Monday, August 31, 2015
Danks sets bond at one million dollars for gratification of lust suspect. (Video)
Rankin woman defends herself against domestic violence
Rankin County Sheriff Bryan Bailey issued the following press release:
Bye-bye Best Buy
Best Buy is shutting it down on County Line Road. The Clarion-Ledger just reported:
Showing you the money in Jackson
The Jackson budget fight has dominated the headlines over the past several weeks. Here is a quick snapshot of Jackson's revenue over the last ten years. The charts are based on numbers found on annual audits the city of Jackson submits to the State Auditor. They are posted on the State Auditor's website. Read the charts and weep. JJ will provide some more snapshots of Jackson finances later this week. Click on the charts to enlarge for better reading.
Jackson City Council responds to Mayor with its own budget proposal.
The Jackson City Council presented its own budget recommendations two weeks ago. Councilmen Tyrone Hendrix, DeKeither Stamps, and Junior posted their plan on Facebook and various websites.
Savage of the Day
A series of Facebook photos showing a Jackson woman bragging about burning a cat is making the social media rounds this morning. The photos include a picture of the burned cat as well. JJ has not been able to verify the identity of Shay Houston although there is a Facebook account for the Shay Houston mentioned in the pictures below. It is hoped that some readers will know this woman and provide more information. Email is
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Trump slams Hillary, Luntz can't comprehend any of it.
Trump took a few shots at Hillary in ways that well, might make Republican candidates and pretty boys cringe:
Shylock v. The Cherokee?
Click Here to Read More..
Saturday, August 29, 2015
Freelons sued for copyright violations
BMI and several copyright owners sued Freelon Restaurant Grill & Bar in U.S. District Court on August 4 for copyright infringement. The plaintiffs claim Freelon's allowed the public performance of several songs without permission or license to do so from either BMI or the copyright owners. The complaint and schedule of alleged offenses is posted below.
Friday, August 28, 2015
Madison PD arrest suspect in gratification of lust case.
Madison PD issued the following press release:
Tony Davis asks Sheriff's lawyer for mercy
Tony Davis sent this email to the media this afternoon. Sheriff Tyrone Lewis filed a defamation lawsuit against him and his ex-wife in Hinds County Chancery Court. A deposition was apparently scheduled for Monday. Here is the email.
As the Mud Slings.....
Now that the race is over, JJ can show you some of the trash that was thrown in the Hinds County District 2 Supervisor's race. Several radio stations refused to accept this ad. Naturally the Clarion-Ledger included the complete ad in its story on the ad. Campaign manager for David L. Archie must have thought he hit a home run when the newspaper did him that favor.
Walker running for Judge
Attorney Chris Walker issued the following press release.
Another woman sues DPS for discrimination and retaliation.
A Mississippi Department of Public Safety employee sued DPS for sex discrimination and retaliation in U.S. District Court on August 10. Penny Corn was the Grants Director for the Office of Homeland Security at DPS. The department is currently fighting several discrimination lawsuits and complaints.
What's a few million dollars between friends?
Kate Royals of the Clarion-Ledger busted the Jackson Public School District for awarding a $3.5 million contract to some "consultants" who worked with the district to improve academic performance. The newspaper reported:
The camera can work both ways
A young woman claimed she was tased by Flowood police earlier this week during a traffic stop. WAPT reported:
Thursday, August 27, 2015
The Apple fanboys might cry
Think your smartphone is the hottest thing on the planet? Are you a slave to the AT&T and Cspire wars? It appears Chinese smartphones are way ahead of what we can do with our smartphones in America and are leaving us in the dust. The Wall Street Journal reported last week:
Rankin police create "safe lots" for internet transactions
Rankin County Sheriff Bryan Bailey issued the following statement:
David L. Archie melts down on Kim Wade's radio show yesterday after KIM Waaaaaaaaaade asked him about his loss to Hinds County District 2 Supervisor. This one is classic.
Bloom County
Steve Dallas faces a brave new world. Click on images to enlarge.
