S.: C
McLaurin Attendance Center: C (D)
Northsore:  A
Florence Elementary: A
Brandon Middle: A
Highland Bluff B (A)
 Steen's Creek: B
Florence Middle: B
Rouse: B (A)
Stonebridge: B (A)
Oakdale: B
Richland Upper: B
NW Rankin Middle: B (A)
Pelahatchie Elementary: B (C)
Richland Elementary: B
NW Elementary: B
Puckett Elementary: B
Pisgah: C
McLaurin: C (B)
Flowood Elementary: B (A)

Charter Schools
Reimagine Prep: D
Smillow Academy: D
Midtown Academy: F

Reimagine and Smillow were eight and ten points short of making a C.  

Kingfish note: What the hell happened to George Elementary?

Note: Send email to if you want a copy of the actual Excel spreadsheet.  It can be altered into alphabetical order by district.


Anonymous said...

It looks like the charter schools are doing no better than the public schools. I thought they were supposed to be the cure to all our problems?!?

Anonymous said... is more important to rename a school from Jeff Davis to Obama....... was that really needed? Are they really serious that renaming a school was more important than getting the kids an education? If that’s all the parents were worried about, then the district should be taken over. I know that I speak in simpleton language but that was never going to change for the better. Oh, don’t forget to rename Robert E. Lee elementary in south Jackson. Lord knows those children don’t need to be traumatized anymore than they have been already. WhT will they name it? Eric Holder Elementary or after the former First Lady?

Eastover, Fondren and Belhaven should now consider breaking away from Jackson before it’s too late. Wait......naaaaaa it’s too late.

Anonymous said...

If Bryant punts he will render the entire process as established by the Legislature as useless.

Anonymous said...

As a pro-flag, pro-gun, anti-NFL, white male Republican, I support their decision to rename the school to Obama Elementary, just as long as I get to rename Murrah to Trump Elementary in 2020 after we build the Wall and repeal Obamacare.

Anonymous said...

So what I'm learning from this chart is that charter schools suck. Almost worse than public schools. Ponzi scheme!

Anonymous said...

I’m with 1:11!!!!! What he said......yeah.....

Anonymous said...

The charter schools do seem to be having a tough time raising scores of these former JPS students. However two of them are rated D, with the rest of JPS Middle Schools receiving F ratings.

Anonymous said...

With three students in Rankin County School district I will not be surprised to see scores continue to drop across all schools. The district is forcing the movement to a digital classroom and is struggling to implement it smoothly. In the elementary levels there is indecision on math programs used (common core confusion). In Middle and High school levels the introduction of laptops has been a nightmare. Students utilize Canvas (much like colleges) and there is very little consistency between teachers as it relates to posting assignments/modules in consistent locations. Students have to perform way to many clicks to see what is required of them that day. Landing screens in Canvas are often organized/sorted differently by teacher. We all know the best way to study for test is on Powerpoint presentations right? We rush through teaching content on Powerpoint so we can save enough time to do all the STATE TEST PREP and make sure we keep the level A status. I predict scores will begin to drop and teeter on the edge of B status next couple years. Oh and my student can watch moves while on his district provided laptop while sitting in the classroom! Talking about being spoiled! Back in our day we could either build a paper star, airplane, write love notes or fighting notes or just stare at each other. Kids now don't get bored in the classroom...

Anonymous said... is more important to rename a school from Jeff Davis to Obama....... was that really needed? Are they really serious that renaming a school was more important than getting the kids an education?

I think that you can be serious about renaming a school and serious about kids getting an education. I'm not sure how or why you see this as a disjunct.

Anonymous said...

All the king's horses and all the kings' men couldn't put Humpty Dumpty back together again.

Does anyone really think anyone or any agency can fix a failing school? Schools fail for a variety of reasons but primarily the demographics of the district. Poverty and high illegitimatcy are leading indicators of failing schools - white or black. Until the home is fixed you can forget about fixing the schools. And the PC culture will never allow the home situation to be fixed, hell you can't even raise the issue with liberals. The best thing you could do for children in those schools is offer the parent (usually a mother - again white or black) a one way ticket out of the state to a community where she can get a job and put the kids in a solid school. Good schools can absorb a small amount of children that are impoverished. When you tip the balance to a majority of children are from single parent low income to no income then the problem is not fixable. You will find this same problem in eastern Kentucky, West Virginia, and even parts of Northeast Tennessee.

When the free and reduced lunch program goes over 30% of your enrollment you can bet you have a
problem at home. When it hits 50% or greater you can forget about fixing the school. The school is just a reflection of the community it serves.

