Saturday, July 11, 2020

Foster Calls for Civil Disobedience to C19 Orders

Former State Representative and Gubernatorial candidate Robert Foster issued the following statement on Facebook.

I’ve prayed and thought a lot about this. This is going to really upset and even anger some people, if it does then you are part of the problem. You should learn to mind your own business. You will live a happier life if you learn that simple concept.

At some point enough is enough and I for one have had enough. I’ve watched Communist Democrats protesting and rioting in groups of thousands, burning and looting cities now for weeks and weeks. I’ve witnessed governments, even here in Mississippi close churches. I’ve watched coward politicians bend a knee to the Cancel Culture Liberals time and time again. It’s absolutely sickening.

Our small businesses and our jobs were deemed “non-essential” and closed. It nearly broke us all, and did break many. Those of us still standing are struggling to survive under the relentless and crushing restrictions still being imposed upon us. So, this isn’t about a mask mandate, this is about Control.

This is about standing up to a Governor that is acting like a Dictator. When did the legislature vote on a law to mandate masks? I must have missed them taking up and debating this significant change in public policy. This is about government constantly pushing, more taxes, more restrictions, more licenses, more regulations, more fees, more fines, more loss of Liberty, one little bit at a time.

Well, this is just one little bit too much for me. If you haven’t run a small business and know what that struggle is like, or if you haven’t had to work long hours at an actual job to put food on the table for your family you won’t understand what I’m talking about. For the hard working people struggling to get by out there, you get it.

Then to top that all off, our Governor threatened citizens, small businesses, and local governments of our great state with “this is a wake up call”, we could be facing even stricter measures if we don’t comply. Well, that crossed the line for me, you must have forgotten who works for who. I feel led to remind you that we don’t work for you, or answer to you. You are not our ruler and you are not a Dictator. I for one am not going to let you threaten and treat honest hard working tax paying citizens so disrespectfully, without any push back. You work for us and we need to remind you of that.

This is a global pandemic. The truth is that a lot of people are going to get sick and a lot are unfortunately going to die. If you want to be mad at someone about all of the death, be mad at the lying Communist government of China but quit taking it out on small businesses and the working class! There is nothing that our government can do to stop this virus. It will continue to spread until we reach herd immunity. The only thing we can do is to warn the most vulnerable to stay at home as much as possible until this virus runs its course. It can’t be stopped with cloth masks, and it won’t be stopped with crushing small business regulations. Anyone saying otherwise is full of it. It just is what it is. Life must go on.

I’m not scared to tell you the truth. Some want to sprinkle the truth with fairy dust and puff smoke up your backside and tell you that you will be safe if everyone just wears a cloth mask in public. That false information is not helping anyone to get through this really bad situation. People deserve to hear the truth so they can calculate the risks. People deserve to be able to make their own decisions about how to get through these incredibly difficult times. Mask or no mask, to each their own. If it makes you feel safer then I support your decision to wear one. Just stop trying to impose your will upon everyone else.

Every single person that goes out to eat at a restaurant or goes shopping, knows the risks and has plenty of options. They can order Online, they can go through drive-thrus, order local delivery, call in take out orders or arrange curb side pick-up, they can wear a mask if they choose, they can even wear two masks. In other words they have choices they can make, they can choose to take the risks or not take them.

Life is full of risks. Freedom is not free, it comes with a very high price. We are not talking about medical facilities where vulnerable people have to go for treatment we are talking about imposing blanket unproven restrictions on every single small business and worker. This isn’t about a mask, it’s about a principle.

We are ALL fully aware of the risks with this virus. It’s all we have heard about from Dr. Doom & Gloom Dobbs and Dr. Always Lying Fauci for months. Some people are scared to death of it, they can and should stay home. As for myself and many others we are not going to let a virus with around a 99% survival rate or a lying career politician Governor dictate every single aspect of our lives. We will continue to be conscious of other people’s personal space but Life must go on. We are over the fear of it.

If I go to a business who requires me to wear a mask in order to come onto their property then I will respect their rules and either wear a mask or I will find another place to do business with. That’s how free markets work.

I choose for my state and my business to be part of what’s left of Free America. I reject the notion that the government knows what’s best for me and my life, I reject the Liberal ways of New York, California and Communist China. I reject the government controlling every aspect of my life from cradle to grave.

