Jackson Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba is holding a press conference right now. It is streamed below.
The City of Jackson – in cooperation with the City’s Interim Third-Party Administrator, Ted Henifin, JXN Water and Promise – is excited to announce some long overdue and equitable relief for Jackson residents struggling with their water bills.
Beginning Thursday, Jackson residents have been given the opportunity to apply for debt relief from their bills as part of the People’s Relief Campaign. The campaign is the return on a promise from Mayor Lumumba to not only find funding to fix the City’s long neglected water infrastructure, but with the help of Henifin to also provide residents the relief they deserve from a water meter and billing system in disrepair in the aftermath of the City’s massive contract with Siemens Industry LLC.
“Some time ago, we promised to repair our broken and aged water infrastructure and get the resources that were necessary.” Mayor Lumumba said Thursday in the lobby of the Water/Sewer Business Administration in the Metrocenter Mall. “We said we would fight for equity in the water practice and billing process, and that we would make residents whole. This is a prime example of promises made, promises kept.”
The relief is a sign of good things to come as the City of Jackson, Henifin and his company, JXN Water work to systematically repair the neglected system from the ground up and come up with creative ways to address the crisis.
It follows the largest federal allocation of infrastructure funding in the history of Jackson, nearly $800 million, which was made possible by the work of Mayor Lumumba along with state and federal partners.
Thursday, Mayor Lumumba clarified the relief is separate from debt forgiveness since the federal funds will be used to pay outstanding water bills, not forgive any debt. By mid-afternoon, over $5 million in debt relief had already been allocated to Jackson residents, with more relief on the way.
The Mayor also cautioned residents to avoid misinformation about the program. He reminded residents that if you have a water bill and are in the system already, you will not be required to submit additional information. The Mayor called efforts to spread inaccurate information to residents irresponsible and self-defeating since the program is based specifically on helping Jackson residents.
Jackson residents can find more information about the program on the City’s social media page and the website of JXN Water. Both entities will continue to publish updated information on the program moving forward.
If residents were unable to apply for assistance at any of the nine locations set up to help, they can call 601-374-5787 for more information or apply online at peoplesreliefcampaign.com.
This is a class action opportunity for water customers to challenge the accuracy of all the bills.
@2:16 and sue who? The city? Lol
When is he ever going to address the most important issue- the alarmingly high violent loss of life in the Capital City.
What charity does this fall under? It seems all of these "People's" groups aren't registered, unless they fall under the one from Chicago...
Who needs to charge for water when the government sends in the cash to save the day. The bold new city is settling in to suckle the federal tit.
Going forward the City will never collect 80% of its water bills.
Free will do that.
i thought sista rukia said this was being done and funded by people's assembly... now it is being claimed by the city of jackson in a press conference? the corruption smells..
what relief do those of us that always paid our jackson water bill in full on time get?
@3:03 honest working people are the enemy in Jackson. We think before we vote therefore no relief ever.
If you paid your bill even tough you told them it was too high, do you get money?
Chokwe, the elder, is sitting up and smiling. The movement continues. Junior has been to the mountain-top.
Paying customers are saps.
Meanwhile: The Supreme Court, as we speak, is deciding whether or not the holder of the highest office in the land has the authority to forgive debts.
Does Little Chock actually think he can get away with this?
Get out while you can. Socialism is great until you run out of other peoples money. Those of you that have money left and pay your bills you better get the hell while you have a few pennies left.
Just like those of us that worked to pay for our college degree, you will get the shaft 3:03.
The American society is being run by grasshoppers. Us ants are doomed.
System A:
Management works hard and puts in hours
Employees work hard and put in hours
Finances are watched tightly
System infrastructure is maintained effectively
Customers pay bills to provide funding for operation
System B:
Management doesn't work at all
Employees are incompetent and don't work
Finances aren't managed
System is allowed to fall apart
Customers don't pay bills
Now which system "did it better" and was more successful? Which system is setting the example on how to do things the right way? There was a time in the past that I would say System A did it better. But now System A has been called a bunch of racists by the media, and Uncle Sam has given System B $1 billion. The customers of System B still don't have to pay for water. So System B is the clear and undisputed winner.
How long is Ted going to allow Lumumba to keep taking credit for things before he cuts the Mayor out of the equation?
Ted should have already told the Mayor to kick rocks if he wants to build trust in what he is trying to create and then told all those worthless Water and Sewer dept. CSRs to hit the road behind the Mayor.
You are teaching people that someone else will pay their bills. They could have at least been paying $75 a month which would have been the minimum monthly water sewage and garbage fees. Watch how many of them don't pay the next bill they get. Those people that had $3,000 bills just made no payment at all the last 30 months.
Yep, as long as nobody ever gets cut off, then a lot will never pay.
I foresee an outcry in 6 months when/if people get their water turned off for not paying their bills. It's easy to get used to not paying bills.
2:44 - everyone seems to think that the mayor can reduce/resolve the violent crime issue in Jackson. He can't. No one can. Jackson as well as other cities in the US are facing a complete breakdown in the moral fiber of a significant portion of our society. This cannot be resolved by conventional means.
The water meters were faulty to begin with. Residents are being overcharged for something that was never utilized. So this basically is a cash infusion into the water department for services that were never rendered to begin with.
Wonder if this will be considered taxable income by the IRS? Boy…wouldn’t that piss some folks off?
This is not legal.
So utter ineptitude on the part of a stupid lazy marxist mayor and his corrupt contractors and unqualified appointees means you deserve for local ratepayers or national taxpayers to pay your f'king water bill for your commie ass? Explain your entitlement!
"He said it was a prime example of "promises made, promises kept."
What was the promise?
So my federal tax dollars are being used to pay for Jackson residents water bills, gotcha.
@4:03, before I can tell who did it better, System A or System B, I need to know the race of who’s running which system.
1099-C forms for everyone!!!!!
Mayor Lumumba " Promises made, Promises keep."
Now re-elect me! I get you mor' money!
4:53. Who said and/or proved the water meters were faulty? I tend to believe the personnel at the billing office were faulty and incompetent!!!
Lady on WLBT said that one customer had a $12K bill taken care of. $100 per month for 10 years. I say BS to that. But since W/S has failed to collect $100M+ in the past several years then I guess it’s ok!
The remaining question is, how can we blame all of this on Brett Favre?
"Equitable relief" Checking off the Marxist boxes, right?
Governance has to be pragmatic.
How much time tying up the courts and how many tax dollars do y'all wanna add chasing down this money?
And, how LONG do you think that will take?
Sometimes you just have to " move on" from a "screw up" and try to learn from it instead of wallow in the mess.
And, the hypocrisy is nauseating.
Please tend to your own failings please. Court documents are rather ripe with those these days.
I wonder how many of you whining about water bill forgiveness bring the same energy towards GOP leaders, many of them rich, whose PPP loans were forgiven? Why is it a problem for poor and working class people getting a break for once?
If there are "ripe court documents" for the failings of those you label "hypocrites" who criticize Jackson's piss poor water system governance, at least those other matters are being adjudicated, whereas dependency water blessings continue for those thousands who haven't paid their bills for years, whose feeling of entitlement you cannot justify by your obfuscation.
Cut those free loaders off rather than hoist their shortcomings on the shoulders of responsible bill payers.
Pathetic claim by Lumumba. Basically saying 'I promised you free money and I've got you free money' even though everything else in the city has gone to total shit, literally and figuratively. Total charlatan.
5:18 Pm, why would considering it taxable income bother the people in Jackson?
At several times in my life, I faced difficult, harsh budgeting decisions in order to pay my bills, including selling my car and using a bicycle instead, eating once a day, foregoing new clothes and trips out of town, hand washing and line drying clothes and selling all my personally created artwork for rent and utilities.
I feel no mercy for blood sucking freeloaders who haven't paid their water/sewer/trash bills as if entitled to this service free.
Why is the government giving money to residents to pay the money back to the government. Why can’t the money go straight to the water department and the debt just get wiped? I’m not saying I’m for or against the relief. But we why on earth would we hand out the money in hopes that the residents actually send it in to pay their water bills when many just didn’t pay it to begin with?
I see where Jackson spent $6,900,00.00 on redoing a “football field” but can’t afford to fix the water system.
@10:33, keep working hard and paying your taxes, the freeloaders need folks like you to pay in and finance the free shit they get from their government.
I signed up for it and got like $300.
Where is this money coming from?
Im still angry about overpaying for 10 years.
So if you haven't received a bill in years and don't know what arbitrary number they'll eventually hit you with, can you apply for the max now and pay later?
Asking for a friend.
@12:57 PM - Robbing from Peter to pay Paul, the Marxist dem way.
By accepting that $300 you have waived your right to pursue refunding the excess that you overpaid. So sorry.
I wonder how many of you whining about water bill forgiveness bring the same energy towards GOP leaders, many of them rich, whose PPP loans were forgiven?
So Democrat leaders are not rich nor had PPP loans forgiven? Surely you aren't that gullible.
Buying votes one scam, err scheme, at a time, the dem way.
Besides the readers and JJ publisher Stokes seems to be the only public figure asking why in the hell is Rukia, specificially, involved?
Thank you for proving my point about how long it takes to investigate and file charges and resolved court cases in this State.
The math still seems to be a problem for you. The "forgiven" water bills are 3,4, few 5 figures. It's unlikely Jackson's payment loss would ever get close to your parties "bills" even IF you had a realistic chance of recovery.
One investigation tracking down, for example, the number of renters/owners, proving no city fault in readings is going to cost more than the total recovered in every case.
On the other hand, your guys stole millions. It's far more sensible and mandatory for government to pursue them.
It's math.
Geez, you probably still believed all the GOP politicians and Fox hosts who have admitted under oath that they knowingly lied to you.
Be aware, I bothered to explain facts to you. They play you for a fool.
It's E-code for everyone! Very inclusive and managed by Rukia. Only Mr. Stokes is asking why she is involved and what is the source of the money.
The rest of the city council are asleep/brain dead.
9:59 says small crimes OK since others commit bigger crimes? No! Prosecute all crimes.
Jackson's freeloader bills cumulatively amount to tens of millions of unpaid dollars, enough to disable the water system. As for math, I've had two semesters of trig, two of calculus, two of physics. You spell math: m-a-r-x.
True: Councilman Stokes is stoked, not woke. He doesn't trust mayor or his sister regarding secret funding of dependency derelicts who won't pay their bills, prefers adjudicating those who claim hardship, then helping the hopeless.
Seems like a simple way to skim some of the federal funds to benefit the same old crew. Hire family and supporters, pay large salaries to "administer" this relief program. Will anyone request records of who is getting paid and how much? There seems to be no paper trail with all the city's projects.
Seems like a nice way to skim some of the federal funds to benefit the same old crew. Hire family and supporters, pay large salaries to "administer" this relief program. Will anyone request records of who is getting paid and how much? There seems to be no paper trail with all the city's projects.
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