Ever notice home a community with good jobs has good schools? Unless you fix the "job" problem in th community the schools will continue to fail.

Anonymous said...

Someone needs to check Baker Elementary, I have a niece and nephew who attended school there last year. They transferred to schools in Louisiana, they are currently repeating 3rd and 1st grade.

Anonymous said...

2:03 -- It's called priorities. The amount of time and energy devoted to the name change could have been better spent discussing the failure issues.

Anonymous said...

12:50, do you really believe the shortcomings at JPS are due to officials being too busy renaming schools? How much of their time do you really think it consumed to rename one school?

By the way, I assume you wouldn't want to send your kids to a school named after a man who fought to keep your ancestors enslaved. As the majority of JPS students are black, it should be no surprise that the school was renamed. And spare me the garbage about how you wouldn't send your kids to that particular school (Obama Magnet School) regardless of the name. It performed on at least an equal level as any suburban school on the list.

In any event, assuming that your kids are not JPS students, why do you care that the school is no longer named after Jefferson Davis?

Anonymous said...

If you want your kids in a great school, you have to consider Clinton (this does not even mention all the 35 and 36 ACTs recently).

If you want your kid in a kinda good school that is almost all white, then Rankin is right up there.

Anonymous said...

"And the PC culture will never allow the home situation to be fixed, hell you can't even raise the issue with liberals."

So what is this fantastic, conservative solution you have in mind to fix the "home situation" in impoverished homes that those mean, nasty liberals are ruining?

Anonymous said...

2:03 Not trying to defend incompetence but nobody said renaming the schools was more important than educating children. If they vote to fix the toilets in the high schools does that mean that they are saying toilets are more important than education? Give it a rest.

Anonymous said...

When the kids start transferring out,even the magnets will be empty. See Ann Smith for the future of the school's on the border with JPS.

Anonymous said...

2:03; it DOES mean something. It means the parents and teachers are more concerned about the name of the OUTSIDE of the school rather than what’s inside the school.

2:13 has explained it as clearly as it can be explained without having to draw a picture for some people.

Anonymous said...

1. I think this is the first year for 1 or 2 of the charters. They should be showing significant improvement by Year 3. If not, the Charter Board better not renew their charters.

2. 1.2% of the kids tested are College/Career Ready. 1.2% is considered proficient enough to hold a job after graduation. That is really sad.

Anonymous said...

2:26 -- Because we pay for them. We should have a say also. Doesn't matter what our choices are, we have no choice in taxation and we're just tired of paying for something that is broken. Our money should be better spent fixing the failure not paying to have a building name changed (with all the requisite bids, contracts, oversight, support, etc.). If you don't understand that -- then change blogs. I agree 12:50 and have no clue why we don't just break away in NE Jackson - we're paying for services we cannot use, and that is an excellent basis for creating our own city. Is anyone awake in my neighborhood?

Anonymous said...

JPS is lost and cannot be saved by any earthly institution. Mississippi should exempt JPS from testing. Nobody really and truly cares about JPS or its students and it is ludicrous to pretend that they do. Leave it alone. Que sera sera!

Anonymous said...


No JPS apologist here, but it's not like this was a poor performing school that changed its name. Top elementary school in the state according to today's rankings.

Anonymous said...

2:13, 2:24, and 2:32, Please help me understand why you think it's impossible to focus on education, while at the same time, renaming a school. Apparently, that was not a problem at Obama Magnet School; it has an A rating.

Anonymous said...

Barack Obama Magnet School.....GTFOH!!!

Anonymous said...

3:00 -- Priorities. If the ship is sinking, you don't worry about the name. Wasted time and resources.

Don't blame this on be quite honest we don't care what they name a school, but when the school is failing, we do believe these types of issues, should be relegated to the back burner, while they focus on the real educational issues (reading, writing, math, etc.).

Do you think when the Titanic was sinking, they all sat around and wondered if the ship should be renamed?

If you don't understand this simple issue, then you are part of the problem and not the solution.

Kingfish said...

Guess it didn't occur to anyone that the values of the Confederacy might not be the same as a school district that is 99% black. The finer points of state's rights and tariffs might be lost on them.

Having said that, Governor needs to go ahead and sign the order.

Anonymous said...

Right, Kingfish. Now, what happens when that district becomes 90% Hispanic? Are those same blacks going to be fine with changing the name to whatever the Latinos prefer? Is that school's facade protected by Archives & History? If so, how will they change it?

Anonymous said...

I think the name changes are a WONDERFUL idea. Just like saggy pants, those new names allow the casual observer to see exactly what they'd be dealing with.

