Sunday, August 15, 2021

UMC Opening 2nd Field Hospital for Covid-19 Patients

 UMC Vice-Chancellor Dr. Louann Woodward tweeted: 


Anonymous said...

From Franklin Graham? Will Hizzoner Lumumba allow such in his radical new city?

Anonymous said...


Better Than Ever said...

I'm glad to see help coming, any help.

That said... when the feds are bailing you out as well as an NGO, you've failed to take care of your own business.

And to be sure, this is a band-aid on a bullet wound. I'm glad for those lives this will save, but we are still in for a wild, long, painful ride due to unvaccinated, stubborn, willfully-ignorant people.

The dead kids (current and future) didn't sign up for your stupid actions... but got caught in the crossfire nonetheless.

Anonymous said...

There are two floors completely empty at UMMC due to staffing shortages. Wouldn't it make more sense to occupy these rather than setup in the dead of summer in the parking garages?

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden sent 36 medical professionals for the 20 beds.

How many did Franklin send?

Anonymous said...

Covid-19 w/Pneumonia = $13,000 per patient
Covid-19 on/Ventilator = $39,000 per patient

UMMC - Money, money, moneeey, MONEY!

Anonymous said...

CCP China and US CDC help and WHO in their pocket committed a crime against humanity. Should be holding hearings in the Hague. Broke US law, covered up the release and are still doing defection of blame. Vaccinated showing little or no symptoms are the spreaders. I fully support vaccinations.

Anonymous said...

All the proud folks who are looking down to “those” people who are on any form of assistance, I hope you show your self- reliance by not going to the hospital when you got the Covid. After all, these hospitals are handouts.

Anonymous said...

@11:13 pm - You do know the vaccinated are spreading the virus, too, don't you? The vaccine has given people a false sense of protection.

Plus, those who have had COVID and no vaccine, have antibodies much better than anyone who is vaccinated.

So who is ignorant?

Anonymous said...

Where are you getting your information 6:34?

Anonymous said...

@6:34 wrong. Sounds like you've been reading too much Facebook, boomer.

Anonymous said...

6:48 - it’s pretty common knowledge that natural antibodies are better than vaccine-assisted. I guess it’s also common sense that based on the performance of these vaccines that vaccinated people are spreading it as they are a large portion of the positive cases.

The specific reports or info you asking about is out there, you just have to turn off the media and paid pundits. There was a recent Israeli study that you can look up and , there is a large study coming out from researchers and medical providers in Russia, Japan and India (I may be wrong on the countries). There is also a confederation of doctors and front line providers in our nation that are starting to get their results and reports out to the public.

Anonymous said...

... but we are still in for a wild, long, painful ride due to unvaccinated, stubborn, willfully-ignorant people.

And there's not a damn thing you can do about it except come here and act as if your doom-and-gloom comment show actually matters.

Anonymous said...

6:48--frontline doctors like Dr Stella Immanuel who say demons are responsible for incontinence?

Faux News Police said...

How are they going to get that "hospital ship" into the parking garage? You know, the one invented by the MSM.

Anonymous said...

7:23, I would tend to believe 7:18 they have actual verifiable info, sounds like you have had and overdose of bullshit news

Anonymous said...

11:06 Something about the term "nothingburger" implies that those that use it do not have sufficient knowledge to make a rational, intelligent reply to a proven fact. I suggest you put your tinfoil hat back on and go back to monitoring the police scanner.

Anonymous said...

I got the shot and luckily have not had my turn at sickness yet, but am I the only one who is angry at hospital officials who had over 18 months to prepare for this and seem to have done almost nothing?

How are these high paid administrators still unprepared for the onslaught that we attempted to flatten over a 2 week span in 2020?

Apparently 2 years would not have been enough time for hospitals to prepare.

God bless the nurses and doctors who have to deal with this.

Anonymous said...

You can believe 7:18 if you chose, but his link is not current. There are reports now that the efficacy of the vaccines are fading. Why are you people so invested in pushing these unapproved vaccines? So invested, that you lie, demonize, any information that doesn't fit your narrative. Who is paying you?

Anonymous said...

@ 8:34,

There was significant preparation, in fact there is a vaccine. They literally beg people to take it. What kind of prep SHOULD they have done? You think they should have already had the tents set up in the parking garage?