Inside the mind of a maniac
Vester Flanagan sued his employer, WDBJ, for wrongful termination in 2014 after he was fired from the tv station. The case was dismissed but WDBJ submitted reports on his behavior as part of its defense. The court file is 167 pages but here is a road map to the relevant and more interesting pages:
Stokes opposes investigation (Video)
The Jackson City Council voted 6-1 this week to pay two investigators $15,000 to complete an review and issue a final report on the water/sewer department and the Siemen's contract. The investigation was initiated by a report from Raftelis Financial Consultants. Mr. Stokes said he would approve an investigation of the Siemen's contract but opposed any investigation of public works or the water/sewer department. See for yourself.
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Regaining one's past
JJ rarely posts book reviews but this one that appeared in the Wall Street Journal Saturday is one of the more poignant ones. Martin Rubin devled into a case where a family's legacy was looted by the Nazis while they were murdered in the Holocaust. Mr. Rubin writes:
SOS and Jackson work to sell tax-forfeited properties
Mississippi Secretary of State Gibbert Hosemann issued the following press release:
Killer sued prior station for racism.
Vester Flanagan sued his television station employer for racial discrimination after the station fired him in 2000. The case was ordered to mediation. The two sides settled and the case was dismissed with prejudice. The complaint and mediation report are posted below. Comments are turne off. Make them in the other thread about this subject.
Enoch Sanders protested to the Jackson City Council about collecting unpaid water bills.
Two reporters murdered while covering story
Second update: Williams killed himself. Correction: State police corrected themselves and said he is still alive after shooting himself. He faxed a 23 page statement to tv station last night or this morning.
Update: Police searching for former WDBJ reporter Bryce Williams. He posted videos he took of the shooting on Facebook and Twitter. More info posted below.
Warning: Graphic and violent video.
Two WDBJ (Roanake, Va.) reporters were murdered at Smith Mountain Lake (Va.) while covering a story live on tv. Here is the video. The first one shows the shooting. The second shows the coverage by their station.
Court to Tony Davis and Sheila Lewis: Shut up and stop slandering the Sheriff.
A Hinds County judge ordered Tony Davis and Shelia Lewis to remove all posts about Sheriff Tyrone Lewis from Facebook and other social media. Shelia Lewis is the Sheriff's ex-wife. The defendants posted on Facebook that Sheriff Lewis molested a child, committed statutory rape and fathered a child by an under-age girl, and other "defamatory accusations". The Court held Sheriff Lewis would be able to prove these posts were not true and that the "evidence produced thus far shows the statements to be false." Earlier post with copy of complaint and exhibits.
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Election night thread. Anita, Spivey, Darrel win.
Here we go. Predictions:
Get out and vote for Darrel McQuirter today
Your vote does count and you have a chance to do something about Hinds County today if you live in District 2. The district includes part of Fondren and Belhaven.* This website wrote two years ago when Darrel McQuirter faced election:
Click Here to Read More..
David Archie people going to David Archie
Surprise, surprise. The David Archie people are showing their expected level of class on election day today or should we say Hinds County District 2 Supervisor is the victim of some campaign terrorism?
Jackson restaurants charge waitresses wanting better pay are "unfair to Jackson"
Many of Jackson's dining establishments sponsored newspaper ads the opposed raising the wages of their own waitresses. The 1940 ads appeared in the Jackson Daily News and were in response to a called strike:
Nothing to see here, move along.
Nobody's lawsuit against the Mississippi Secretary of State, Attorney General, and Governor has generated no small amount of interest as Nobody seek to stop the state's investigation and possible prosecution of those who distributed anonymous flyers and mailers in Madison County for the August 4 elections. However, here are some interesting coincidences about that pertain to Judge Carlton Reeves and the lawyer for Nobody.
Nobody & AG go at it
Nobody slugged it out in federal court last Friday with the Mississippi Attorney General over an investigation into anonymous flyers and mailers that appeared in the August 4 elections in Madison County. Secretary of State Englebert Hosemann and Attorney General Jim Hood are investigating the flyers. They said the use of anonymous flyers violate state law and those responsible may be prosecutred. Nobody filed suit in U.S. District Court last week and asked Judge Carlton Reeves to issue a temporary restraining order that would stop the investigation. The complaint states the plaintiff is Anonymous. Attorney Graham Carner represented the plaintiff.
