Andrew Schulz took no prisoners in his latest diatribe on hydroxychloroquine.
Damn. That was brutal. However, he made some good points. The "Front Line Doctors" were poorly vetted before they were presented to the media. Needless to say, the media had a field day with them, especially Dr. Demon Semen. However, big tech made things MUCH worse by removing every single video about the press conference. Jack Dorsey, nutjob extraordinaire, even cancelled the group's website. Yeah, that really damped discussion, didn't it? Nothing like labeling something "Banned in Boston" to get attention. Good job, big tech.
A healthy discussion about the drug is a good thing. If the Frontline Doctors' claims are bogus, then allow people to point out flaws. Bringing the sledgehammer to every platform did no good whatsoever and just made things worse.
There are some experts who say the drug works. There is anecdotal evidence it helps in some situations and yes, it does have side effects just as every other drug does. There are also studies that say it is useless against Covid-19. The drug has been approved for over sixty years. Doctors should have the freedom to treat Covid-19 with the drug. Period. When it does work, it appears to do so if administered right after infection. It is nearly useless in advanced cases of the virus.
Conservative Commentator Erick Erickson pulled no punches in criticizing the Frontliners:
Let me tell you about Dr. Joseph Costa. He died of COVID-19. He was the head of ICU at a Baltimore hospital who rallied his staff to fight COVID. His team treated a bunch of COVID patients and, in the fight, he contracted the virus.
Dr. Costa died the other day, essentially a battlefield casualty in the fight against the virus. He worked the front lines in the fight. We should remember people like that who lost their lives helping others.
Along comes the conservative movement, which puts together a press conference in front of the Supreme Court with a group of doctors who are not on the front lines. They are urgent care or primary care physicians in most cases. They are not regularly in emergency rooms or ICU wards. But they call themselves front line doctors. Of course, when you get to the front of the line at their offices, they have receptionists and waiting areas.
They want to argue that hydroxychloroquine is a useful drug that the media has mischaracterized in a political stunt to own the President. I agree with them. They have valid points to make.
But all these doctors were overshadowed by Dr. Stella Immanuel. She took the microphone and did an impressive tour de force about not wearing masks because hydroxychloroquine is so effective. Her clip got circulated by the President and his son.
Who vetted the lady? Why was she there? She became the face of this press conference. In fact, she became the face so much so that even the President’s own lawyer seemed to not be aware that other credible doctors were there at the press conference.
Immanuel was not the “only medical professional and actual doctor with experience treating COVID-19 willing to speak up.”...
As to the “most effective” part, Dr. Immanuel is also a minister and she believes gynecological problems come from women having sex with demons and witches in a dream state. She believes that certain conditions are actually demon sperm. She also has claimed alien DNA is used in medicine right now.
Y’all, by current cultural standards, I believe in some whacked out stuff. I believe in a Heaven and a Hell. I believe in the physical death and resurrection of a human being who ascended into Heaven, sits at the right hand of God, and who will return to this earth. I believe in angels and I believe in demons. I believe there was a global flood that wiped out humanity except for one family in a boat. I believe there was a really real original man and original woman. I believe it is just as likely that the Navy pilots seeing those UFOs are seeing the “things not seen” as Paul might say as they are alien craft (the reality is most likely the Air Force screwing with the Navy).
I believe these things to be true. I believe there’ll be a final day. I believe there’ll be a global judgment. I believe people who do not accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior will eternally be cast out and separated from God.
I believe these things. Billions of people do.
But demon sperm, alien DNA, and the Nephalim who died in the great flood having sex with current people? That’s a bridge too far.
Dr. Immanuel became the dominant voice on that stage, distracted from everyone else there, and turned a presidential press conference into an embarrassment of questions over demon sperm.
Doctors with good backgrounds and practical views got overshadowed by someone with views so fringe even those of us who literally believe in Adam and Eve have to blush.
Shame on the conservative movement for doing that. We have to do better.
