Well, well, well, look what the New York Times reported about illegal immigration yesterday:
The immigration surge of the past few years has been the largest in U.S. history, surpassing the great immigration boom of the late 1800s and early 1900s, according to a New York Times analysis of government data. Annual net migration — the number of people coming to the country minus the number leaving — averaged 2.4 million people from 2021 to 2023, according to the Congressional Budget Office. Total net migration during the Biden administration is likely to exceed eight million people.... That’s a faster pace of arrivals than during any other period on record, including the peak years of Ellis Island traffic, when millions of Europeans came to the United States. Even after taking into account today’s larger U.S. population, the recent surge is the most rapid since at least 1850: The numbers in the Times analysis include both legal and illegal immigration. About 60 percent of immigrants who have entered the country since 2021 have done so without legal authorization, according to a Goldman Sachs report based on government data.... Outside causes have also played an important role in the surge. Turmoil in Haiti, Ukraine and Venezuela caused desperate people to flee their home countries. The growth of smuggler networks run by Mexican drug cartels allowed more people to reach the U.S. border. But the Biden administration’s policy appears to have been the biggest factor: After Mr. Biden tightened enforcement in June, the number of people crossing the border plummeted. Article
But the recent immigration surge has been so large that the central conclusions of our analysis remain even if the Goldman Sachs estimate is more accurate than the C.B.O. estimate: The recent immigration surge is the largest in U.S. history, and the foreign-born population has reached a new high.
In another way, our analysis understates the immigration surge because the analysis ends in July 2023. (The census’s main population estimates are for July 1 of the listed year.) Immigration remained high for about 12 months after the summer of 2023, until Mr. Biden’s crackdown.
In July of this year, the foreign-born share of the U.S. population reached 15.5 percent, the Goldman Sachs numbers suggest. C.B.O.’s estimates suggest the share was about 16 percent. In 2020, the share was 13.6 percent. The previous high of 14.8 percent occurred in 1890.
How why did the newspaper wait until a month after the election to report this news?
Last summer the GOP refused to pass its own immigration bill at the behest of Donald Trump, so he could run on immigration as an election issue.
New York stands alone on immigration due to its "right to shelter."
December 13, 2024 at 10:55 AM
This ignores the HR2 bill of 2023 that was voted down by Democrats. To call the democrats wishlist bill an "immigration" bill while being tacked on to a Ukranian Military-Industrial-Complex bill an immigration bill is the height of absurdity. Pound fucking sand. I'm glad Democrats lost. It's absolutely hilarious that Benny Thompson is requesting a pardon from Biden.
Fake news from the lefty progressives.
Trump said this week he was just joking when he said he would bring down consumer pricing. It’s all a game of who can lie the most.
Wow! So we are have increased by 8 million in population by immigration! Wow! And how many people Live in the U.S. of A? 335,893,238 is a number that has been thrown around as the total population. so that is what ? a 2 percent increase?
Population Projections from the International Database
Created in the 1960s, the Census Bureau’s International Database (IDB) now produces population projections for 227 countries and equivalent areas, plus 15,237 subnational areas. Population size (by single year of age and sex) and components of change (fertility, mortality and migration) are available for each calendar year through 2100 (through 2060 for the United States).
Around 2025, the IDB Trends shows India passing China in total population (around 1.42B each) to become the world’s most populous country. The United States is expected to still be third with about 344 million people. However, Nigeria is projected to pass the United States around 2045 to become the world’s third most populous country with about 388 million people.
The figures include legal immigration kingfish—context matters.
Adequate context is in the post.
Now that Joe is in hiding with Hunter, soon to be joined by Benny, the press is free to write the truth.
So, assuming another year at 2.4m for a total of 9.6m immigrants, at 60% illegal that's 5.8m more foreigners whose first order of business was to break our laws upon entry. And, they are rewarded with RCA, work authorizations, free housing, Medicare, and WIC, while eligible for an EITC at the end of the year.
Damn, we sure are good to our criminals. I casn remewmber the time when we jailed criminals.
12:01: Now that Trump has the White House and the GOP has both houses of Congress, we'll see if they can pass meaningful immigration legislation.
In other words, they proved they couldn't/wouldn't work with the other side, now we'll see if they can/will work with each other. I'm not holding my breath.
Link, please?
12:20 lied when he said, "Trump said this week he was just joking when he said he would bring down consumer pricing. It’s all a game of who can lie the most."
I have a photo on my phone from April 2020 of a Chevon gas pump with regular gasoline at $1.07 per gallon. If Trump is lying, I hope he lies more!
The Washington swamp parasites meddle in countries — Haiti, Ukraine, and Venezuela to name but three — create conflict, and then stand around with their thumbs up their asses as the flotsam from those conflicts wash up on our shores. Yankee, go home — from everywhere.
8:14, Can you be more specific that "link, please"? Which of the above statements are you challenging to back up with a verifiable citation? Or maybe you're just an Internet troll.
The ugly truth is, immigration is one of the few sources of fuel left for the U.S. economic engine. Without illegal immigrants, our economy would be in a permanent state of contraction. If the farms growing our food had to pay natural born citizens to work them, most of us could not afford to buy the food they produce. The current average rates of immigration are barely high enough to keep this country supplied with workers for low paying jobs. If you see an illegal immigrant, apologize for the difficulties they faced entering our country and thank them for propping up our fragile economy. And ask if they have a brother or sister who could join them.
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