Anonymous said...

@8:34 - not just the hospital administrators, but the politicians and teachers and business owners. They all understand how dumb our population is and how susceptible to fake news they are especially from the depths of the right wing. They all should have known that we will be helpless to do anything and will require constant babysitting and encouragement from the likes of Alex Jones and Donald Trump before we consider helping ourselves. All those administrators knew or should have known how pathetic we are and they just refuse to do anything to help. How selfish of them.

Anonymous said...

The hospitals and medical professionals did their part, they warned that this was gong to happen, they begged people to get vaccinated. I understand people have problems taking the vaccine, if it is a legitimate reason, so be it. It’s still your responsibility to protect yourself and do no harm to others by either practicing social distancing or wearing a mask. If you are vaccinated given the breakthrough cases and the highly contagious nature of the Delta strand you should be okay but you have a responsibility not to pass it on. Wearing a mask should be a minimum and self quarantine would probably be best.

Anonymous said...

Suggestions that none of the so called experts will bring up:
1. Exercise and get plenty of fresh air every day.
2. If you want to help fight the virus...lose weight
3. I'm vaccinated, but quit marginalizing those that make a personal decision to not take it. I do not think anyone can say for sure at this point that the vaccine has no immediate or long term side effects.
4. If those saying that everyone needs to be wearing a mask to prevent the spread, then do what the science shows...wear a n95 mask. Then you can take care of yourself and not blame everyone else for the spread.
5. Allow any person who wishes to take therapeutics to have access through their doctor. Stop cancelling out those doctors who are on the front line fighting this disease of their opinions. If you don't want to take them then fine don't.
6. Take vitamins to keep your immune system healthy.

Warning: views from a non medical scientist..follow at your own risk haha

Better Than Ever said...

You apparently. The vaccinated are not clogging up & overwhelming the healthcare system (and dying).

Common knowledge is wrong. Vaccines are practically always better protection than having recovered (mumps vaccine is the exception).

Anonymous said...

@ 5:20

Yep. Kind of like don't call the police for help when you scream "defund the police".

Better Than Ever said...

Legit question, and on the surface, it seems a reasonable one.

But, the nature of a pandemic is 1) worldwide spread and 2) a worldwide shortage of everything needed to fight back.

Most hospitals run at close to full capacity on a 'normal' day. 2 years is not enough time to build out space, equip it, staff it, fund it, etc. And if you tried... you will find yourself starved for resources because every other single hospital on earth needs the same items you need.

You can't grow your way out of a pandemic. Mitigation, prevention, and vaccination are the way out.

Anonymous said...

Tell us who we should listen to, 8:49. Tell us, oh wise one.

Anonymous said...

Do you feel better after that rant?

When you catch Covid-19 just hope that you have made good life decisions.
That is really what matters. You can blame others all you want but it really comes down to how well have YOU taken care of YOURSELF.
And the answer to that question is why most libtards are so terrified. There body positive “if it feels good, do it” lifestyle of the left has left their bodies weak and susceptible to ravaging by Covid-19.

I am a former college athlete and I have kept myself fit. I am an avid outdoorsman, non smoker and non drinker. Most of the meat I eat I harvested from the land myself. Same for my vegetables, I grow them in my garden. I avoid processed foods and I avoid consuming plastics and most modern pharmaceuticals.

I am not afraid.

Anonymous said...

@9:38 - for those of us who have lost loved ones, from the bottom of my heart, fuck you. You are a selfish prick and obviously don’t care about anyone but yourself. I pray that your ignorance only affects you.

Anonymous said...

Wondering how many CON (certificates of need) have been denied over the years to potential medical groups and hospitals trying to get a foothold in MS…

Anonymous said...

@9:38 - you sound like a scared little bitch. If you are too scared to get the shot, then please protect society from your presence and go live in the woods away from everyone else who will potentially have to pay the price for your fears.

Anonymous said...

11:01, grow the hell up. No one owes you anything.

Anonymous said...

@10:51 & 11:01 are perfect examples of how liberalism is a mental disorder.
@11:01 At what point did I say I wasn’t vaccinated? Seek help. You are clearly unhinged.

Anonymous said...