The real front line doctors, like Joseph Costa, are dying of this virus and conservatives are putting up cranks....
There are 243 currently registered, outstanding studies on the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine, many of those studies in outpatient settings. We await the results of the research.
You’d never know that from these doctors. You’d never even know about the doctors except for me telling you. All you’d know about is Dr. Immanuel and demon sperm.
Conservatives, we need to be smarter, better prepared, with better arguments, and with better people. Yes, the other side is out to get us. Yes, the media has biases against us. We don’t need to make it that easy for them.
Pajamas Media criticized the press conference as well:
Hydroxychloroquine has been effective in some circumstances, and masks are not always necessary, but these broad claims created the false impression that hydroxychloroquine is a sure-fire “cure” for the coronavirus, so reliable that prevention measures are not necessary...
Hydroxychloroquine is not a sure-fire cure for COVID-19, and these doctors should not have made that claim. All the same, some of the social media companies have moved to delete more than just the video....
Social media companies are in a tough spot on these issues. While hydroxychloroquine has proven effective against COVID-19 in many cases, blanket claims about it being a surefire “cure” are overstated. Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube want to avoid becoming vectors for the spread of misinformation....
This video went viral because Americans are searching for new answers to the pandemic, solutions that do not require shutting down society for months on end. That thirst for a new solution will likely increase, and silencing dissent may make the misinformation worse. Rest of article.
The frontline doctors are an embarrassment and deserve nothing. It’s a shame that more people who know better aren’t willing to call this crap out in fear of the president tweeting to his anti-intellectual fan boys with portly thought out threats.
Sorry, but I'm not taking my medical advice from a bunch of 'front line doctors' who make statements but don't provide any empirical basis to support their theory. Just because someone 'treated' x number of patients with this drug and they got well proves nothing. Not a damn thing. Many people who have gotten very ill from COVID are receiving NO treatment except told to stay home, away from others, and survive the disease - unless it gets worse. Then, and only then, are they treated with anything.
Some take Alka-Seltzer just to ease the pain. Does that "treat" COVID? Hell no. Just as the HQC might not be doing anything to "treat" the quack's patients.
Does it possibly work sometime, in some circumstances, and with some patients? Possibly. Maybe even probably. But is it a cure? According to any and every actual study conducted thus far, the answer is a clear NO.
I'm a partisan person; a very active political person. But I'll be damned if I am going to make my medical decision based on partisan politics, and the fools that are promoting this "cure" because they think it helps the President are idiots. Just like he is in this instance. (And without a doubt, I'm voting for him.) But should I come down with the COVID, I'm not following his advice - I'm going to a doctor that knows something about the subject. And my doctor's office is not next door to a Marshalls.
Emergency, Urgent Care and Primary Care Physicians absolutely are the frontline to treating this virus! They are the ones testing patients, they are the ones sending patients home with no treatment, and they are ones responsible for keeping patients out of the hospital or sending them to the hospital or inpatient services. So their role in fighting Covid is critical. That is why these Drs spoke out.
Dr. Immanuel was an unfortunate distraction from a very important discussion. There are many credible physicians using HCQ and who recommend it. The NIH published a study recommending HCQ in 2005 against the first SARS coronavirus. A Yale Epidemiologist recently touted the benefits of HCQ in early treatment against Covid-19. At you can see the efficacy of HCQ used globally where it’s not a political issue.
This simple, safe drug that’s been around for 65 years FDA approved has been wrongly demonized. This is for many reasons....Trump touted it so now half the people will hate it automatically. Big Pharma stands to make a lot of $$ off of vaccines. And states and hospitals are receiving a lot of $$ for every Covid patient they treat at the hospital and depending on their numbers of cases. I don’t want to be cynical but essentially it pays to have a Covid problem if you’re dependent on federal money for your state. The money is flowing right now.
