Jackson Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba is making a major announcement right now. The press conference is live-streamed below.
* Mayor Lumumba said demolition of the Hotel O should "begin in the next few days."
* The city's cold weather shelter opened yesterday. 104 people stayed at the shelter last night. The Mayor asked for donations of snacks and coffee. He thanked Shower Power for its help.
* Mike Williams provided an update on Thalia Mara Hall. He said information on the safety equipment for the fire curtain had been submitted to the State Fire Marshal. The inspection of elevator and escalator will be moved up two months.
Mayor Lumumba said the city had not been "sitting" on funds meant to improve Thalia Mara Hall.
Kingfish note: The Hotel O demolition was a "major announcement"? We got two press releases promising a "major announcement."
... But what was the "major announcement"?
They called a press conference for that?
I was hoping for "I am announcing my guilty plea for being an incompetent race baiter, thief and overall arrogant d--k h--d who will soon be residing in a Federal Correctional facility".
He shot his PR wad so long ago he has to hype to get anyone to pay attention.
You're clearly scraping at the bottom of the barrel when your breaking news is the demolishing an eyesore that was long overdue. Next up: The city filling a pothole near you.
Why is it necessary for Melissa Faith Payne (sp?) to have to be there for these briefings. I'm certain there are PLENTY of pressing issues back at the office she should be tending to for the City of Jackson! And her announcing him at "The Man" absolutely cracks me up!
"I have decided to withdraw my candidacy for mayor and plead guilty to my pending charges, because I am in fact very guilty."
We can always dream.
11:14 for the win.
Since he's committed to getting rid of the blight in Jacktown, I guess his resignation is forthcoming? Or does he not realize he is the biggest blight that exists.
What a clown. A press release for shit that should have been done a long time ago? Thalia Mara being fixed is worthy of a press conference? Hell, if it wasn't for his mismanagement, there would be no need for this. That's like starting a fire and bragging that you called the fire dept or 911. Also laughable is that demolishing a dilapidated hotel in your city requires a pat on the back. If it wasn't for a judge making them tear it down, it would still be a homeless camp.
The Zenith of the Lumumba admin.
I make a motion that 11:12 write all future press releases for the mayor.
All of us were hahahaha
Lumamba Derangement Syndrome is really spreading around these parts. Yikes
Lumumba Dickriding Syndrome has been around for 8 miserable years though. Hope you join him in Club Fed.
Though Lil Choke said he would not act like a guilty man, celebrating slow poke, mundane, past due repairs is exactly like acting guilty. "Don't look at my corruption, look at that pothole I am gonna fill (sometime)."
Lumumba is a criminal who says the quiet part out loud. He’s the worst mayor in the history of a city that has had some bad mayors. He has zero accomplishments and has presided over the decay of every asset the city manages.
"Lumamba Derangement Syndrome"?
Is that when people who get too close too him for too long turn into lying criminal a-holes? Kinda like TDS?
I think "Lumamba Derangement Syndrome" is a disease caused by drinking turbids.
I hoped he was announcing the "James Andrew Gipson Cell Tower" to be located at the Fairgrounds.
This presser click-bait will disappear as soon as Chowke moves to the gray-bar motel.
11:49, he wasn’t committed to getting rid of blight, he was committed to getting rid of ballet, and was very successful.
This goof, this poppycock twaddler, this gum-bumping flapdoodler, actually believes he’s truly getting done the business of the people of the city of Jackson by holding a press conference. “Problem? Problem solved, for I have held a press conference.”
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