Clinton Mayor Phil Fisher issued the following statement.
Mayors of several municipalities in Hinds County issued a letter to the Hinds County Board of Supervisors yesterday in response to a letter from Supervisor Robert Graham, who proposed imposing a daily charge for inmates detained at the Hinds County Detention Center by municipal or law enforcement agencies.
The mayors expressed concern over the lack of prior communication and requested key information from the Board to assess the proposal. They were particularly dismayed that Supervisor Graham’s letter was sent just one day before municipal budgets were set to take effect. Given that costs could reach six or seven figures, cities need substantially more notice to plan for these expenditures in their budgets. The municipalities also emphasized that state law requires a contract between the Board and each municipality before any payments can be made.
The mayors stated their willingness to engage in good-faith negotiations and requested a meeting with the Board once their information requests have been addressed to begin discussions on the matter.
Leftenant Graham is a man of much credibility. You can trust him.
I dunno. But the fact that you can get these six people to agree on anything means the subject is worth consideration.
I believe Madison County receives some sort of compensation for hosting those from various jurisdictions. Why should they not?
How many Raymond-facility residents come from zip codes starting with 391 or 392?
I believe Madison County receives some sort of compensation for hosting those from various jurisdictions. Why should they not?
How many Raymond-facility residents come from zip codes starting with 391 or 392?
The solution is simple for the cities. Build your own damn jails. Or pay a fee for the county to hold your prisoners. Seems to me that the cities can pay a reasonable daily fee rather than pay to construct and maintain and insure and staff their own jails.
"The municipalities also emphasized that state law requires a contract between the Board and each municipality before any payments can be made" hahahahahahaha State law requires...oops.
This won't help Chokwe any as he's headed for federal time!
@4:28 Municipal residents already pay for the jail since they are also county residents.
$50/day sounds dang cheap.
Don’t count your chickens.
The ignorance in these comments are rampant. But the mayor is right. Why should Raymond or Byram pay a fee to the county for housing criminals with a Jackson address?
Nobody budgeted for this expense this fiscal year. Not HindsCo (the county budget expects a financial remuneration) and not the municipalities. This is going to get very interesting.
Cities have revenue agents posing as cops in every town. The county doesn't get anything from a city ticket or anything from housing a city inmate. If the cities don't want to pay the county for housing inmates, then the cities should build their own jail OR stop being road pirates and shut down their police force and pay the county to do it for them. And don't try to confuse people with the old city folk pay county taxes excuse. Cities have to pay to play just like everyone else.
2:36 they do pay to play--municipal residents pay county taxes just like those in the unincorporated county do.
This is not a new concept. It's been happening in a lot of counties for a long time. Normally the municipalities pay daily for all misdemeanor charge inmates and felony inmates until they are indicted.
If true, Ignorance 'is' rampant, not ignorance 'are' rampant. Speaking of which...
If Graham is behind it, it's a disaster waiting to happen. Not to mention sexual intercourse from the rear.
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