So instead of using these outpatient treatments and telling doctors to use everything in their arsenal of knowledge to help patients from progressing to the serious forms of this disease and Covid pneumonia, our officials are telling us to mask healthy people and children at schools. I’ve never seen anything more destructive in my life. It’s absolutely a horrifying testament to what the state can and will do to you, while they profess to have your best interests at heart.
If it was your loved one who contracted Covid and had multiple co-morbidities, wouldn’t you want your doctor to safely try everything possible to keep them from being hospitalized?
That is the power they have stripped from physicians during this virus. They’ve tied their hands. People should be begging for this drug and for other treatments that have shown efficacy in fighting this virus. The pandemic would have been over much sooner with many fewer lives lost—but Fauci and Birx, who are now recommending goggles (maybe Tate will mandate these next!) won with their academia laden approach to this virus and so here we are. I pray every day more people will see the truth.
HCQ prophylaxis is a 200 mg tablet 1-2x per week. A treatment course lasts one week, along with zinc/Zpack. Simple, safe, effective, fast.... and unavailable to the people who need it.
Just a travesty. They’ve turned frontline doctors into data collectors, swabbing patients in cars and parking lots to submit their case numbers, while telling sick patients to stay home until they are so sick they need to go to the hospital.
Lord have mercy on us.
I'm going to skip the debate and just say that you pick the worst commentators to promote.
Between Sid Salter, this sophomoric clown, Bill Crawford, Bill Maher, and that female "comedienne" witht he low cut blouse. It's really a shame.
I think someone grabbed the first pro HQC black female doctor they could find for the political optics and didn't do their homework.
Wow. All of this is wrong.
Yes, primary care is frontline medicine. If Covid is treated more aggressively than fluids, rest and Tylenol at the onset of symptoms, what hang with me here...what if that treatment affected the number of people hospitalized? What if early intervention reduced Covid to the flu? Why should we not bring out the heavy artillery for covid within the first 24-48 hours of symptoms? We do it for the flu, in fact we are more than happy to pay $50-200 for prescription flu meds.
Doctors all over the country are prescribing hcq+az+zinc early in process are seeing results. There has been only one outpatient study of hcq, and the authors decided it was a dud because instead of tracking how few patients were hospitalized or died, they only followed symptom reduction. Furthermore, they only used hcq. So, if you still had a cough two weeks after taking hcq (not the cocktail being touted and described), then the study concluded hcq didn’t work.
TLDR: until research studies the drug cocktail being used all over the country, in an early intervention setting, nobody that actually works in primary care, or the public in general, is going to buy what mainstream media and big tech are selling.
I've been prescribing this to my patients for over 18 years for auto immune disease such as RA... also many physicians in the area have been taking this the past few months due to being exposed to a high viral load of COVID. Yes this medication works very well and costs a nickel per dose. This is one of the longest prescribed medications for a wide variety of reasons. I love it when media and politicians on both sides step into the medical arena with no knowledge.
Why don’t you look into yourself instead of being a sheep take no one’s word research it for yourself
It’s been used for 60 years
It’s over the counter in most countries
Why I always take medical advice from a doctor who promotes witchcraft and demonic sperm impregnations...
I only visit JJ for the local discussion. Kingfish has allowed his mind to become too soiled by HBO for anything else.
The only reason so many are against the use of this drug is because the POTUS said something positive about it. If i ever contract this man made biological warfare virus that escaped from an unsecured, Communist China owned lab from Wuhan, i want my doctor to have the ability to try what he/she thinks will work to treat me. I DO NOT want the government threatening physicians and banning the medicine....just to make a political point.
1-Mr Trump probably heard about the drug HQC and said it at a presser to give some hope to people. He’s not a physician and has no idea what or how that drug works.
2-Science is science. Studies with conflicting results happen all the time. With Covid-19, we are seeing the entire process of finding treatments and cures in the public light.
3-Studies are showing HQC has limited or no effect on Covid-19. Evidence has mounted. Time to move on.
