Millsaps College apparently suspended a professor because he allegedly emailed his personal opinions to students on his Millsaps email account. The Foundation of Individual Rights and Expression issued the following statement on its website:
On November 6, 2024 – the day after the 2024 presidential election – Professor James Bowley sent an email to the three students enrolled in his “Abortion and Religions” class canceling that day’s session to “mourn and process this racist fascist country[.]” On November 8, Interim Provost Stephanie Rolph informed Bowley that he had been placed on temporary administrative leave pending review, specifically for using his “Millsaps email account to share personal opinions with [his] students.” FIRE wrote Millsaps on December XX, explaining that Bowley’s expression of opinion falls squarely within Millsaps’ policy that when “speaking or writing as a citizen, the teacher is free from institutional censorship or discipline[.]” FIRE urged Millsaps to drop the review, allow Bowley to resume teaching, and decline to mete out further discipline.
FIRE claims in a letter to Millsaps:
On November 6—the day after the election—Bowley sent an email to the students in his “Abortion and Religions” class canceling that day’s session to “mourn and process this racist fascist country[.]”2 Bowley canceled this class because he knew the political leanings of the three students enrolled in the class and believed they would be upset with the election results. On November 8, Interim Provost Stephanie Rolph informed Bowley that he had been placed on temporary administrative leave pending review, specifically for using his “Millsaps email account to share personal opinions with [his] students.”
The letter is posted below.
The professor is the father of Karissa Bowley, widow of Dau Mabil.
Kingfish note: What an intellectual pansy. A professor cancels class because the three students might be upset about the election? Way to teach them to deal with adversity, professor.
Another liberal that can't get a real job so they become a professor teaching meaningless classes
The letter is dated December 18 2024, and FIRE wants a response by January 3, 2024? Time machine much?
It seems to me that conducting class is a core function of a college professor.
If the presidential election was relevant to the substance of the class, then he could have discussed it IN CLASS.
Next time anyone thinks about giving Millsaps a penny they should remember the money is paying a "professor" to teach a worthless class to 3 students. Unreal.
They have classes with THREE STUDENTS in them? Didn't realize things were that dire at Millsaps.
The death of Millsaps will be a great day for Mississippi.
Guy is a leftist nutball and should never ever be in any position of instruction, authority or responsibility.
Once upon a time Millsaps offered me a scholarship to go there. I'm so glad I turned them down and paid my own way at a real school.
Wants to assuage the distress of all three of his emotionally wrecked victims (students) because Trump was elected. Should be at Berkley.
These snowflakes should have processed their grief by storming the US Capitol building like Real Americans.
It's about time. Bowley is a leftist pig and has been for years. He should have been terminated YEARS ago.
In case you want to know who this "stand up" leftist is, he is the father of Karissa Bowley who was the wife of Dau Mabil who was found dead in the Pearl River. He has been a thorn in the side of Millsaps for a while. He is a radical extreme leftist that has used his position at Millsaps to spew his hate for years. Millsaps needs to take this chance to finally terminate him once and for all.
There is a thin line between free speech and hate speech. The only thing I'm sure of is that most of the same people passing negative judgments on Bowley here would be first in line to defend him if he had been suspended for calling Harris supporters "radical communist libtards who hate America."
Cancelling classes for reasons pertaining only to political frustrations has to be unacceptable even at a high school. If Harris had won and a professor cancelled class out of frustration that a "socialist non-white had invaded the White House" he would be fired on the spot.
A professor has a radical opinion. No problem
A professor expresses his radical opinions in class. No problem
Students have radical opinions and express them in class. No problem.
A professor is involved in radical politics. No problem.
A professor decides not to work because of his radical politics. No problem.
A professor decides not to work because of his radical politics and keep his job and still get paid. Big problem. Big fight.
Obviously Millsaps has been looking for an excuse! “Thoughts and prayers” to the 3 (yes three) students
That figures. Leftie woke progressives who could make a living outside the woke classroom.
Millsaps has offered the best liberal arts undergraduate education in Mississippi for 135 years, buffering our collective IQ from the douchebags at 1:08, 3:10, and 3:13, above. This professor is recognized nationally as a leading intellectual in his field. The title of the course is an interesting topic that could reasonably appeal to serious thinkers of any ideology. The school's response to his foolish email and the FIRE woke mob bullshit proves Millsaps has its eye on the ball. This is a great development for above average Mississippi.
Another Clinton, Obama, Biden, Harris and....CHOWKE voter.
@6:00pm - Millsaps graduate here. I'm all for the liberal arts. IMO they help to provide a well rounded intelligent individual and compliment the "real majors", i.e. those that provide an education that are productive to society and in which one can earn a living. If this professor is "recognized nationally as a leading intellectual in his field", this fact alone is forcing me to join the ranks of the many well educated that believe college is a total waste of time. And if as you say, Millsaps has its eye on the ball, why do I think the student enrollment less than what it was when I graduated in 1959.
6:45: because SEC honors colleges are powerful illusions and student loan tuition inflation spiraled too long. Checking garbage like this is a good sign current leadership knows what needs to be done to increase enrollment.
My Mom had a good friend who graduated with a degree in Liberal Arts from an institution similar to Millsaps. She once told Mom, "I am imminently qualified to sit on the porch and think, but not to do anything else."
Who would have thought that the supposed prohibition of baby murder would have caused such distress among the intellectuals?
"Millsaps has offered the best liberal arts undergraduate education in Mississippi for 135 years..."
Sorta like winning the SO.
I don’t EVER want to hear anyone foolish enough to enroll in “Abortions and Religion” complain about their student loans.
9:18 is today's winner!
This is Exhibit A as to why tenure should no longer exist.
Hate speech is protected by the First Amendment. See the "Slants" case.
A private college is not subject to the First Amendment.
Millsaps has a little over 600 students. Most of them are on an athletic team. Millsaps is dying. The cost to keep the huge, empty buildings is staggering. It is a dead man walking. It is in a location, like the rest of Jackson, that is transitioning into lawlessness and slime. It is OVER.
Assuming your post has merit, tell us why there were only three students in this "Nationally recognized, leading intellectual's" class.
Get together with other family members and give it your best shot!
25 years ago, I went through the Millsaps MBA program through their night classes. I was very satisfied with the program, I am not sure I would be now.
3:13 PM is right, it will be a great day when Millsaps is gone as they have successfully destroyed the years parents spent raising their children in a good moral way by turning said children into Robot Leftist Democrats unable to use reason, logic and instinct.
Californians are learning the hard way what being a Robot Leftist Democrat unable to use reason, logic and instinct can lead to.
4:44, please tell us what is the difference between “hate speech” and free speech? Tell us where that thin line is. Who decides? We have rules that prohibit threats of causing harm or injury, inciting violence, and defamation. We have tort rules dealing with intentionally causing emotional distress. But prohibiting “hate speech” would seem irreconcilable with a notion of free speech. We have seen a legislator and Lutheran bishop criminally charged with hate speech for simply stating support for traditional Christian positions on sexuality. We have seen preachers arrested in England for preaching a traditional doctrine of salvation or teachings regarding sexuality, or speaking about false religion. We have seen people, specifically in Scotland, threatened with prospects of prosecution for saying men cannot become women, in the name of prohibiting hate speech. So please illuminate us as to what hate speech is and how prohibiting it is compatible with free speech.
Tater went to Millsaps. We about to get windmills in Madison County!
Teach the subject matter; don’t thrust your personal political views on a captive audience.
Note: We have freedom of speech, but not freedom of consequences.
Scraps grad from the 80’s… as a young Reaganite I loved the Millsaps experience. Being challenged by libs like Robert McElvaine and many others only reinforced my conservatism and my belief in the most High. I may sign up for this turd’s next class just for the giggles. TDS is real!! #Buckley
Am I free to say, “ I hate Brussels sprouts”?
The thin line is blurry and sometimes hard to define, 7:24. That was part of my point. I never said prohibiting hate speech is compatible with free speech--those were your words. But where that line is drawn is apropos to the subject at hand since Mr. Bowley was suspended for what some people would call hate speech and others would call free speech. As for Mr. Bowley specifically, I do not entirely agree with his words, but I will defend his right to express them. Neither do I agree with a lot of the right wing rhetoric on this site, for example, calling Mr. Bowley a "leftist pig" and that it will be a "great day" for Mississippi if Millsaps College were to close. I don't consider such language any less hateful than the words Mr. Bowley used, but in a pluralistic society the right to free expression belongs to all sides of the political spectrum.
I agree the professor had a "dumb attack" and will have to suffer the consequences of his immature behavior. That said, I would remind everyone our Governor is a Millsaps graduate. I would also suggest you all learn the meaning of a " liberal arts" school. It is unrelated to partisan politics.
7:24 am When you make tell lies about a person or group that will cause them to be physically harmed or their property to be damaged or defamed them so as to limit their ability to earn or money or engage in society or be subjected to violence or treated with prejudice in the law, treated that's " hate speech". There are lots of historical examples including the witch trials in Scotland and in Massachusetts . Speeches by Hitler and Mussolini are good examples. Do understand the devoted followers of these two "leaders" intensified the rhetoric and awful consequences.
Deliberate ignorance is no excuse in the law or morally.
There are people who have earned my dislike but they are just invisible to me. I don't engage or interact with them in any way. Hate actually requires far too much time energy to worth the effort. Tend to your own business first and when you life is perfect and do never make a mistake or fail, maybe you can find the time to hate. You might even find that some people who you think you hate might have some redeeming qualities.
In spite of 9:54's spotty grammar, I concur.
Poor Millsaps Professor James Bowley is too ignorant to know what a fascist really is; just repeating what’s he’s been “taught” to say.
The Millsaps professors could learn a thing or two from Mississippi State professor Sid Salter. Instead of pitching a hissy like a 5-year old, sending emails, name calling and cancelling classes, just look for an excuse to write about Robot Yellow Dog Democrats and decades old segregation.
White Liberals, those Malcom X warned us about (especially old white men) are experts at divide and conquer race baiting hate, without getting themselves suspended.
I think the fact that he had 3 students sign up for his class speaks volumes as to why he needed firing. P.S. I am a Millsaps alum.
I have the same degree, 6:49, although I was a few years ahead of you. And I'd leave the office, days, to go class. For me, it made a nice transition between Delta State, and Tulane, where I became a Doctor of Economics. I would have been lost, at Tulane, had it not been for Millsaps. Frankly, though, I resented the ads and billboards, basically portraying older students as pitiful people doing something weird.
Why they felt the need to STIGMATIZE people working their way through school, I have no idea. Maybe it was the devolving culture of the Methodist Church (their ugly modernesque graphics, for example, stink, and have been stinky since before I was born). I'll never forget the day some woman in charge of outreach toward "older students", intercepted me walking between buildings. I was under thirty, in a Rive Gauche pantsuit, wearing jewelry now on permanent display in an art museum - and yet, she was making me feel SO PITIFUL. I had a spectacular 7-Series Volvo, a spectacular husband, three children precocious even by Beth Israel/Saint Andrews standards, and a string of apartment buildings. STILL, she was trying to be nice, but made me feel like some ragamuffin.
But then, Methodist funerals pitifulize the deceased. I remember the funeral of one of the Delta's grandest 'Grandes Dames', born in a mansion with a ballroom on top, who'd lived a fabulous life in the Delta and Uptown New Orleans. She was described by some Redneck jackass Methodist preacher, as a "farm girl".
Her niece, one of the Delta's last Grandees - an impossibly-chic woman related to Wallis Warfield Simpson AND Pauline de Rothschild, was painted, graveside, by another Methodist preacher, as some pitiful little nothing. The mastermind matriarch of a Swedish Methodist Delta family farming twelve thousand acres, recently received the same pitifulizing treatment. No wonder my Methodist friends have all returned to Judaism.
The above is not dissimilar to what Millsaps' PR department does to those who've paid big money for degrees there. I appreciate being trained, by Millsaps, in Critical Thinking. And I loved going to school with those classy kids. But honestly, WE PAY FOR NAME VALUE, whether it's our colleges, our gated communities, or our cars. Nobody wants to PAY to be humbled.
And by the way, Tulane, I don't like the cheapening of YOUR brand, either.
👍👍 for 12:19's comment - it speaks volumes about today's higher education.
"I was under thirty, in a Rive Gauche pantsuit, wearing jewelry now on permanent display in an art museum - and yet, she was making me feel SO PITIFUL. I had a spectacular 7-Series Volvo, a spectacular husband, three children precocious even by Beth Israel/Saint Andrews standards, and a string of apartment buildings. STILL, she was trying to be nice, but made me feel like some ragamuffin."
You poor thing. Which museum is your old jewelry on display? Did you donate it?
Attending Millsaps is like paying a million dollars for a worn out Chevrolet Impala. The guy getting the million is smiling because you were stupid enough to do it. When really, he did the same thing.
Millsaps grad here.
Millsaps was great when I was there. It definitely went downhill 10 or 15 years ago. It seems to be clawing its way back out with a new president and new head football coach.
Bowley sucks.
Don’t know why a few commenters above think Millsaps is super liberal. If it was then do you think they would be trying to fire Bowley? I don’t know every Millsaps student or grad, but it’s kinda like the US in general. A relatively small group of super liberal people tend to be the most vocal it seems like.
Has Millsaps’ sticker price the last ten years been totally ridiculous? Yes
Besides that though there isn’t much you can hate on about the college.
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