@9:38 - Typical “me” American. One of the big reasons we’re currently at where we are.

Anonymous said...

Full disclosure, I am vaccinated. However, I am not against anyone who chooses not to get vaccinated. My issue is with those that do not practice good hygiene and wear masks. My anecdotal experience and those of others like me (vaccinated and non-vaccinated) is that wearing masks and practicing good hygiene has kept me cold free and flu free through a flu season for the first time ever. Thankfully, I do not believe I have had COVID either. I normally get 2 colds a year and I rarely have had the flu. For this reason alone, if we just practice some common sense with masks and good hygiene, we can help fight the spread of COVID.

Anonymous said...

America has always been about individualism and pioneering. It has always been about conquering and domination. It was never about the government taking care of everyone. If you want socialism then go ride the pandemic out in Cuba or Venezuela.

Everyone one of you smug leftists have an artificial sense of superiority because you can regurgitate propaganda.
I am truly physically, mentally, and spiritually superior to you sheeple. And I am not afraid to remind you.

Anonymous said...

UMC signed an agreement last year during the first "wave" with Methodist Rehab next door to float/house non COVID patients to Methodist's currently closed 3rd floor. To my knowledge, that agreement is still in place, yet UMC has yet to take MRC up on the agreement.

Anonymous said...

Look, I'm not here to argue pro or con vax. What I AM here to point out is how the pious, religion of the left (it IS a religion) has no room for ANY other considerations. It's either you get a vax or your an awful, scumbag person who should be jailed or maybe even executed. There's no reason discussion, because it's settled science, black or white. Period.

I truly hope for our sake that the current vaxes don't turn out to produce unexpected problems in the future, otherwise, we're all in a lot of trouble! Keep in mind that these vaxes are already WAY off from what we were told they were (42% effective vs 95% effective; if you take it, you can go back to "normal", wait, better wear a mask; wait, you can also catch it and spread it, but you won't get sick; wait, more fully vaccinated people are dying (Lee Vance, etc.); wait, this thing is really getting bad everywhere else, we're just on the back side of the curve - to wit:

Rather than putting all our eggs in the vaccination basket, shouldn't we ALSO be searching in earnest for therapies that can prevent people from getting sick/being hospitalized/dying? Again, I fear that talk of possible therapies like Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin and other drugs/vitamins would be considered heresy in the Church of the Left. After all, Orange Man uttered the name hydroxychloroquine, and if it were shown that it really worked, wouldn't that sort of be like giving DJT a win? Yeah, I mean people wouldn't die, and all, but that's not worth the risk of having the left's religious tenets displaced.

I would suggest going out and just possibly, maybe, perhaps searching for alternatives to the vaccine, but the Highest Priests of the LEfT (Google, FaceBook, Twitter) has ordained that NONE shall question - or even search for - alternatives to what they have deemed to be settled science. You can't find it on their platforms, and that should scare the shit out of thinking people. Unfortunately, the Highest Priests know full well that scared people are following people, and if you offer two sides to the story, you may stray and start thinking for yourself.......and you must only believe what you're told to believe. So, the apostles of the left dutifully go along and excoriate anyone who deviates from the doctrine.

Look at the link above, and see if you can guess where this is likely headed. I surely hope not, but those are FACTS you're not likely to find on if you were really going to look for any anyway........

Again, I'm not trying to argue for or against. If you feel like you need to take the vax, take it. If not, that's OK too. Non-vaxed aren't the only ones spreading the virus, in fact, there's evidence the vaxed are the also making it worse by being hosts for mutations. All I'm saying is that we're fighting against each other on whether to be vaxed or not, while what we SHOULD be doing is trying to find every alternative we can to fight this thing off. There are plenty of credentialed scientists/doctors out there who believe there are alternatives to the vaxes, some even more protective than the vaxes. Therefore, rather than following your religion, please realize that what you're a part of may, in fact, be a cult.

Anonymous said...

I though COVID was just a hoax. Nothing more than the flu. And the vaccine kills more people than it saves. I guess this should prove all the purveyors of misinformation wrong.

Our healthcare system is absolutely overwhelmed, and 97% of new COVID cases can be traced to unvaccinated people. It is that group that is keeping the pandemic alive and allowing it to spread to the elderly and immunocompromised for whom the vaccine doesn't work as well.