And there's the bonus that such names will encourage Jacksonians to keep their offspring in Jackson schools.

Meanwhile, exurban communities can change their schools' names, to create subtle conceptual barriers. 'Cruella de Vil Elementary' would be ideal. 'Mayer Rothschild High School' would be a good one for Madison, since, in addition to making our value system and aspirations crystal clear, it would tend to select for better whites - deflecting the types prone to huge truck tires and tiny brains, onto the Rankin County school system, where they belong.

Anonymous said...

The flag wavers cry "majority rules" until they are no longer the majority. Now they are shocked that JPS is not honoring Jeff Davis. Plenty more of this to come.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I want to meet the principal at Baker. He or she can FIX JPS! *cough*

Anonymous said...

Go the way of New York --- PS 1, PS 2, PS 3 .................solves the problem and provides anonymity.

Anonymous said...

4:03 -- I think the irony is that minorities now want to use the majority rule reasoning. I guess if you can traverse between "I'm a minority" or "I'm the majority" hence my requirements must be met -- it works well either way for them. Guess it is all based on what their requirements are based on their location. Actually it's quite brilliant.

Anonymous said...

"As number 16 out of 146 districts in the state, the Rankin County School District takes pride in our history of being high performing, with many outstanding accomplishments. Our students and teachers are defined by all of their successes rather than by the 1.7 points that separates our district from an A rating. The Rankin County School District will continue to provide the best opportunities for our students and teachers."

Looks to me like Superintendent Dr. Sue Townsent [sic] needs to get her head out of the sand (or out of her ass, which may be more realistic) and get her thinking right. Not only the schools (pupils), but the surrounding areas and county, are HUGELY impacted by the rated quality of the schools. Her "well, we're good enough" attitude stated above doesn't cut it. That's nothing more than a "cover my ass as the superintendent" statement, because when residents look for places to locate based on the quality of the schools, it doesn't matter if the rating is .1 or 9.9 points from an A, a B still shows as a B in their eyes. Furthermore, until the left figures a way to euphemize the grading scale to make it "fair," an A is still better than a B. Therefore, when Madison has A schools and Rankin has B schools, which one is likely to be more appealing to parents for their children (regardless of how far Rankin schools missed the mark)?

What an absolutely stupid position for a superintendent to take (and even worse to make a public statement about same)!

Anonymous said...

What a shame for kids in Jackson Public schools. They are environmentally and socially challenged when they start school and receive no support from grade one forward. At some point (for some of them) the light bulb will come on and they will realize how important education actually is to ever make it ahead in life. Sadly, at that point they will be so far behind that there will be almost no catching up.

If you don't get proper basic education by grade four or five I have no idea how you will ever catch up. The JPS System puts incredible pressure on parents who actually want to see their kids be successful as adults.

So much for luring decent technical industry to Jackson. Maybe Madison, Brandon and Clinton workforce, with fast food, custodial and landscape services provided by Jackson folks.

Pay attention to that last paragraph Jackson folks. Unless you do something quickly, that is the future for your kids.

Anonymous said...

I mentor 5 guys in JPS and am a regular at Galloway, Brinkley and Lanier. Under the new
Interim superintendent and across the board staffing improvements I am seeing improvement.
I am also seeing parents again getting involved in JPS (keep in mind the previous superintendent
completely destroyed accountability, demoralized long term teachers and bambozzled the clueless
Board of Trustees).

If you and the naysayers of JPS want to make a difference get in loved. JPS will never be an A
District. But it can be a solid C District, amazing for a large urban school. But if you only want to
criticize, look in mirrow and see a member of White Privilege. We and our forefathers are largely
Responsible for denying equal education opportunities to decades of our fellow citizens. The

Anonymous said...

Wonder how many of the students in the school with a new name even knew who the school was named after? How many even know about the history of the U.S.? We can easily see they didn't learn about any of it in their school. After all in a school district that has had a F rating for the last two years isn't teaching much of anything.

Anonymous said...! White privilege is kind of like the term racism -- we're all tone deaf.

If we weren't spending more per capita on students in JPS than any other school district in Mississippi (I would suggest your re-read the EXCELLENT KF post on Desota County and JPS), then you might have some credibility.

Personal accountability? Where does that lie and at what point do we stop making excuses and have it kick in? I do prison ministry and have for over a decade -- but I also understand that most are there because of personal choices, wanting to "game" the system, etc., so don't pull the "I volunteer and am a better person than you" card.

I would suggest you focus on the 5 and hope you make a difference.

Anonymous said...

