Jackson Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba's 2024 campaign finance report lists five $10,000 payments the FBI claims were bribes. The report is posted below. The alleged bribes are the chief piece of evidence in the Mayor's indictment for public corruption.
Mayor Lumumba filed his 2024 campaign finance report on January 31, the last day of the statutory deadline. However, he also filed the 2022 and 2023 reports the same day, long after their deadlines passed.
The Mayor reports $28,000 cash on hand and $113,900 in contributions for 2024. The report is attracting much interest due to the Mayor's indictment for public corruption. A federal grand jury indicted the Mayor for one count each of conspiracy, federal program bribery, use of an interstate facility in aid of racketeering, honest services wire fraud, and money laundering.
Posing as developers, an undercover FBI team approached Hinds County District Attorney Jody Owens about building a convention center hotel in Jackson.
Owens took the bait and was soon (allegedly) accepting bribes to in turn give to Jackson Ward 6 Councilman Aaron Banks and Ward 2 Councilwoman Angelique Lee. He told the agents the Mayor controlled the permits and allegedly needed to be taken care of if they didn't want any additional hurdles.
The indictment states Owens planned to hold a fund-raiser for the Mayor in Florida. He allegedly told the developers they would split up $50,000 in donations to the Mayor into checks of "$5,000 or $10,000." However, he said $50,000 was the beginning and "Lumumba's 'final number' was $100,000. Owens told the agent of the fund-raising plans.
Owens, Lumumba, Smith, and others flew on a private jet underwritten by the FBI. A meeting was held on a yacht. An undercover asked the Mayor (allegedly) to move the RFQ deadline from April 30 to April 10 or 15. Hizzoner called a city employee and directed the city employee to move the RFQ deadline to April 15. (KF Note: There is your benefit.)
The developer handed five $10,000 checks to Lumumba in an envelope. Owens said they are "Missisisppi checks but they're from this group." The Mayor replied "ok." (#57) The indictment states:
59. Developer 2 then directly asked LUMUMBA whether the RFQ submission deadline would in fact be moved up. LUMUMBA then checked his text messages and informed the Developers that the city employee he had called had confirmed that the RFQ submission deadline would be moved.
Owens later allegedly secured another $50,000 in bribe money.
The $50,000 in "campaign donations" appeared in Lumumba's campaign account on April 4. Lumumba (allegedly) in turn wrote himself a check for $9,500 from the campaign account. He wrote another check for $5,000 out of the campaign account on April 8. Federal law requires the reporting of transactions over $10,000. However, transactions just under the threshold can be considered suspicious activity.
The 2024 campaign finance report reports there are five $10,000 donations as stated in the indictment:
Downtown Cigar Company: $10,000 (Owens owns the cigar bar) (April 1, 2024)
Perintatal Services PLLC: $10,000 (Owned by Owens' wife) (April 1, 2024)
Kevin J. May: $10,000 (April 1, 2024)
Sherik M. Smith: $10,000 (This is Marve Smith, who pleaded guilty in this case) (April 1, 2024)
Karry L. Young: $10,000 (March 28, 2024)
The report does not mention the two payments the Mayor allegedly made to himself out of his campaign account.
Terry Lovelace is PAYING for those contracts!!!!!!!!
There is no way those are all the contributions or disbursements. I personally know two people that contributed to his campaign, both atty's, who's names aren't on that list. They both confided in me that they hope their name isn't attached to him when he goes down. That list is hastily put together last second and you can tell.
He sure has a lot of expenses that are even numbered.
Edwin Finley Taliaferro, Junior, is an abject fool.
Good catch 12:37.
His buddy (and dance partner) at the M-Bar was certainly generous.
JWAR gave $30,000.00. That is JD Robinson the homebuilder.
Thanks for getting these, Kingfish.
Federal law requires the reporting of transactions over $10,000. However, transactions just under the threshold can be considered suspicious activity.
Isn't this intentionally trying to defraud the government? I have been told that by my bank that due to the patriot act, if I was trying to make multiple deposits under the $10k threshold, they could potentially come after me for trying to defraud, even if what I was doing was on the up and up. Like breaking up bids to stay under the RFP preocess.
Interesting zip code for Kush Headquarters, right?
I think you missed page 2?
The five companies/people who help launder this money should be feeling a little warm about now.......
$23,000 for canvassing?
If you were paying attention MBar and Richard Bradley made this contribution over 2-3 years ago. Even before this happened. And why ya'll did not blur his address out of the document.
He shows no cash on hand at the beginning of 2024, but shows receiving $113900.00 and spending $42,920.90 which should leave $70,979.10. Where did the other money go?
And why ya'll did not blur his address out of the document.
Public record.
Why were Melissa Payne & Ebony paid?
