Sunday, July 14, 2019

Resisting Cops Doesn't End Well (Updated)

Update (3:25 PM): Second video with more footage is posted below. 

Video of a Mississippi Highway Patrol arrest during a traffic stop is making the rounds on social media.  A suspect refused to comply with a trooper's directives and needless to say, it did not end too well for him.  However, there are two videos of the incident.  The first one posted below is the short version.  It leaves out some very relevant information but naturally  casts the trooper in a bad light.   Selective editing, indeed.

The video posted below shows what really happened.  The trooper pulled over two vehicles.  The gentleman was arrested was speeding at 101 mph and refused to give his license upon demand.  The other car was traveling at 90 mph.   JJ attempted to contact the Mississippi Highway Patrol for a comment.


Anonymous said...

Idiot and with a loutmouth girlfriend.

Anonymous said...

There’s nothing better than a loud mouth know-it-all co-passenger that tries to direct the actions of everyone involved all the while filming. Ms. Thang, may I suggest that you keep your ass in the car, stay out of law enforcement’s way, and most importantly-keep your mouth closed. You escalated the actions on both sides. If you had kept your mouth shut, your homeboy would have gotten a speeding ticket and y’all would have been on your way. Instead, in your quest to become a filmmaker and anti-brutality champion, your homeboy is now facing some serious felony charges, fines, and possible jail time. Was it worth it? As YOU said in your video-Y’all don’t have to do all dat. I agree-you and your homeboy didn’t have to do all that. Good job!

Bill Dees said...

Looks like the MHP pulled his Taser, not a gun.

Anonymous said...

First they guy should have complied. Should have tased him right off the bat. Guess the guy didn’t realize that he was dealing with the most elite law enforcement in the state. They looked elite didn’t they?? All that running with a mattress over your head really helped out in this situation...

Anonymous said...

Carlos the Clown in 3...2...1....

Cynical Sam said...

Some moron commented below the video that he hadn't every seen a trooper pull his gun so fast over nothing. No, it was a TASER, and it was a wasted opportunity to zap the yute.

More of these yutes need to watch Chris Rock's advise on avoiding getting arrested. It's too funny, and the loudmouth in the MHP video sounds just like the one in Rock's video.

You can thank me later. :)

Anonymous said...

10:43 Here, here! I agree. Not hard to see that she was provoking the situation and attempting to "set up" the officer.

Anonymous said...

Should be a law that makes it a crime to act stupid with the police.

The only complaint I have is that it took way too long to put him down.

Anonymous said...

He and his girl were clearly setting him up. Dude knew he was on camera.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Barrack Obama for turning our country into this. I wonder how many people in the country he has influenced to act this way toward law enforcement based on his foolish and uneducated views about incidents with cops?

Anonymous said...

When keeping it real....goes wrong

Pull da trigger said...

Good thing I’m not a cop. I would have tazored the dude then shot the loud mouth woman.

Anonymous said...

Y'all ain't gotta do all dat!

TheClintonscantsuicideusall said...

Should have charged her with Interfering with a police officer by inciting.

Anonymous said...

Officer attempted to handcuff a suspect in the process of arresting him. The suspect pushed him off and assumed a fighting stance. The officer drew a weapon of some sort and called for backup. When backup arrived, the suspect again refused to allow himself to be handcuffed. The officers performed a takedown. Where is the controversy?

Wanna bet this guy is wanted somewhere for something, and that's why he resisted arrest?

Anonymous said...

I hope this is in a county with a judge that will light up his and his girlfriend's asses. He got off light with the officers.

Anonymous said...

11:47, this is no more Obama fault than it's Trump's fault that you are a racist.

Anonymous said...

Very glad to see officers are now going to arrest speeders and put them in jail. Even a mile over is unsafe and all these speeders should be treated like attempted murder.

Anonymous said...

A year in county jail for each charge for both of them should teach them something their parents and school obviously didn’t.

Rod Knox said...

Why was the man being arrested? Was one of his tag illumination lights out?Or maybe he changed lanes without signaling?

It's funny how those who demand their 2nd Amendment rights are to protect them from tyrannical government are so supportive of tyrannical cops who see eye to eye with them. Opinions would certainly be different here if the video was of a black MHP demanding that a good ole boy immediately drop to the ground, dontchaknow.

Anonymous said...