The USA is still trying to figure out how to live with the virus. We must reach a point when the death from Covid is at an acceptable level. It’s painfully clear that if it’s allowed to run it’s course unabated our hospitals/doctor offices will be impossible to manage. We also can’t afford another shutdown of the economy.
Damn, the bloviators were up late.
Don't follow the advice you receive from those with Facebook Medical Degrees mailed out by blogs. Instead, follow the money, or lack of it: HCQ is cheap, therefore big pharma (with their pockets full of congressmen and doctors) is opposed to it.
And of course the delusional leftists are opposed to it. They're not sure why...other than Trump has touted it.
@4:45: Amen brother!
Guess what? Most medications are OTC outside of the U.S. I have lived in five other countries, and if you need a medication, just tell the pharmacist what your symptoms are, or ask for the drug yourself.
About the only thing you can't obtain without a Rx are opiates/opioids. Oh, and meds outside the U.S. are roughly 10% of what we pay for them here.
Follow the money.
Yup and some countries you can buy opioids. Imagine how pleased I was when I found out I could buy Oxycontin and Hydrocodone at Mercury Drugs without a prescription in the Philippines. Of course they cost a months salary for the locals.
I know of only one couple both around 80 years old who tested positive, were hospitalized and treated with HDQ, a Z pack, and Zinc.
Both survived. I know that's anecdotal but with something this new so is pretty much everything else. Maybe they would have survived without the treatments, maybe not.
Where the fuck is that Asteroid?
August 5, 2020 at 6:35 AM incorrectly claimed, "It’s over the counter in most countries"
No, it is not. And in fact, its usefulness even for malaria is now greatly reduced in geographical area because malaria is now resistant to it in many areas.
As to not-quite-outright "suggestions" by experts/"doctors" posting here that they have been uninhibitedly proscribing it to any and all RA patients, that's either complete bullshit or malpractice. I'm not a rheumatologist, but I know a number of them as well as several patients with RA. None of the doctors support widespread use of Plaquenil for COVID-19 and all but one of the RA patients did not and could not be prescribed it due to serious contraindications. Forget about COVID-19 for a second. If Plaquenil were given to any and all RA patients, it would - would, not "could" - either cause life-threatening side effects or kill some of them.
I'm going to guess that many here are not familiar with the nickname for the Beechcraft Bonanza as "The Doctor Killer." The reason it is called that is because for many years, private aircraft like the Bonanza were much less expensive to buy and maintain, so lots of doctors bought this higher-performance aircraft and even though a number of these doctors thought themselves capable of handling them, they were not.
I'm also going to guess that many here are familiar with the general reputation of doctors often thinking they are the smartest person in any room, even a room full of other doctors. In some cases that reputation is well-deserved, but like many such stereotypes it is far from a universal. I know lots of doctors and while some are arrogant assholes who think they are the smartest in any and every room, most know what they know but also know how much they do not know. When a doctor starts making absolute statements like, "hydroxychloroquine 'cures' or 'prevents' COVID-19," well, you've been warned...and I'd advise against flying with them as your pilot.
Do you know what you call a person who graduated LAST in his class at medical school?
"Imagine how pleased I was when I found out I could buy Oxycontin and Hydrocodone at Mercury Drugs without a prescription in the Philippines."
More bullshit. If you bought "Oxycontin" or anything like it over the counter in the Philippines, you were sold fake drugs. Anyone who disagrees can do some research on "S" licensing (for doctors, an "S2") and "dangerous drugs" scheduling. Such drugs are even more tightly-controlled in the Philippines that in the US.
... its usefulness even for malaria is now greatly reduced in geographical area because malaria is now resistant to it in many areas.
Link? Or BS.
KF Would you visit and the reasons they stopped HCQ's use for CV 19. Would you look at the NIH's determination? Would you find the video of Trump's testing czar and Ass't Secretary of Health and Human Service for health, Dr.Brett Giroir's testimony " that we need to move on from that (HCQ) and talk about what is effective".
As he said, " most physicians and prescribers are evidence based and not influenced by whatever is on Twitter or anything else."