Please, get vaccinated even if you think you would survive COVID with nothing more than a sniffle. The lives of your relatives, neighbors, and fellow Mississippians depend on it.

Anonymous said...

11:55 But Americans also previously stepped up when needed. Imagine if the people today were around when smallpox and polio were endemic. The public listened to the advise of the medical professionals and got vaccinated at almost 100%.

Now it is seen as a badge of honor to be defiant at the behest of a tribal leader. Everything is politicized and America is completely divided. If we had the same type of people a few generations ago we'd still be facing a multitude of preventable diseases that would go epidemic. In fact, we do see it now with measles outbreaks among packs of anti-vaxxers.

Anonymous said...

@5:07 Thanks a million. Now I understand why the outpatient's prescription is to go home and drink plenty of water.

Anonymous said...

1:43 Here's a quote from a statement from the Israeli Health Ministry.

"The Health Ministry said the rate of serious cases was far higher among unvaccinated Israelis aged 60-plus, who constituted 151.5 people per 100,000 in serious condition on Monday; among the vaccinated the figure was 19.3, and among the partially vaccinated 40.9."

Read that carefully. Unvaccinated Israelis 60+ were 88% more likely to be in serious condition than vaccinated Israelis. Many of the statistics the author of your article quotes are based on absolute numbers and don't account for the fact the vast majority of Israelis are vaccinated. Typical method of disinformation that apparently worked.

Anonymous said...

1. Hospitals have empty beds/floors. They don't have enough staff. There have been layoffs and firings SINCE the pandemic began. Why did they let people go during a pandemic?

2. I personally know of over two dozen people whose doctors have advised them not to get the vaccine. So many people are receiving this advice, yet the "GET YOUR EFFING SHOT" crowd continues to attack them. FYI... the "science" is not in agreement.

3. The vaccine is testing completely INEFFECTIVE against the Lambda variant, which is already within US borders. What will you "GET YOUR EFFING SHOT" folks shriek about then?

Anonymous said...

@1:58...."drink water" and "come back up here when you cant breathe", then we'll hook you up to the cash register!

Anonymous said...

2:23, 1:43 here.

I think you (intentionally) missed my point. There is ample evidence out there (maybe not readily available on Google, FaceBook, YouTube or Twitter, but it's there) that the protection offered by the vaccines are (a) not as good as once claimed, (b) are waning, and (c) ADDITIONAL forms of fighting this virus are badly needed! Why is it heresy to y'all to admit that? Keep the vaccines! They are ONE tool. Do they automatically excluded investigating other modes of defense against Covid? Unfortunately, to far too many, the answer would be YES (and strangely, it certainly appears it's because one of the tools might possibly be hydroxychloroquine, and that's like kryptonite to the Religion of the Left.)

I'm gonna go out on a limb and suggest that, if you were sick with almost any other disease, the doctors wouldn't try one, and if ineffective, they'd just quit.....but that's what far too many on the left are demanding. It's the vax or else! How DARE you not follow our commands!

Anonymous said...

3:08, 2:23 here.

I'm not against trying other methods of prevention or treatment. What I am for is making vaccination the first line of defense for everybody since is has been demonstrated scientifically to be safe and effective. If a vaccine can reduce the instance of catching COVID in the general population by 90%, why wouldn't that be touted as a major element in the fight against COVID.

My issue is the author you quoted is most assuredly anti-vax. He puts unproven therapies on par with getting vaccinated and suggests that choosing them instead of the vaccine is a rational decision. It is not.

I have no problem at all if you want to throw hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin on top of the vaccine. Nobody is asking the doctors to quit trying to find therapeutics that may help. But ultimately therapeutics do nothing to stop the spread of the disease while the vaccine does provide substantial immunity to catching it in the first place.

Why wouldn't you want to use a proven effective preventative in addition to whatever other treatments you are reading about?

Anonymous said...

Lula Belle, Administrator MD, says "the ONLY WAY to have a better [Fall] is to get vaccinated!". Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Anonymous said...

So, to all you lefty, lunatic virus conspiracy theorists on here screaming “Get the vaccine, bigot!”...explain to me why Biden and Harris, who are screaming at me to “get the vaccine, bigot” are on camera in 2020 saying not to take the vaccine because it was rushed and Trump rushed it? We’re you expecting us to forget? Did YOU YOURSELF forget? Is the gaslighting that effective?

