A Rankin County grand jury indicted Donna Floyd in September for embezzling over $45,000 from Brandon High School band booster funds. The indictment states:
on about or between July 22, 2022 and May 20, 2023, in the county aforesaid and within the jurisdiction of this court, did willfully, unlawfully, and feloniously embezzle or fraudulently secrete, conceal, or convert to her own use United States Currency totaling Twenty-Five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) or more which came or was entrusted into her care or possession by virtue of her position as treasurer for the Brandon Band Booster Club...
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Her trial is scheduled for April 29, 2024 in Rankin County Circuit Court. The case is assigned to Circuit Judge Steven Ratcliff.
These embezzling women all seem to look alike. Let's go Brandon Boosters.
She didn't spend it on meth.
Fortunately she didn't waterboard anyone.
Corruption must be cultural in Niknar.
And y’all keep saying Rankin folks are better than Hinds folks. Just a different color, that’s all.
That money could buy her a lot of twinkies and ding dongs.
The band boosters must raise a lot of money if she was able to embezzle $25,000.
Money is the root of all evil. Greed will get you. Thou shalt not covet your neighbor's Band Booster Bucks.
Hate she did this. Jail food should keep her alive though, but the bedrooms and exercise yard can be grim. Maybe she will get her cosmetology license while locked away. Wives of LA might be her favorite TV show, but whether she gets to watch it will be the Boss Bi--h's decision Oh well, good luck sister. Hopefully you won't get a prison Tat on that unblemished face
I'm just here for the comments. Carry on.
All the bad press on Brandon and Rakin County is not the Brandon I grew up in. I'm over all of this, I'm moving to South Jackson.
09:02 Love of money is the problem. Money is neither evil or good.
Bach solo violin sonata #1 in G, for graft.
9:02 Articles. States over $45,000 taken. Sad as she was raised in a loving Christian home by great parents!
Rankin county is lost. Pave it.
Wonder if her poor kid is getting shit about Mom's criminal behavior. Model parent.
@ 9:59 - Pray tell where the money would come from to pave paradise.
I would agree she was raised in a sweet Christian home by good parents. So sad.
I used to live in south Jackson. Moved out because of the crime. Moved to Rankin County. Now I am worried about the crime here. Can't call the sheriff because they are worse than the criminals.
9:59am: "Rankin is lost. Pave it."
No, plant it.
People are the same all-over. But, in Rankin County they get caught and put-away.
I can tell you that whoever posted this article is 100% wrong. You need to go back and check your source. You will soon be proved totally inaccurate
Fake news!!
Fake news! No credibility to this!! Period.
"All the bad press on Brandon and Rankin County is not the Brandon I grew up in. I'm over all of this, I'm moving to South Jackson. "
Close down the Internet for today. We have a winner.
Did she steal $25K in actual dollars or $25K worth band fund-raising candy? If the latter, even if she just ate a box of chocolate bars a day, she'd have hit that mark in a month or so...
On a related note, you'd think for the price per bar, it would at least be decent chocolate.
If nothing else she ate up the profits.
You should call the DA and get an update on this! And repost an accurate update.
This is lies coming from an attorney on the other side; the truth will set her free and yall will look like a bunch of hateful morons!
Looks like Big Mama and her family supporters have shown up to post "FAKE NEWS!" repeatedly.
Please stop this. Please stop the comments and the hate. Please!
We will see who loses their job over this now false and inaccurate post. Old inaccurate news at the moment.
Well, the same poster has come on her seven times calling this all fake, using the same language. None of the posts bother to state why the opening report is inaccurate or what the accurate truth IS.
Mississippi is mostly last or near the bottom in many categories, but at the top as the Embezzlement State.
I read that JSU even offers a degree in the embezzlement trade, also called political science.
All I did was post the indictment filed in the clerk's office. The $45,000 number came from the Rankin County Sheriff's press release when she was arrested. So if someone has a problem, take it up with the Sheriff or D.A.
The truth will set you free soon. Will you be ready to eat your crow then and issue the facts? Stay tuned…
Nice try at baiting here. Ain’t nobody taking this bait except the Internet trolls!!
@3:33 I highly doubt kingfish fires himself from his own blog, but you seem like the expert here. If you disagree with what’s posted, what’s keeping you from telling the truth?
Steal 45k from a school in Rankin and get sent up the river. Steal 350 k from a businessman in Rankin and go free.
She didn't steal any money. She simply pocketed enough, over time, and took it home for safe-keeping and eventually that stash added up to $25,000 - But it wasn't stealing since she intended one day to return it. That's been the claim of every embezzler in history.
It was late and I didn't have time to get to the bank and flat forgot that money was in my console.
I am still trying to figure out how someone could lose their job over posting this article. The firing of the self employed is not something that is easily achieved.
Easy access to the smell and feel of cash money that is not one's own, temporarily not missed, becomes a repeated pleasure, then a "necessity" to pay for extravances like drugs, gambling, travel real estate, boat, or designer clothing. Shad White should help legislature with techniques in nonźprofits and bureaucracy to self guard against graft, such as two or three signatures on checks, immediate third party oversight on cash receipts and deposits, etc.
Donna must have sobered up this morning, no most posts about the real truth coming out. Delusions of grandeur must be common with the name Donna. Donna Floyd, Donner Kay.
@6:36 they never said it would be Kingfish.
The chirper, who over and over claims it's all a lie, can't stop chirping long enough to report what happened to the missing money.
Any idea what she spent it on? Was she a whale at the Vicksburg casinos? (No pun intended.)
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