A picture taken from dash cam video of a shootout on Lakeland Drive shows a suspect pointing a pistol at a Flowood police officer.
Flowood police pulled over a vehicle on Lakeland Drive at 3:49 PM Sunday. A passenger jumped out of the car and took off running. Police officers gave chase on foot. The suspect shot one of the officers in the stomach. Fortunately, the officer was wearing a vest. He was hospitalized and will recover.
The officers returned fire, killing the suspect.
The suspect's name was Jaylon Robinson. A Rankin County grand jury indicted him for credit card fraud in November 2024. He lived in the Bellegrove subdivision.
WAPT interviewed a black "witness" who claimed the police shot Robinson in the back while he held his hands up. Needless to say, certain Jackson-oriented social media groups ran with it as they fanned the flames of racial hatred and police brutality. They conveniently ignored that an officer was shot in the stomach.
Although the Mississippi Bureau of Investigation is handling the case, the Flowood Police released a picture from the dash cam video. A picture is indeed worth a thousand words.
The picture paints well, a different picture, doesn't it?
Kingfish note: The father of the deceased messaged none other than Clay Edwards last night in rather colorful language.
The young man is just handing the cop his cell phone from a position of surrender. Do your “job” and get the video Kingfish.
WAPT screwed up. They should issue apology to the Flowood Police Dept.
One has to wonder what else the deceased thug was worried about the officers finding out as to want to die over it... Were they in process of another crime?
Didn't know a cell phone could put a round into a bullet-proof vest. Is that a new Apple feature?
There isn’t nearly enough racism to meet the current demand. Hence the need to fabricate it at any opportunity.
Interesting that neither WLBT, WJTV, nor MS Today has this photo on their front pages...
@11:05, pull your head out.
Why can we get dash cam video from FPD in less than 48 hours when DPS won't release footage until it's court-mandated?
Damn! That was point blank!!
Where is the gun? I don’t see what you are wanting me to see.
What I see is a youth holding his cell phone by its handle, offering it to the officer while begging for his life from a submissive crouch.
11:18, If by "cell phone" you mean handgun with a extended magazine, then yes, it can shoot bullets.
His Dad seems so classy...I don't understand how his son could stray so far from his parental upbringing.
Surely Dad discussed morality with his son every weekend after church?
Why didn’t they release the enhanced image? I can’t see anything. Will we get the enhanced image? For all I know that is some beef jerky or a bag of skittles. Maybe a box of black & mild cigars.
Time for you to go to an optometrist.
The father hit the nail on the head with clay edwards. Both kf and clay are competing for the title of biggest dick sucking fags in the metro
Come on troll, you can do better. How about "he was holding out some cash to donate to the Police Athletic League."
11:38 well then I guess that makes you a bit different from everyone else.
Thank you for correctly using the word, "dad" (which we Southerners consider a putdown and a mild obscenity). That thing is definitely not a father.
Chapelle has a skit that parodies the extreme denial we are seeing in this topic, where he lists the conditions under which he would accept the guilt of certain individuals. Some here seem to have set the bar even higher.
12:07: KF is far from racist. I submit comments on here all the time that are truth, but not politically aligned with being kind, and could be categorically racists comments. He doesn’t post them.
I see dad is an outstanding individual -- no wonder the kid was a loser.
I'm not going to defend Edwards and as a conservative resident, I'm ashamed he has a venue. But Kingfish is no Clay. Clay is begging for something he hopes nobody ever delivers. Not a threat, just an observation. I honestly think the contest you reference is between Clay and Hizzoner.
No doubt the father is about to claim that society failed his son at every step of the step of the way.
For you skeptics, there is a better picture on FB. Dark horse Press in particular has a picture that is easier to see that it is definitely a gun being pointed at the officer. Waiting on the news sources that wrongly reported what happened to one clean and offer an apology. There have been reporters fired for much less.
The dad of the deceased Marcel Williams is clearly a homophobe.
Thankful to the Flowood LEO and so very thankful none were killed.
A bonus that there will no further resources wasted on the perp.
