Update (11:45 AM): The city received the samples yesterday and submitted the report to MDEQ today.
"We are getting closer to the finish line," said Jackson City Attorney Drew Martin as he provided an update on the demolition of the infamous Hotel O to the Jackson City Council yesterday.
Ward 1 Councilman Ashby Foote placed the matter on the agenda for discussion. "It is the poster child for dilapidated properties," said Mr. Foote. The condemned building has been an eyesore for quite some time as it became a magnet for crime as well as the um, residentially challenged. Jackson Municipal Court Judge Jeffrey Reynolds ordered its demolition last year. The City Council approved funding for said demolition.
Under MDEQ regulations, the demolition can not occur until the building is inspected for asbestos. The city hired Cornerstone Enterprise to conduct the inspection. The company inspected the property in October and the city submitted its report to MDEQ on December 17.
The agency notified the city of Jackson the inspection was incomplete.
Mr. Martin said the company a delay had occurred because the certifications for Cornerstone's inspectors had 'relapsed." However, the company renewed its certifications and took samplings of the building to comply with MDEQ.
The samples and their documentation were sent to the lab Monday. Mr. Martin said the testing takes "about five days" before results are available. If the results are negative, Mr. Martin said the city should be able to proceed with demolition within a few days.
The Council labored in sweltering conditions as apparently the air conditioning was nor working.
Posted below is the inspection report from October.
Ridgeland has their Washington Monument along I-55; Jackson has their Hotel O. Very fitting.
What’s the status of the hotel next to hotel o
This historic Jackson edifice should be saved as a testament to
9:40am is right:
The Hotel O, along with a balcony latrine at Thalia Mara Hall, are monuments to Jackson's decline and the Mayor's radical vision of New Africa.
Looking for "LIKE" button.....
Best question yet
Stokes in a meeting room with no A/C. Ain't nobody got time fo dat.
"The Council labored in sweltering conditions as apparently the air conditioning was no(t) working."
Muttley laugh from laff a lympics.
What's the city going to do when the lab tests come back and show the presence of asbestos?
Soon to be mold in city hall with no A/C
The AC works fine in Lord Chowke's executive suite. Right?
In case anyone was thinking about calling COJ about any of this, be aware there is not one single phone number to be found anywhere on the City’s current website, except for a non-functioning 311 number. I guess they decided dealing with residents was too much of a bother for them.
Mr. Martin said the company a delay had occurred because the certifications for Cornerstone's inspectors had 'relapsed."
How long ago did Cornerstone's cert lapse since, per Martin, this is at least the second time (relapse) that firm has allowed their certs to expire?
Of course, not that the City knows a lick about due diligence in the first place. Or maybe that is the Turk's fault.
@9:06 am. I believe the Washington Monument on I-55 belongs to Mayor Mary and Madison. You know she could not have a plain cell tower in their city.
@1:25, damn right. Best managed and safest city in Mississippi.
It's really easy to go on GoogleMap, and find the tower. It's in Ridgeland.
I literally heard this post outloud in my head as I read it. Well done. 11:10.
@1138. If positive for asbestos (more than 1% or 2%), the material would need to be removed by a licensed abatement company. Then reinspected to be free of asbestos containing material, then it can be torn down.
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