Well, a little war broke out between the Governor and a couple of legislators over what else but...... early voting.
Governor Tate Reeves posted on Facebook this week:
The Senator most likely to help the Democrats - Senator Jeremy England - claims I am seeing ghosts in my fight for election integrity! But here is just one very recent example of why I am so passionate about protecting your vote:In the 2023 Governor’s race, the Mississippi Democratic Party went to a local Hinds County judge on election day and got him to hold open the precincts well past the 7pm deadline. But only in Hinds County. And only in certain BIG Democrat precincts.We were able to get an emergency order from the MS Supreme Court to finally shut it down. But we had a big campaign with an army of election law experts ready to go - some even from the Trump team.What happens when the Democrats try to pull that stunt against a Mississippi Republican Party candidate for mayor? Or for county supervisor? Or your local city alderman? Or maybe even an election commissioner?Bottom line: No-excuse early voting in Mississippi is bad for election integrity. Period!
The State Senator justified his stance on early voting:
What is all this ruckus about? What is the bill that has Governor Tate Reeves calling me a RINO - and has former-Senator Chris McDaniel calling me a “Chubby Teletubby?” I’m happy to explain.Yesterday in the Senate, I stood at the well and passed a bill that will allow In-Person Early Voting in Mississippi (SB2654). This bill allows Mississippians to vote in person at their local Circuit Clerk’s office up to 15 days prior to an election. Voters are required to show a valid photo ID, they are checked into the voting rolls, and they receive their ballot to mark. The voter then casts their ballot in a voting machine, and the votes are tabulated on election night just like everyone else’s. There is no need to open envelopes and hand-count votes, which is one of the reasons we are forced to wait so long for election results.That’s it. That is “In-Person Early Voting” according to my bill. The bill passed by a vote of 39-12 with strong bipartisan support from my colleagues in the Senate, and it will now head to the House for consideration.My bill also gets rid of the 45-day in-person absentee voting that we have now (which is also a form of early voting, but only for those with an excuse). If my bill becomes law, it will eliminate the process of having to sign an affidavit (an oath) that you meet one of the very limited excuses to vote early, and it will eliminate the process of putting your secret ballot into an envelope with your name on it to be opened by someone else for counting after Election Day.In-Person Early Voting is safe and secure, and it strengthens the integrity of our system.Who does In-Person Early Voting help? It helps hard-working Mississippians that are always busy with jobs and their families. It helps those that have to be at work early on Election Day, only to get off and drive long distances home- or sit in afternoon traffic- and then try to find time to make it to their polling place while juggling kids’ afterschool events and preparing dinner. It helps doctors and nurses that may end up working longer shifts on Election Day while caring for their patients. It gives people a chance to vote that may become ill on Election Day- or may have something else unexpectedly come up and prevent them from voting. It helps when the weather is bad on Election Day. And frankly, it just adds a very secure and convenient way to allow Mississippians the privilege to exercise their right to vote in a more convenient way in a world that moves at a fast pace.Mississippians are busy people. And we all should have a chance to exercise our right to vote. In-Person Early Voting has the exact same security as voting at your polling place on Election Day. 47 other states already do this - including Florida and Texas. President Donald Trump supports and promotes early voting. But this is not a partisan issue. We should not be scared of change- especially change designed to protect and ensure your right to vote. That is what I am fighting for.Again. FORTY SEVEN other states have some form of Early Voting. Red States and Blue States. “Early Voting” is not something that is owned by one party or the other - though I will say I truly believe Republicans will get left behind if we do not get on board. A prime example from recent history: We saw our Republican Party lose the Presidential Election in 2020 while we shunned and ignored In-Person Early Voting. However, our Republican Party embraced and promoted In-Person Early Voting in 2024, and we won big.Final thoughts: my bill does not expand mail-in voting. And it does not allow for ballot harvesting (which we passed a bill banning last year). There are no “drop boxes.” This is in-person voting, just like Election Day. Limited, safe and secure.Thank you for reading. I hope this helps explain what my bill does that raised such a commotion late yesterday from fear mongers that insult our intelligence. A big thank you to my wonderful wife and best friend, Melissa, for suggesting that I make a post explaining my bill and rise above the noise and insults. She is a perfect partner for me - and I could not do this job without her. I miss her and my family tremendously when I am away working in Jackson. It is an honor to serve.
