ShamsidDunce strikes out again. WAPT reported:
The Jackson Municipal Democratic Executive Committee kicked former Jackson Municipal Court Judge Ali ShamsidDeen off the ballot for the Mayoral Democratic primary last week after it ruled he did not live in Jackson.
The spurned candidate sued the Committee in Hinds County Circuit Court. The Mississippi Supreme Court appointed Special Circuit Judge Forrest Johnson, Jr. to preside over the case.
Judge Junior Johnson held court this morning. Both sides made their arguments before the learned jurist upheld the Committee. He said Mr. ShamsidDeen's homestead exemption was in Byram, he voted in Byram during the last two years, his car was registered in Byram in the last two years (to save money said the former judge), and his driver's license stated he lived in Byram.
"The facts remain under the law against Shamsiddeen. He may be a resident of Jackson now, but under the law, he has had his homestead elsewhere, his vehicle's been registered elsewhere outside the city limits, and the voter registration has been outside the city limits" where he voted in Byram in the last two years said Judge Johnson.
He claims that his current home in Byram was in Jackson before an annexation. No! It was in the county with a Jackson post office address, but not within the city limits of Jackson. Scammer!
He has seen so many of the Democrat residency scams that he cannot understand why they suddenly start enforcing the rules with him. His bullshit is no worse than the others. But it really is. He goes just a wee bit too far even for Jackson.
Refreshing to see someone actually WANT to be from the pit of shame and despair that is Jackson these days.
He just wants to get on the palm grease bandwagon that Chowke currently enjoys.
Isn't his legal name SCAMsiDeen?
Does it matter. The guy had a 0% change of winning.
Only Crystal Wise Martin gets to live in Bridgewater but rule from the bench in Jackson.
A well reasoned and correct ruling by Judge Al Johnson (not Junior, KF - that's kinda a sorry way to reference the one brought into the case by the courts, not one of the actors, but I digress) on one of the screwiest parts of our laws regarding elections: residency.
Much better ruling than the idiotic one given by the non-jurist Lamar Pickard a few years ago when saying that David Archie's residence was a house that had no water, no electricity, no gas - hell, no roof but yet the place where he filed a homeowner's insurance claim a few months earlier was not his residence.
Too bad for Ali - only the second black candidate disqualified by the Democratic Committee in decades (Bob Higgenbottom being the first, cause they didn't want him in the race against the white boy, Brandon Presley -- irony of ironies.)
It wouldn't hurt Ridgeland to audit their school parent's addresses. Madison and Rankin schools are infested with Jacksonians using Grandma's apartment or a friend's rental house address to get their kids into a system they don't belong in.
Don't forget Jim Crooked Evans torched by Sam Begley.
@3:53 crystal (and precious- RIP) do it right. they file homestead on a legit house in the district. put car tags there. vote there.
if they want to sleep or stay somewhere else every night they have the right to do so. and they do.
No they don't 6:04. You are to be registered to vote, and run for office WHERE YOU LIVE, not where you want to claim for benefits.
The law is the law, and just because some folks want to flaunt it (as have and are several current and recently former members of the legislature) doesn't make it right.
Owning property doesn't establish residency. If they are laying their head down in another location every night, as you say, that is the only place they can legally be registered to vote. And being in violation of the Homestead laws doesn't make it right, it makes it a double felony.
Poon tang does not define residency.
Fee churning lawyers and even the legitimate cost of legal fees via reputable attorneys keep real victims from receiving justice on a very regular basis. Where do fools like Ali ShamsidDeen get the $$$’s for lawyers to file frivolous suits like this one?
I have always found it odd when people ask "where do you stay? rather than "where do you live?"
I guess these politicians invented the "stay at" concept for reason.
@7:58 AM, just as a bit of historical context, I remember the first time I heard "I stay at" was just after desegregation came to Mississippi, 1970 school year, I believe it was.
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