I will have my restaurant open on every Thursday, Friday and Saturday night from 5:00-9:00pm, The Barn at Cedar Hill Farm. The address is 008 Love Rd, Hernando, MS 38632.

Now, Governor Reeves, I want you to listen very carefully to the next part that I am about to say.

I have not worn a mask at my business yet and I have not made any of my employees or customers, and I will not be making them wear one either. If they choose to wear one, and some do, then I will support them as I have been. But, this guilt trip nonsense claiming that if we don’t all comply with masks that we will cause people to get sick and die, is ludicrous.

If people don’t like how I’m running my business, or think it’s not safe, they don’t have to come support my business. If my employees don’t like it, or don’t feel safe, they can quit. That’s how free markets work.

With all due respect Mr. Governor, I am openly defying your public mask mandate and social distancing executive orders. Now, what are you going to do about it? I would like to see you come up here and try and make me wear a mask!

Maybe I will be standing on my own, maybe my employees will all stop coming to work, maybe my customers will all stop coming to my business. If that’s the case then so be it. But as long as I have employees and customers I’m going to serve those customers and I won’t be making anyone wear a mask. I am also not going to make large families and groups of friends that live and ride together sit at separate “socially distanced” tables. What a bunch of illogical crap.

I’m sure Cancel Culture Communist Liberals will call me all sorts of names. You will laugh at me, mock me, threaten me and try and boycott my business. I can take your insults. I can take your criticisms and public shaming. I’m not scared of you or your hollow words. I’m fully aware of the consequences of my actions, are you?

So with that, I believe it is time! In fact, it is past time to take a stand. If you want your children and grandchildren to grow up in a Free country then we must hold the line. If you don’t stand now I’m afraid there won’t be any ground left to stand on. We have given too much for way too long. If we don’t push back, it will be another personal Liberty, your job and your business being crushed next. I’m not calling for a protest I’m calling for something even more powerful. I’m calling for you to be Civilly Disobedient. I’m calling for you to defy these unlawful Liberty infringing and financially crushing small business mandates. What’s it going to be Mississippi, Liberty or Tyranny?

If the government wants anymore of our Liberties then I say to them, Molon Labe!


Anonymous said...

Finally some leadership! The constitution is the guide by which we should always be lead. Any tyrant who would tear up that holy document because of some globalist conspiracy psyop plandemic should be considered a traitor.

Anonymous said...

What an idiot.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a perfect PR stunt to get people to come to the Barn restaurant...the kind of people who would likely enjoy a restaurant named the Barn.

I don't agree with a lot of the mandates being mandated....but I wear a mask as a show of respect of the elders in our midst as well as maybe a 20% reduction in chances I get the virus. But I damn sure wouldn't put my net worth at risk by advertising for everybody to come to my business and I don't care if my employees wear masks. Stupid stupid stupid.

Anonymous said...

Isn't he in the county with the second highest case load?

Anonymous said...

Hey Bobby, you should know this by now:

"Silence is wisdom when speaking is folly."

Anonymous said...

So this Neanderthal thinks the Bill of Rights has something in it about "Freedom of Assembly?"

Anonymous said...

Desperately trying to stay relevant

Anonymous said...

He's right you know. We are all being forced to bend over backward for the people who made their personal decision to abuse their body. Making themselves sickly, obese, and vulnerable.

It's the equivalent of criminalizing pronouns for transgenders who suffer the gender dysphoria mental disorder. Of course that is also in the plans by the globohomo plandemic elites.

Anonymous said...

I don't agree with closing businesses. I believe in personal responsibility.

Having said that, a large portion of Americans simply will not exercise personal responsibility. My 84 year old grandfather has not abused his body and is not obese (7:33 is an asshole). He is old. And when 20, 30, 40 year old people act like nothing is going on and spread this virus like cooties, the odds of the 80 and 90 year old's catching increase greatly.

All of you libertarian know-it-alls should show a little more respect for your fellow Americans.

Anonymous said...

Don't understand why wearing a mask is so much to ask. It won't hurt anything to wear one. I can't seem to remember anyone protesting having to wear shirts and shoes when dining in a restaurant.

Anonymous said...

Counter culture folks dont follow the rules and get away with it, why cant everybody else do the same?