Anonymous said...

@3:41p- Your final question is EXACTLY what we've been pondering since the spring of 2020.

Other countries, as well as some doctors in our own country, were SUCCESSFULLY using existing drugs the CDC, FDA, and other agencies with government ties BANNED because allowing the treatments would interfere with the emergency vaccine process.

Anonymous said...

At his press conference, didn't Tate say the current Covid crisis was because of lack of staff and not lack of beds?

I wish he would visit he ICUs and field hospitals, but that won't happen.

Anonymous said...

ANOTHER hospital, Edward-Elmhurst Health, ORDERED by COURT to respect patient's guardian's "right to try" IVERMECTIN, the award-winning extremely safe miracle drug! Winning.

Anonymous said...

12:11 - these empty floors don’t have o2 lines. It’s easier now to set up tents…

Anonymous said...

@7:31p- By easier, you obviously mean it allows for more dramatic optics…

Why couldn’t they use the same temporary lines that the tents would require on the empty floors?

Anonymous said...

Their equipment is customized to work with the tent and only the tent. Normally this equipment would be sent to a area where their isn’t a building. They are placed in garages in this case because they are available as an extra layer of protection from storms.

Better Than Ever said...

Nobody forgot anything. There was the extremely real possibility that 45 was going to push through an unapproved/unsafe vaccine in order to bolster his reelection chances. I certainly did not trust it (or him) during those phases. Confidence was restored when the foreign agencies approved it, not the USA ones.

Cadet said...

Why do the unvaccinated not get it that Delta is now a raging fire in Mississippi that feeds on them as the fuel? How could they still be hesitant or are the just determined to let Covid catch up with them?

Anonymous said...

Will someone please tell me why there are so many people around here who are so stupid they won’t get their vaccines?

Anonymous said...

1:49 thinks the most effective way to convince people to get the vax is by calling them names.

I got my vax, but I have rarely convinced anyone to see my point of view by calling them dumb.

It's almost like the people who do that don't really want to help, and they just get off on being rude. And they seem to have multiplied in vast numbers in the last year.

Anonymous said...

@3:08 PM
Just to clarify a few misconceptions you have. Vaccines are the most powerful weapon we wield currently, not the only, talk to anyone who has been sent home on a nebulizer/steroids for double covid pneumonia about their effects. We have a litany of different treatments/medications that can be used; however, we proceed with science. While early on it was bad science that said hydroxychloroquine was dangerous, this paper got lambasted, good science shows there's little to no benefit to it's administration in intervention, prophylactic, or in any other way. The next medication, "miracle drug" they tried to jump onto was Ivermectin, which again has been thoroughly debunked as an intervention for Covid-19.

Tl;dr - we don't have a "miracle" drug for Covid-19, those who peddle these claims are often misguided, or have ulterior motives. What we do have are vaccines, and several effective medical treatments, but we don't have anything closer to a miracle cure than the vaccines currently. This is why vaccines are pushed so much, if you happen to get a bad case of covid-19 there will be nothing your hydroxychloroquine, or Ivermectin can possibly do to save you unfortunately.

Anonymous said...

Vaccination remorse rears it’s ugly head

Anonymous said...

@1:49 I'm so stupid that I read the FDA-required disclosures, FDA Fact Sheets for Vaccine Recipients, where it is written and disclosed that the vaccines "may cause serious unknown side effects" because the vaccines are "still being studied in clinical trials" and the revised versions, dated June 24, 2021, added the risk of "myocarditis" and "pericarditis". The FDA Fact Sheets also clearly state that it is "my choice", based upon the FDA disclosures, to accept or decline the vaccinations.

Anonymous said...

@9:04 You have either been misled or you are a liar. IVERMECTIN "debunked". FALSE. The NIH has changed it's position from "no" to "we neither recommend for or against", citing both promising and not-so-promising studies and the NIH clearly states that IVERMECTIN is still being studied, more studies are needed and many are underway. Nothing about IVERMECTIN has been "debunked", that is "bunk". I'm hopeful that it works as a preventative and/or therapeutic treatment. Arent you?