I remind you that even doctor's can have " issues", even bad enough to commit murder. You've written stories about them. Some never look beyond their specialty. Some never " keep up". Some have early onset of Alzheimer's or dementia or develop addictions before anyone notices. Some were at the bottom of their class.
Please do not encourage this " flat earth" controversy. We no longer are throwing the " kitchen sink" at this even though there is lots still to learn.
I click on every JJ article not written by Sid Salter or Bill Crawford. I give JJ lots of clicks, but I'm done with supporting those two dolts.
Do multi-vitamins and probiotics work?
Do Doctors still recommend them?
I agree people will immediately oppose anything that Trump says, but he's also the one that made the discussion around HCQ black and white.
He's repeatedly promoted HCQ as a "cure." Even if that were true, the goal is not to get sick in the first place. An airbag may save your life in a car accident, but you could be permanently disabled and you should be actively avoiding car accidents in the first place.
It's pretty confusing to people who are being told to wear a mask and social distance, but Trump tells them there's a cure.
One of the problems with OTC medication is that people assume it's harmless because no prescription is required. The thought is "the government wouldn't let us have it if it could hurt us." BTW, cigarettes are also available without a prescription.
It took numerous groups, countless hours, coordination and cash to set up the false fronts and fraudulent data for the now totally debunked Lancet study to be published? Why would they go through this enormous effort to publish a fraudulent study? What’s the motive? Regardless of your thoughts about the drug combo, ask yourself what possible reason can justify millions being spent to purposefully deceive.
There has NEVER been a RNA "vaccine" (it isnt a vaccine, its a genetic modification) approved for human use but you're about to get one from a Jesuit Midget career pharma-whore and a bespectacled Harry Potter figure who writes and speaks extensively about population eradication. In animal trials a "challenge test" is allowed. Ferrets given rna vaccines produced antibodies and all looked wonderful. However, in subsequent "challenge tests" said vaccinated ferrets were exposed to the live virus. They all died. I saw one pharma exec admit "we still have the problem of enhanced immune response", ie, they all died from a massive cytokine storm. Cant wait for you ignorant pigs to get stuck! You deserve it. Remember the old Roman (Catholic) maxim "let them that would be deceived, be deceived".
It is called profits. Marketing people work day in and out to get people to buy any and everything under the sun. As such, studies have been commissioned for ages to produce a desired result.
@11:57, “Jesuit Midget Career Pharma Whore” huh. You sound like a well rationed individual.. Where did you get your medical degree?
COVID19 is so deadly; you have to deny a patient a long-used, safe for the majority, FDA approved drug that might help.
No one on here who claims Trump said it was a cure actually watched the daily press briefings back in March. They only watched the snippets the media put out. He never said it was a cure. He said if studies are showing promise why not use it. What did we have to lose? He and his doctor decided he would take it. He's also said there is a promise with Remdesivir, and now people are now bitching about the cost and that Trump should fix that too.
And, as he said. If a vaccine was made tomorrow, and he took it first they would say he is selfish, and if he takes it last they would say he doesn't believe it works and is dangerous.
It's just like the disinfectant comment. Only idiots seeking to pounce on anything he says would have taken that literally as if he meant to pour bleach in your lungs. You TDS people can go take a flying leap! I sure as heck didn't like Obama and facts bare out that he was horrible. But, he didn't live rent-free in my head.
@6:28 he didn’t say pour bleach in your lungs, he suggested we should try to inject the disinfectant. As far as HCQ, he’s said a lot of things with very little thought. Here’s one of his tweets, i.e. he wrote this:
“HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE & AZITHROMYCIN, taken together, have a real chance to be one of the biggest game changers in the history of medicine.
If you are such a fan boy that you blindly follow whatever comes out of his mouth, then you are even dumber than he is. It’s unfortunate he can’t speak with more intelligence and thought about a pandemic that is killing so many, but to expect anything more from him is an exercise in futility.
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