A bill that would have clipped the State Auditor's wings is dead after it died on the State Senate's calendar yesterday.
State Senator David Parker (R- Greater Memphis Co-Prosperity Sphere) authored SB #2847. Mr. Parker chairs the Senate Committee on Accountability, Efficiency, and Transparency. Mr. Parker's committee passed the bill Friday.
The bill was ironically named the Mississippi Corruption Act - ironic because it removed some of the State Auditor's powers to investigate fraud. The key section of the bill stated:
(f) To postaudit and * * * preaudit and investigate the financial affairs of the levee boards; agencies created by the Legislature or by executive order of the Governor; profit or nonprofit business entities administering programs financed by funds in the amount of Ten Million Dollars ($10,000,000.00) or more flowing through the State Treasury or through any of the agencies of the state, or its subdivisions and may preaudit nonprofit business entities administering programs financed by funds in an amount less than Ten Million Dollars ($10,000,000.00) flowing through the State Treasury or through any of the agencies of the state, or its subdivisions;
The current law does not have a threshold for such audits or investigations.
The bill bars the State Auditor from investigating private companies, profit or non-profit, that receive less than $10 million in state funds. This new language would not have prohibited the State Auditor from investigating Nancy New's company but it would have barred him from investigating anyone who received less than $10 million as a sub grantee from Nancy New. Hmm.... who would that apply to? Quarterbacks? Running backs? Wrasslers? Anyone else? We do love our jocks in Mississippi. The new protected class.
How much did Shad pay for this coverage, KF?
After all that, he brought the bill up, read a manifesto, and tabled it to the bottom of the calendar.
Mellowdramatic political theatre is the worst.
This is good news.
Me, I'd call it 'The Jocksniffer Enablement Act'.
10:40 This bill was never anything more than pure political gamesmanship, and when called out, its proponents folded like a cheap suit. Who could have guessed that limiting the auditor's ability to investigate fraud would have been unpopular?
Here's the thing about Delbert and Shad. They are two of the smartest individuals in our state government. But both could use a couple of classes at the Haley Barbour School of How to Talk to People Like You're as Dumb as They Are. They both need to work on their pronunciations (restrents, casinahs, etc.)
We very much dislike "smart" in Mississippi.
Where is Shad's hurr durr press release?
well that was fun. Sorta.
Shad is by far the closest thing to an “honest politician” in the 50th ranked state In the USA!
The legislature can snip Shad's dick if they choose to. This was just Parker shaking the scissors at him.
Shad is fixin to double down on the good ole boys.
Shad don’t pay he forecloses.
Shad is doing a great job as auditor and will bring a breath of fresh air to MS politics when he is elected as our next governor
this ones for all the rednecks and their ''low hanging fruit''.
11:20 hits a grand slam.
A victory for common sense. This whole comedy reflects poorly on nobody but Delbert.
I hope the " Don't jack off, impregnate" bill dies as well.
Shad is a star.
@11:20 a.m. - I think the aforementioned "pure political gamesmanship" is a perfect description of Shad's use of his office to promote his future political career.
David Parker (D2 - DeSoto County) doesn't realize that he tarnished his reputation pretty bad with this garbage. The MS Republican Party should also be ashamed that they allowed the sham legislation to advance. I know dozens that won't vote for Parker again. He's not a serious person.
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