Speeding is a misdemeanor criminal offense as defined in the Mississippi Code, and one may be arrested for it. Actually, it also carries the potential of a short jail sentence, too. However, officers will rarely arrest someone just for speeding alone. Usually, as I suspect in this case, the driver will need to be an ass, such as shoot his or her mouth off a good bit, insult the officer, refuse to roll the window down, etc., before it escalates to the arrest decision.

Anonymous said...

First officer needs to be questioned why was he reluctant to take charge of an already out of control stop. Surely this trooper isn’t afraid, of so then he can take up with family and apply for another entity that reduces risk of hostile motorist. Take charge from the jump and this would not have ever made the news. Your not prepared due to lack of training or never been in a damn brawl or maybe so accustomed to me nice guy that takes his ticket and later calls for help. But my guess is your second guessing yourself knowing your superiors will fry your ass if you use some sort of force. Lastly. If you have never bought your fellow brother in law enforcement a steak dinner. Now is your chance he saved your ASS! another two seconds without backup you would have been in the fight of your life. Young man. Your adversary was not running he had the chance to flee on foot. He was there for the FIGHT and you damn sure wasn’t.

Anonymous said...

Rod Knox, yes I do know. I've been stopped by many a black highway patrolman, and by city policemen. And although I am white, I did what the cops instructed me to do. I didn't take an insolent attitude, and if I had a rider in the car with me, they didn't video the entire incident while shouting instructions and questions to the LEO.

Of course, I was never instructed to drop to the ground - because I did what I was told before that was necessary. However, if it had started with that instruction (which of course it didn't in this case) I would have done so and asked questions later.

dontchaknow? It ain't about being black makes it ok

Anonymous said...

If he was truly arrested for speeding and smarting off, then these troopers are idiots.

Anonymous said...


You tube is littered with these shitheads that will not shut their mouths and obey an officer.

Anonymous said...

this is a stupid question, but why cant I access the audio?

Kingfish said...

Put your cursor in lower right part of screen, a control should pop up. click on it.

Anonymous said...

This is a culture that is discouraged from complying with police directives.

He should have been tazed.

Brylcreem Commando said...

Jackson is LOST.

Anonymous said...

That trooper let the situation get needlessly out of hand. When the trooper decided he was going to make the arrest, he should have acted decisively and with enough speed to surprise the suspect. Once out of the car and occupied by covering the driver with his TASER, what was his plan if the female became aggressive? It seems that he could have cuffed one wrist and performed an iron wrist lock takedown, then he could have dealt with the female - he hesitated, and in the absence of nearby backup, it could have cost him his life.

Anonymous said...

They try to talk you stupid by asking questions while not doing what they are supposed to. Many shot cops are trying to answer asinine questions that have already been answered right before the assault begins.

the favorite is having the trial right on the side of the road "WHAT I DO WHAT I DO WHA I DO WHAT I DO"


Anonymous said...

The dumb female was arrested and booked

Cynical Sam said...

It took a while, but 1:17 PM raised the "race card."

Yes, Obama is responsible for this crap! Wake up and smell the coffee, troll.

Anonymous said...

As soon as he unholstered his taser and pointed it at the dude, he should have pulled the taser trigger and put the dude down and got control. He was doing everything he could NOT to taser the dude, and it showed. The dude knew it too.

You don't point a weapon at someone unless the situation requires it. If the situation requires it, then point and fire. Don't think about being "nice".

I agree with the comment above that the officer was putting his own life in danger by not having a plan and taking control of the situation early. The dude was lucky that a different LEO didn't pull him over. A different LEO might have pulled his gun (not taser) and fired it at the dude for some of the aggressive actions by the dude.

Anonymous said...

If you’re going to break the law then do what the lawman tells you to do! Hey Darwin recipients, there are consequences to your actions! My hat is off to the patrolman for remaining calm with the screeching banshee and the moron. Thank you for protecting the safe driving citizens of the state. You are not paid enough to deal with these idiots. Hope this is played in court and these two get jail time. But for some jail time is another street cred point. Idiots. You should make your life matter and this is not the way.

Anonymous said...

KF, you might think about re-naming this thread...those are troopers, not cops.

Anonymous said...

Several cop wanna-be's making some stupid statements on here. That cop exercised calm in a very difficult situation. He pulled over TWO cars. A driver going 100 who will not show ID, a loud mouth woman making a scene and who knows if anybody else is still in the cars or if the scene has been secured at all? When its two or more against one and you fire the taser, you have nothing left after that but the pistol. This could have escalated much worse, no thanks at all to that woman getting her man stirred up.