The Lord Protector of Mississippi followed up with another Facebook post yesterday.
A picture is worth a thousand words!!Senator Jeremy England, you may think it is funny that you are working with the Senate Democrat Minority Leader to pass the Democrats’ priorities….From the Clarion Ledger:
A fired-up England fired right back at the Governor today:
The “glamorous life” of a politician in Jackson is not what it seems.As I am laying here tonight in a (very) cold camper parked at the Mississippi State fairgrounds, thinking about my warm bed back at my home in Ocean Springs - with my wife and kids tucked in bed without me there, missing me as much as I miss them - I have a lot to reflect on. The arrogant Governor of Mississippi - a man that has never had to leave his family for his own political ambitions (and he is sure ambitious), has relentlessly attacked me this week over a bill that actually has very strong support from our own Republican party. Today, he posted a picture of me (posted here), suggesting that I am a “Democrat” for enjoying a friendly moment with a colleague. He suggests that I am laughing about some nefarious plan to help Democrats, but in reality this picture was taken on the first day of the session - when my colleague and I were laughing because he told me how he could not believe that I had such a beautiful and wonderful wife. She was sitting at my desk, just out of this picture’s frame, laughing with us. It was a great moment that I will never forget. I have shared similar moments with Senator Simmons and his wife and children. Because even though we may disagree on political issues, we respect each other as friends and fathers. I love this picture. It is one I want my kids to see and love.The Governor of Mississippi has some very serious issues if he is criticizing me for these friendly moments. He is wrong. And worst of all, by acting like this, he scares my family for what “crazy” followers of his may think and do. They should not have that fear over this bullying. So as Governor Reeves lays down for a comfortable night with his family in the Governor’s mansion, I am laying here in a camper - cold - hoping my family feels safe after these attacks. Shame on you, Tate Reeves. We have been friends long enough. But no more. You enjoy your pedestal for these last few years. Your brand of gross and angry politics has no place in Mississippi. I hate it - but I owe it to my family to tell you to STOP BEING A BULLY! As a family man yourself, please, stop.To top it off, the reporter that wrote a story on my bill that featured this photo - he actually waited around for me today to apologize for all the grief this photo caused. Yes - that’s right - a journalist felt bad for me because of this hateful and pathetic use of a harmless picture attached to a story. That is how low this has gotten. Tate Reeves has no shame. I hate it for our State and for our Republican Party. Trust me friends, we are all better than this. Tate Reeves may not be an honorable person - but that is not true for the rest of us. Please do not hold his actions and words against the rest of us working hard in the legislature.
All over early voting. Stay tuned.
SURPRISE!.......mississippi already has ''early voting''. it called an absentee ballot, available in all 82 counties.
once again the legislature workin to solve a problem that doesn't exist.
I don’t see where the governor’s example from Hinds County in 2023 has anything to do with this early in-person voting legislation, other than to rile up those who are partisan conspiracy theorists.
Early voting is not the problem. It's WHO will benefit. That's all. Jim Crow laws, poll taxes, literacy tests, voter intimidation, etc. It has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with "voter integrity" and everything to do with WHO will benefit most. The governor shows he is little more than a modern reincarnation of the bigots who kept this state mired in it's plantation past afraid the bosses would lose complete control. Early voting is no big deal unless you want to restrict voting, not secure it.
I don't know who is making that man run for public office, but they should be stopped from torturing him.
......"47 other states already do this". Sigh, Jeremy England officially announced "I am a follower, not a leader."
Seems you haven't been paying attention Jeremy. Those 47 other states will likely consolidate sooner than later around what the nation wants - One Election Day, Federal Holiday. One Day. One Vote. Paper Ballots only, no machines.
Jeremy England of course represents Ocean Springs - Home to most of Mississippi's Liberals/RINOs.
More than generous per diem provided by taxpayers, exquisite steak dinners with lobbyists that the rest of us couldn't afford, shortened work days on Monday and Friday (if they come in at all), alcohol-soaked lobbyist receptions nearly every night, and SLURP. Yeah, you legislators have it tough. What a drama queen.