Dad obviously needs his mouth washed out!
Surely WAPT didn't run with that one-source, lying witness story. That would be the height of amateurism. But we're talking WAPT here. Remember the Borat fake-out?
I may watch too many movies or t.v. shows but don't news outlets require verification from more than one source before running with a story? Is that a thing?
Same pic as KF is using just blown up.
The apple didn’t fall far from the tree. What a disgrace the sub-human “father” is. What do you think his contribution to society is? POS scum bag. His kid never had a chance from birth.
Only if it's a conservative story. Liberal based stories are good to go anytime.
The left has screamed brutality, mistreatment and bitched about law enforcement forever. It's good to see the tool of absolute proof being used to shut them up. When an incident like this can be replayed with 100% accuracy, it ends the discussion about who was at fault. Flowood should post the unedited video on the PD's website for everyone to enjoy.
So in the heat of the moment, some of you are trying to tell us the officer’s instructions were, “Hand me your cell phone!”. I never saw that protocol on Dragnet or Reno 911. Whatever the perp has in his hand, he has a finger on the trigger.
Sorry guys, it's not a cell phone, it's a gun. However the kid is handing the gun over to the cop with the handle on top. What happened to the command, throw the gun away???
I so, the kid is in trouble. If no Command then the kid may be off the hook. In any event, his "concerned father" is a jerk and should be ignored.
I try to keep up with what’s going on with this blog. However, I don’t want to have to sift through all of this vulgarity to do so.
Totally agree. That kind of BS journalism has the potential to cause things to spiral out of control in a hurry. It’s malpractice at best and intentional at worst.
Totally agree. That kind of BS journalism has the potential to cause things to spiral out of control in a hurry. It’s malpractice at best and intentional at worst.
It won't take long, but the full bodycam and dashcam will be released once MBI finishes. It's a gun, no doubt, but I'm guessing you need to actually see the gunshot to believe it.
Definitely a handgun with extended mag.
You need to have your eyes examined. Definitely a handgun with an extended mag.
He is definitely off the hook 🤣
That is not a gun. Something does not add up.
To the father of this young man, my condolences to you and your family! You really should be angry with the driver of the vehicle, he took your son on a death ride! Don’t get it twisted! Now with all the name calling, does that change anything? You may want to ponder for a minute and ask yourself, why your son? Why your son of all the young black men in the tri-county area, Why! From your behavior it’s evident!
Now dad it’s your turn to ensure this madness stops! To all the men and women is blue, do what you have to do, stay safe and go home to your families.
It's a gun.
So the officer who was shot in the stomach, fortunately it hit the body armor, was shot with what exactly, an imaginary gun? Yes, it’s a gun.
Given the track record of the Rankin goon squad, I will withhold opinion until I see the video. This pic is not totally convincing.
that's the first cell phone I've ever seen with an extended clip sticking out of it. who makes that phone? apple or samsung?
This pic is not totally convincing.
Only for those who refuse to see.
Looks more like a hair dryer. No gun with extended clip has a barrel that short and fat. But, it matters not if he shot the cop.
It's as plain as gravity, that's an iPhone with the new Apple accessory called Apple Bullets. I seen it on the iTunes store.
Clearly a Glock with extended clip and either flashlight or laser mounted on the rail underneath the barrel.
To the father of this young man that lost his life, my prayers are with you and your family. Your rant filled comments do not help your image of a father that raised his children to be productive citizens. Your son ran from the police and produced a weapon. Have you thought one minute why the other man in the vehicle didn’t run nor did he point a gun at the officer?
My point! Stop the Blame Game and look in the mirror! That’s real talk.
Hickok45 here. What we have today on the range is a Polymer80 PFC9/Glock 19 clone paired with a Rockslide for the Glock19. We have a temu flashlight and a Korean made extended magazine. Let’s see if we can hit that gong at 100 yards and smoke some pots!
If it were possible I would like to ask the young man that was killed just exactly, what did he expect the outcome to be. It gets more and more extraordinary what people think these days.
He was no "father" to that child, as he had no father to teach him.
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