Anonymous said...

Only a special kind of person can refuse to take the vaccine because they don't know whats in it, but at the same time totally down to get some anti-parasite horse medicine or anti malaria drug because they saw it on Parlor.

There are ZERO peer reviewed studies that indicate Ivermectin provides any sort of benefit as a treatment for COVID. None. Nada. Get a grip on reality kids.

Anonymous said...

@10:24 AM
I'm terribly sorry to inform you but much like the scientific study that showed hydroxychloroquine was seriously dangerous, the study that showed potential benefit to Ivermectin was completely falsified, and has now been fully retracted (study out of Egypt). Outside of this many of the other studies were underpowered, or had potential conflicts of interest. This delivered a serious blow to Ivermectin. This includes several studies withdrawn due to the same issue Hydroxychloroquine study had with Surgisphere data, many studies were also not randomized.

To be clear, the Drug company that stands to benefit most from it's use states that there is no evidence, or insufficient evidence, that Ivermectin has any significant benefit in fighting off Covid-19. You are correct that NIH doesn't take a stance against it, but they also don't take a stance for it. It's basically the same as hydroxychloroquine, not all that dangerous (perhaps a little more dangerous), but there's not really much evidence that it's any more effective at treating Covid-19.

Be wary of any study that cites "mild" covid cases. People with mild covid mostly recover issue free even without medication intervention, so any study citing Ivermectin benefits this cohort should be observed with significant skepticism.

I'm always hopeful to see something new work but whenever I see something peddled as a "Miracle cure" for a disease we still do not fully understand I apply a tremendous amount of skepticism, especially when these claims are not backed up by studies.

Anonymous said...

11:05, does your driver's license picture look like Alfred E Neuman?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

8:38 a.m. said: "I got my vax, but I have rarely convinced anyone to see my point of view by calling them dumb.

"It's almost like the people who do that don't really want to help, and they just get off on being rude. And they seem to have multiplied in vast numbers in the last year."

I agree completely. It's an ongoing to challenge for me to not be an a-hole, but I'm trying, and I think I'm getting better at it.

I have been treating discourse on this blog kind of like a training ground to communicate without being a jerk. For me, it takes intentional effort. Some days I'm better at it than others.

Anonymous said...

11:05, looking at the link at 12:54, it doesn't appear you know what you are talking about. Do you really look like Alfred E Neuman?

Anonymous said...

@11:05 I've never visited Parlor, the "clearly debunked" language is incorrect. You dont have to take it if you dont want to! On the other hand, according to both the EUA and the FDA mandated disclosure to vaccine recipients, the decision to take the vaccines are voluntary and matter of personal "choice" which is a condition of the EAU. All this vaccine coercion contradicts the very condition upon which the EAU were granted in the first place. Its the law. Why dont you post the IVERMECTIN "package insert" and the FDA-mandated disclosure for the Moderna vaccine for everyone to compare? Reading these requires no MD or PhD, they are both written for consumers. It's easy to see which product is the most well-studied and it's easy to see which is safer. But you wont do that, will ya? I'm not advocating IVERMECTIN in lieu of a vaccine either. It may be something beneficial for breakthrough patients.

Anonymous said...

@12:54 PM & 1:34 PM
So I see that you linked a study which on face appears to support what you believe about Ivermectin, and trust me studies like these can be difficult to parse through. 1st, a heavy amount of the results that support their conclusions rely on the aforementioned Egyptian studies that have since been discredited. When you remove data from these studies the picture painted of Ivermectin changes drastically, since these studies were showing ludicrous numbers like 90% reduction in death rate which heavily skewed results.

Following this it's really important to look through the sources they cite, since they didn't do any real testing they simply compiled other studies. For instance if you look through the numbers the largest cohort they cited was 476,, if you look at the results (easiest thing to do rather than parsing through a whole study) you will find that they found no marked benefit to Ivermectin use. This should be a red flag. The largest study cited found no benefit, while the authors of this compilation are claiming significant benefit.

If we look at one of the next largest studies that would be,, which again showed negligible benefit to Ivermectin (as well as Doxycycline in this case), and low-mild risk of side effects (fairly low for serious) for the cohort who received Ivermectin/Doxycycline. Again, this study does not support the assertations made.

