Northeast Jackson has a firebug. Surprisingly enough, the arsonist is a residentially-challenged individual. The following post and photos appeared on social media:
A commenter said the police found him at the abandoned Studio 7 motel but JJ has not been able to confirm the arrest. The suspect does not appear to be in custody today.
Someone should have ended his life the second he attempted to light the fire on that house.
This guy looks like he could have more challenges in addition to being residentially challenged.
Just shoot him and bury one of the wooded areas in west jackson.
That isn't lighter fluid. That is fuel injector cleaner. He is probably inhaling it to get high as a kite and then using it to start fires.
Too bad your grandmother isn't in the Capital Police district.
Shad needs to get off his a$$ and audit 911 funds - while he is at it, he might as well audit how the money is spent in the entire COJ accounts- 911 has always been useless in COJ- absolutely useless.
Are these images from yesterday? There was a fire on Reddoch this morning.
I wonder if that’s the guy I saw down on the banks of White Oak creek with a real smokey fire, just beside the QT?
I feel sorry for the elderly that are stuck in that lawless land.
I guess at least they are exempt from paying the insane property taxes that result in abysmal city services.
There is a video of JPD arresting this individual last night. I'm not exactly sure but somewhere in the vicinity of Briarood / Adkins & I-55 around 10pm.
I feel so sorry for the people who had fires set on their property and involving their home.
His brain is mush from all the drugs & fuel injector cleaner he inhaled. But, make sure you treat him with kid gloves or the NAACP will swoop in & get a $$$ Big Ass Payday $$$ for being a racist.
Try that crap in my subdivision and he would succumb to an acute case of lead poisoning.
Call 9-1-1 and tell the dispatcher that someone is hijacking a donut truck and there would be an immediate response.
I'd like to know why you think the elderly do not pay property taxes. I am elderly and I have to pay property taxes. I do get an exemption, but I have to pay 1/2 of the ungodly amount. About 1/2 of that goes for school taxes. For what we pay, we should be graduating Einsteins.
I'm looking at this picture for 2 seconds and the smell of dookie is overwhelming the solvent smell...
We were in the original plans that Shandra Yates proposed until allegedly convicted felon Earle Banks had a side meeting & switched the line to what it is now it's public record i will find & post & he don't live North East so why would he speak for the area? it was supposed to go all the way up to county line
3:53, What the hell are you trying to say?
This was bound to happen.
Now I guess I will go Ashby Foote's coffee club to see what solutions this Councilman proposes to stop such acts.
JPD may not have shown up, but JFD has some jam up investigators and they are sworn LEO with arrest powers - and do their job really well
Thanks 7:02 am I don't think most folks know who has the power and training to do a job and who doesn't . They also don't care. They figure anybody can do anything and knowledge, training, and the law are just a bother.
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