Monday, August 24, 2015
Getting desperate?
Kathy Sykes, candidate for House of Representatives #70, rolled out some robocalls today in the Belhaven area. One talked about rolling things back if she loses and the other was an endorsement by Chokwe Antar Lumumba, Jr. Yes, the consiglieri for Harvey and probably the best known lawyer for the Democrats in Mississippi wants to "roll" things back. Here they are.
Think twice before directly reimbursing employee for health care costs.
The IRS will penalize small businesses $100 per day if they "reimburse employees for the cost of premiums for individual health insurance polices or pay their health care costs directly". The maximum penalty is $36,500 per year. The new rule became effective on July 1. The Mississippi Department of Insurance provided the documents posted below that explain the new rule and its ramifications.
Twelve applications for tourism sales tax rebates
Twelve different organizations filed applications for tourism sales tax rebates since January 1, 2013. JJ obtained the applications through a public records request submitted to the Mississippi Development Authority. The applications are posted below. They include rebates as low as $1.9 million and as high as $96.2 million. These applications are just that, applications. They do not state whether the application was approved or rejected.
Sunday, August 23, 2015
JPD Chief Jimmy Wilson tried to stop Melton
Jackson Police Chief Jimmy Wilson warned in a 1993 letter addressed to FBI Special Agent in Charge Joseph Jackson (Jackson office) young boys complained that Frank Melton molested them after they were placed into his charge by Frank Bluntson.
Saturday, August 22, 2015
You knew it was coming. (Updated)
Time for the Ashley Madison fun. One guru went into the Dark Web, retrieved the database, and ranked all 115,181 zip codes. Someone else created a Mississippi database.
Renaissance applied for sales tax rebates
JJ filed a public records request for the Renaissance at Colony Park, LLC application for the Mississippi Tourism Sales Tax rebate. The Mississippi Development Authority provided the following information yesterday. The application was made in December 2013 but does not specify any phases of the development. It states the maximum rebate could be $29,594,938. MDA did not provide any other documents or amendments.
No comment: Pro Se edition.
Judge just loooooooove people who file their own lawsuits and do so by writing out the complaint. Here is one for ya to read. It is not one of the usual variety of prisoner lawsuits but is a suit against Alcorn State University.
Friday, August 21, 2015
Benjamin pleads not guilty to bribery charges.
Irb Benjamin pleaded not guilty today in U.S. District Court today. A federal grand jury indicted Mr. Benjamin on August 18, 2015 for conspiracy and bribery. Benjamin obtained MDOC contracts through his company Mississippi Correctional Management. Benjamin also obtained contracts for other companies by acting as a consultant. He would allegedly split the consulting fee with then-MDOC Commissioner Chris Epps. The first page of the indictment below provides the plot of the scheme hatched by the Commissioner and the Jack Gordon protege. He is represented by "Plea Bargain" Joe Holloman. Benjamin is free on a $10,000 bond. Trial was set for October 16, but it will undoubtedly be postponed to a later date.
Waggoner pleads guilty in Chris Epps scandal.
Nobody tries to stop mailer investigation
Nobody sued Secretary of State Eggbert Hosemann, Attorney General Jim Hood, and Governor Phil Bryant over the investigation of several anonymous flyers and mailers that were distributed in the recent primary elections in Madison County. The complaint was filed in U.S. District Court and assigned to Judge Carleton Reeves. Nobody also seeks a temporary restraining order. The complaint and TRO request are posted below.
Irb Benjamin and Sam Waggoner indicted in Chris Epps scandal
Note: This website was the first source to question Mr. Benjamin's involvement in this scandal. November 24, 2014 post.
U.S. Attorney Acting United States Attorney Harold Brittain, issued the following statement:
Costco chaos
Ok, folks. Here is the much awaited video of the Costco forum held at Ridgeland High School last night. It was a packed house and the discussion grew pretty heated at times.