Anonymous said...

Your 80 year old grandfather isn't contributing to the workforce economy or relying on a paycheck to survive. He can stay at home and have food delivered. I'm well ware of the elderly. But appeals to emotion are illogical.

Unknown said...

People who scream about their rights and their freedoms seem to be more than comfortable locking the elderly away in nursing facilities and/or putting their lives at risk just so they don’t have to have the inconvenience of wearing a mask.

It’s stupid. It’s mean. And it’s an amazingly greedy and unchristian mindset.

Anonymous said...

7:33 here. To all of you panty wetters who want to mention your disabled cousin and 84 year old grandfather. Those people are receiving their Social security income from the government already. They don't have to go out and earn a living. Your strawman is irrelevant.

Anonymous said...

IF we would just test everyone, for every disease, every virus, every psychological illness....., people would wake up and realize we should never leave home. We just need to test more and then following the rules would be easier.

Anonymous said...

As a former State Legislator, you would think that Mr. Foster would be aware of MS code 33-15-11. This is the explicit granting of authority by the legislature to the Governor to take actions such as the ones he has made (eg masks, limits on gatherings, etc.).

He can disobey if he likes, but the County Health Department could shut down his restaurant.

Unfortunately, that’s probably exactly what he wants so that he can try to become a martyr and run for office again.

The more likely scenario is that he will stay open, people will get sick, and if one of those needs to go to the hospital, they will be in trouble because there are very few beds available in DeSoto county.

Thank God he isn’t Governor.

Anonymous said...

The right to harm a fellow citizen is NOT in The Bill of Rights nor in any Amendment.

In your restaurant, do you ignore sanitation and health codes. Do your cooks not wash their hands or keep their hair out of food? Do roaches run free over your tables? Do you let sick employees cough or sneeze on the food?

If a customer arrived who was barefoot and stank or covered with impetigo sores would you seat them?

Throughout history democracies and republics even in ancient times quarantined the sick and tried to protect the citizens from disease.

People who are contagious with Covid are asymptomatic when most contagious. That’s the latest peer reviewed research . You can’t SEE their contagion. Also read contact tracing data.

You , sir, are irresponsible and ignorant at best .

This isn’t an assault on freedom, Wearing a mask and following health codes is being a responsible citizen. I sincerely hope anyone who can their Covid illness. to your restaurant sues you for medical bills, some of which may be life long if they survive.

Anonymous said...

7:17, Proof please with link.

Anonymous said...

he’s not praying to the same God as I am... if it were the one I read about in something called the Bible he’d have concern for the least among us—or in today’s situation, the most vulnerable to this virus among us.

Anonymous said...

“The idea of death, the fear of it, haunts the human animal like nothing else.” You can't hide and death anxiety appears to be at the core of several mental health disorders, including health anxiety, panic disorder and depressive disorders and we’re too scared to talk about it. It is something that cannot be avoided, so deal with it. Many, greater than 50%, are convinced that Covid, and nothing else, will be their demise. So if they can live through it, death is defeated. I'm so sorry you all are going through this as I'm sure it has diminished your quality of life, which can and will diminish your quantity of life. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he can experience Covid firsthand, and the pain in the butt it is when they turn you away from the ER because they are out of rooms

He is a real pile of d-- s---. Typical know it all jerk wad.

Anonymous said...

Natural herd immunity is only inevitable if no prophylactic treatment or vaccine is possible. Right now both are showing promise and are in stage 3 trials. Is it too much to ask that we do simple things like social distance and wear masks until we see if we can stop it without needing to needlessly kill a million Americans.

This guy is an absolute narcissistic idiot. Makes me sad such a self-centered person without a care in the world for his neighbor could get elected to public office. Then again, this is Mississippi. There’s a reason we’re last in everything.

Anonymous said...

@8:53 are you sure you read the Bible?

Like all things Covid-19 exists because of God's will. Just like HIV/AIDS, the most vulnerable are those who have become afflicted with the physical side effects of sin.

Anonymous said...

Sore looser

Anonymous said...

You "death rate" truthers had some other line before that. First it was that the virus isn't real; then that it only affected the elderly; then that our hospitals would never run out of capacity; we'll have a vaccine; it will go away with the heat and so on.