I wish I lived in Ocean Spring so I could vote for him. And I love the nickname Tele Chubby. That’s extra
What's with England playing the victim card behind his children and family? What a douche.
I’ll never understand how someone so inherently unlikable as Tate Reeves became the governor. Only in Mississippi.
I moved to Louisiana a few years ago. Voted early for the first time in 2024. It was simple and easy and there were no long lines. I don’t understand the fear mongering. Well, I actually do and I’m embarrassed for my home state. Please move on from the 19th century!
A fair early voting process is preferable to making everybody lie about not being able to vote on Election Day.
Furthermore, Tate should also advocate for all state tax returns to be filed in person, on paper, on the same day. If we can’t let people do something as simple as vote on the day of their choosing, why make it so easy to do taxes? Let’s be consistent.
Hey Senator, there’s a tele tubey named noo noo. Make something out of that for tater.
Texas, Florida, Louisiana, Arkansas and Tennessee allow in person early voting. Yeah Governor, it’s a democrat conspiracy.
Ross Barnett, starring as Rip Van Winkle waking up in 2025 after 70 years . Things have changed Ross.
Or live there so we can vote against him.
@12:16, You are correct! Why would anyone object unless they prefer voter suppression. I bet Tater Tot has a full size statue of Ross Barnett in his house.
And all along I thought most campers had heaters in them.
Thank you for reporting this. Other conservative outlets refuse to say anything about this, mainly because early voting is sensible and supported by way more Republicans than those that are against it.
......"47 other states already do this".
Same argument the pot heads make.
11:14am Let others know you thought your post was savvy without saying it 82 counties need an "EXCUSE" you can't absentee vote Willie Nilly ((Reading is fundamental)) & MS SEC OF STATE site is your friend Absentee Voting FAQ list link https://www.sos.ms.gov/absentee-voting-information also
--> My bill also gets rid of the 45-day in-person absentee voting that we have now (which is also a form of early voting, but only for those with an excuse)
What does a Hinds Co judges ruling extending the polls being open on Election Day have to do with early voting? To me…Reeves comes off acting & looking like an ass….which isn’t unusual for him. I also don’t see what the problem is with the bill. Voters would have to go to the courthouse in person, show an id, and then the voter roll is noted that they’ve already voted so they can’t go to the polls on Election Day and vote again.
Life long Mississippian here, worked for Republican MS Senator in DC, moved to AR three years ago. AR has early voting. The procedure to vote is “exactly” the same as on election day. ID required and they verify you as a registered voter and give you your ballot. We voted early to avoid the rush on election day.
AR is as RED a state as you can get and it works fine here. Like Yogi Berra said, “you can see a lot when you look around!” Look around Tater Tot!
Tate is pissing away tax reform in exchange for Bubba votes. Thought this is something Shad would do.
In any and every instance of election fraud I've ever heard about, it hasn't been fraudulent voters who were the problem. Nor was there any problem with the ballots. No, the problem was without exception the election commissioners. But politicians don't incline toward eating their own kind.
apparently no one has told this guy that instead of laying around in a cold camper at the fairgrounds, there are hundred different lobbyist s that will come by and take him around town for a real good time. all for ''free''.
this comment is soooooooooo true.
wow,................... a trailer park for legislators at the fair grounds. what's the monthly rent?........................is electricity and water free?
Back in the early 60's the Democrat segregationists in Alabama circulated a picture of a little white girl sitting on a park bench next to a little black boy. It was suposed to incite panic and prove their racist point. Our governor may be a worm but he is at least a student of history.
Your claim to fame is having moved from Mississippi to Louisiana? Seriously? LMAO
Conservative here. Why Tate is opposed to this I will never know. Early voting makes sense. It has ID and it does away with in person absentee voting. Pass this please.
Reeves talking about someone's appearance ?
Lord have mercy.
Poor Tater.
Bless his lil' heart.
Too long of a article
To our Governor be kind, you are not the President and please don’t try to mirror him. You are better than that! Most think you are doing a good job for Mississippi so don’t tarnish that trying to be a butt. Keep moving Mississippi forward. Trump won’t be around forever, stay grounded!