Rankin Schools, the new Hardy and Provine. That’s where the parents attended. And not during the good years.

Anonymous said...

October 19, 2017 at 5:39 PM = Blah, blah, blah, blah

Anonymous said...

Jeff Davis probably wouldn’t want his name associated with a failing school system anyway. Renaming The school for a failure like Obama is fitting.

Anonymous said...

The solution is simple. Re-name all the schools. Now, that would be visionary.

Anonymous said...

9:02, the school boasts an A rating. Whatever school you send your kids to isn't rated any higher. I wonder what criteria you use to claim that Obama Magnet is "failing."

Anonymous said...

Bryant will punt on this. To much pressure from all sides. JPS doesn't want a takeover and the adjoining districts don't want to take JPD students. Call in the Kellogg Foundation and throw some more money at the falling school district. Everyone is happy. Meanwhile children continue to get substandard education.

Anonymous said...

2:13; In amongst your diatribe you managed to contradict yourself at least three times. Here's just one:

First you say we can forget about changing schools until we change the culture at home. OK, sounds fine so far. But, then you suggest we take single parents with failing children and give them a bus ticket to some place and put them in a 'good school'. Here's your comment: "The best thing you could do for children in those schools is offer the parent (usually a mother - again white or black) a one way ticket out of the state to a community where she can get a job and put the kids in a solid school."

So, if nothing is 'fixed' on the home front, and all we do is move people around (sounds like Charters) and ship them somewhere else, how is that going to help the struggling student (or the ones who don't give a shit)? He will still come home every afternoon either to an empty house or to a mother who could not care less about his education or whether he winds up working at Church's or Dominoes.

Sees Blame Game Again.. said...

5:39 - Do you even know the difference between a tutor and a mentor? A mentor is one, typically in an employment setting, who helps to bring along someone new to the job assignment....or one who is assigned to help another develop in the profession....or serves as an example of how the job might best be done; sort of a job-performance coach. A mentor should not have a role in an adult/child setting in a school.

I hope you are tutoring. If not, you're pissing in the wind while blaming all the ills on white folks. You do seem to enjoy taking the easy/low road.

Kingfish said...

Wow. The guy is putting his time and effort in to helping kids at these schools and you bust his balls for it. He might be mentoring considering many of these kids come from broken homes and probably need it.

Anonymous said...

6:44 Guess I'm not up to date on the terminology. Should have said I attempt to show these kids that God loves them and that I love them and that God made them and every other human in His image. Therefore they can achieve whatever they dream and I am there to help them do it.

Anonymous said...

King the claims of mentoring are exaggerated and overused. He/she might be doing lots of things but you have no idea that it isn't merely advising the mentees how to tie their shoes or a windsor knot.

Anonymous said...

8:19 Thank you for your genuine concern and real efforts to help these kids instead of kicking them when they are down. I have been blessed to have the real life experience of seeing kids from the worst of circumstances, right here in Jackson, rise up through JPS and become more than productive citizens. They did it because someone was willing to see them as a fellow human being and extend a helping hand. Let's do that before we "give up" on people. We won't succeed every time, but if you have one success, it's worth it. Don't give up. God Bless.

Anonymous said...

Looks like all the tax money that Canton Schools are getting from Lake Caroline have not helped education one bit! Other than Huey Porter and Nichols Middle, all of them wen down! And the high school went from a C to an F!!! Can tax payers get a refund?

Canton H.S.: F (C)
Huey Porter: C (F)
Jimmie Goodloe D (C)
Rueben Myers: D (C)
Nichols Middle: D (F)
McNeal: D (B)
Canton Elementary: F (D)

Anonymous said...

@ 1:27 Sounds like you need to help your child(ren) focus/get them some help. The computer platforms used in RCSD are not in any way difficult to navigate, even as teacher usage varies. Your kid(s) should be able to adapt. If they cannot, perhaps the same poor parenting that is responsible for everything in JPS according to the people on this board is responsible for your child's inability to do his/her work on a modern day 'puter and not waste time watching movies. Do better.

HDMatthias, MD said...

Ann E Smith--D. This is a big problem for Ridgeland.

Anonymous said...

5:40 a.m. Reference was to the failing system, not the school. Reading comprehension was obviously not high on your school's priority list.

Anonymous said...

“Canton: D (F) (1 C, 4 D's, 2 F's)
Canton H.S.: F (C)
Huey Porter: C (F)
Jimmie Goodloe D (C)
Rueben Myers: D (C)
Nichols Middle: D (F)
McNeal: D (B)
Canton Elementary: F (D)”

According to the post, Canton had:

0 A’s, 1 B, 3 C’s, 1 D, 2 F’s and had an overall F rating.

0 A’s, 0 B’s, 1 C, 4 D’s, 2 F’s and had an overall D rating.

It appears the schools performed better in 2016 that 2017. How can the district grade improve?