You'll never admit you're WRONG about the virus. The ability to read information and admit you aren't right isn't easy, but this virus is serious, bad, and not going away. Until idiots like you start wearing a mask and taking precautions it is only going to get worse.

Anonymous said...

"...but I wear a mask as a show of respect..."

Respect? Can we assume your Volvo is plastered stickers showing your respect for BLM, Gay Pride, Save The Planet and Co-exist? I mean, since your behavior revolves around 'showing a sign of respect'.

You people might also want to remember that no law is enforceable which does not clearly describe and define the precise violation.

In other words, "Speeding is against the law". Really? Only if the law defines speeding.

Anonymous said...

What a spoiled little brat. Thank God he is not the one in power.

Anonymous said...

"Then again, this is Mississippi. There’s a reason we’re last in everything. 9:19 AM"

Thank you for (this time) leaving off your usual chatter about 'the reason your kids left the state as soon as they could'...

Anonymous said...

9:20, I don’t believe the Bible but I have read it. It’s wackjobs like you who tend to cancel out much of the good that spiritual belief can produce. You should first examine the Bible, especially everything printed in red in the New Testament. Then, honestly examine your heart.

Anonymous said...

These are the type of charades to which politicians must resort when the cancel culture prevents them from discussing the real problems we face.

Anonymous said...

9:20. Matthew 25:40? Ever read that? I can quote more if you want. Maybe I have one of those goofy ones that has Two Corinthians?

Anonymous said...

Let's see, Tate Reeves, 187,312 votes. William Waller, 128,010; Little Bobby Foster, 67,758. Bobby, as many people will get Covid diagnosed today, and twice as many have died, as you got votes out of a state of 3 million folks. I'm sorry you got your arse whipped in just a primary election.

Your arrogance led you to believe you know better. Better than your elders, better than doctors, better than all the regular folks.

You've now blasphemed claiming you've 'prayed' on disobeying the law or rules. The Bible speaks pretty clearly on caring for the sick, for giving unto Caesar what is his, and on obedience to authority.

You've pulled out the most childish, nonsensical "argument" about
"Commuh-nists" asking you to wear a mask and have your employees follow some simple guidelines.

Today, you're not only a laughingstock, but returning Mississippi to being that in your "GubMint ain't a gonna tell me what to do!!! rant"

Well, Bobby, if by some chance you had won, would we just say "Eff U Foster" because we disagree with YOUR government???

What a hypocrite.

Anonymous said...

I don't like his argument. Here is a better one: Tate, how do you eat food while wearing a mask? Velcro food hole?

Anonymous said...

It is a failure of journalism to see Kingfish and other news outlets simply repost and broadcast someone’s opinions because they “issued a statement.” Journalism should be inquisitive and critical. It should illustrate competing views, if competing views exist. It should, for example, say “Mr. Foster says this and here are his reasons....Here is what Gov. Reeves’ chief of staff or Dr. Dobbs says in response when asked for comment.” Instead, Mr. Foster’s views have been given undue credibility without any critical analysis.

Anonymous said...

“...Sir, this is a Wendy’s.”

Anonymous said...

One crazy lil’ SOB.

Anonymous said...

So you are saying that journalists shouldn't report unfiltered news but that it should always be filtered and spun before regurgitating it out to the proles?

Anonymous said...

Some folks' conception of "freedom" is really small-minded. The freedom from wearing a piece of cloth.

I'm more concerned about the freedom to send my kids to school, go to work, see family and friends, etc., without worrying that a deadly pandemic will kill me or someone else.

If we have to make some short-term collective sacrifices to achieve that, well, that's the "cost of freedom."

People like Foster would have protested WWII rations because it's his God-given right to buy as much of whatever he wants whenever he wants, consequences to anyone else be damned. It's sociopathy masquerading as libertarianism.

Anonymous said...

All I've heard from the left since 2016 is RESIST, RESIST, RESIST!

Now they are all OBEY, COMPLY, SUBMIT!

Anonymous said...

Folks who view COVID-19 as a binary outcome illness - get well or die - are both woefully and willfully misinformed. Folks who view masks anything other than good-sense common-good conduct are woefully and willfully misinformed. Foster is an idiot, but he is correct about one thing - folks do have the right to choose to avoid his business. As far as whatever political aspirations Mr. Foster may continue to have and given the time frame between today and any election to statewide office, I'd say that Mr. Foster has ensured he will never be elected to any statewide office.