Thursday, August 20, 2015
At her worst, she is still better......
Just Stevie Nicks goofing around backstage.
Suspect in Spillway chase arrested.
Jackson man beaten to death at softball field with baseball bat.
JPD issued the following press release:
Local hospitals combine laundry cleaning services.
The Greater Jackson Chamber of Commerce issued the following press release:
Former Cochran aide admits he is a drug-dealing Pagan.
Fred Pagan pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to distribute and possess to distribute methamphetamine yesterday in U.S. District Court in Washington D.C. He was arrested on April 25, 2015. He waived indictment.
We need David Archie....... at the WWF, Nitro, or Raw
This post was published in 2011 and is re-posted today.
David Archie, community hell-raiser and
attention-hound, oops, I meant local "activist", recently announced he
was running for Mayor of Jackson. This is not Mr. Archie's first run for
office as he was a candidate for Jackson City Council Ward 1 and for
seat on the Madison County Board of Supervisors in recent years. Mr.
Archie was last seen protesting at the convenience store where a clerk
shot someone who allegedly stole some beer. Mr. Archie was arrested
earlier this year in Canton as he marched without a permit and after
being explicitly warned by the police he would be arrested if he did so.
Such behavior is the norm for Mr. Archie as he has had earlier scrapes
with the law even though they received little coverage by the media.
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Governor hits newspaper editor from behind
Never let it be said politics doesn't make the passions run hot as a Mississippi Governor beat a newspaper editor with his cane. The Jackson Daily News reported on May 3, 1940 that Governor Paul Johnson savagely hit JDN editor Major Frederick Sullens in the head with a "heavy hardwood walking cane" at the Walthall Hotel. The newspaper reported that the blow was not well-directed or else the editor would have suffered a "crushed skull" that probably would have killed him.
Jessica Chambers update: Family expects an arrest soon
Fox13(Memphis) reports the family of murdered Jessica Chambers expects police to make an arrest soon:
Mayor Yarber to council: We looked at tax increase because you didn't want to cut spending. (Video)
Note: Kingfish editorial on how to fix city budget at end of post.
Jackson Mayor Tony Yarber told the city council Monday that he proposed raising taxes because no one on the city council wanted to cut any spending even though the city faces a $15 million budget deficit. Mayor Yarber said he didn't want to raise taxes but the city council "have the stomach for what needed to be done." Mayor Yarber also said he was creating a contingency plan to layoff employees if the city council did not square away the budget. Watch the video posted below as Mayor Yarber calls them out on their spending ways.
$15 an hour meets basic math.
$15 an hour!!! $15 an hour!!! $15 an hour!!! That is the new mantra for restaurant workers. Well, time to splash some cold reality on their fantasies as Wendy's CEO Emil Brolick and other company officers told the truth about what will happen if the minimum wage is raised to $15 an hour on a recent quarterly earnings conference call:
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Ashby to council: Collect the money instead of raising taxes.
Jackson Ward 1 City Councilman Ashby Foote told the City Council yesterday to quit looking at raising taxes or furloughing employees and instead collect the $20 million already owed to the city on water and sewer bills:
St. Paddy's Day Parade, 1984
This little gem popped up on Youtube. Louis Carl posted an 18-minute video of the St. Paddy's Day parade in 1984. Yup, thirty-one years ago. Enjoy.
Reeves Barbour rejects deal, will stand & fight charges.
Reeves Barbour rejected a plea bargain and will go to trial on October 6, 2015 for aggravated assault charges. The docket is posted below. WTOP reported in May:
Monday, August 17, 2015
Gene knew BUT he was doing it for you.
Update on 8-18-15: JJ obtained the actual press release. It contains a timeline of events that is posted below.
Original post: Mayor Gene McGee announced at a press conference this afternoon that he has kept the Costco project secret for quite some time.
Update on injured Clinton police officer
The Clinton Police Department issued the following press release:
Auditor returns money to Warren County
State Auditor Stacey Pickering issued the following statement:
Moody's downgrades Mississippi Power debt.