If I questioned the cops at all, I would question the second cop. Once they had numbers, they could have easily calmed the situation but instead......

That little scrawny guy made both of them look bad after the take down.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Black Lives Matter for promoting this attitude toward cops. The dumb passenger actually thinks she’s probing her point about police brutality by having this video when in actuality, it has just the opposite affect. When you don’t obey the officer and then resist arrest, this is the outcome. It’s not racist. It’s not a crooked cop. It’s a sense of entitlement that has been created assuming that you can act how you want (in this case, a damn fool) and that there will be no consequences for said actions because “black lives matter”. If your black life matters, then protect it by obeying the trooper!

Anonymous said...

Traditionally the presence of a Taser demands compliance. These days it does not. The Trooper was hoping it would and he would become a very polite guy and place his hands behind his back. Instead it was opposite. The Troopers voice is cracking he realizes if he does Taser the guy then his ass is grass. He out weighs the guy by 80 lbs and a mere 1 foot taller. But obviously the world and the trooper knows that he is much weaker. The trooper simplify isn’t trained on what to do. Arriving trooper knows he isn’t coming there to assist the arrest of a choir boy. Thank God you were working and not at home. Everyone can say it was about to end. Note the Tasers are not 100%. Miss fire or a disconnect Mr. Trooper is now defending his ass in a fist fight. Multiple close encounters and you can see his gun is to the bad guy and both his hands are occupied. He has no fighting stance or position. His hands are tied. Literally. Your training has to become your priority. Don’t rely on the dated verbal judo class you were led to believe works. Time to effectively do your job and protect us that call MS our home. Your agency needs to reprimand you with the quickness and officer number 2. Thank you sir.

Anonymous said...

This is sorta like the video that recently made the rounds with the former NFL player who refused to comply and kept saying, "I need to see your supervisor."

These clowns have been watching the "sovereign citizen" videos yet still think it's a good idea to assert some sort of right that doesn't exist.

Why not just do what the officer says?

Guarantee you the guy in this vid had either no license or an expired one. I practice in justice court, and it's amazing how many members of a certain community drive with no license at all.

Anonymous said...

Minus the cursing the first trooper appears to be more suitable as a substitute teacher than LEO. Good thing that Nature Boy came in with the takedown.

I’ve never seen anyone talk their way out of cuffs once the arrest has begun. He’s extremely lucky that lethal force wasn’t used. That spin around technique should have been the green light.

Crazy kids.

Anonymous said...

The officer was clearly rendered hesitant by the bullshit of the female and her camera. He knows he is following proper procedure but he is not sure how he looks on camera. This was a situation calling for quick but non-deadly force which almost escalated into something much worse. Fortunately when back-up arrived the subject was dealt with in the only manner his ilk truly understands... Force, not necessarily deadly, but overwhelming. Hopefully the officer will be more decisive next time.

Anonymous said...

Who choked me out!

Anonymous said...

1:17, everyone that disagrees with you snowflake lefties is a racist; because you’re too stupid to know what a racist is.

It will be OK though. Just go cry on your favorite liberal arts professor’s shoulder.

Anonymous said...

Court. Are you kidding. Joking I’m sure. Fines and that’s it. Jail!! Whatever, that’s misdemeanor crimes. The judge will impose fines and pay when you can. This guy I bet don’t even posses a drivers license. Has no right to even operate a motor vehicle. The courts could care less. County jails are over crowded and the sheriffs budget is maxed out. One more mouth to feed for this. No way. Post a bail and walk. He goes back to the street and tells his homies how weak the hands of the trooper is and laughs how his gonna miss his court date. That entire circle is broken.

Anonymous said...

Was there some reason he was being arrested? Unless there was some felony involved the officer should not have been putting handcuffs on him to start with.

Anonymous said...


Do you have a clue where the term "cop" originated? Look it up. By definition any LEO could be considered a "cop" but I prefer to show ALL of them more respect and address them as "Officer."

To others saying the officer shouldn't have made him get out of the car. Were you there? Perhaps the officer spotted something in the car that alarmed him, perhaps a firearm. Don't make stupid assumptions when you don't know all the facts. We see from the second full length video the rest of the story. Funny that the female was selective in what she posted.

Anonymous said...

@1:17. 11:47 here. I never said anything about race. Re read my comment. You brought up race. You are projecting and looking for an angle. I spoke the truth. The Ferguson incident is proof. And that had nothing to do with race in the eyes of justice, the courts, and reasonable people. thank you Obama.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Black Lives Matter for promoting this attitude toward cops. The dumb passenger actually thinks she’s probing her point about police brutality by having this video when in actuality, it has just the opposite affect. When you don’t obey the officer and then resist arrest, this is the outcome.

Thank you.

And a two-parent household solves a lot of this.

Anonymous said...

5:47 The officer has every right ask him for his driver's licence and this idiot obviously refused to produce it. For his own safety, and not just making an arrest, the officer NEEDS to cuff the uncooperative suspect.

Anonymous said...

I don’t know how the law enforcement officers do what they do. With my temper I would have lost my job. The first trooper had more patience than I would. The second did what was left to do. All the dread head has to do was....what’s the magic word? COMPLY!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@5:51...I too also address all as officers, but the term "cop" by itself is not derogatory, except as alleged during a small time when there was extreme corruption. It is said that during the 1800s NY, some people would display a copper coin when meeting an officer that was widely know to be on the take. Others claim the term originated in England, when Cop was defined as someone who captures. In the US, if you have ever watched Bogart or Cagney in 1930s and 40s crime movies, they and other actors used the word "Copper" often. There is some indication that this referred to NY police who wore copper Badges or uniforms had copper buttons. Just as in almost every language, words get shortened, acronyms become much more common, and the term Copper was shortened to Cop. There is some evidence that the term Cop was used as early as the 1840s in the US. But clearly the majority of LE don't mind it, as you can hear the term being used repeatedly for the past 31 years on the TV series "Cops".

Anonymous said...

High wind alert @ 6:55 PM

Anonymous said...

As a black 65 year old veteran, I would have opened up a can of whoop ass on both of them. Thank God, Im not law enforcement!

Rod Knox said...

We have a lot of cops who want to play "Simon Says" and look for the easy targets. SIT DOWN--- GET ON THE GROUND---- HANDS OUT---- and they want their victim to jump at every command. It's a childish game that a great many mentally and emotionally deficient badge heavy cops have struggled to have the opportunity to play. WE have far too many cops who are as bad or worse than the trash we want to control. Youtube is full of it and even body cam videos released under order of the courts is full of it. And then there are the officers who coincidentally forgot to turn on their body cam when an incident occurs that results in charges against them.

Anonymous said...

England: COP: "constable on patrol"

England: Sheriff: from "shire-reeve"

Anonymous said...

Off camera female. Referring to y’all! In the entire clip of this stop. She was implying race. Yes sir she was! The trooper was referencing y’all. He has appeared to have stopped two cars for speeding! The other speeding motorist is the small car behind them. But that Trooper was scared as he knows it. I sure hope he knows how quick it is to get his ass killed. Ole boy did the spin then hesitated a taught tactic he wasn’t sure he wanted too. He was about to try again had the Trooper re-approached him again then back up officer arrives. Second officer. Your no damn joke. You knew the call you were headed to was hot! Your seasoned over that fellow I’m sure. Thank you. I hope you and that officers family have a great friendship now. You saved his life. He is way too ill trained or even unsure if he wants it or not!!

Anonymous said...

Do what you are told. The dumb ass videoing the whole scene is really hurting her partner. Put your hands behind your back, get arrested and move on. Do spend money you don’t have making a point!

Anonymous said...

First, fire that cop for being such a PU$$Y.

Next, throw that thug and that bitch under the jail. Law enforcement isn’t a negotiation.

Anonymous said...

Clearly, this video is a fake. Everyone knows that all white cops have itchy trigger fingers and especially so when it comes to black folks. If the video were real, the instant the black guy resisted, the white cop would have shot him in the face, shot the woman in the face and tracked down and executed every black person either of them had ever met. The white cop didn't do any of that, so plainly this is a faked video. The real Alex Jones question is who faked the video and why. I'm going to guess that it was a conspiratorial cabal between AOC, Schumer, Sanders, Mao Tse-Tung, Fidel and [in a reverent tone], CHE! Yeah, I realize the last 3 or 4 of them are no longer in the realm of the present (one might say they are ex-parrots, at least if one were John Cleese), but POWER TO THE PEOPLE!, well, stuff! FREE, I TELL YOU, FREEEEE!

Anonymous said...

Those 2 good ole boy honkies couldn’t even tackle him on the ground. Lol and that one punk LEO shouldn’t of punched him in the throat.

Anonymous said...

First officer your afraid. Keep looking back and taking your eyes of the bad guy. Where in hell did you learn that! You knew help was coming and it wasn’t close enough. Had you been alone please what was your next move??? Nothing you were about to get in your car and travel on. Shit your pants I’m sure. Us citizens just know the job is getting done. That is protecting us. However! Your not protecting anyone including yourself. Officer 2. Thank you. Because of you he is alive! Because of you I slept safely last night and because of you I can travel the roads this morning to my job which isn’t law enforcement without fear of piracy and thugs that can place fear in Troopers heart.

Anonymous said...

There was a day that all Troopers actions were swift and just! ALL! Watered it down I see now. Retire and the world including troopers begin to compromise. War isn’t won through compromise. Gracious. I had no idea until my close friend from OH shared this! wow! Officer one. A compromiser. You had nothing else to say. Your first new vocabulary was to your back up. Help me! Wow.

Anonymous said...

When the cop is black and the punk is white, most of you will sing a different time.

Anonymous said...

When we were growing up.....1950s 60s 70s 80 and 90s....if/when a LEO simply shouted FREEZE.....and if you didn't, as Samuel Jackson would say, "That was yo' ass."

Anonymous said...

3:25 go crawl back under your rock

Anonymous said...

Props to the trooper in this situation he handled the situation with professionalism. He didn’t feel threatened and was able to control the scene until backup arrived. If he would have used the taser, which he had every right to, the incident would be a much bigger deal. He kept his cool and managed the situation.

Anonymous said...

A young black man, probably speeding to get to work on time so he won't be fired for an offense that his more privileged peers wouldn't have to worry about, is stripped of his masculinity right in front of his girlfriend.
And you wonder why Mr. Kaepernick's revolution is growing. This is why they kneel...

Kingfish said...

Nice try troll, he was going 101 mph and wouldn't give his license.

Rod Knox said...

How would this story have played out if the REAL cop, who was black, had shot and killed the white wannabe cop?

Anonymous said...

Rest assured, he did not have a valid driver's license.

Anonymous said...

Easy Knox. The white security guard would have been arrested and charged. Why are you trolling that Ohio story here?

Anonymous said...

@ 9:05, The guy was breaking the law. Plain and simple. And he continued to break the law the entire traffic stop. This had NOTHING to do with race at all, although people love to throw the race thing out there, obviously!! The answer is don’t wanna go to jail?? Well then obey the law. You wanna go to jail, break the law. This applies to whites, blacks, browns, yellows, pinks, purples, blues, and Santa Claus. Stop throwing “If he were white this wouldn’t have happened” out there. If he were white and acted this way then he would’ve received the same treatment that this young man got. It should’ve been a lot worse. MHP used to be known for putting it on your ass on the side of the road if you were to get out of line. That’s obviously not the case anymore. I’m not sure when they started training pussies at Cadet School. This world is circling the bowl. God help us.

Anonymous said...

This ain’t about color, the gentleman was clocked at 101mph. It was too easy to comply and get your medicine and move on. The dumb ass female taped the evidence for the judge to see. I see it as a no win situation for the driver. A hefty fine and jail time will be appropriate. To the female that filmed this, congratulations you made the judges job easy! We can’t play the race card when idiots are out there driving 90plus. I salute all the law enforcement out there making it safe for all of us! I can visualize me opening a can of whoop as on both of them. Yes, and I’m a person of color and a retired veteran.
At Ft Hood in 2003, I was coming back on base, had been to a club with a female. An MP stopped me and had me do a sobriety test. My female passenger started that same shit in the video. I told her to shut the hell up and get back in the vehicle. The young MP told me to go straight to my barracks! Yes, I was feeling pretty good, but not drunk. When we know better we do better! I saved my self a lot of pain from reduction in rank to a hefty fine and even my career. Do as your told and ask questions later!!!

Anonymous said...

I think the first trooper is getting unde criticism because he waited for backup. It was obvious the subject was going to put up a fight and had gone bad the trooper could have been forced to use his gun. Not a good outcome for anyone. Both troopers went home no injuries, lawsuits, or having to explain why they used deadly force. The scofflaw went to jail, not the funeral home.

Anonymous said...

9:05 you try that same shit and see what happens to you. Name the hwy and time on this blog and let the fun began, just have bail money! But, is it really worth it?

Anonymous said...

Your shitten me! He handled it the way he knew how. Professional! You must be his superior. Bad guy physically pulled away and you talk about waiting and not handling the situation. Trooper had no idea what his next move was. He was repeating himself at this point license was of the table. Damn joke. Must be his bosssss! Ride with him. He needs a partner

Anonymous said...

Knox is a special breed... trying to be everything to everybody.

Anonymous said...

A couple of things ought to concern, even scare, all who watch this. First, as to the LEOs, all I see is a couple of them who seem to perceive and handle the situation differently but within the acceptable range of conduct. The suspect did not lawfully or reasonably respond to being stopped even though it seems clear that the suspect knew it was reasonable for him to have been stopped, i.e, the suspect was well-aware he was speeding and it was unlawful to do so. The cop appeared to understand that while the suspect was non-compliant, he really wasn't a threat insofar as the appropriate use of a Taser or firearm to subdue the suspect prior to backup arriving and being able to handle the situation with manpower rather than weapons. When the second cop arrives and the suspect still does not comply, he gets taken down.

So, why should folks be concerned? Here's why. This seems like a pretty typical event and outcome for many "street" cops nowadays: a reasonable stop/encounter/detainment by a basically reasonable cop acting completely within the law - in this case, a guy going 101 MPH and then refusing to provide his license - resulting in some form of physical confrontation initiated by a suspect who plainly knows that at least the encounter by the LEO had a reasonable basis. That such isn't a rarity ought to be a point of concern. Then, there is nothing in the video that would make a reasonable and objective viewer even suspect the LEOs had any racially-based motivation for anything they did and yet, attempts are made from a variety of fronts to force a completely objective video to fit a variety of (incorrect) subjective narratives.

It ought to concern people of all colors that a reasonable response to a car traveling at 101MPH by an LEO (with law enforcement being deemed by society as necessary to its civilized existence) was met with an ongoing unreasonable and unlawful response from the suspect, and with a reasonable counter-response from law enforcement, and yet, even with the video, the encounter is being used in an attempt to bring race into a situation in which it has no reasonable place.

Anonymous said...

Clocked at 101...he must've been late for church...or something. I agree that once you've pulled your TASER, you're finished talking - you either get IMMEDIATE compliance or the fool rides the lightning. Body cam footage would shed some light on how this interaction began, it's time for troopers to get body cams so the public can see how rude and disrespectful they are.

Anonymous said...

9:05 No, they kneel because they know that their actions will have no negative consequences on their big paychecks and they can pretend to be "activists" and get praise from their peers without risking anything. Mr. Kaepernick is not involved in any "revolution" whatsoever other than getting rich and basically accomplishing nothing but getting media attention. Teaching young black men to respect nothing including their country will result in arrests, unemployment, and beatdowns for them and more money and media attention for the Kaepernick's. Open your eyes. "revolution" a joke.

Anonymous said...

@9:05 AM, check your "race card" at the door. This is not about race, Mr. Race Baiter.

"Probably going to work?" STFU.

Anonymous said...

This incident is simply a byproduct of white cops abusing blacks. The driver overreacted because he knew a white man would not have been treated in the same manner.

Anonymous said...

How is President Obama responsible for this incident?

Anonymous said...

@11:44 AM - Hahaha... MHP will never, ever, ever get body cameras. Ever.

Anonymous said...

It's obvious that this post has made the rounds of all the MHP troop stations and they have decided to chime in and bash the first trooper.

Anonymous said...

1:00PM, How many people white or any other color do you see cruising along over a 100mph past a highway patrol and not get stopped. They may not be as ignorant as the man showed. They pay the ticket and continue on their way. Not everyone is as stupid as the man shown.

Anonymous said...

10:14, I commend you for your common sense and maturity. We need more citizens like yourself. What you did was a very smart thing and hopefully some on here will use your life lesson.

Anonymous said...

Isn't there a reckless driving enhancement for excessive speed? While the speed alone isn't a felony, LEOs have the discretion to place any misdemeanor offender into custodial arrest, especially some asshat who disregards lawful orders and/or decides they want to try their case on the side of the road.

I agree on the body cam issue - troopers should have them, but obviously need to turn them off when "assisting" truckers, or when they are dragging a drunk legislator from his wrecked car.

Anonymous said...

1PM wrote, "The driver overreacted..."

If this is your opinion, that seems to be the end of the debate and the "because" doesn't really matter. Moreover, I would offer that based upon this video alone effectively no one could even guess, much less KNOW, how this particular trooper might have, much less WOULD have, treated anyone one else (white or black) under a different set of facts. Moreover still, even if it were to be absurdly assumed that every white cop immediately and without reason "abuses" all black people they encounter, it would not give this driver a waiver on complying with the law after having been lawfully stopped for speeding. And finally, no reasonable person can watch this video and suggest either trooper "abused" or even mistreated this "overreacting" driver. In fact, I would suggest that reasonable people would agree with you that the driver, and not the troopers, "overreacted" and the consequence of his "overreaction" was being lawfully and properly arrested.

And the fact that any of this is up for debate or discussion ought to concern the shit out of reasonable people of any skin color.

Anonymous said...

Going 105 Miles per hour and he had the nerve to ask what did I do wrong? I got a 180.00 ticket last year for going 46 in a 35 (no kids present)and Im white so contrary to popular though white people get tickets too

Anonymous said...

just another dumbass who can't seem to follow simple instructions. It's rampant.

Anonymous said...

First cop was perfectly within his rights to beat both the driver and the passenger to sleep

Anonymous said...

He be due a night-stick massage.

Anonymous said...

This driver was lucky he wasn't in pike county and dazed and injured, bleeding while sitting on a ATV on a paved county road. In 2015 Someone noticed this and called 911 for medical assistance. The response was 2 county deputies. You can research all the trials and find the specifics. But it ended up a death sentence with 1 deputy blocking the road with his car, and him taking cover behind it. A witness testified that after the ATV went around the car, the deputy fired 5 to 6 times, hitting the 35 year old man 4 times in the back. The deputy claimed he feared for his life as the ATV went into the ditch to bypass the car. The ATV operator, guilty of operating an off road vehicle on a public road (yes, that is listed as the reason for their actions). The deputy was indicted for manslaughter, but was acquitted. Here is an excerpt from the civil suit, that was dismissed. The 35 year old had a wife and 3 children. People need to be careful about 911 calls. I know some who pull similar tricks just for laughs. Its a dangerous game as demonstrated a couple of years ago when an online gamer in California got mad and "swatted" the wrong house he thought the other player lived in in another state. As I remember, it was around the holidays, and the son just opened the door and was shot. Too bad, we got a call about a hostage situation. Even hunter eduction teaches not to shoot unless it is safe, and you have a clearly identified target.

On March 15, 2015, Deputy McDonald and his fellow Pike County Deputy, Terry Beadles ("Deputy Beadles"), responded to a 911 call concerning an unknown man, later identified as Troy Ray Boyd ("Boyd"). Am. Compl. [6], at 3-4. The caller, Anna Morgan, stated that the man was driving a 4-wheeler ATV on a public road and might need medical attention because his "face was disfigured and bloody." Id. According to the Complaint, the Deputies, who were in separate vehicles, located and pursued Boyd in a marked patrol car and SUV for a considerable distance between Armstrong Grocery and Boyd's home on Archie Boyd road in rural Pike County, Mississippi. Id. at 3-4. Before Boyd reached his home, Deputy Beadles passed Boyd and pulled over on the right shoulder of the road ahead of Boyd. Id. at 4. Deputy McDonald was still following behind Boyd. Id. Plaintiffs allege that, as Boyd passed Deputy Beadles' now-parked patrol car, Deputy Beadles fired four shots into Boyd's back, killing him. Id. On September 9, 2015, a Pike County, Mississippi, grand jury returned an indictment against Deputy Beadles, charging him with manslaughter in violation of Mississippi Code Annotated Section 97-3-31.1 See Indictment [21-2].

Anonymous said...

95 posts. All by white people I wager. Racists all.

Ian Word said...

You don’t have to be white to be racist, @3:22pm.

Anonymous said...

3:22 Your fixation reals a lot about you.

Anonymous said...

3:22 *reveals

Rod Knox said...

Even the "Live PD" reality show often has scenes where the cops just can't keep themselves in line and go off into apocalypse now mode yelling order and threatening to taser someone when they don't jump quick enough. A lot of cops are just mentally and emotionally unfit for wearing a badge and a gun and get WAAAAAAY out of line at the drop of a hat. And from many sources cops across the country are found on white nationalist web sites ranting and raving the Duke/LaPiere white superiority trash.

Anonymous said...

The trooper was scared? �� what a joke. The second trooper came to assist and did not choke his narrow ass. He got grabbed by his throat to soften him up so he would submit.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS