Just a little jammin' with Grogu on a nice day....
Click Here to Read More..Thursday, December 31, 2020
Equal Time: Those Wipes Aren't Needed
You wiped down your groceries with Clorox wipes. You stood in line for an hour before Target opened just so you could get some wipes when every shelf was empty. A spray-bottle became your new workout partner at the gym. You went to all that trouble but guess what? It was all probably for nothing. The Lancet said waaay back in July such precautions were useless in preventing the spread of Covid-19 but the article didn't attract the media's notice until this week. The Lancet reported:
Click Here to Read More..Lord Snow Settles Timber Case for $9.5 Million
Collection of all posts about Lamar Adams case.
SEC Receiver Allyson Mills announced Lord Snow will settle for $9.5 million in the Lamar Adams case. She stated in her status report:
Click Here to Read More..Ole Miss Adopts BLM Policies
Check out Ole Miss's new social justice polices for the Grad School that appeared on the Ole Miss Grad School website yesterday. They magically disappeared this morning but not before yours truly managed to screen save them. Watering down is in, testing is out as merit will count for naught. Check them out.
Wednesday, December 30, 2020
It's War: Thomas Sues Shad
The Mississippi Center for Justice issued the following statement.
Click Here to Read More..C19 Update: Over 3,000 Cases, Vaccines Roll Out, UMC Near Crisis Level
Getting a Covid-19 vaccine will be almost as easy as going to Chick-Fil-A. The Mississippi State Health Department announced the creation of 18 drive-thru vaccination sites next week.
Click Here to Read More..We Report, You Decide: Rez Edition
What happened in that fatal confrontation in the Bay Park subdivision Monday? Posted below is the video shot by a neighbor. Keep in mind, the video does not show the entire ruckus nor does it show the shooting.
Click Here to Read More..Robert St. John: Goodbye 2020
Check out this week's recipe posted below.
Around this time of year newspapers are filled with end-of-the-year wrap-up stories about what has happened over the past 12 months. This year there seems to be no lack of articles chronicling how bad 2020 was. The preceding 10 months were certainly among the worst— on many levels— in all of my 60 years. But today’s column won’t dwell on the negative aspects of those months and how bad 2020 was. No. Because there have been silver linings this year. I would like to focus on those.
Click Here to Read More..Tuesday, December 29, 2020
The Plot Thickens
The third season of Cobra Kai premieres on Netflix New Years Eve. However, Netflix saw fit to drop this little teaser with a blast from the past.
Click Here to Read More..Reds Jail Citizen Journalist for C19 Coverage
The Communist government of China locked up a citizen journalist for four years. Her crime? Reporting on the Covid-19 virus in Wuhan when the Chicoms were trying to cover up its existence. The Guardian (U.K.) reported yesterday:
Click Here to Read More..Guess Who is Dead Last in Vaccinations?
Surprise. Mississippi ranks as one of the worst states for participating in the Covid-19 vaccine program. Only seven states had fewer citizens vaccinated. The New York Times reported:
Pictures of a Beating
Sheldon Alston, Jr. is a free man but his ex-girlfriend will probably never be free of the beating she suffered at his hands four years ago. JJ covered every sordid detail of this case, from a young man's vicious assault on his girlfriend at Ole Miss to the sweet deal given to him by District Attorney Ben Creekmore. However, it is time for the world to see what happened to the young woman that brutal fall night in Oxford. Posted below are the photos taken of Alston's girlfriend a few hours after the attack.
Click Here to Read More..Monday, December 28, 2020
Manhunt in Bay Park
Update at 6:05 PM: CAPTURED!!!
Lock and load if you live in the Bay Park subdivision by the Rez. A man shot someone and fled on foot. Rankin County Sheriff Bryan Bailey is leading a massive manhunt for the suspect. The suspect is a young, black male with long dreadlocks. He was wearing a black sweatshirt and gray sweatpants.
Click Here to Read More..7 Things You Need to Know About Zoo Contract
Here are seven things you need to know about the proposed Zooceanarium contract:
Click Here to Read More..Til Signing Day Do Us Part
Dunno how we missed this one but we did. The folks at SEC Shorts compared recruiting to marriage in their own funny way. We got spoiled by having regular season college football in December (Although Ole Miss & the Aggies owe us one more game.) and it is recruiting season. Enjoy.
Click Here to Read More..Consultants: PERS Needs Mo' Money
It seems as if it were just yesterday when the legislature gave over $100 million to bail out PERS but here we are again. PERS consultants recommended hiking the employer contribution rate to 19.6% from the current 17.4% for the 2023 fiscal year.* They told the PERS Board of Trustees at its December meeting that the system would be only 68% funded in 2047 if employer contributions do not iincrease. The Board hiked the rate form 15.9 to 17.4 waaaay back in 2018.
Sunday, December 27, 2020
Car Theft & Kidnapping at Kroger
Hinds County Sheriff Lee Vance issued the following statement.
Click Here to Read More..Sunday Sermon (Christmas Edition)
Staying home because of the Holiday Spirit and can't make it to church? Youtube brings church to you. Enjoy this 1990 sermon presented by the late Dr. Frank Pollard of First Baptist Church (Jackson).
Bill Crawford: A Time for Returns, Credit Cards, & Everlasting Debt
How did they know back in the 1700s when they coined the phrase “many happy returns of the day?” How did they know that the week after Christmas in America would become filled with joyous long lines of festive people returning unwanted, unappreciated, and just plain ugly gifts to Walmart, Target, and more?
Click Here to Read More..Saturday, December 26, 2020
Join MBN!
Want to join the Mississippi Bureau of Narcotics? These training videos will help you become an MBN agent. Who knows, you might even rise to command staff.
Click Here to Read More..Friday, December 25, 2020
The Christmas Jam
You've opened the presents, carved up the feast, and finished it off with some Who pudding. Now you are drinking the Kingfish's egg nog and noticed how potent it is. What to do? Simple. Check out this Transsiberian Orchestra concert. There are quite a few TSO concerts available on Youtube. The audio and video quality is quite good. Too bad such tech was not around for Led Zeppelin. Enjoy
Click Here to Read More..Fear-mongering at the Clarion-Ledger
Leave it to the Clarion-Ledger to make a problem worse. The "newspaper" reported yesterday we are experiencing toilet paper shortages yet again:
Click Here to Read More..Flashback Friday: Nuthouse Edition
Once upon a time, the Governor was committed to the funny farm by his wife:
Click Here to Read More..Do As I say....
Dr. Birx got caught up in her own rules and is stepping down. The Associated Press reported:
Click Here to Read More..Thursday, December 24, 2020
Glory Days
Who would've ever thought this pic would represent the last gasp of Tennessee football.
Click Here to Read More..Fauci Speaks!
Dr. Fauci issued more words of wisdom. The New York Times reported:
Click Here to Read More..Sheldon Alston, Jr. Comes Home for Christmas
Sheldon Alston, Jr. is home for Christmas after serving half of a three-year sentence for brutally beating his girlfriend at Ole Miss. The St. Andrews graduate is the scion of some Mississippi legal royalty as he is the grandson of prominent north Mississippi attorneys Flip Phillips and the late Alex Alston. The Oxford media ignored the case.
Click Here to Read More..Wednesday, December 23, 2020
Was Vincent Gambini a Good Lawyer?
The Legal Eagle tackled this age-old question on his Youtube channel. Is Mr. Gambini a good lawyer? See below and find out. Enjoy.
Smoking Returns to Prison
Mikey gonna be mad!
The Mississippi Department of Corrections issued the following statement.
Click Here to Read More..Guest Column: Open Challenge To Governor Reeves & Dr. Dobbs
This column submitted by a doctor who wishes to remain anonymous. Rest assured, he is not some quack or doc speaking outside of his specialty. JJ verified the data mentioned in column.