Moody's rating service issued the following statement:
We report, you decide: Sorority Swimsuit edition
A University of Alabama sorority got in trouble because it dared used swimsuits in a recruiting video. JJ being JJ, the video is posted below. Should it have been removed? Decide for yourself.
Taxing the Cloud
Chicago, Chicago, that taxing town. Bet your bottom dollar..... If you enjoy Pandora, Netflix, or anything else that requires streaming online or cloud service, get ready to pay more money in the Windy City. NPR reported:
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Water conservation notice lifted.
The city of Jackson issued the following statement:
"Badazz" "Bekillenem" burns up in carjacked car. (Updated)
Update on our "fiery" car crash today: Law enforcement sources said the two yewts drove into a church parking lot in South Jackson. A JPD officer working security asked them if they were going to church. They said they just wanted to use the bathroom. He told them they were not for use by the public and that they needed to leave. One of them fired several shots in the air as they left. The officer notified JPD. They were driving down the street in one direction while a JPD cruiser passed them but going in the opposite direction. The police officer made a u-turn as she saw they were speeding but they were completely out of sight when she turned around as they high-tailed it at a high rate of speed. They later crashed. The police officer at no time gave chase because she lost sight of the suspect. In other words, they probably thought there was a chase for them even if none took place.
What the police did not know at the time is that the "victims" are suspected of committing an armed robbery this morning before the church incident.
Meanwhile, here is the Facebook profile picture of the driver, D'ante Steel. He was arrested a year ago for auto theft and is 19 years old.
Original post: A carjacking and police chase went up in flames for one local punk. WLBT reported:
Click Here to Read More..
Remembering the past: Over 200 people die in Natchez nightclub fire.
There is no Gold Coast update this weekend as the newspapers were fairly quiet about the notorious Mecca of bootleggers in the first few months of 1949. However, I did come across this old Jackson Daily News headline about the nightclub fire in Natchez that killed 212 people and injured nearly 100 others. The microfiche copies are much easier to read as their quality improves in 1940 for some reason. Click on each image to enlarge to a readable view. It is still the second deadliest nightclub fire in American history.
Click Here to Read More..
Too funny.
Sovereign citizen, Free Range brat, Article Four idiot, argues with cop and finds out the law actually applies to her. Too bad he couldn't give her a ticket just for the sound of her voice and yes, she actually did quote the Articles of Confederation. The video was recorded in 2013 but is for some reason going viral.
Saturday, August 15, 2015
NE Jackson developer sued for fraud and negligence
Northeast Jackson developer Jesse Westbrook is encountering his share of legal troubles as he currently faces three lawsuits in Hinds County Circuit Court and County Court. The suits range from a simple collection effort to allegations of fraud and negligence.
It happens.
Water bust on Capitol Street. Pipes are supposedly fairly new as they were replaced during the reconstruction of the street.
No comment.
This ad appeared in a 1940 edition of the Jackson Daily News. Ouch.
There she blows.
Totally cool video of a rocket test that took place at the Stennis Space Center this week.
Friday, August 14, 2015
PSC Candidate Brent Bailey speaks out on rate hike
Public Service Commission Central District Republican candidate Brent Bailey made the following statement yesterday after the PSC voted to raise Mississippi Power rates 18%:
Clinton PD busts gang
The Clinton Police Department issued the following press release. Notice this crime happened in the burbs and the suspects are all WHITE (That is for the Kaze and JFP.).
![]() |
Emily Summers |
Clinton, Miss. (August 14, 2015) Clinton Police have arrested eight individuals connected to multiple crimes in the metro Jackson area. Around 11:38 AM on August 13,Clinton Police responded to a tip regarding suspicious activity on Cherry Stone Circle in the Cherry Park Subdivision in Clinton.
Click Here to Read More..
Ridgeland tax hike on the drawing board.
The Madison County Journal reported the Ridgeland board of aldermen might be voting on a tax hike:
Professional courtesy?
A prominent local attorney has managed to escape punishment for a DUI, as her case has sat on the docket of Hinds County Court Judge Melvin Priester, Sr., since April 2014.
Thursday, August 13, 2015
Madison PD bust counterfeit ring
The Madison PD issued the following statement. Take a look at the mug shots. There are some real winners.
Anna Stephens buys another house
Northsider Anna Fiser Stephens bought another house, this time at 1659 Wilhurst Drive. The home is exactly one block away from Jackson Academy. Mrs. Stephens was the volleyball coach at Jackson Academy until earlier this year. A firestorm of controversy erupted several months ago when Mrs. Stephens purchased several homes in Northeast Jackson and then leased them to Oxford House.
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Mayor Gene & Ridgeland residents spar over Costco (Video)
Dear Kevin Upchurch.....
Update on Anglin's convenience store.
JJ spoke to Dent Anglin earlier this week about the eviction of some tenants from a convenience store he owns on Atkins Boulevard. The store was the subject of a protest as well as a WLBT story as Chirag Kharbanda and Desmond Brown popped up at that store.
Sheriff Lewis seeks injuction and defamation damages
Hinds County Sheriff Tyrone Lewis sued his ex-wife Sheila Lewis, Tony Davis, Kristie Nichols, and several other defendants in Hinds County Chancery Court in June. Sheriff Lewis asked the court to impose an injunction as well as damages against the defendant. Sheriff Lewis claims they acted together to slander and defame him through social media over the last several months. The complaint and several exhibits are posted below. The responses to the complaint will be posted as well when they are filed.
235 families approved for education scholarships for children with special needs.
The Mississippi Department of Education issued the following press release:
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Costco conspiracy in Ridgeland?
A reader sent this email to JJ about the possibility of Costco building a store in Ridgeland. Some Ridgeland residents also think Mayor Gene McGee is hiding plans to bring Costco to :
Monday, August 10, 2015
Woman alleges Penn's withdrew job offer because she was pregnant.
A Pearl woman sued Penn's Fish House, Inc. for discrimination based on sex and pregnancy last week in U.S. District Court. Amanda Eady claimed she was hired by Penn's but fired before she started work when the company learned she was pregnant.
Code of Silence for Reverend Stallworth?
A former Jackson Public School District executive filed a wrongful termination lawsuit in U.S. District Court against her former employer last Friday. She alleges she was fired because it was thought that she leaked the plans to hire Reverend Jeffery Stallworth as a JPS Ombudsman to the news media. She also seeks an injunction against the district to prevent her termination as she claims only the school board has the right to fire her. Ms. Dorsey was the Executive Director of Human Resources at the district.
Sunday, August 9, 2015
The Hinds County election results.
Here are the precinct reports and results summary for Hinds County for last week's round of primary elections.I was not able to obtain the precinct reports in a file. The list of polling locations is posted below as well. It is probably best to open the reports in a new window and place along side the polling locations list.
Whither goes the Port of Gulfport?
Will deepening the channel for the Port of Gulfport make it more competitive or would it be a boondoggle bigger than the likes of Kior and the Beef Processing Plant fiascos? Some experts say the port will fall further behind its competitors once the expansion of the Panama Canal can be completed.
Saturday, August 8, 2015
Rankin County primary reports
These are the uncertified election results from Rankin County. The Circuit Clerk was nice enough to send the results in a pdf format.
Friday, August 7, 2015
Gold Coast update: Soldiers, fire, & brimstone rain down on East Jackson
The month of February was a dangerous one for East Jackson in 1939. While belligerents prepared for war across the oceans, a different war took place in East Jackson between Governor Hugh White, the Jackson Chamber of Commerce, and the bootleggers that seemed to withstand raid after raid. Padlocks, axes, court orders, soldiers, shootings, fires.... nothing seemed to shut them down for good.
Jackson furloughing employees
Jackson Mayor Tony Yarber announced that most city employees will be furloughed four hours every two weeks. The furloughs were announced in this memo accompanying the release of the city budget:
Marshall Ramsey nails it today.
See below. His name was Robert Gray. His name was Robert Gray.
Madison PD arrest suspect in domestic violence & sexual assault case.
Warning: Graphic pictures posted below.
The Madison PD issued the following statement:
By the numbers
Here are the precinct and county-wide reports for the Madison County primaries held this week.
Thursday, August 6, 2015
Governor making MDOC change it ways
Governor Phil Bryant issued the following statement and executive orders:
We report, you decide: Sheriff's snapshot
JJ filed a public records request with the Hinds County Sheriff's Office for the employee rosters of April 2011 and April 2015. The two rosters give a snapshot of the composition of the two staffs at the same point in different administrations. The Sheriffs of Rankin and Madison Counties also provided some information on their staff as well.
FINRA arbs order Morgan Stanley to pay $2.4 million to Miss. clients in broker fraud case.
FINRA ordered Morgan Stanley to pay over $2.4 million in damages to Mississippi clients. Investment News reported:
Child molester gets out soon.
Rex Foster gets out of jail in a couple of months:
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Election lagniappe
Here some pictures and mailers that were not posted before the elections held yesterday.
Feds indict Anotio Anderson, Jarvis Durr, and other violent thugs
The Feds arrested a bunch of local things in the "Jackson Violent Crime Initiative". JJ readers will recognize a few of these bad dudes such as Antonio Anderson and Jarvis Durr. The nice thing about these cases is they won't be prosecuted by the District Attorney and they will not be sent to the local jail or MDOC if convicted. These arrests were the result of a joint operation between JPD and the federal government. The U.S. Attorney issued the following statement:
Death to the Machine
A huge earthquake took place in Desoto County last night as the Kuykendall machine took a clobberin' from The Thing known as Empower Mississippi. The Desoto County legislators made a name for themselves over the last four years in fighting all educational reforms that came through the House. A PAC was formed by conservative activists, candidates were recruited, and the fight was taken to the home turf of Milton Kuykendall and his machine. The results? See for yourself:
Derrick Johnson's slush fund gets bigger.
Mississippi NAACP President Derrick Johnson is also the Executive Director of the non-profit organization One Voice. One Voice got in trouble with the Mississippi Secretary of State two years ago as Mr. Johnson partied on the One Voice dime and treated its money as his own little slush fund. He was fined $500 and One Voice was barred from operating until it complied with state law regulating charities and non-profits. One Voice filed its tax return one year later and well, read the numbers for yourself.
A word about the D.A.'s race.
Click Here to Read More..
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Results will soon start pouring in so get ready to have some fun. Who do I think will win the contested races?
The word is.....
turnout is light. Several Republican precincts in Jackson are going D as people vote in the primary.
Place your bets.
Tomorrow night is the big night. Make your predictions here.
Editorial: Stanley Alexander for Hinds County District Attorney
Crime, crime, crime. The word has dominated the world of Jackson, Mississippi for over twenty years. It helped fuel the growth of Madison, Ridgeland, Clinton, Byram, and everything east of the Pearl River. Summits have been held. Speeches have been made. Commissions were formed. However, one thing has not been done and that is to hold our leaders accountable for their record on fighting crime. Hinds County voters have a chance today to hold District Attorney Robert Shuler Smith accountable and send a message that they have had enough of the foolishness that goes on in the Hinds Courthouse.
Andy Taggart endorses Jill Ford for Supervisor
This post is a paid advertisement.
Monday, August 3, 2015
Editorial: Hinds voters should vote in the Democrat primary tomorrow.
Note: Originally published on July 30, 2015.
Elections are almost upon us. While there are many new faces asking for our votes, there problem of deciding whether to vote in the Democratic or Republican primaries is quite old. JJ recommends that if one lives in Hinds County, he or she should vote in the Democratic primary next week.
Sheriff & D.A. discuss courthouse killing
Sheriff Randy Tucker and District Attorney Michael Guest addressed the media about a shooting at the Madison County courthouse in a press conference this morning. The video of the press conference is posted below.
Bill Billingsley: Why I oppose Senator Longwitz
Was the "victim" really a victim? (Updated)
Update: MDOC provided his history to JJ:
He was booked in the MDOC system twice, in 1998 for sell of marijuana and possession of marijuana in Madison County. He received three years to serve and 60 months probation each count concurrently. He came back into the system in 2003 for two counts of sell of cocaine, for which he received 10 years each and 5 years probations running concurrent. He was released from probation as of 1/18/2015Original post:
Kendrick Brown was a twice-convicted drug dealer who was facing a third conviction for selling drugs. His indictments and convictions are posted below. He was killed this morning in the parking lot of the Madison County courthouse by William B. Wells. Mr. Wells will have an initial appearance at 10:00 tomorrow morning. It is thought that Wells shot Brown in retaliation for the attempted murder of his mother this weekend when she was shot in Canton.
Click Here to Read More..
Pantin responds to robocalls
Madison County Circuit Clerk candidate Michael Pantin issued the following statement:
Homicide at Madison Courthouse
Update 3: Shooter identified as William Wells. Courthouse source says Wells went to Brown's house this morning. Brown was not there so he went to the courthouse. Brown walked outside of the courthouse with his attorney to discuss the case. Wells whacked Brown when they did so.
Update 2: Sheriff Randy Tucker will hold a press conference at his office at 10:00 AM. Brown was a known and long-time drug dealer.
Update: A shootout in the parking lot took place. A man was lying
in wait for Kendrick Brown to appear in the parking lot. Brown was
scheduled to appear for a status conference. He was indicted for the
sale of cocaine and a conspiracy charge. The shooter's mother was shot in the thigh
this weekend and today's incident was apparently retaliation for what
took place over the weekend. The mother was hospitalized and will
survive. She was supposed to testify against Brown today. Brown is deceased and apparently was thought to be involved in
the weekend shooting. Brown's indictment is posted below. Original post is below.
Mississippi Supreme Court blames criminal case backlog on Hinds prosecutors
Blaming the judges for the backlog of cases in Hinds County is a common excuse made for the dysfunctional Hinds County criminal justice system. However, the Mississippi Supreme Court cast blame last year on the prosecutors and said the judges should take control of the docket away from the District Attorney's office.
Sunday, August 2, 2015
Bloom County: The return of Steve Dallas
Stevie does not disappoint. Click on images to enlarge.
Governor: "If they want to get rough, that's all right" after Guardsmen shot.
The City of Jackson and the Mississippi National Guard continued the war on the Gold Coast. A soldier was ambushed and shot during a raid while the city declared war on the Gold Coast and began arresting Gold Coast operators found in Jackson for vagrancy. The stories are posted below from the Jackson Daily News.
The current value of the dollar amounts cited in each story are posted next to that figure in parenthesis. Apologies are made for the quality of the microfilm. Most of it is readable or can be read if one plays with the zoom function on a computer (much harder on a smartphone). However, some of it is still just plain unreadable. A synopsis and quotes from each story are posted below, then images of the news story, then another batch of recaps and quotes, then images of the story, and so on.
The Jackson Daily News reported a National Guardsman was ambushed and shot in the hand during a Gold Coast raid on the Gold Cost:
Saturday, August 1, 2015
Geaux, Dent, Geaux. Anglin kicks 'em out.
Dent Anglin is kicking ass and taking names over at his gas station on Adkins Boulevard. A Hinds County Constable showed up at the gas station this morning and evicted tenant Chirag Kharbanda and his crew from the premises. The gas station was in the news recently when WLBT reported local controversy specialist Desmond Brown was operating at the gas station. Several Jackson citizens picketed the gas station.
D.A. getting desperate. PAC with mystery money dumps $22,000 on radio ads.
A political action committee supporting Hinds County District Attorney Robert Shuler Smith popped up on July 28 and spent $22,000 on radio ads at urban radio stations in the Jackson area. Nsombi Lambright registered the Mississippi Safety and Justice PAC with the Secretary of State. The PAC then went to WJMI, WKXI, and WOAD and dropped the $22,000 on radio buys. The ads, schedules, and orders are posted below.
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Trollfest '09
Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).
Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.
Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".
In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.
In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.
Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.
Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!
This is definitely a Beaver production.
Note: Security provided by INS.
Trollfest '07
There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.
If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!
This is definitely a Beaver production.
Note: Security provided by INS.