$2900.00 from Chicago??? $1500.00 from Atlanta??? Why does he need out of town money??? What is the mayor going to give in return for that out of town money??? A Motel for the Convention Center!!!!!
The Feds are going to rip this apart. He has Mohammed Kasin Reed living in Atlanta, CA with an Atlanta, GA zip code. Ha ha ha. Enjoy Feds.
Makes you wonder
That math don't math.
1:53 I despise Lumumba, but that's an easy mistake to make. Especially in a hurry....
Someone has to dig into the five $10,000 ($50,000) payments. Karry L. Young?
As this column is about scofflaws, I want to suggest a great idea for Tater. Fly to El Salvador (state plane ready?) and cut a deal for them to take the entire populations of Parchman and Green Co. into the Salvadorian prison that Trump will use for criminal illegals. The Sal. rate is a lot less than we spend. Might discourage repeats?
Rotten to the CORE-
He is living off these proceeds. These aren't campaign expenditures.
not much more presentable than if it had been filled out with a crayon
Mercy stranger, you're a devious young man.
A white "country" Utility contractor giving a black liberal progressive mayor a $20,000 campaign donation. Either we have come a loooooogggg way, or there is some contract stee...emm preferential treatment going on here. I'm sure that's the game played in every city, but now you get to see it live.
This has absolutely nothing to do with the post.
Unless I’m missing something, I don’t see 5 $10000 contributions listed. Only see 1 of the 5 listed from Karry L Young. Where are the others?
Kevin May is a retired sheriffs deputy
This jack wagon is supposed to be a lawyer? He's nothing more or less than a hopelessly non-qualified, propped up, lightweight, two-bit huckster. Be gone with his @$$. And his worthless muckraking sister with him.
Right on! Let's deflect to Tater? That always works. lol
3:30, not sure what comment you're talking about, but there are dots to be connected here. Hang tight.
The Mayors sketchy report underscores the lack of professionalism & fraud in all things CoJ government.
What a joke. Which one of his dope boys filled this out?
Kevin May is a former Hinds deputy who works for the hinds D A.
Insolently mocking the process traipsing up there dressed like a Fat Albert character with sloppy paperwork.
I don’t like the mayor as much as the next guy, but it’s pretty messed up to not blur out his home address and personal phone number.
The paperwork looks very professional. I can see why the city is in such good shape.
This is SCARRY the major doesnt even know his own ZIP CODE? Where in the hell is 3911?
If you're gonna go down, go down flailing. Wait...I don't think that's the quote. Oh, well, it fits.
This is disgraceful on the part of Lumumba.
No need to blur anything out. Public record. Get over it.
I would Imagine the feds have the real records.
More great reporting KF! Mailing a donation check to JJ today.
The FBI going after grifter Democrats gives our nation hope that all of the federal government is not corrupted; that there are decent moral “real public servants” that actually care about the future of this country.
P.S. Thank God I don’t have to bribe grifter Democrats in order to make a living. How pathetic would it be to have to do that.
Nothing from Richard’s? Nothing?
Where is page 2? Can you really file a campaign finance report with the SOS using hand written chicken scratch in the year of our Lord 2025?
If he is re-elected, can we finally just put up the fence and let the Hunger Games finish the city off so sane people that were forced to flee can finally clean it up and return it to decency?
His campaign finance report is as phoney as he is phoney. Right?
no term report from 21 or other years? we just have '24 with nothing in between? crazy he did that. whats the decoj to do given all the missing info?
thanks for getting this kf.
Nothing he wanted to record. And there's still a few years missing.
The Sec of State has been trying to update all campaign finance reporting. Currently, there is a searchable database for all campaign finance info on his website. Unfortunately, it does not contain everybody's reports, such as mayor, because they don't give their reports to the sec of state, they go to the clerks.
It is 2025. It is 10 years past time to get everyone online to file their campaign finance reports with the sec of state's website. The rules are easy. Report (name, address, etc) all income and report (name, address, etc) all expenditures. If this scares you, then you are intentionally doing something wrong.
Banking, brokerage, phone, text, email. They have it all. He's going to jail.
Can we get a group discount to treat the rampant Chokwe Derangement Syndrome that’s crippled the readers of this board?
You have CDS, otherwise you wouldn’t be so jelly.
You also have CDS, you may have caught it from @12:25.
You also seem to have caught CDS, check with @12:25 and @12:37 about starting a support group.
You seem to have caught CDS as well, it’s really bad this time of year.
Your CDS is showing.
It’s an intentional infection of CDS, you can talk to a doctor about any symptoms you are facing.
Its only interesting to someone with CDS, that’s one of the first symptoms that appears.
It probably went into your CDS infected brain. Things go there and just disappear. Weird.
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