Celebrate the life of Charles Evers at what else, a block party Friday:
From Wanda Evers:
This Friday at 1200 to 2:00 we are having a Charles Evers Memorial block party at WMPR as they rename Pecan Park Circle in honor of my father, Charles Evers. The Mayor will be speaking and there will be a blues band, free food and drinks. We encourage everyone who knew Dad to come on out and join us as the city honors him with this street designation.
Saturday there will be a Memorial for Charles Evers at Thalia Mara Hall from 1100-1:00 that will be open to the first 500 persons who show up. We invite everyone to show up and take part but please understand that there will be a cutoff at 500. First come, first served.
I'm a white guy. And I would go. But.....social distancing? Covid? Lumumba? I don't get it
Can't walk outside after midnight. Can put 500 people in a building during the day. Seems reasonable.
He's a Republican and Trump supporter. Don't look for a huge turn out. #identitypolitics
"rename Pecan Park Circle"
How much will that cost the few remaining businesses on Pecan Park Circle ?
Don't misunderstand, love him or hate him . . . Charles Evers was an iconic figure in Mississippi history. I have no problem renaming anything for the man.
But for Gawd's sake . . . Pecan Park Circle ?
That's a virtually unkown "horeshoe" street across from Westland Plaza.
Charles Evers is deserving of much more.
Rename Lynch Street, a portion of Capitol Street, a section of Interstate, whatever .
But renaming a remote street in West Jackson ?
Again, Charles Evers deserves better.
i hope to see some photos...
Mr. Charles Evers was probably one of the most level headed, reasonable and forward thinking black men to ever bless Mississippi. I have been amazed how the MSM has all but ignored his passing. He did much more to help improve race relations than just about any other black leaders, save for Herman Cain. Mr. Cain was also ignored by the MSM. Sad!
Nothing for or against Evers, but isn't this a bad time to be having a block party? I guess I wouldn't understand - it's a cultural thing.
Charles Evers radio station was/ is on Pecan Park Circle. I used to ride my bike around there to a bookstore in that area before it got bad.
Pecan Park Circle is the location of the radio station and other businesses that Charles had for years.
And while I agree that it would be much more appropriate to name Monument Street after him - where he had his headquarters for years some thirty years ago - but I would bet that the current leaders of our fine new radical city wouldn't ever agree to do anything like that to honor Charles. The fact that he didn't kowtow to each and every black politico, and in fact spoke out against much of what the current (last thirty years) of black politics has turned into, they probably won't even provide a police escort for his funeral.
If they follow the Covid restrictions, there will only be 20 people there, right?
" Pecan Park Circle is the location of the radio station and other businesses that Charles had for years. "
Thank you 6:04 !
I did not not know that fact.
I knew Mr. Evers had a radio show in Jackson, but I always thought he was only renting a studio . . . and returned to his home in Fayette afterward.
Renaming Pecam Park Circle for Mr. Evers now makes more sense.
Thanks again for the explanation !
So confused. I thought large gatherings were a no no? And why noon on a Friday? Wouldn’t people be working? And wouldn’t people who remembered him be older folks ie people who shouldn’t be in large gatherings? Why is common sense hated in Jackson?
"Nothing for or against Evers, but isn't this a bad time to be having a block party? I guess I wouldn't understand - it's a cultural thing."
Not at all.
According to the Jackson Mayor, the "Rona"
only infects people between midnight and 5 AM.
So party on !
Oh, stop it, already, idiots! Soooo, NOT okay to go to the beach or to a wedding reception, but perfectly okay to march and rant in droves, over some police incident...and now, this: a “block party”? Do you fools think the virus gives a damn about the reason you are gathering to spew your germs all over each other?
Stick up a monument to the old guy. Rename a park. Do whatever gives you all the feels. But stay the Hell home, amd don’t gather i. A crowd. Jesus!
So much for Hiz Onner and his most recent Do as I say not as I do edicts.
Calm down 7:10, death is coming our way no matter what we do. Boo
This is as crazy as it gets,just goes to show you it's not just the high schoolers and don't tell me what to do Madisonites.
Just drive down Lakeland, Ridgewood and Old Canton Roads late afternoon any weekday. You’ll see the deniers’ sons and daughters practicing their specialties for the MAIS football season which incredibly is still starting in 2 weeks. So why are we giving them a pass in their large groups but not those celebrating Charles’s life?
I'm a white conservative who voted for Charles Evers against the empty suit called Trent Lott when Lott was first elected as US Senator.
I have never regretted that vote. "Evers for Everybody" is still a great campaign slogan.
Charles Evers was a great man who is still not receiving the proper respect he deserves.
I sure hope MSNBC catches his speech at the block party. Ole Chuck will not be the spokesperson for all people of Mississippi as MSNBC portrays him.
those thugs in prison who overdose on the heroin that is smuggled in got more media attention than the death of charles evers.
Charles Evers ran for the U.S. Senate in1978 when Thad Cochran was elected, not in 1988 when Trent Lott was elected.
It’s not a block party.
@ 11:07 am
It says BLOCK PARTY on the flyer!
If one were to check the ownership of the radio station, they would discover that It is a non profit registered to Tougaloo College. Evers just took it over and used it to make money for himself. You can check and see the entire record of Evers in the US Bankruptcy court file from around 1990 - -1992! Charles Evers made money on his brother’s name. Remember the celebrations of his brother’s life up hwy 49? It was on 40 acres that Charles used - he sold beer and BBQ and and made a killing! It turned out that a lady from Texas owned the land and Han no knowledge that it was being used for this purpose. Judge Ellington called Evers up to the bench and told him he had better settle with my friend or things were going to go rough on him! He was about to go to jail for lying in a deposition and to the court!
I remember the Charles Evers gatherings very well.
It was more fun for my little White Boy self than the Madison County "Green Lizard" parties.
Up there, drunk rednecks were beating each other into a "pulp" every two hours.
I never saw that at the Charles Evers parties.
It's a light ceremony. Not a block party. They will talk about the street being named after him, a few pictures, and that's it. Bad choice of words, but not a block party.
I have an idea. Seriously. I'm not sure what the name of the street is where Medgar's house sits, but why not name THAT street for Mr. Charles Evers.
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