All in all, once again I will state, there is no significant benefit, found in any serious scientific study, of Ivermectin. God do I wish there was, I'd be all about it, but the data simply does not back these claims up, I'm sorry =(

Anonymous said...

11:05 checking in here...did you knuckleheads even read that journal for american therapeutics report? maybe not, because its been taken down several times. Anyway, its not a controlled study on the effectiveness of Ivermectin. Its two dudes that literally googled random studies they had nothing to do with to try and come up with an outcome that said it was effective in treating covid. They don't ever mention that work for a group called BIRD (British Ivermectin Recommendation Group) and may have just a smidge of a conflict of interest.

Everyone would love for there to be a magic cure for this thing, to stop all of the senseless death. But we're not there yet. Claiming random therapeutics that aren't designed for such is dangerous and gives people false hope.

Anonymous said...

The paid cultist is holding the party line. In lock step with the official narrative. It must be the unapproved vaccines or nothing. Who is paying you?

Anonymous said...

I feel like insurance companies should be able to deny coverage to anyone who wants treatment for COVID and has refused to get the vaccine. There is no point in making us all pay for the enormous risks these dumbasses knowingly and boastfully put themselves through.

Anonymous said...

@6:31 I feel like life insurers should be able to deny death benefits to widows and orphans pursuant to their contractual exclusions for experimental FDA-unapproved treatments.

Anonymous said...

Actually it is FDA authorized, and currently on the way to full approval. Also in no way shape or form is it experimental. We’ve been researching RNA vaccines for around 20 years, we’ve also studied ones for corona viruses for an extended period. I do understand hesitancy early on but we now have close to 2 years of data on these specific vaccines, and around a year of abundant data/research with well over a billion doses administered. Certainly rare side-effects do crop up but these are extremely safe, and will soon receive full FDA approval.if you’re reasoning for avoiding vaccine is lack of research that’s fully understandable, although slightly misguided, but they are now extremely well studied, beyond any reasonable level of scrutiny.

Anonymous said...

@7:30 Then riddle me this. Why do the FDA required disclosures to vaccine recipients state that "serious and unknown side effects may occur" and the vaccines are "still being studied in clinical trials" as well as having added, effective June 2021, the risk of "myocarditis" and "pericarditis" if all you say is true? How did these newly_disclosed risks fail to manifest themselves in all these prior infallible studies you elude too? Your not being totally honest and it makes people distrustful of everything you say, all of which is not untrue. The floor is all yours.

Anonymous said...

@6:31 I feel like you should pay all my bills for the next 10 years.

Anonymous said...

@7:30 Another example of your carefully crafted deceptiveness, "FDA authorized". Correct, not yet "FDA-approved", but yes, "authorized" pursuant to an Emergency Use Authorization. What does that mean? The vaccines have not yet been studied to the extent required for FDA-approval. "Choice" as to whether or not to receive these EUA vaccines is a condition of the EUAs and "choice" is clearly stated in the FDA required disclosures to vaccine recipients. If anyone requires vaccination as a condition of employment, they have violated both the letter and the spirit of the EUAs and the disclosures for potential vaccine recipients. DO NOT sign anything that says you are taking a vaccine voluntarily if you have been coerced and dont really want to take it. The legal immunity afforded vaccine manufacturers and the administrators of the vaccines do not extend to employer "force" at a time that it is unlawful to apply. Like the FDA says, you could be hurt.

Anonymous said...

@6:31 Fingers crossed your insurance provider will cover long-term feelings from the shot.

Anonymous said...

@8:50pm Because some side effects are so rare that until you administer 10million doses you’re not going to see them. That’s the level of caution we see with vaccines. J & J was halted, shortly, after a 1 in 2million or so chance of serious complications occurred, and only resumed after risk/reward was fully evaluated. We take safety extremely seriously with vaccines. The trouble is, when you administer 1 billion doses you’re bound to administer them to a few people that were going to randomly die anyways. That’s what makes it hard to determine whether something was caused by vaccine or not. The side effects are often exceedingly rare, and in general people unfortunately just randomly die sometimes, completely unrelated to vaccine they received, & sometimes it is related which we review seriously

@9:12pm I never stated I was in favor of vaccine mandates

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS