JJ is going to post some tidbits of history from the life of Leland Speed over the next few days. Today starts with Commerce Park, a development that showed the hope coursing through Jackson's veins once upon a time in a galaxy far, far away. He was one of the best things to ever happen to Jackson.
Sunday, January 31, 2021
Nothing to See Here, Move Along
Is it a case of market manipulation or lucky coincidence? Investor Bill Ackerman warned Covid-19 would end America "as we know it" as he strongly recommended shutting down the entire country for a month in a CNBC interview on March 10, 2020:
Click Here to Read More..Sunday Sermon
The theme of Sunday Sermon today is "The customer is always loved." If you didn't make it to church, enjoy this 1991 sermon presented by the late Dr. Frank Pollard.
Bill Crawford: Would Income Tax Cuts Really Spur Job Growth?
Nice, propitiatory (there’s that word again) State of the State address by Gov. Tate Reeves last week. He spoke of Mississippians’ grit, pride and faith. He talked of his personal goal to cultivate more empathy. “We must love our neighbors as ourselves,” he said. “Above all we have to understand that every Mississippian – every American – is on the same team.”
Click Here to Read More..Saturday, January 30, 2021
Saturday Night Rock
Some of y'all liked the Nightwish music posted the other night so stick your ears in front of this fire hydrant.
Click Here to Read More..Double H on West Street
Two teens were killed on West Street by Mitchell Avenue in the Veterans Stadium area.
Click Here to Read More..Monet Makes Money
The Mississippi Museum of Art's exhibit of Impressionist Masters exceeded expectations in a Covid-19 world.
Click Here to Read More..Remembering Leland Speed
Leland Speed's obituary and funeral arrangements are posted below.
Click Here to Read More..Friday, January 29, 2021
Congressmen Seek Investigation of National Guard Mistreatment
Congressmen Michael Guest, Steven Pallazo, and Trent Kelly issued the following statement.
Click Here to Read More..Taibbi to Wall Street: Suck It
The Scourge of Wall Street, Matt Tabbai, shined a spotlight on Wall Street hypocrisy today on his website. He points out how short-sellers have flipped from Wall Street bastards to the Wall Street elite who must be protected at all costs.
Click Here to Read More..Junior League Holds Auction
The Junior League of Jackson issued the following press release.
Click Here to Read More..Congress Asked to Pass RESTAURANTS Act
Mississippi Restaurant mogul Robert St. John appeared on Fox News this week to urge Congress to pass an aid for restaurants package.
Click Here to Read More..Archie's Wife Files for Divorce
Niya Hopkins filed for divorce from her husband, Hinds County Supervisor David L. Archie in Hinds County Chancery Court Wednesday. The filing occurred two days after Ms. Hopkins family held a press conference accusing Mr. Archie of abusing his wife. However, She has not filed charges against her husband.
Thursday, January 28, 2021
Heads, Pikes, Walls
It appears Robinhood teamed up with Little John today to fight the his Merry Men. The Gamestop story has gone viral.
Click Here to Read More..The Light of Speed
Leland Speed passed away yesterday. Many accolades were reported in the last 24 hours but instead of adding to them, JJ will simply present Mr. Speed in his own words. The Light of Speed covers more than a few topics from Mr. Speed's childhood to the building of the Rez to the rescue of Jackson to race. Enjoy.
Lynn Stands up to Joe
Attorney General Lynn Fitch warned President Joe Biden against overreach in a letter signed by her and five other Attorneys General today. Check out the letter posted below.
Click Here to Read More..Insurance Commish: Insurers Should Cover All C19 Vaccines
Insurance Commish Miguel Chaney issued the following statement.
Click Here to Read More..Wednesday, January 27, 2021
Walker Pleads Guilty to Illegally Dumping Industrial Wastewater into Jackson Sewer System
The Justice Department issued the following statement.
Click Here to Read More..Cedric Willis Still Cursed
Cursed in life, cursed in death, even the shade of Cedric Willis is cursed as it wanders while his killers roam free.
Click Here to Read More..Leland Speed Passes
Leland Speed passed away today. Mr. Speed fought ALS over the last 14 months. He was a great man and will be missed.
Click Here to Read More..Weed War Returns to Legislature
Well, well, well. It appears a medical marijuana bill did drop after all. Senator Joey Fillingame (R-Red Rocks) submitted SB #2767. The Street Committee said after November legislators were working behind the scenes to come up with a "good" medical marijuana bill. Is this it? The 88-page bill is posted below. Yours truly will be tied up this afternoon so feel free to dig through it and post your observations in the comments. Enjoy.
Click Here to Read More..Robert St. John: Claws and Wings
Check out this week's recipe posted below.
Some of the restaurant world’s greatest food items have come from mistakes, near mistakes, the need to use by-products, and items that were— at one time or another— headed for the trash can.
Click Here to Read More..
Family Accuses David L. Archie of Abusing Wife
Heeeeeeeeere we go again. Hinds County District 2 Supervisor David L. Archie stands accused of abusing his wife. WJTV reported yesterday:
Click Here to Read More..Sid Salter: Remembering Sylvia Howell Krebs: A Woman of Talent, Substance, & Curiosity
Earlier this month, a gentle, intellectual giant died and it’s likely that few among her university colleagues and friends in Douglasville, Georgia knew they were in the presence of a Hall of Fame athlete.
Click Here to Read More..Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Want something different to listen to? Prepare yourself for a little band called Nightwish.
City Council Takes Stand Against Crime
Jackson City Council President issued the following statement.
Click Here to Read More..State of the State
Governor Tate Reeves presented the annual State of the State address. The video and transcript of speech is posted below.
Click Here to Read More..Bill Waller, Jr: Governor's Tax Plan Needs a Reality Check
Governor Reeves has proposed doing away with the individual income tax. If passed, this would eliminate about $1.9 billion of tax revenue annually, or more than thirty (30) percent of tax revenue to the state. Before taking such drastic action, we must first logically and deliberately determine what we need each component of government to do, and how much is needed to fund it. Then the state can look at innovative tax reform measures to fund what is required in the fairest way with user fees or flat taxes.
Click Here to Read More..Monday, January 25, 2021
The CEO Speaks
The ammo market is afflicted with the worst.shortage.ever. Common rounds such as 9mm practice ammo are going for up to a dollar a round while retailers limit purchases. Buyers are scouring websites at 3 AM in the hopes of scoring some rounds. The CEO of leading ammo manufacturer Federal Premium tried to shed some light on the shortage and what firearms enthusiasts can expect in the near future.
Click Here to Read More..D.L. Gardner: Is This What President Biden's Voters Wanted?
Amazingly, 74-million Americans voted to re-elect President Trump! What is wrong with these voters? The smartest people on the LEFT are calling for “reprogramming” or “reeducating” those who voted for and still support Trump! Why?
Click Here to Read More..Countdown to Liftoff
Scrubbed due to 30 knot winds. Yesterday's Transporter1 mission is posted below.
Watch the SpaceX SN9 (not to be confused with Sn1 or Sn2) launch streamed live below.
Click Here to Read More..When the Waffle House Brigade Meets California
Bill Maher torched Trump, the Waffle House Brigade, and believe it or not, California in this recent monologue. I could provide more of a preview but that would spoil the fun. Enjoy.
Moderna: Vaccine Works Against Newer Strains
Moderna issued the following press release about its Covid-19 vaccine:
Click Here to Read More..Clinton Man Kills Father
The Clinton Police Department issued the following statement.
Click Here to Read More..Robert Shuler Smith Fights to Represent Wakefield
Former Hinds County District Attorney Robert Shuler Smith is representing Dwan Wakefield, Jr. Wakefield is serving 35 years for Accessory after the Fact in the murder of little Kingston Frazier, kidnapping, and auto theft.
Click Here to Read More..Sunday, January 24, 2021
Eating Their Own? (CORRECTION)
CORRECTION: JJ totally botched this one. Totally. There is a third section to this bill that places a deadline of 90 days on the Lieutenant Governor. The Governor has 90 days to fill a vacancy and if he does not do so, the Lieutenant Governor has 90 days to make the appointment. If no appointment is made, the appointment reverts back to the Governor.
A Republican State Senator is trying to limit Governor Tate Reeves's power to appoint agency heads that require Senate confirmation. State Senator David Parker (R- Banana Republic) filed SB #2196. The bill states:
Click Here to Read More..Metrocenter Owner Defends Herself
The owner of Metrocenter didn't back down but fired back at former employees and an investor who sued her in a rather colorful interview. WLBT interviewed Ms. Sanders Friday:
Sunday Morning Sermon
How does one deal with evil and suffering? The late Dr. Frank Pollard wrestled with that age-old question in this 1991 sermon. If you didn't make it to church, consider this sermon to be your make-up class. Enjoy.
Bill Crawford: Can We Bridge our Schism?
When is the last time you used the word “schism?” Oh, it’s not in your daily vocabulary. Well, since we’re living in one it should be.
Click Here to Read More..Saturday, January 23, 2021
Medicaid Mudfight
Will the Governor continue to run Medicaid? Smarting from a humiliating loss to the Governor in court, Mississippi House of Representatives Pro-Tem Trey Lamar wants to take the Division of Medicaid away from the Governor.
Click Here to Read More..Friday, January 22, 2021
A Reel Classic is Back at the Bijou
A real classic returns to the movie theatre next week in the amazing colors of black and white.
Click Here to Read More..Flashback Friday: In Their Own Words
It was literally a year ago when Emily Seiferth-Sanders announced she bought Metrocenter for $10 million. JJ and WLBT did some digging and voila, we discovered she had been convicted of fraud several times in schemes that sounded eerily similar to the Metrocenter project. However, this being Jackson, no good deed goes unpunished. WLBT viewers gave the tv station hell on Facebook and that is putting it mildly. See how well their comments have aged. Yours truly's comments are in italics.
Click Here to Read More..Is Metrocenter Angel a Demon?
Surprise, surprise, suuuuuuuurprise. It appears the owner of the Metrocenter Mall might be pulling something shady after all. Metrocenter employees have not been paid while an investor sued the owner for fraud. WJTV reported last night:
Click Here to Read More..Former JPD Cop Pleads Guilty
Relationship with 16 year old.
The Justice Department issued the following statement.
Click Here to Read More..Thursday, January 21, 2021
Why We Can't Have Nice Things, Part ___
Some thieves decided to have some fun at the expense of The Bean on North State Street recently.
Click Here to Read More..
Two State Senators Have Covid-19
Two State Senators tested positive for the Covid-19 virus. Lieutenant Governor Delbert Hosemann announced the two cases on the floor of the Senate today. He said quarantine notices will be sent to several State Senators.
Click Here to Read More..Senate Passes Teacher Pay Raise
Lieutenant Governor Delbert Hosemann issued the following statement.
Click Here to Read More..Catfight!
The barbers are brawling in Madison. Barber Mike Land asked a Madison County Chancellor to force several of his former barbers to either put up the shears or pay up to him after they allegedly violated their non-compete agreements.
Click Here to Read More..Dixie National Starts Tomorrow
Ag Commish Andrew Gipson issued the following statement.
Click Here to Read More..Wednesday, January 20, 2021
Stanford Study: Shutdowns Don't Work
Shutdowns have become a mantra among some during the pandemic. However, do shutdowns actually work? A Stanford University team of researches asked that question and determined shutdowns have little effect on containing Covid-19.
Click Here to Read More..Butler Snow Settles for $9.5 Million
Collection of all posts about Lamar Adams case.
The SEC and Butler Snow settled for $9.5 million in the Lamar Adams case. SEC Receiver Allyson Mills submitted a motion for settlement to U.S. District Judge Carlton Reeves on January 11. The settlement agreement and motion are posted below.
Click Here to Read More..Robert St. John: Eat Local
Enjoy this week's recipe that is posted below.
Whenever I am visiting a new town, for business or pleasure, I always go down to the front desk of the hotel in the early morning and ask, “Where is the best local breakfast joint? I want to go to the place where the old guys are reading the newspaper and arguing over politics and sports.” It never fails that every time I visit “that” place in a town, I get the “feel and character” of the town.
Click Here to Read More..
Sid Salter: With Democrat Trifecta in DC, GOP Stands at an Uneasy Crossroads
At noon today with the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden, Democrats will control the White House, the U.S. House of Representatives and narrowly the U.S. Senate.
Click Here to Read More..Yazoo Pumps Gets $9 Million
Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith issued the following statement.
Click Here to Read More..Beaten to Death in Braxton
Rankin County Sheriff Bryan Bailey issued the following statement.
Click Here to Read More..Tuesday, January 19, 2021
The Return of the Boombox
All's well that ends well. JSU Head Football Coach Deion Sanders got his boombox back today:
Hinds Supes Oppose Madison Landfill
The Hinds County Board of Supervisors issued the following statement.
Click Here to Read More..Bigger Pie Forum: Grand Gulf Causing Higher Energy Bills for Customers
Electricity is something we take for granted. You flip the switch and the lights come on. But that is not the case at Grand Gulf now and that suggests trouble and higher electricity bills for Entergy customers across Mississippi. Entergy Mississippi customers are paying for power neither received nor even generated.
Click Here to Read More..Report Cards!
The folks at SEC Shorts passed out final grades today. How did your team do?
Click Here to Read More..Accused Killer of The Snake Man Awaits Trail
It's been three years since Percy King and another man were murdered in King's front yard.
Click Here to Read More..Hurst Out, LaMarca In (terim)
The Justice Department issued the following statement.
Click Here to Read More..Not Ready for Prime Time Players Hit Prime Time
Jackson State University Head Football Coach Deion Sanders wants his boombox back:
Monday, January 18, 2021
Breaks Causing Jackson Water Problems
The city of Jackson issued the following statement.
Click Here to Read More..Governor Provides C19 Update
Governor Tate Reeves is hosting a press conference right now. It is live-streamed below.
Click Here to Read More..Matchbook Monday
Matchbook Monday is back for one day only. Yours truly dug up a few matchbooks that provide a glimpse into Jackson's past. Feel free to add your stories or any information about them in the comments section as you enjoy these blasts from the past. Readers can email copies of any old matchbooks to kingfish1935@gmail.com. Can't believe no one has a Sam's Westside matchbook. A shame Swenson's didn't have one - or did it? Enjoy the ones posted below.
Click Here to Read More..Why is the A.G. Protecting Canton Corruption?
Attorney General Lynn Fitch assumed her office a year ago yet she has still not sued to recover $101,829 from Canton Municipal Utilities former employees and commissioners. State Auditor Shad White issued several demands to repay the funds for an improper severance payment and credit card payments.
Click Here to Read More..D.L. Gardner: That Was Then, This is Now
January 20, masked protestors marched in the streets of Washington, D.C, and according to a NBC reporter on the scene, rioters “armed with cameras and bricks” were breaking store windows. Thousands of police officers dressed in riot gear confronted them with flash bang grenades and pepper spray. The reporter said this “chaotic scene” was just outside the perimeter of the inauguration zone and parade route. Across the nation similar protests and rioting broke out when Donald J. Trump was inaugurated our 45th president in 2017.
Click Here to Read More..Sunday, January 17, 2021
30 Years Ago Today
Anyone want to take a guess what happened thirty years ago tonight?
Click Here to Read More..Governor: 109,354 Vaccinated
Governor Tate Reeves issued the following statement on Facebook:
Click Here to Read More..Equal Time: Is Covid-19 Re-wiring Gone Wrong?
Did scientists "re-wire" the Covid-19 virus to make it more transmissable? Did a lab accident create the pandemic? Author Nicholson Baker asked such questions as well as many others in the current issue of New York Magazine.* If you need a looooooooong read on a lazy Sunday, this article is it. Fix a drink, light up a Fuente Maduro, and read away. Mr. Baker opens:
Sunday Morning Sermon
If you can't make it to church today, enjoy a fine sermon presented by the late Dr. Frank Pollard of First Baptist Church (Jackson) in 1991.
Click Here to Read More..Bill Crawford: Destructive Politics Scorns Truth-Telling
Insurrection in the world’s greatest democracy. What a way to start the New Year!
So have we learned any lessons? I fear not.
Click Here to Read More..Saturday, January 16, 2021
City Limits Cafe Opens at Fairgrounds
Ag Commish issued the following statement.
Click Here to Read More..Deal of the Day
You guys want to know when there are good deals online so here you go. Johnston & Murphy actually has a pretty good sale for its better shoes. Want to buy some Goodyear welts on the cheap? Look no further than the website. .
Click Here to Read More..Friday, January 15, 2021
Health Department To Get More Vaccine
The Mississippi State Department of Health issued the following statement.
Click Here to Read More..Legislative Math
JJ is able to provide you an inside look at how Mississippi legislators are trained. Once elected, a brand-spanking new newb attends an orientation course at the Capitol. One brave soul recorded a video used to teach legislative math to the capitol frosh and leaked it to this website. Enjoy.
Click Here to Read More..Study: In-School Transmission of C19 Very Rare
Key finding: Kids don't transmit virus to adults in schools
The American Academy of Pediatrics reports transmission of the Covid-19 virus rarely occurred in North Carolina schools. The peer-reviewed study was conducted by researchers at Duke University and the University of North Carolina. Some highlights of the study are:
Click Here to Read More..Flashback Friday: When Bennie Voted Against Certifying President's Election
or do as I say.....
Congressman Bennie Thompson sure has been making a bunch of noise about prosecuting Senators who voted against President-Elect Joe Biden's certification. WLBT reported January 11:
Click Here to Read More..Thursday, January 14, 2021
It's Never Good Enough for Some People
Every fan base has that guy as SEC Shorts will show below.
Click Here to Read More..MEMA Director: Vaccine Scheduling Problems Will be Fixed "Very Quickly"
CALL CENTER #: 877-978-6453
Demand for Covid-19 vaccines overwhelmed the state's ability to schedule vaccines. Thankfully, help is on the way. MEMA Director Greg Michel said scheduling problems should be fixed within 48 hours as capacity is expanded.
Click Here to Read More..Restaurant Owner Robbed at Gunpoint
Other Crimestoppers bulletins are posted below.
Crimestoppers issued the following statement and video.
Sal & Mookies Moving to The District
Sal & Mookies is moving to The District at Eastover.
Click Here to Read More..Wednesday, January 13, 2021
Health Board Chair Dies of Covid-19
Dr. Ed Barham died of the Covid-19 virus. He was the Chairman of the Mississippi State Board of Health. His obituary is posted below. It is indeed a celebration of life.
Click Here to Read More..Booked Up! No Vaccine 'Til Mid-February
UMMC and the Mississippi State Department of Health issued the following statements.
Click Here to Read More..Governor Gets Vaccinated
Governor Tate Reeves got the Covid-19 vaccine today:
Click Here to Read More..Seven Lawyers Disbarred in 2020
Since the Mississippi Bar will not post attorney discipline on its website, JJ is performing a public service. Posted below are the disciplinary actions taken against wayward lawyers in 2020. JJ obtained the actions through a public records request.
Click Here to Read More..Robert St. John: Soft Openings
Check out the recipes posted below.
In my 40-year restaurant career I have been a part of 22 new-restaurant openings. Three of those were at the beginning of my career and were for other people’s restaurants. The other 19 have been restaurants I currently own or have owned.
Click Here to Read More..
Sid Salter: Wicker's Vote Showed Courage, Character, & Loyalty to Constitution
No real surprise that Mississippi Second District U.S. Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Bolton, voted to certify the nation’s electoral vote. By that act of Congress, the Democratic lawmaker’s party returned to power in the executive branch of the U.S. government in the form of President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.
Click Here to Read More..Tuesday, January 12, 2021
Stennis to Test Engines
Some really cool space stuff, you know, that science thing, is taking place on the Gulf Coast this weekend. NASA announced:
Click Here to Read More..Governor Updates Vaccination Progress
Governor Tate Reeves is providing an update on Covid-19 vaccinations. The presser is streamed below.
Click Here to Read More..Censorship? We Report, You Decide.
Facebook censored Ron Paul yesterday. Did he say elections were stolen? Nope. Did he defend those who got violent last week at the Capitol? Nyet. Did he spout Covid-19 conspiracy theories? Nein. All the former Congressman did was question Big Tech censorship in a column he wrote and linked on his Facebook page. For such thought crimes, Facebook locked him out of his own Facebook page for "violating community standards." Read the entire column posted below and judge for yourself.
Click Here to Read More..Group Sues to Stop Yazoo Pumps
The National Audobon Society issued the following statement.
Click Here to Read More..Shad Stops Crime at Crimestoppers
State Auditor Shad White issued the following statement.
Click Here to Read More..Monday, January 11, 2021
Gun-Toting Suspect Fights Police
The Clinton Police Department issued the following statement.
Click Here to Read More..Louisiana Vaccines Just Sit.... and Sit
Another state made the mistake of following the CDC guidelines for Covid-19 vaccine distribution. The result? Vaccines are wasted in storage or thrown out. The Baton Rouge State-Times reported yesterday reports:
Click Here to Read More..Ken Wilson Announces Run for Mayor
A gentleman threw his hat in the ring to face off against Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba. WJTV reported:
Click Here to Read More..Bennie: Ban 'em From the Skies
Congressman Benjamin Thompson wants TSA to place any American who participated in the riot at the Capitol last week to be placed on the no-fly list. He issued the following statement:
Sunday, January 10, 2021
Attorney General Touts First Year
Attorney General Lynn Fitch issued the following press release.
Click Here to Read More..Sunday Sermon
The late Dr. Frank Pollard preached on how to build a bigger heart in this 1991 sermon. He also had a few things to say about churches that only focus on growth. If you didn't make it to church, JJ is bringing church to you. Enjoy.
Click Here to Read More..Bill Crawford: Money-Hungry PERS Just Another Socialistic Debt-Busting Program
Surprise! The state’s Public Employee Retirement System (PERS) needs more money.
Click Here to Read More..Saturday, January 9, 2021
"The Strings are Talking to Each Other"
Need a new rabbit hole? Look no further. Check out the 3 Years Apart Youtube channel. Some people like their Hallmark Christmas movies, the Kingfish likes his music reaction videos. An uberdad exposes his two kids, 16 and 13, to music from the 60's through 90's and records their reactions. Nothing like good ole family fun combined with great music or an Eddie Van Halen guitar solo that "will blow your face off."
Governor Announces More Vaccine Sites
Governor Tate Reeves released a list of additional private clinics that will provide the Covid-19 vaccine. The list is posted below.
Click Here to Read More..Facetwit Bans President
The President will have to find something else to fuel his Twitter addiction. Twitter suspended the President's account:
Click Here to Read More..Friday, January 8, 2021
More Enhancements Coming to Vaccine Program
Governor Tate Reeves issued the following statement.
Click Here to Read More..C19 Racial Disparities Disappear in Mississippi
The alleged racial disparity among Covid-19 cases and deaths in Mississippi has disappeared. Blacks now comprise 33% of Covid-19 cases and 41% of deaths in Mississippi.
Click Here to Read More..The Cipher Beats the Rap Again (Updated)
The Cipher beat another rap. The Attorney General withdrew an indictment against William "Napoleon" Edwards. Mr. Edwards is a community activist and Facebook personality who uses the nickname "The Cipher."
Click Here to Read More..D. L. Gardner: Was the Presidential Election Fair?
Editor's note: This column was submitted Sunday, before the events that took place Wednesday. Sometimes events have a way of getting ahead of submitted material.
If there were voter fraud in the election, and the media not only didn’t report it but claimed there was no evidence of voter fraud, then was there voter fraud in the election? For the past 20 years, the answer has depended upon which party won … until this year.
Click Here to Read More..Thursday, January 7, 2021
Bedwetter Alert
Apparently wearing a mask and maintaining distance isn't enough for some people....
Click Here to Read More..Good News!
Mississippi State Veteran's Home residents are going to get their Covid-19 vaccines Saturday.
Click Here to Read More..Hurst Announces Resignation
U.S. Attorney Miguel Hurst issued the following statement.
Click Here to Read More..MDE Wants to Waive Illiteracy Tests
The Mississippi Department of Education issued the following statement.
Click Here to Read More..Senators Split on Election Certification
Senators Cindy Hyde-Smith and Roger Wicker issued the following statements.
Click Here to Read More..Ms. Agriculture Remained Strong in 2020
Mississippi Commissioner of Agriculture Andrew Gipson submitted this guest column.
The year 2020 will certainly be a year that will not be forgotten. Our usual way of life became any anything but normal due to the COVID-19 pandemic; however, one thing remained the same – our farmers never stopped farming. They continued working to provide the food, fiber and fuel that we need to survive.
Click Here to Read More..Wednesday, January 6, 2021
CDC: Mississippi 2nd Worst in Vaccinations
Minorities not getting vaccine
Mississippi ranks second to last in Covid-19 vaccination rates. The CDC reported on its website only Kansas has a worst record. Here are the bottom 5:
Click Here to Read More..Killer Gets Double Life
Madison-Rankin District Attorney Bubba Bramlett issued the following statement.
Click Here to Read More..Mayor Makes More Excuses
Expect road shutdowns to happen again in Jackson. Jackson Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba said his no-chase policy prevents JPD from pursuing drivers who shut down the interstate Friday night. The Mayor defended the police at his Monday press conference.
Click Here to Read More..Robert St. John: Extra Table 2020
In a year in which it seems the headlines are filled with endless negative and controversial news stories, I thought it might be a nice break in the action to report on a few positive activities that occurred in 2020.
Click Here to Read More..Sid Salter: Biden's Ag Choice Good for Mississippi
President-elect Joe Biden’s choice of former Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack as his U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary should bode well for Mississippi farmers whose agriculture production value was $7.35 billion in 2020.
Click Here to Read More..Tuesday, January 5, 2021
Rez Shooter Released, Claims Self Defense
Miln (allegedly) once attacked Douglas w/shovel.
DeShwan Douglas went home yesterday after he posted a $75,000 bond. The Rankin County Sheriff charged Douglas with first degree murder in the shooting death of Chris Miln.
Click Here to Read More..Poll: Governor Has 34% Approval Rating
Millsaps College and Chism Strategies issued the following statement.
Click Here to Read More..Vets to Get Vaccines
Veterans who live in State Veteran's Homes will get their Covid-19 vaccines. Sometimes a little media coverage is not a bad thing. WAPT reported last night:
Click Here to Read More..Monday, January 4, 2021
Failure has a Face
and that face is a little green Leprechaun. The folks at SEC Shorts are back. They even brought the plucking of the violins along for the ride. Enjoy.
Click Here to Read More..Governor Announces Vaccine Improvements
Elderly to get vaccine next week.
Governor Tate Reeves is speeding up the distribution of Wuhan virus vaccines to seniors. The press conference is streamed live below.
Click Here to Read More..Vets Can't Get Vaccine
Mississippi's military veterans can't get the Covid-19 vaccine if they live in a State Veteran's Home. Mississippi VA Executive Director Stacey Pickering said CVS is responsible for delivering the vaccine to the State Veteran's Homes but has not yet done so.
Click Here to Read More..COLA Woes Make 13 Unlucky for PERS
Thirteen remains an unlucky number for PERS, as the "thirteenth check" doubled in only ten years. PERS paid $751 million to retirees in 2020 for a cost of living adjustment that is not a cost of living adjustment, sabotaging all efforts to fix the retirement system.
Our 2020 Goal: Investing in Mississippi's Greatest Asset: Our Citizens
This column was submitted by Lieutenant Governor Delbert Hosemann.
Last year, the Legislature provided computers to every Mississippi student, increased connectivity to unserved areas, provided additional ICU bed capacity, and contributed to the cost of personal protective equipment for healthcare workers, cities and counties, and much more.
Click Here to Read More..Sunday, January 3, 2021
More Mayhem
Meanwhile, here is a picture of some more foolishness that took place on Ridgewood at 9:00 AM recently.
Click Here to Read More..Sunday Morning Sermon
Didn't make it to church? No problem as JJ brings church to you. The late Dr. Frank Pollard preached on forgiveness in this 1991 sermon. Enjoy.
Bill Crawford: Looking for Joy in the New Year
As the old melancholy year passes, the cynical mind struggles to see hope and good cheer coming in the new year.
Click Here to Read More..Saturday, January 2, 2021
Meanwhile over at Jackson Square.....
Be sure and notice how nonchalant everyone is.
Click Here to Read More..Breaking the Law! Breaking the Law!
Updated with new video.
Just another night in Antar's Jackson....
![]() |
Woman does the 55 Twerk |
Click Here to Read More..
Friday, January 1, 2021
Can't be too careful, especially in a gun store as someone found out the hard way today at Van's.
Click Here to Read More..FIGHT!
Mississippi State and Tulsa got into a big ole brawl after the Armed Forces Bowl yesterday. The two teams got into a shoving match before the game after the Tulsa players surrounded the Bulldogs during warmups.
Miln Fined for Simple Assault Against Douglas
JJ is a little late to the party but posted below is a copy of a fine levied against the late Chris Miln for simple assault against Deshwan Douglas. The two Bay Park neighbors got into a fight Tuesday. The 19 year-old Douglas shot the 54 year-old Miln to death. Douglas is charged with murder.
Click Here to Read More..Email address
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Marshall Ramsey
- Out of 52, where does MS rank for its workers? You might be surprised
- See how Jackson area and state schools ranked in U.S. News and World Report rankings
- Honorees from Jackson's 7 wards received awards for helping city fight the water crisis
- See results of 3 supervisor runoffs in Rankin, Hinds counties with 1 currently in a tie
- State Institutions of Higher Learning board considers 79 applicants for next JSU president
PACER: Southern Dist.
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- Ole Miss Rebels host Pro Day
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- Judge blocks Trump administration from firing staff of Voice of America
Babylon Bee
- Greenland Furiously Making Snowballs In Preparation For American Military Invasion
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- Concerns Raised As Pete Hegseth Unveils New ‘Kill All Commies’ Forehead Tattoo
- 'We Got Her': British Police Arrest Dangerous 80-Year-Old Who Spread Butter Using A Knife
Y'all Politics
And The Valley Shook
Calculated Risk

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- Has everyone enjoyed watching Mayor Chokwe Antar L... - 3/29/2025 - Anonymous
- This story wins the prize of the day! - 3/29/2025 - Anonymous
- It's not propaganda if you believe it, right? - 3/29/2025 - Anonymous
- Why were you only allowed to take pictures of the ... - 3/28/2025 - Anonymous
- UMMC campus cop is one step above a "mall cop... - 3/28/2025 - Anonymous
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Trollfest '09
Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).
Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.
Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".
In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.
In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.
Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.
Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!
This is definitely a Beaver production.
Note: Security provided by INS.
Trollfest '07
There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.
If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!
This is definitely a Beaver production.
Note: Security provided by INS.