Will measles or polio make a comeback in Mississippi? Mississippi led the national in childhood vaccinations for years. However, a new law allows parents to exempt their children from required vaccines. WLBT reported:
The state requires vaccines for polio, measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis, chicken pox, and DTaP. The CDC reported last year over 97% of Mississippi children were vaccinated. However, the CDC report does not include vaccination rates after a federal judge ordered the state to allow religious exemptions. The exemption rate was 0.7% for the 2023-2024 school year. The rate is expected to substantially increase.
Mississippi public health sucks in general. Childhood vaccinations is one of the few bright spots for health in Mississippi. Naturally that means the know-nothings want to attack them. Scores of children died every year from these diseases nearly a century ago. However, we've been relatively safe for several generations. As the nightmare of polio and other diseases disappears, the know-nothings gain ground. Such is human nature. Unfortunately, that means we will have to relearn those lessons, lessons that will be quite deadly to children.
Kingfish note: I'm not approving comments about the Covid-19 vaccines. There are other posts for such comments. What will happen is someone will hijack the thread and then we have 50 vicious comments back and forth by the same six people. Not going to happen in this post.
If you are interested, here is a study that found higher rates of some side effects for the Covid vaccine that was released a year ago. It reviewed 99 million subjects. Fauci's coverups and the forceful pushing of the Covid vaccines made people more skeptical of vaccines in general and gave ammo to the Anti-vaxxers. Good job, Dr. Idiot.
I can't imagine why Parents stopped trusting the medical community over vaccines...
MAGA is against all vaccines now. Watch for measles & mumps outbreaks in red states in the coming months. And your incoming HHS Secretary? You realize he’s certifiable, right?
Watched the WLBT report when it ran live and was disappointed that whomever interviewed Dr. Mullen failed to inquire as to whether or not the spike in measles cases potentially had any correlation to the invasion of illegal aliens this country has received during the failed Biden presidency. Dr. Mullen though was quick to allude to a causal connection between the spike in measles and the slight reduction in vaccination rates.
Vaccines are safe, uh? Why do they need immunity from liability then? Testimony regarding the 1986 law granting liability protections literally stated vaccines are inherently unsafe and is why the liabilty protection was needed. Safe according to which studies? The 5 day "rigorous" study of 147 kids with no control group the Hepatitis B vaccine was subjected to? Scores of children died every year from diseases before vaccines? Which diseases? Measles? Where the US death rate was 1 in 500,000. Are you referring to Mumps? Where the death rate was 1 in 6,000,000. Perhaps you are referring to Rubella? Oh that death rate 1 in 13,000,000. Quit the fear mongering about these diseases being deadly when all of them are treatable with modern therapeutic techniques.
30 kids or so used to die just from polio every year.
and that was just in Mississippi
Curious whether or not the exemptions stat offered is total or specific or makes any distinction between either.
I know a family who has received an exemption and their objections are only for specific vaccinations. Their child is vaccinated.
Vaccinations bad. Ozempic and other commercial drugs good.
Either side believes too strongly and only look at the data supporting their position for validation. The truth lies somewhere in the middle, but probably not at the midpoint between the two...
If you're anti-vax, you're officially a dumbass. Period.
An embarrassing and sad situation for the state, particularly because it was entirely preventable.
Know-nothings uh? You're a real piece of work calling parents who want their kids to be healthy know nothings. I promise you I'm 10x more informed than you about the safety of vaccines. All you can do is regurgitate the same fear mongering talking points from health authorities - the same health authorities who call on a 1 year old to have received 4 Covid vaccinations, the same health authorities who tells us "definitively" vaccines have nothing to do with autism going from 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 32 yet cant explain what it is that is causing the rise. Have you ever read a single study of which the FDA relied on to approve a vaccine? Seriously, google it and look up one. They are jokes. Short term studies. No control groups. Freaking Eliquis was subjected to 7.5 years of study before it could be approved, but a vaccine chock full of preservatives and aluminum can be approved after a 5 day study? But, by all means carry on with the low IQ fear mongering.
12:59 for the win.
1:04 I can make a strong assumption, based on your tone, how you voted. Have you given any consideration to the number of unvaccinated people, coming from locations with vastly lower health standards than ours, who came across our borders during your president's failed administration? Any chance they could be the cause of any potential rise of otherwise rare diseases in this country? No, I didn't think you'd believe that. Also, have you looked at the rate of decline in Measles that occurred during he 20th Century BEFORE the vaccine arrived in 1963? That would be almost 99%.....BEFORE the vaccine arrived. BUT, the vaccine, as is no surprise has been credited with its eradication. Do some research.
As for 1:29, you're absolutely a leftist following the standard protocol: You have no basis on which to make a substantive argument, so the name calling begins. The "Period" = "the science is settled." So typical.
Big pharma, hospital corporations, the medical industry and sadly doctors are learning that there are consequences for their dreadful actions. The covid debacle can not be overlooked. Forced genetic modification with unproven drugs can and should make people wary and cautious.
Measles, TB, STD’s, etal are necessarily the result of disastrous immigration policies. Doesn’t mean all cases are the result of the progressives’s hordes of illegals but a large portion of the third world health issues we are experiencing domestically most certainly are. All so-called vaccines need to go through extensive safety and efficacy reviews and studies. If you think they are or have been, you are mistaken and/or misinformed.
If you are older than 55 you likely remember at least some of the effects of polio. Polio is without a doubt a serious concern. However, with any degree of research, it is evident that the polio crisis had other health issues like arsenic and pesticide/herbicides lumped into the numbers. No matter one’s opinion on vaccines, solid critical thinking and some degree of skepticism is warranted.
Why is the topic of vaccines such a polarizing topic? There's such a religious zeal to those who think vaccines are the best thing since sliced bread. My kids, who are adults now, were given all the vaccines required by their schools. We trusted the drug companies and the pediatricians. Over the past few years, I have learned that those groups aren't trustworthy. 'Proven Science' at 1:29 just called me a dumbass. I'm chuckling over here at the pomposity on display. I don't pretend to know all the answers, but I have questions. Here's a link to some food for thought: https://learntherisk.org/vaccines/diseases/
Cannot wait to rent my iron lung collection!
An embarrassing and sad situation for the state, particularly because it was entirely predictable.
Never underestimate the consequences of "stupid is as stupid does."
Tinfoilers and chemtrailers check in!
MS leads the nation in STD infections-
It’s confusing because most of the anti-vax people favored letting old and sick people die in favor of herd immunity. Pro-vaxxers thought everyone should be vaccinated for the greater good of society, even if a few people had side effects or died from it. I’m confused b/c I don’t know why in the f*** we are still talking about this. Can’t we all just get along?
How many of you got your ten year vax boosters at age 20, 30, 40, etc? If you haven’t then you are just as bad as the never vaxxed. And I am 45 never have been vaxxed and never will be. If Muslims and Jews can opt-out then so can I.
You might be one of them talibangelicals. Or maybe even a real Amish!
All vaccines are not bad. Those that follow the proper course of development, testing, and clinical trials can take years to reach the market, but most of those are safe. But we can thank the federal govt, and the haste to make a lot of money, during COVID for the distrust people have developed for vaccines. I was dumb enough to take just one of those, and it was one pulled from the market. I said never again, and I never got a booster or another covid shot.
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