The city of Jackson issued the following statement.
In an effort to ensure a strict adherence to public health requirements, city officials now expect Thalia Mara Hall to reopen next week. Recent air quality tests came back positive in some areas and negative in others. One area of particular concern is the foyer/lobby. Thus, the recommendation was made to fumigate those areas. The fumigation requires that nobody be in the building. It also means all work stops for two days.
The fumigation began at 3 p.m. Tuesday and is expected to be completed this afternoon. Additional air quality tests will be done afterwards. If the results are favorable, work can resume this afternoon. The lost work time obviously has an impact on the completion date. Still, crews plan to work through the weekend and MLK holiday.
In addition, it was also discovered that a major pipe needed to be replaced – estimated to cost about $19,000. Officials are currently gathering proposals for this replacement and plan to obtain a Purchase Order immediately to prevent any further delays.
“While we were hopeful to reopen Thalia this Friday, that was always the most optimistic projection,” said Mayor Lumumba. “Given the circumstances and underlying importance of adhering to strict public health and safety requirements, we understand the delay and look forward to the reopening very soon.”
In spite of these unexpected delays, we expect everything to be completed next week. We will CONTINUE to provide additional updates as they are made available.
Here’s what is happening in a nutshell:
- Fumigation (in-progress)
- More validation (testing)
- Visit(s) from State Fire Marshal
- Completion of minor punch list items
- Replacement of pipe
I heard the mycologists from Sierra Nevada brewery are there collection samples for their next farmhouse style ale, any truth?
This won’t be the last “setback” they have
In other news, the sky is blue
If you could generate power from Lumumba excuses Jackson would have unlimited energy.
It won't open until all of the required palms are greased. Right?
What did the air test positive for?
Sadly, It's going to be a hard sell to book any events & get the public to attend for the below reasons.
1. Crime in Jackson.
2. Past condition of Thalia Maria Hall.
3. Located in Jackson.
The mayor has done an excellent job in destroying Jackson.
The Mayor of L.A. is another example of destroying L.A.
What do they have in common. Both democrats & lack of interest in making their cities great.
The air definitely tests positive for bullshit whenever the mayor starts talking
In order to avoid liability issues don't see how a planned calendar of regular air testing shouldn't now be mandatory.
Jackson is seen by people outside the state as a backward, crime-ridden city with no amenities and corrupt leadership. The incompetence and racist attitude of the mayor have permeated every aspect of this city.
Why would anyone want to come here, even if Thalia Mara get fixed?
Stick a fork in it. It is done.
8:51 yes, they have a few Jackson inspire brews in the works.
My favorite is Nikka-lodeon. It's a dark IPA that is a barrel of laughs, like this administration
I don't know why an incompetent alleged lawyer/politician hell-bent on separating his race from all other races in order to wield political power is surprised that his domain is circling the bowl. He seems shocked into disbelief that he is isolated, cut off from the very influences that could generate support for his city's needs. He's the consummate class bully who wakes up to find himself alone and mad at the world that he himself has wrought.
Is there any truth to what I have heard? That the mayor, on a semiofficial tour of the work site, let loose a great big greasy fart in the lobby and they had to vacate the building for two days until the green smoke cleared and 378 sq feet if wallpaper that mysteriously peeled off the south wall is treated with military grade Lysol funk odor removal spray and replaced. IT seems the only place that had the spray was the military warehouse in Huntsville and can only be applied by governmental specialists, specifically trained in hazardous material elimination.
I understand the damaged pipe came after he took a cleansing dump in the downstairs restroom facility, and it disintegrated the main sewage pipe that dumps into Town Creek
Will this be like the yet-to-open holding facility that was supposed to open "a couple months late" back in 2022?
"A major pipe" is exceptionally vague.
It's a few days, not a few weeks or months.
But of course, right?
KF are you trying to carry his chamberpot now just like your beloved Anna Wolfe?
I agree with Kingfish - a few days delay is no big deal, given the type of clean-up & repairs needed. Better to take a little extra time to get it right (which I hope the city does). The mayor never should have pointed to a specific date when the building would reopen - these things can be complex. By specifying Jan. 17, he created false hopes & the resulting criticism for not meeting his own deadline
This guy is so hard to listen to--
“Given the circumstances and underlying importance of adhering to strict public health and safety requirements, we understand the delay and look forward to the reopening very soon.”
All you have to say:
The tests failed; the building will remain closed until it is safe.
A delay and a ton of $$ but a wheelchair user still has to go outside to access the lower accessible seats....
Chok had already made the decision to push the date back.
Too soon?
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