Anonymous said...

Good question 11:49.

anonymous said...

You mentioned regarding JPS that "all middle schools recieved and F" and a commenter noted that the charters were doing better than JPS schools overall. Bailey is a middle school and got an A rating. Davis (Obama) is the top elementary school in the state. There is no charter IN Mississippi that comes close to either of these well established JPS schools. Just giving creidt where it's due.

Anonymous said...

None of the kids at any of those schools know who their school is named after. None of them have an opinion of that person until they are told what opinion to have by their parents or teachers. Whos spreading the hate?

Anonymous said...

Interesting point 4:43. Maybe we can name a maternity-ward after a famous pedophile, like Peewee Herman. After all, the babies born there would not know who their maternity-ward was named after, or have an opinion of that person, until they were told what opinion to have by their parents or another adult. What crybabies! No pun intended...

Anonymous said...

6:31 - In your careful reading of 2:13 did you miss the statement:
"Until the home is fixed you can forget about fixing the schools. And the PC culture will never allow the home situation to be fixed, hell you can't even raise the issue with liberals."

A = Until the home is fixed you can forget about fixing the schools.

B= And the PC culture will never allow the home situation to be fixed, hell you can't even raise the issue with liberals.

B follows A...get it?

You can shovel all the state resources in the world into JPS and you might just might move the needle to a D-. Or putting it simply, 'You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink'. The horse must be thirsty and want the water.

Anonymous said...

"Maybe we can name a maternity-ward after a famous pedophile, like Peewee Herman. "

Pedophile? You got a source?

Only scandal attached to this guy was getting busted masturbating ALONE in a Florida porn theater. No kids in porn theaters that I know of.

Figures Lie and Liars Figure said...

Interesting to see the Clarion Ledger's take on the new data. From the bold front-page headlines: "SCHOOL GRADES SHOW A's UP; F's DOWN!"


Anonymous said...

Canton spent all the Nissan money on new schools which weren't needed.

Anonymous said...

Kingfish - You do know, don't you, that schools need (and often employ or recruit volunteers) tutors, not mentors? We don't need more bow-ties in the hallway mentoring children to dislike white folk. That's the purpose of Head Start and churches and 100 black men. The schools need subject-matter tutors.

Anonymous said...

"If Bryant punts he will render the entire process as established by the Legislature as useless."

Almost as useless as school funding formulas and legislative mandates that were just shit-canned by the Supremes?

Anonymous said...

7:00...You asked me, "6:31 - In your careful reading of 2:13 did you miss the statement: "Until the home is fixed you can forget about fixing the schools."

No, I didn't 'miss it' at all. If you noticed, I quoted it precisely in my post. I felt like the point he was trying to make is that you have to fix things at home first, so, move these kids to another state where there's a better school. That made no sense, as the home front was still unaddressed.

If 'B follows A' as you so cleverly suggest, what's your solution for 'fixing the home' after you relocate the student? Or does it fix itself? Or do we simply pray for a million Michael Oher situations?

Anonymous said...

3:32 - I think the point being made is not fixable, neither the schools or the home situation. All the kings horses and the kings men.......

If you do have a solution we are all ears...besides more money and kumbaya moments.

Anonymous said...

The funniest thing I've heard all week is the suggestion that kids in JPS "can't !earn" when they are forced to attend class in a building that bears the name LEE on it! Hell, most of the can't even read the name and they for damned sure have no idea WHO Lee was or why his name is on the building. If they knew enough to know THAT, they would like know other stuff, too and then, would not have earned such dismal scores to justify having the entire school system taken over by the state.

Anonymous said...

"If you do have a solution we are all ears...besides more money and kumbaya moments. October 21, 2017 at 4:01 PM"

No sir; you will not hear 'throw more money' or 'kumbaya moments' from me. That's why I say it's bullshit to suggest relocating the students, hoping that will help. Nothing has worked and nothing WILL work. The solution, short of putting razor-wire around the entire JPS system and building houses for all of them and their families is to go ahead and build schools for them at Parchman so there won't be transportation issues later. This will cut down on the number of white vans with bars in the windows that we will have to purchase later on state contract.

I reckon Mississippi did something to deserve this fate, not sure what, but we damned sure have this bale to tote, don't we? At least we don't have to deal with the legalized 'third gender' here yet.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS