The suspect shot during the incident at Renaissance today was accused earlier this year of being involved in the murder of a 14 year-old.
Cameron Horne-Crook was murdered in South Jackson in March. Police arrested three teens and charged them with murder. One of the teens was then-15 year-old Siyaski Crawford. Jackson Municipal Court Judge Lilli Bass charged him with murder and set his bond at $1.5 million on March 28.
A preliminary hearing was held in Hinds County Court on April 23. County Court Judge Johnny McDaniels reduced the charge to accessory after the fact for murder and set Crawford's bond at $75,000.
The Hinds County grand jury indicted Crawford with tampering with physical evidence on July 12. However, the Hinds County District Attorney dismissed the case on October 30. Circuit Judge Adrienne Wooten's order states:
17 year-old John Foote was indicted for the murder of the deceased. The case is pending in Hinds County Circuit Court.
Is there any possibility that is parents could be held accountable for not keeping their child from committing these crimes?
If the suspect Died in the chase, I'm sure they would be releasing multiple Kroger balloons.....
This is pitiful...
Amazing- the justice system in Hinds County is so understaffed- it is akin to a manufacturing plant moving people through quickly with either releasing or stockpiling.
You know, there may not have been a case against him. There was a prelim.
More blessings!
well sh**! Again a cluster out of Hinds County Court system, DA office and more.... Kids killing kids and it's all ok in Hinds County based on this case
"Is there any possibility that is parents could be held accountable for not keeping their child from committing these crimes?
December 31, 2024 at 5:15 PM
5:15 ...
I doubt parenting is even a concept with many of the players in this latest drama.
With all due reapect, (none) Adrienne Wooten seems like an idiot. Does she have a decent or poor reputation as a judge?
This would never had happen if some sorry liberal judge had lowered his bail to 75,000 from over a million. I blame the judge
May not have had a case against him. If the case is weak, the case is weak.
To Kingfish,
I might not always agree with what you say, but I do respect that you act like a true journalist and report facts. Even if there is a side dish of opinion, it is always clear to me. It is really appreciated in these times we live in.
5:15 I noticed you used “parents” (plural) in your question. I am not sure about this particular situation but in many cases it is “parent” (singular) which is a major contributing factor in the youth crime crisis.
But, but, his auntie stated that he is a "gooda boy."
I moved from Jackson to get away from criminal kids like this. I would appreciate it if Jackson would keep them out of my neighborhood.
I think the judge should be held accountable for letting a 15 year old murder suspect out on bond.
To the mothers, fathers and grandparents of children like this young man, immediately get a life insurance policy of at least a million. These fools have death wishes!
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