Until now your responsibilities in the COVID pandemic have been limited. Your efforts have been to find ways to mitigate the virus and the hospitalizations and death that follows the virus. Viruses have a way of making you a coach or cheerleader: “Come on, team, wear your mask. Wash your hands. Socially distance.” Much like trying to tell teenagers not to get pregnant.
Click Here to Read More..Dispatch From Pelahatchie (ATL Edition)
A potentially deadly arrest in Pelahatchie thankfully did not turn deadly. WJTV reported:
Click Here to Read More..Robert St. John's Top 10 for 2020
This week's recipe is butternut shrimp bisque. See below.
For the past 20-plus years my final column of the year is always a list of the top dining experiences I enjoyed throughout the previous year. Typically, it’s a pretty easy piece to write. For the past several years I have spent two or three months working in Italy. Over there, one can find a memorable dining experience around every corner and down almost every cobblestone street.
Click Here to Read More..Senate to Stream More Committees
Leftenent Governor Delbert Hosemann issued the following statement.
Click Here to Read More..Sid Salter: Winter Moved Mississippi Forward
It is certainly no stretch of the truth to suggest that at the time of his death last week at the age of 97, former Mississippi Gov. William Winter was by and large beloved by the people of Mississippi.
Click Here to Read More..Tuesday, December 22, 2020
The Return of the King
Oh hell, yes! Someone heard our prayer. He's bad, he's black, and he is BACK!
Click Here to Read More..C19 Update: Record Deaths, Bad News All Around
The Wuhan virus picture darkens in Mississippi set yet another record was set for deaths caused by the virus. The Mississippi State Department of Health reported 2,191 cases of Wuhan virus and 79 deaths today. However, 56 of the deaths took place between December 12 and December 21. The total number of cases is 197,691. The virus has caused 4,490 deaths. Nursing home deaths comprise 40% of overall Covid-19 deaths in Mississippi. There are 154,669 recoveries. The charts below are worth several thousand words.
Click Here to Read More..UMC Study: Schools are Safer for Kids
UMC issued the following press release and study.
Click Here to Read More..PERS 2020: Stuck in the Mud
It's the same ol', same ol' situation
It's the same ol', same ol' ball and chain - Motley Crue
It was tempting to just re-post the PERS post from a year ago because nothing has changed. PERS remains stuck in the mud as its funding level fell to 60.5%. It's simply hard to get ahead when the portfolio only earns a 3% return and retirees continue to grow. The moribund system is not in a death spiral but it is not improving either.
Monday, December 21, 2020
Alcorn County Tax Collector Arrested
State Auditor Shad White issued the following statement.
Click Here to Read More..Sophomore Spanish Club Closes
Another restaurant closes in Jackson. The owner of Sophomore Spanish Club posted on Facebook:
Click Here to Read More..Medic!
As usual, it sucks to be an Aggie. Check out what the folks at SEC Shorts came up with this week.
Click Here to Read More..Medical Marijuana Melee Mushrooms
The medical marijuana melee mushroomed as more briefs were filed at the Mississippi Supreme Court in support of Mayor Mary's fight to stop Initiative 65. The initiative amends the Mississippi Constitution to allow the production and sale of medical marijuana. I65 and its legislative alternative garnered 61% of the vote in November. I65 received 58% of the vote in the second round while 65A got 21%. Madison Mayor Mary Hawkins-Butler and her city petitioned the Mississippi Supreme Court to block the enactment of the initiative a few days before the November referendum took place. A synopsis of the case is posted below.
Click Here to Read More..Sunday, December 20, 2020
CDC: Minorities Less Likely to Want Schools Reopened During Pandemic
The CDC reported minority parents were less likely to favor sending their children back to school than white parents during the Covid-19 pandemic. A CDC survey reports 62% of white parents but only 46% of black parents and 50% of hispanic parents though schools should have reopened last fall. The report states:
Click Here to Read More..Sunday Sermon
If you stayed in bed this morning and didn't make it to church today, no problem. <i>JJ</i> presents the late Dr. Frank Pollard in this 1991 sermon. He preached from Philippians 3:12. Enjoy.
Click Here to Read More..Bill Crawford: A Sober Christmas Wish for More Peacemakers
“Tis the season to be jolly...”
Or is it?
The dictionary defines “jolly” as “in good spirits; gay; merry; cheerfully festive or convivial.” So, yes, it is the jolly season for children and grandchildren with holidays and presents galore.
But what about the rest of us?
Click Here to Read More..Saturday, December 19, 2020
CDC Updates Guidance on C19 Vaccine
The CDC issued the following update for those who fear they are at risk for allergic reactions from the Covid-19 vaccine.
Click Here to Read More..Governor William Winter Passes Away
Former Governor William Winter went to the Great Big Schoolhouse in the Sky this morning. He was 97 years old. More than a few public officials mourned his passing.
Click Here to Read More..Friday Night Fun
Yours truly found a gem on Youtube. Fleetwood Mac in its coked-up prime, which means the music was really good. Enjoy.
Click Here to Read More..Friday, December 18, 2020
Man Charged With Manslaughter in Wife's Death
Rankin County Sheriff Bryan Bailey issued the following statement.
Click Here to Read More..MDOC Commish Responds to State Auditor
MDOC Commissioner Burl Cain issued the following statement.
Click Here to Read More..Supremes: David L. Archie Can Stay
Supremes duck residency questions, focused on challenge process.
Hinds County District 2 Supervisor David L. Archie will remain in his seat until 2023 after the Mississippi Supreme Court denied a challenge to his residency yesterday. Former Supervisor Darrell McQuirter claimed Mr. Archie did not live in District 2. The Court did not decide whether the winner was a District 2 resident but instead ruled it had no power to hear the appeal.
Click Here to Read More..The Fall of the Tribe of Hotty Toddy
And there arose to the north of Eden a tribe called the Hotty-Toddys, who were also called metros. And the Hotty-Toddys were very displeasing; they didst place centerpieces on their banquet tables, and didst exalt themselves much. And they didst glorify the southern kingdom of the past.
Click Here to Read More..Parole Board Fires Back at State Auditor
The Parole Board took strong exception to an audit that said thousands of dollars were paid to Board Member Betty Lou Jones for alleged improper travel reimbursements. Chairman Steve Pickett fired right back at State Auditor Shad White:
Click Here to Read More..Thursday, December 17, 2020
No Comment
Minister Farrakhan, yes, THE Minister Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam, proud successor to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, urged people to avoid taking the Covid-19 vaccine. He referred to the vaccine as "toxic waste" and urged black healthcare workers to quit their jobs instead of taking the vaccine.
Click Here to Read More..Supremes Uphold Governor's Veto
Decision strike down Lamar corruption
The Mississippi Supreme Court upheld Governor Tate Reeves' partial veto of the budget bill:
Click Here to Read More..MDOC New Boss Was the Same as the Old Boss
More corruption at MDOC. Commissioner & cronies partied on MDOC dime.
Commish had a thing for salt lamps, bounce houses, massage chairs, & bubble wands.
State Auditor Shad White issued the following statement.
Click Here to Read More..D.L. Gardner: The Narrative is Neither News Nor Truth
Even after more than four years of fake news trying to make connections between President Trump and Russia, about half of all Americans still believe The Narrative preached by ninety-percent of media. The New York Post broke the story about Hunter Biden’s emails in the middle of October giving details about his international business dealings in Ukraine and China. Then, The Narrative media as well as social media covered it up.
Click Here to Read More..Wednesday, December 16, 2020
Ransomware attack hits St. Andrew's Data
St. Andrew's Episcopal School notified parents their data was stolen in a ransomware attack on it's security provider. The school sent out this letter to parents last week.
Gluttony Is My Favorite Sin
The Mississippi Department of Corrections issued the following statement.
Click Here to Read More..Robert St. John: Time is Running Out for Independent Restaurants
Check out this week's recipe posted below.
In a few days I will enter my 40th year in the restaurant business. Just over 33 of those years have been as a restaurant owner. I fell backwards into this business. Though from the first moment of the first shift, of the first day I worked in a restaurant, I knew I wanted to own my own restaurant, and make this line of work my lifelong career. I have loved every challenging moment of it. However, on one afternoon this past April I sat down with my wife, 22-year-old daughter, and 18-year-old son and told them that there was a strong possibility I would lose some, or all, of the six restaurants and two bars we owned in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. In the same conversation, I told them that there was also a strong chance we would have to sell our home.
Click Here to Read More..
Sid Salter: Jake Brigance is Back
Looking back over 31 years of a meteoric writing career that ranks him as one of the most successful writers on the planet, novelist John Grisham’s flawed hero from his very first novel might well be a forgotten figure among the hundreds the author has created.
Click Here to Read More..Ronnie McGehee Named to Board of Education
Leftenent Governor Delbert Hosemann issued the following statement.
Click Here to Read More..Tuesday, December 15, 2020
Check Out the Clarion-Ledger's New Editor
The Clarion-Ledger might be getting a new editor:
The folks at SEC Shorts got sneaky and dropped a video on Saturday . Enjoy the bonus sketch.
Click Here to Read More..Bar Reject Tries to Throw Supreme Court in Jail
Zundria Crawford's attempt to throw everyone in jail last week went down in flames in the courtroom of Hinds County Court Judge Kenneth Lewis. Ms. Crawford filed criminal charges against all Supreme Court Justices, a former Sheriff, a Chancery Clerk, Judges, and several clerks in March.
Click Here to Read More..No Comment!
The Phalanx vaccine for the Covid-19 virus arrived in Mississippi today. Mississippi State Department of Health officials led by example and got the vaccine. MSDH announced on Facebook:
Click Here to Read More..Monday, December 14, 2020
C19 Closes Clinton City Hall
The city of Clinton issued the following statement.
Click Here to Read More..Health Department Joins Med Marijuana Fight
A synopsis of the case is at the bottom of the post.
The Mississippi State Department of Health joined the city of Madison and Mayor Mary Hawkins-Butler in a court fight to block Initiative 65. The initiative legalized medical marijuana. The agency filed an amicus curiae brief with the Mississippi Supreme Court today.
Click Here to Read More..The Shoeshank Redemption
You just knew what the SEC Shorts folks were going to do this week, didn't you?
Click Here to Read More..Zoo Blues?
The Jackson City Council discussed a proposed zoo management contract with Zooceanarium last Tuesday. WAPT reported:
Click Here to Read More..Zoooooom!!!
Tired of the drag racing in Northeast Jackson? The JPD Precinct Commander has a suggestion: Get a tag number. The Northside Sun reported Precinct 4 Commander Obie Wells
Click Here to Read More..Sunday, December 13, 2020
Maywood Mahem
Just yet another disturbed person populating the streets of Jackson when she should be somewhere um, safe.
Click Here to Read More..It's a Wonderful Movie
THE greatest Christmas movie ever made is playing at the bijou this week.
Click Here to Read More..Sunday Morning Sermon
If you can't make it to church this morning, enjoy this sermon presented by the late Dr. Frank Pollard of First Baptist Church (Jackson).
Click Here to Read More..Bill Crawford: Another Racial Inequity Lawsuit Continues
Schools in communities with strong tax bases generally provide better learning environments than those in communities with strained tax bases. This reality looks to be at the heart of another Mississippi racial inequity lawsuit kept alive by the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.
Click Here to Read More..Saturday, December 12, 2020
All Good Things Come to an End
A broadcasting legend will be forced to take a break today thanks to Covid-19. Al.com reports:
Click Here to Read More..Friday, December 11, 2020
We Are Cobra Kai!
Netflix just dropped the first trailer for the third season of Cobra Kai. Some more familiar faces return but where is Allie? The trailer is posted below. Enjoy.
Peleahatchie police officer Kendrell Canada and Mayor Ryshonda Beechem engaged in a screaming match Monday night at the regular Board of Aldermen meeting. The Mayor's husband posted the exchange on Youtube. However, Officer Canada stepped up to the plate and apologized today:
Click Here to Read More..Bedwetter Alert
Youtube shut down Scott Adams. Yes, that is Scott Adams of Dilbert fame. Mr. Adams tweeted:
Click Here to Read More..Amazon Moves into Podcasts
Amazon is trying to snap up the last independent podcasting The Wall Street Journal reported last week:
Click Here to Read More..Flashback Friday: A Great American Hero
Today's edition of Flashback Friday remembers one of Jackson's finest young men. Rufus Baker Austin became a Jap prisoner when Wake Island fell and spent the next three years in a Nippon version of hell on earth. Beaten but still brave, he testified years later in Japan as a war crimes witness. His word sent at least one of his captors to the gallows.
Queen Moves Forward in Med Marijuana War
Note: This is a complicated case so a synopsis is included at the beginning of the post. Readers familiar with the case can skip over it to the next section.
The trench warfare in the battle over the medical marijuana initiative continued at the Mississippi Supreme Court this week as Madison Mayor Mary Hawkins-Butler and her city filed their first brief Monday. Initiative 65 garnered nearly 70% of the vote in November. However, the plaintiffs challenged its certification for the ballot a few days prior to the election.
Thursday, December 10, 2020
Little David Takes on Goliath Over Certificate of Need Laws
The Mississippi Justice Institute issued the following statement.
Click Here to Read More..Hablas Espanol?
You might want to learn Spanish if you want to read the Clarion-Ledger.
Click Here to Read More..Dispatch from Pelahatchie: Food Fight Edition
What would a Pelahatchie Board of Aldermen meeting be without a food fight?
Click Here to Read More..Wednesday, December 9, 2020
There Was a Kaboom!
Starship crash-landed today after making a pretty badass flight. Although the landing will make the SpaceX bloopers reel, the mission was still 95% successful. Watch it all from start to finish below.
MEMA Director Contracts Covid-19
2,746 new cases
First Consul Tate Reeves announced a new round of Covid-19 restrictions at a press conference he is holding right now. It is streamed below.
Click Here to Read More..Lynn Jumps In
Attorney Generalissimo Evelyn Fitch issued the following statement.
Click Here to Read More..Robert St. John: Easy Bake Oven 2020
This week's recipe: Italian Cream Cake
Two days ago, a friend made a Facebook post that referenced the Christmas section of the old Sears Catalogue that used to come out once a year. The release of the Sears Christmas Wish Book was a momentous event every fall. I couldn’t tell you what any of my first-grade readers looked like, but I can still recall almost every page and item of the toy section of the Sears Catalogue.
Click Here to Read More..Sid Salter: A Baby Boy's Arrival Brings Hope & Joy to the Pandemic Darkness
Our family, like most, is nearing the end of our collective ropes in COVID-19 fatigue and pandemic uncertainty. Enough, already.
Click Here to Read More..Tuesday, December 8, 2020
We Have a Winner
Angelique Lee will be the new Councilwoman for Ward 2 in Jackson. The Ridgeland resident clobbered former Hinds County Sheriff Tyrone Lewis 60-40. She received 1,672 votes while Mr. Lewis got 1,110 votes.
Click Here to Read More..Meltdown!
Here is something for the Ole Miss fans to enjoy. Baton Rouge sports radio talk show host Matt Mascona had a complete meltdown yesterday about the LSU football team's, well, meltdown this season. Everything he said is true and the Rebel readers are going to enjoy watching his misery. ;-)
Click Here to Read More..Supremes Reject Bar Reject
Bar reject threatened to "beat y'all's asses unconscious" in filing addressed to Supreme Court
It's a safe bet Zundria Crawford will not become a lawyer anytime soon. She failed the bar exam in 2015 but instead of re-taking the test, she sued the Mississippi Bar. The Mississippi Supreme Court rejected her "appeal" yesterday.
Click Here to Read More..Ms Gets $495 Million Grant for Rural High-Speed Internet
Senator Roger Wicker issued the following statement.
Click Here to Read More..Is George Bell Getting Special Treatment?
George Bell was moved to the 1A section at the Central Mississippi Correctional Facility in Pearl. George Bell is serving a prison sentence of life without parole after he brutally murdered his girlfriend and kidnapped her best friend on September 10, 2007. 1A is a medium security section at the Pearl prison.
Click Here to Read More..Monday, December 7, 2020
Uncle Tom-foolery in Ward 2
It appears some dirty tricks are taking place in the runoff to replace Jackson Ward 2 City Councilman Melvin Priester, Jr. Someone is apparently trying to "Tom" Angelique Lee. This flyer was dropped all over Ward 2 last weekend.
Click Here to Read More..Hops & Habanas Closing
Hops & Habanas announced yesterday on Facebook that it will close at the end of the year :
Click Here to Read More..
Dixie National Rodeo Plans Announced
Ag Commish Andrew Gipson issued the following statement.
Click Here to Read More..Public School Enrollment Falls 23,000 Students
The Mississippi Department of Education issued the following statement.
Click Here to Read More..NBER: Media Fear-mongered on Covid-19
Has the media been tipping the scales a bit when covering the Covid-19 pandemic? A team of really smart folks at the National Bureau of Economic Research asked that question and found the American media engages in a bit of fear-mongering with its Covid-19 coverage. NBER compared American and foreign media coverage of the virus and found 91% of American article were negative while only 54% of foreign media was. The abstract says it all:
Click Here to Read More..Ouch!
SEC Shorts gave LSU a nice send off before it went off to do battle with the Alabama Crimson Tide:
Click Here to Read More..Sunday, December 6, 2020
Enjoy a True Masterpiece
The Metropolitan Opera is streaming a real treat until tomorrow night: Pavarotti in Tosca. The Met has been streaming a different opera every night for free since it cancelled all performances earlier this year.
Click Here to Read More..Closed
Campbell's Bakery in Madison is shutting it's doors. The business announced on Facebook yesterday:
Click Here to Read More..Dragon Flies, Falcon Returns
SpaceX launched the first un-manned resupply mission to the International Space Station this morning. A Falcon 9 first-stage rocket booster launched the flight and safely returned to Earth. Watch the exciting liftoff and return below.
Click Here to Read More..Sunday Morning Sermon
The late Dr. Frank Pollard preached on the Sabbath about the Sabbath in this 1991 sermon. If you played hookey this morning, enjoy this sermon about playing hookey on Sunday morning. ;-)
Bill Crawford: Un-Merry Covid Christmas Looms
Move over Grinch. It’s no childish matter Dr. Seuss. The new holiday story this season is “How the COVID stole Christmas” by Drs. Robert Redfield and Thomas Dobbs.
Click Here to Read More..Saturday, December 5, 2020
Fighting Crime Has a New Ring
Jackson's use of private Ring cameras to fight crime is raising eyebrows and drawing national attention. NBC and former Clarion-Ledger reporter Bracey Harris reported:
Click Here to Read More..Do as I Say.....
Just a case of more Hollywood hypocrisy when it comes to Covid-19 shutdowns.
Click Here to Read More..Friday, December 4, 2020
Sit Down and Shut Up!
Questioning shutdowns will apparently earn a shutdown. Watch what happens when someone attempts to debate restaurant shutdowns this morning.
Idiot of the Day
The Madison Police Department issued the following statement.
Click Here to Read More..Clinton Gets a New Restaurant
The city of Clinton issued the following statement.
Thursday, December 3, 2020
Coming Soon.....
The greatest Christmas story ever told returns to the big screen Friday for a week long run at several local theatres.
Click Here to Read More..Double Killer Convicted
Madison-Rankin District Attorney John Bramlett issued the following statement.
Click Here to Read More..Where Does She Live?
Ward 2 City Council Candidate Angelique Lee tried to dispel questions over her voting record and residency on JSU-TV Sunday. Ms. Lee won the special election primary and faces former Hinds County Sheriff Tyrone Lewis in a runoff election on December 8.
Click Here to Read More..Former U.S. Attorney's Home Shot Up
Update: WLBT posted audio of the shooting.
The home of former U.S. Attorney Greg Davis was shot up on Thanksgiving night.
Click Here to Read More..C19 Update: New Records Set Again
The Mississippi State Department of Health reported 2,168 cases of Wuhan virus and 28 deaths today. However, 27 of the deaths took place between November 26 and December 2. The total number of cases is 159,036. The virus has caused 3,879 deaths. Nursing home deaths comprise 40% of overall Covid-19 deaths in Mississippi. There are 128,746 recoveries.
Click Here to Read More..Time to Get Drunk
It's that time of year and you know what it means: It's time for my award-winning egg nog recipe:
Click Here to Read More..Wednesday, December 2, 2020
Lawyer Calls Judge "Mean Hearted"
It is never, ever a good idea to tick off a judge, much less one of the federal variety. However, Jackson attorney Abby Robinson is managed to do so in federal court. U.S. District Judge Daniel P. Jordan, III had enough and chewed her out but the lawyer was determined to have the last word, forgetting the Court always has the last word.
Robert St. John: Recipe Testing
Over the course of my 38-year restaurant career I have been a part of 21 restaurant/bar openings. Three of those openings— the first three— were while working in other people’s restaurants. The remaining 18 openings were restaurants that were my concepts.
Grouper w/black bean, salsa, & corn. Recipe posted below. |
Sid Salter: Efforts to Abolish Electoral College Will Dilute Influence of Rural States
The Electoral College, as confusing and messy as it often becomes in presidential politics, remains the only safeguard against having our national leadership chosen by the citizens of a few densely populated states on the east and west coasts of our country rather than the voters of all 50 states.
Click Here to Read More..Professor Shoots Back at Shad
Attorney Rob McDuff of the Mississippi Center for Justice issued the following statement.
Click Here to Read More..Tuesday, December 1, 2020
Funny of the Day
Talk about brave. Michael J. Fox makes fun of his Parkinson's Disease in this old sketch. Enjoy.
Click Here to Read More..Scotty, We Need a Vaccine
When history is written about the Covid-19 pandemic in the distant future, Operation Warp Speed will hopefully receive the credit it deserves. The vaccine breakthroughs that were announced a few weeks ago are simply unprecedented in human history. The New York Times dived into the weeds last week and published a pretty good article about Operation Warp Speed. The newspaper reported:
Click Here to Read More..Governor Provides C19 Briefing
Governor Tate Reeves is giving a Covid-19 briefing. It is streamed below.
Click Here to Read More..State Auditor to Protestin' Professor: Pay Up.
State Auditor Shad White issued the following statement.
Click Here to Read More..Idiots of the Day
The Clinton Police Department issued the following statement.
Click Here to Read More..Eastover Leads the Way but not in a Good Way
Jackson Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba said Eastover and other Northeast Jackson neighborhoods lead Jackson in Covid-19 infections.
Click Here to Read More..D.L. Gardner: Guarding 1st Amendment Rights
The Bill of Rights was key to getting all of the original states to sign and ratify the U.S. Constitution. Our Founders had fought for freedom against the strongest military of that day, and they were still in a fighting mood if the new government threatened to act like the one they had just defeated. The First Amendment listed basic freedoms Americans had not had under England’s rule.
Click Here to Read More..Email address
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Trollfest '09
Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).
Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.
Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".
In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.
In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.
Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.
Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!
This is definitely a Beaver production.
Note: Security provided by INS.
Trollfest '07
There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.
If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!
This is definitely a Beaver production.
Note: Security provided by INS.