Anonymous said...

Whether this idiot realizes it or not, the constitutional freedoms can and will be conditioned on the seriousness of an emergency. Sacrificing lives
unnecessarily so that he can have his liberties is not part of the process. The governor has to weigh the common good and safety while being informed by experts before he can suspend or restrict normal freedoms. He's doing that. We live in a country where the lives of the elderly or the infirm mean as much as the young and fit. I appreciate that because one day I will be elderly and who knows when I am unfit.

Anonymous said...

10:13am Excellent post. Really.

8:44am However, "The right to harm a fellow citizen is NOT in The Bill of Rights nor in any Amendment." How on earth would you ever know, much less prove where the harm originated? This is at the root of the entire fear based propaganda that is happening, and that is being purposely exaggerated by media.

This pandemic - that I do believe was intentional - is merely a test/beta run to see how Americans respond....and so far it seems most would rather cower at home in fear of getting sick with something for those under 65 years of age has a 99.5% recovery rate, than maintains their livelihood that pays for their existence. I also believe Americans are going to wake up soon and say, "Enough! People get sick....lets get back to work."

Anonymous said...

The herd option is always available: Simply let the virus run it's course and the strong will survive. It will cull out the weak. Seig Heil!

The herd option is only a last resort in a Christian nation.

Green Acres said...

What an arsehole. I will never darken the doors of his restaurant, regardless of bat flu. I bet it's a nasty, vermin infested place since he eschews public health and safety measures.

People like him are amazing - they actually think that insulting the rest of us who do follow covid-19 health recommendations is going to drive us back to restaurants, sports events, bars, hair salons, and gyms. We vote with our feet as to where we will go and our wallets as to what we will spend our hard-earned money on, and every time one of these raging psychotic Republicans attacks my integrity, they are guaranteeing that I will vote for Democrats.

Anonymous said...

While I personally disagree with how quickly the state opened, I respect Tate's position. He hasn't argued with the science, he hasn't denied the threat, and he's urged people to be "Safer at Home." He then allowed people to use their best judgment and exercise some personal responsibility.

But people didn't. They swarmed the restaurants and bars, they flocked to pools and gyms, and the abandoned all sense of reality.

Now every hospital in central Mississippi is on diversion and the ICU beds are full. There is a public health emergency and it isn't communism to take measures to ensure that the medical facilities of this State aren't overrun.

Robert Foster is standing in front of a burning building with matches and telling the fire department that he doesn't want any of their communist socialized fire control. And he can burn his house down if he wants. The problem is that fire is threatening the neighbors...

Anonymous said...

Who the hell is this guy? Never heard of him.

Kingfish said...

Not approving comments in all caps nor those that have "jim Crow" for the screen name.

Anonymous said...

We see many people preaching to us about using masks. The majority of them are not even wearing a mask when they tell us we should be wearing one.
In the beginning people were told they did not need to wear masks. We were told only hospital employees should wear masks. Later we were told they had lied to us so the people working in hospitals could have plenty of masks. We were told to wear masks to keep from catching the virus. Then the story changed to we must wear masks to keep us from giving the virus to others.

The one thing that we should know for sure by now. The people giving us the orders are not doing it for the good of the people. These people do not know any more about the virus than any man on the street.
You can do what ever you choose to do. If you are really trying not to get the virus you will stay at home.

Anonymous said...

Chris McDaniel 2.0

Anonymous said...

The Covid is naturally thinning the proletarian herd. Most elites have already been innoculated and have nothing to fear.

I'm honestly curious how many of you pro-abortion people are calling constitutionalists "FREEdumb" and I wonder how mant pro-life people don't care who dies so long as you never have to wear a face diaper.

I am totally immune from this specific virus because I am actually an Artificially Intelligent Russia-bot who loves to see the USA crippled by infighting.

James Corvus said...

@9:26 AM - You are pretty "loose" with your grammar.

Anonymous said...