The best part about the exisiting law is deciding which of the liars to prosecute. kidding/not kidding
Senator England is right. One of the ways that the Republican Party won the last presidential election was changing its stance on early voting - get Republicans to vote early.
Tate and this new brand of "republicans" are fake Christians. Someone give tate a bible so he can learn about loving one's neighbor
What a bunch of butt-hurt political grandstanding this shitshow is. Don’t we love to hear over and again these jackholes in high dudgeon spluttering on about how they’re “fighting” for this and “protecting” that and over yonder is something that “has no place.” Oh, yes, they ooooonly care about you, Mississippians.
Reeves definitely has his shortcomings.....but "Feelings and my Family are more important than Facts" Jeremy England is the communist creep the nation has awakened to, and will vanquish. Jeremy England is RINO toast.
No, simply a RINO Conspiracy. RINOs are the "lukewarm" the Bible warns us about.....like England in Mississippi.
Your freedom is not based on your "convenience". Sheesh.
Sometimes I wonder if those we elect have any powers of observation and enough close friends to have any notion of life in the real world.
In the real world, jobs often take people out of town...you know like those who work for Entergy being sent to another state to help. You also have National Guard people called out to help others. There are doctors and nurses and law enforcement " on call"...maybe for those who didn't know they'd need to do surgery on election day. Lawyers have Mississippi corporate clients with out of state court cases that can take weeks. There are people in sales and businesses that travel for their employer to train or fulfill a contract somewhere else. Some Mississippians serve in the military but their legal residence for voting is here and their family is here and they plan to retire here. It's not like they can easily get " leave" to reregister wherever they are assigned or would know more about another state than the one they call "home".
Who are these people who are so shallow and self-interested that they lack any curiosity about the lives of others?
Any what the hell happened to real men who have the guts to stand up for doing what's right rather than marching in goosestep with their "dear leader"? I can a yellow dog democrat or republican, YELLER!
Tate is advocating for no more State Income Tax - so you won't even have to do state taxes.
Loving one's neighbor doesn't mean financially paying for their needs.
That was HARDLY what won the Republican Party their victories.
Glad to see a republican with the guts to stand up to bully politics popularized by Trump and followed by many want-to-be politicians like Reeves who comes across more like a jr. high student trashing another student online.
Too long of an article? Heaven forbid, you have to read and think about all the points of an issue. Little Golden Books are probably a stretch for you. I think I'll send you an issue of Foreign Affairs and watch you really flip out.
If you call someone a RINO, it’s actually you that’s the RINO.
We’ll see how serious this is in a couple of months. Each year the legislators make a pitch to leadership for some special project they want to see funded back in their district. The Governor can (and plenty past ones have) put their foot door and say no on the front end or line item veto on the back end.
This is why they don’t want us to have the right to referendum. We could fix so much stupid crap like this.
Yeah it actually kinda does mean helping financially
Tate was on the wrong side of changing the flag. It passed.
Tate was on the wrong side of the lottery. It passed.
Tate was on the wrong side of medical marijuana. It passed.
Tate is on the wrong side of early voting.
I must say Tate Reeves has had the easiest way to get where he is than any politician I have ever seen.
What does your post have to do with early voting in Mississippi?
He vetoed medical marijuana? He vetoed the flag bill?
"Who are these people who are so shallow and self-interested that they lack any curiosity about the lives of others?" This may come as a shock to you, but some of us aren't busy bodies like you, we mind our own business.
Who are you to judge their position with GOD?
James 4:12, There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy: who art thou that judgest another?
The lies flow so easily from you. Have you no shame?
".......and supported by way more Republicans that those that are against it". Those are the RINOs that will be outed soon enough, and removed from power at the ballot box.
THAT's because most of Mississippi's Senate and Legislature is made up of RINOs....not true conservatives. When you think you have to be popular in order to always get re-elected, you're exposed as the communist creeper you really are. Lukewarm don't work.
Some of you have a hard time with facts:
Tate signed the flag bill.
Tate signed the MM bill.
Tate passed the Lottery bill as LG.
Tate didn’t say anything about the Senator’s appearance.
The Democrats have spent over $30 million attacking Tate. And, yes, some of that money was from RINO’s. He still won.
All facts.
Some of you have a hard time with facts:
Tate signed the flag bill.
Tate signed the MM bill.
Tate passed the Lottery bill as LG.
Tate didn’t say anything about the Senator’s appearance.
The Democrats have spent over $30 million attacking Tate. And, yes, some of that money was from RINO’s. He still won.
All facts.
We don’t have conservative legislators. We have legislators that do whatever the lobbyists tell them to do. What’s your position? Idk let me check with empower, mcpp and all the other lobbyists
Put the bong down junior.
Even as a Christian, I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine. The Lord helps those who help themselves, and protects themselves from calamity. This is what built western civilization. Anything else is socialism on its way to being communism.
Stop worrying so much about others, and prepare for your own needs and crises. Self-sufficiency doesn't seem to resonate with today's younger generation.
Boomer RINO here. Don't you wide eyed extreme right wingers ever get tired of calling any Republican a RINO that you disagree with. You sound like a fifth grader. I doubt very seriously that you have ever run for office successfully as a Republican (or even ran for office), made a decent financial contribution to a political campaign, been part of a county or state delegation or had the honor of being selected as a delegate to a national convention. We never wanted your type in our party because you make us look mean and backward. I hope the coma police don't criticize my post too bad. That is all they know how to do.
Well said, 4;43. I’m conservative, but since I’m not bitter, hateful, and frothing at the mouth, the right wing nut jobs would say both me and Reagan are RINOs.
RINOs can't win with RINO votes alone. That is why they lose elections.
@ 12:16, Tate finally supported passage of a lottery bill b/c the Senate and House were passing the Sports Betting bill after the U.S. Supreme Court allowed Sports Betting in all states, not just Nevada and New Jersey. Who did Sports Betting favor in MS, the Casinos. Prior to that, any Lottery Bill passage dead on arrival. Once the State decided to pass the Sports Betting Bill, they had to pass the Lottery Bill.
@4:43 and 5:01 Rush Limbaugh created the RINO term and he would most def call you two RINOs. Rush was a solid MAGA Trump supporter. So tell us again how you “real” conservatives disagree with Rush and agree with Mitch “FreezeTag” McConnell, and we are extremists.
FYI look how many former Democrats woke up and joined the Trump train. Tulsi, Joe Rogan, Etc. And of course the men who “aren’t black” according to Obama.
Name calling (i.e. RINO) results from an acute lack of intelligence to formulate a logical and legitimate argument.
"Even as a Christian, I swear by my life", you seem to be failing in your journey Christian. Have you ever read Matthew 5:34, or James 5:12? Swear not, let your yea, be yea, and your nay, be nay.
4:43 "I hope the coma police don't criticize my post too bad. That is all they know how to do."
What exactly do the "coma police" do again? Enlighten us, o wise one.........
The Early Voting bill as written may not be that bad. But if they get 15 days passed, then they will try to get 45 days. Then they will try to get drop boxes all over the state. And then they will try to get ballots mailed to everyone in the state. This makes ballot harvesting much easier. And that’s why there was so much voter fraud in 2020 - fraud that was virtually impossible to prove due to drop boxes and vote by mail.
Republicans should kill this nonsense now.
The Early Voting bill as written may not be that bad. But if they get 15 days passed, then they will try to get 45 days. Then they will try to get drop boxes all over the state. And then they will try to get ballots mailed to everyone in the state. This makes ballot harvesting much easier. And that’s why there was so much voter fraud in 2020 - fraud that was virtually impossible to prove due to drop boxes and vote by mail.
Republicans should kill this nonsense now.
@7:40 pm. Thanks for taking the bait.
Tate's a doofus but good lord. Most of us work and are away from our families at times.
England sounds like a weak cry baby.
Somebody tell me why the earlier poster is wrong....when they said if we can't vote early in person, then make everybody file their taxes on the same day, on paper, in person. Why is voting so much more complicated than taxes?
"You sound like a fifth grader", my question for you is, are you smarter than a fifth grader?
Are Tate and England brothers or cousins? They look a lot alike.
It's a false comparison....from a bullshit artist.
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