To those laughing about people talking about their constitutional rights, least we not forget the couple in Missouri defending their property against a mob literally using their second amendment rights. They have now had their weapons taken away and the left has spun it into “they were brandishing their weapons against peaceful protestors”. So peaceful they tore down the gate to the neighborhood as well as the gate to their house. They are going to have to go to court for standing on their own property, defending it against people that otherwise could or would have caused harm. Yes it’s a slippery slope and I understand why he and McDaniel say what they say, maybe just not how they say it. That said, in these times, it may take stands like this to get the point across, as brash and “arrogant”as they may seem.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like this guy should take his own advice and mind his own business. He will live longer and happier.

Anonymous said...

7:55 why would you want to?

Anonymous said...

"I reject the notion that the government knows what’s best for me and my life ... I reject the government controlling every aspect of my life from cradle to grave."

Funny how he's pro-choice when it's his life. What a hypocritical moron.

Anonymous said...

Idiot! Idiot! Idiot!!!!

Anonymous said...

One thing on which we might all agree: Bobby Foster is a giant douche.

Anonymous said...

Too bad he wasn’t in the last session so he might have gotten it. Then he might take the virus seriously.

Anonymous said...

All these armchair epidemiologists who ignore real science are now constitutional scholars, too.

Is there anything these idiots don’t think they know everything about?

Their whiny, selfish, ill informed opposition to wearing a mask in public would be funny if they weren’t the ones out there spreading the disease. On top of that, they pollute the internet with their drivel, encouraging others to join in their campaign of stupidity.

All they want to talk about is their “rights.” They have no concept of personal responsibility and refuse to make the smallest sacrifice for the sake of others. They belittle those who follow the science, calling them “sheep” and, worst of all, have the nerve to equate themselves with Holocaust victims. All because they’re either too cool or stupid to wear a freaking mask when they’re in public. Disgusting.

From now on, please spare us all the Holiday Inn science. Quit carrying on about a our Constitution. As any first year law student will tell you, it does not entitle you to ignore the consequences of your behavior on the the health and safety of others. From now on, just admit you’re a selfish asshole and leave at that. I, for one, respect that a hell of a lot more than your weak ass excuses, disregard for science and inability to understand the most basic principles of our Constitution.

Anonymous said...

Any way to cull out posts from the college sophomores?

Anonymous said...

This is as dumb as it gets, who knew it was this bad at the border. I think Tater should send in the National Guard.

Anonymous said...

Just saw chokwe and his family out strolling in NE Jxn.

No masks.

Anonymous said...

Drudge Report headline right now is Trump photographed publicly wearing a mask.

Anonymous said...

I am a conservative, but I just don’t see a government order to wear a mask as some sort of fascist intrusion. To me, it’s no different than a local government putting up a stop light or stop sign. It’s for our safety, it may be inconvenient and we may disagree as to the need. But we obey and move on. 90 percent of Mississippians let the government educate their kids, but we can’t let them tell us to wear a mask?

Anonymous said...

Robert Foster... A Mississippi original.

Anonymous said...

And to think...when this guy first appeared in the primary I gave him serious consideration. After hearing about 3 interviews with him and reading some about him it was obvious to me that he would not be a good governor for Mississippi. I'm glad that I and many others saw the light before it was too late.

Anonymous said...

“I’m sure Cancel Culture Communist Liberals will call me all sorts of names. You will laugh at me, mock me, threaten me and try and boycott my business. I can take your insults. I can take your criticisms and public shaming. I’m not scared of you or your hollow words. I’m fully aware of the consequences of my actions, are you?”

So if he can’t handle/take his business being boycotted, why poke the bear... this guy is the poster child for risky behavior and it shows throughout his rant.

Anonymous said...

I BET, ONE MILLION DOLLARS THAT YOU FOSTER WOULD NOT” breath in a persons face with COVID 19, I think it’s absolutely Asinine for you to act as if you can’t catch this Plague!! SMH

Anonymous said...

What in the world did I just read? This a the dumbest, most transparent political b.s. The fake passion is just oozing out of it. Thank God our Governor is a man of reason, not this clown.

Anonymous said...

“It’s only a mask, citizen!”
“It’s only a vaccine, citizen!”
“It’s only a paper that says you had a vaccine, citizen!”
“It’s only a chip we can scan that says you had a vaccine, citizen!”
“You have to have your chip before you can come in this grocery store, citizen!”
“You have to have your chip to prove you had the vaccine to come to work, citizen!”
“You only have to go to this holding facility until you have your chip, citizen!”
“You aren’t free to leave without it, citizen!”
“We will take care of your children until you have your chip, citizen!”
“The government has terminated your earthly existence, bigot!”

Anonymous said...

Good grief!

Is is cowardly to wear a seat belt or wear safety glasses when welding or wipe your fanny after taking a dump?

Do you think soldiers or police who wear protective vests are cowards?

Think football players are cowardly when they wear a helmet or knee pads ?

And, no one is saying you eat with a mask on, covidiot, you wear it until you eat and when you are eating, you should stay 6 feet from others and they from you.

Are some of you really that clueless? How long did it take you to learn to tie your shoes?

Anonymous said...

Is BF also an anti-vaxxer? I bet he is. Those people showed up shouting at the entrance to the Legislature in February before Covid hit along with their presumably unvaccinated chilren. I’m happy to say every legislator I talked to was utterly disgusted by their presence. Will they try to stop the vaccine when it comes as against their “rites”?

Anonymous said...

It’s really easy....if you want to be ultra cautious about the virus, then by all means don’t walk into this establishment.

Anonymous said...

5:32, when you saw the so called Jackson mayor, did you happen to take a photo of him and his group without their masks for proof and possibly be able to confront his office? I’m kind of like this, if you tell people what to do, then you need to abide by those rules also.

Here is a video that will explain a few things. It proves that the “Hot Mic” portion tells that there is a vaccine.

Anonymous said...

If vaccines are so safe then why are we not allowed to sue the vaccine manufacturers and instead must go through a secret federal compensation program for the damage that vaccines cause?

Anonymous said...

That was a self-serving (and self-promoting) plug for his restaurant. Like every message from someone reasonable it contains some kernels of truth: There has never been a randomized controlled trial showing that masks prevent COVID. Neither positive nor negative. The evidence is just not there.

So he is correct. The Governor was not honest with the public in cramming masks down our throats. The honest approach would have been, "Folks, we just don't know for sure but we really think masks may work and we urge you to use them."

Also believe that he is correct about leaving businesses open. I also think the health department has a duty to post huge signs in front of such establishments that says, "Eight of the most recent outbreaks in the state came from bars and restaurants. You are warned!"

The educated and informed customers can make a free will decision.

Anonymous said...

I don’t think America won World War II by being on 100 different pages. We were all on the same page for the same goal. Sounds pretty American to me. Wear a mask.

Anonymous said...

The Allies won WW2 by having more cannon fodder than the Germans. In the end patriotic boys were all that was left to defend Berlin.

If America had won WW2 then we wouldn't have had a cold war or a divided Europe.

However, we can beat Covid-19 the same way the Nazis were defeated. By allowing a lot of people to die.

Anonymous said...

1:23 throwing round that “holiday inn science: “There has never been a randomized controlled trial showing that masks prevent COVID. Neither positive nor negative. The evidence is just not there.” This is exactly the type of know it all bs we’re dealing with. Even the most basic google search “studies, mask, covid” results in countless peer review studies demonstrating the importance and effectiveness of masks in reducing the transmission of covid 19. Yet, idiots like 1:23 insist on polluting the internet with their stupid, uninformed, worthless crap. Please, do us a favor, Get educated or shut up!

Anonymous said...

1:23 The problem is the risk doesn’t stop with the customer. If it were going to be just them taking the chance on getting sick or dying I’d be fine with it. That’s not the way infectious diseases work though. The customer can then spread the disease to parents, grandparents, coworkers, etc. There are many restrictions on personal actions that can hurt others. Personal freedom stops when it has the likelihood of injuring the innocent public.

Anonymous said...

Drama queen who has been missing the much needed media attention. Standing by for presser announcing that he is running for office in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...

Anonymous said...

“A fool won’t talk long by himself ”
- Fred Sanford -

Anonymous said...

If this guy is running, I'm voting for him.

Anonymous said...

His restaurant should be shut down by the health department as soon as possible.

Anonymous said...

The kook vote is not so large that this Covidiot could be elected to anything.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, it would be a shame if someone reported him to the health department.

Just follow the law, you know what I mean? Lol

Anonymous said...

That boys' mind is like concrete, all mixed up and permanently set!

Simple Sam said...

I wish the guy that keeps using the word "covidiot" was as clever as he thought.

Anonymous said...

@1:52. 1:23 here. Disappointed you get your science from Google. Most of us who work everyday with levels of evidence have to pay attention to details. Something that you sweep under the rug.

Let me repeat what I wrote: There are zero randomized controlled studies showing any value (or harm) with masks and COVID. Zero.

There are many studies on non-COVID coronaviruses and influenza, none of which satisfy the science of COVID illness. The Danes have a registered NCT and we all hope masks benefit. But the data isn’t here yet.

Anonymous said...

8:21, don't know where you work, but all the doctor offices and dental offices require masks, (and most doctors and dentists are conservative republicans) and I'll opt for joining them rather than some anonymous internet troll.

Anonymous said...

Oh Gawd, its starting to appear the anti-vaxers are one-in-the-same as the no-maskers. Lordy let me go buy a box of masks. Those folks are plum crazy!

Anonymous said...

8:21 Sounds like you are admitting there are studies done on other viral respiratory diseases that do show masks help prevent the transmission of the disease. There is absolutely no doubt that COVID-19 is a coronaviral respiratory disease, correct? If that is so, wouldn't the prudent thing to do be to strongly theorize masking will help prevent the spread of COVID in the same way it helps other similar diseases, implement universal masking, and then wait for your desired randomized controlled studies to disprove that theory before taking your position "masks do not help under any circumstances"?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think I'll just follow the medical experts and wear a mask. It's that simple.

As far as going for my daily walk, just like the mayor, I will not be wearing a mask unless I'm walking in close contact with others. It seems to be pretty easy to stay six feet apart.

To the people who don't want to take any responsibility in protecting yourselves or others, please don't show up at the hospital when you get sick from this virus. Why should the medical staff have to deal with you when you went out of your way just to get COVID?

Anonymous said...

Wow @ 1:48. I always cruise these threads looking for that one Millsaps grad post. Special fun when I spot a Millsaps sophomore.

Anonymous said...

@9:02. You have mischaracterized my original and ongoing statements. I have never said to not were a mask. I have just pleaded with government (e.g., governors) to be honest in supporting them.

Here is a link to the ongoing National Clinical Trial which is investigating the question:

I am not an anti-vaxer. Indeed, many RCTs support many vaccinations.

Some o the studies referred to in this string have actually shown that the wearer of non-surgical masks (e.g., cloth masks) is harmed by wearing the mask. But I will not feed that research to the anti-maskers precisely because it was not a COVID study.

Medicine and science are not always logical. For a century we used to take all the metastatic lymph nodes out of a patient's armpit when they presented with a melanoma of the arm. It is logical to think the doing so would improve the patient's chances for a cure. But good science (RCTs) have shown that is not the case. When a patient presents with metastatic lymph nodes in the armpit, they have no survival advantage from having mutilating surgery. And we don't do it anymore.

Follow the science. I have no objection to governors encouraging masks. They should just be honest about it and say "We hope it works."

Anonymous said...

Sounds like he is trying to give Chris McDaniel a run for his money to see who is the wackiest!

Anonymous said...

Make your stand count. I agree with every statement. So, for you dooms day downers and promoters of tyranny go ahead catch it then get it over with. Believe me, its no walk in the park, but I caught it, battled it, and gained some well earned antibodies. Never went to the hospital, ER is not needed a lot of Zinc and Vitamin C; a Z-pack and a steroid with plenty of aspirin and water, then ride that baby out. Don't worry about quarantining if you got a good case of it you want get out of the recliner for awhile. You will lose 15 to 20 pounds but you will come out clean on the other side. Then the hospital and doctors will be trying to get you to come to the hospital so they can get some of your antibodies. The medical experts want say a word about you not wearing a mask, they will be trying to get you to breath on them just to get some antibodies. Trust me, when you get over it you'll feel as free as ever. You can walk around with out a mask and feel good about spreading antibodies to all the fearful people. Who knows, you might even save a life by spreading good germs. So don't be scared when you see someone without a mask they might have the antibodies.

Anonymous said...

Uh, I'm pretty sure antibodies are not transmitted through breath, and I don't think there has ever been a reported case inoculating someone by breathing "good germs" on them. The rest of the comment at 7:12, i.e., "COVID-19 is good for you," scores equally high on the crackpot meter.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS