Uh-oh, the city of Jackson wants to get back its water system. WLBT reported:
A national law firm will soon be assisting the city of Jackson in drawing up plans for the water and sewer system once the third-party manager leaves. On Tuesday, the Jackson City Council approved entering into a contract with Ice Miller, LLP to represent the city in efforts to modify the court orders governing water and sewer. The measure was approved on a 5-1 vote. Ward One Councilman Ashby Foote was the lone holdout. Last week, the council voted down the contract on a 3-3 vote. According to the contract Ice Miller will “assist in drafting and implementing modifications to any existing consent decrees or stipulated orders between the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the United States Department of Justice,” including future governance structures of the systems.... The contract will run through March 31, 2025, and is not to exceed $45,000, with the firm charging the city a blended rate of $580 an hour to cover all attorneys’ fees associated with the work. Article
The contract was rejected at an earlier meeting of the Jackson City Council. WLBT reported the Lumumba Administration justified the contract:
Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba told Foote that the EPA and DOJ were the ones who approached the city to begin transition talks now, not the other way around.
“They are the ones who put us on the timeline, and [said] to us to escalate this process,” he said. “That is what our timeline is shaped by... the EPA and DOJ.”...
Martin backed up the mayor’s comments, telling council members that the orders governing the water and sewer systems are likely going to be amended next year, and the city needs to be involved in that process.
“We need to be as active and proactive as we can be in that process right now because we’re stuck with those orders once they’re entered,” he said. “I want this help. I think the city needs this help, and if we don’t have an active role in it, the government and the court will take that role away from us is my concern.” Article.
The same clowns who ran the water system into the ground naturally want it back. They can't handle libraries, crime, Thalia Mara Hall, or a water/sewer system but damned if they don't want to run everything while ruining everything.
The legislature needs to do Jackson residents a favor and pass a bill establishing a utility district for the city of Jackson that is not controlled by the Mayor. Too many Mayoral administrations have shown the political leadership of Jackson is not capable of operating a water system.
Unqualified public works directors are repeatedly hired, good employees are run off, sweetheart deals are given to incompetent contractors (right, Marika?), and the finances are horribly mismanaged.
These public thieves just want more to steal and that, my friends, is the bottom line.
Kingfish note: The Mayor said something about the EPA and Justice Department wanted to accelerate the return of the water system. Uh-huh. Well, Mr. Mayor, after January 20, it won't matter as your man Michael Regan will no longer be in charge and I don't think the new administration is going to be as friendly as to your goals.
I’m going to guess Virgi will piss off at least half her neighbors by not joining Foote on this.
Not this again! When is the trial for Lumumba anyway? It can't come soon enough.
Why are you slandering clowns by putting them in the same ilk as Lumumba? Clowns running the city right now would be an improvement.
Doesn't matter - The feds didn't drop a billion to bring this system back to life for it just to end up in the hands of the idiots that caused it. There are people that are steadfast working on another receivership and they are smarter than Lumumba's dumb ass. City of Jackson couldn't think their way out of a cardboard box.
I beg to differ on one point....the new administration is hell bent on cutting costs and they don't give a damn about Jackson, so the mayor might actually get what he wants.
Unqualified public works directors are repeatedly hired, good employees are run off, sweetheart deals are given to incompetent contractors (right, Marika?), and the finances are horribly mismanaged.
These public thieves just want more to steal and that, my friends, is the bottom line.
Sounds just like the airport starting in 2014.
This should have been an "Idiot of the day" post. Chokwe version.
Truly, you just can't make this up.
Ice Miller? That cant be serious!? Sounds like a Malt Liquor! Whats next? Blount, Tweed, and Kronik?
Mayor Lumumba is operating as if he will receive a pardon from Joe Biden. And that is likely the case. Joe is signing them as fast as the DNC can put them in front of him. He has 40 more days and has already signed more than 2000 pardons.
I'm sure the feds are thrilled to hand over water/sewer to a criminal.
Beginning of another conspiracy/fraud/bribery charge?
Y'all keep re-electing Virgi because she is sharp as a marble.
I thought this issue was water under the bridge.
da mare mus stop smokin dat dope.
None of the water sewer money can go into any city fund by law. It has to stay in a dedicated fund so why would the city want it? Several towns have already moved to companies to run their water system as weekly reports are required. If the audit was done you would see he used the water money in the city general fund which is against the law.
None of the water sewer money can go into any city fund by law. It has to stay in a dedicated fund so why would the city want it? Several towns have already moved to companies to run their water system as weekly reports are required. If the audit was done you would see he used the water money in the city general fund which is against the law.
Lamumbles - In the game of Jackson monopoly, you drew the "GO TO JAIL, DO NOT PASS GO" card.
Chuckweee has been drooling over that fed water money for a long time now.
I challenge Lumumba to produce the communications where the DOJ and EPA said those things. Surely they are in writing. It would behoove him to do so, if they are in fact true. Otherwise, everyone other than his minions are throwing the BS flag at this.
Legislator has tried TWO TIMES to pass a bill setting up a Utility to handle the water system. The handful of Hinds Co representatives had a hissy fit. Screw that. 2025, get the damn law passed.
Today's winner.
"Ice Miller is dedicated to helping our clients stay ahead in a changing world where creativity and innovation prove essential. A diverse team that considers challenges from different perspectives, abilities, and cultural references drives creativity, fuels innovation, and strengthens relationships. We are focused on building a diverse and inclusive workforce that leverages our differences to provide the best possible legal services to our clients."
So in other words, Chockwe wants to hire a law firm that talks like he does. I thought those kinds of empty buzzwords were just for the tech industry.
Doesn't the federal decree that put Jackson's water system in receivership require the interim manager (Ted Henifin) to recommend a future, permanent organization or authority to manage the city's water system? Why would DOJ & EPA be looking into that issue long before the interim manager makes his recommendation? I suspect the mayor is misrepresenting things once again, which is the only skill he has.
Shame on the city council to fund this grift.
Being against the law has never stopped anyone involved in Jackson.
December 20, 2024 at 9:50 AM
That would require Lumumba to be convicted. His trial originally wasn't until January but has been continued probably until sometime in the Summer or Autumn, though I did read that there was a motion to seal. Discovery should be underway soon.
What you meant to say was "Mayor Lobotomy wants to destroy the water system again,"
I recently took a flight out the Jackson airport, early morning and it was cold inside the building. I found out the heating system was not working. I was not surprised. The current group running Jackson can’t manage anything.
Be patient, as more federal indictments are coming out just after the first of the year. You read it first here on KF.
The extent of the pardon power is a matter of debate. There is precedent for pardons for crimes where there has been no conviction, Ford’s pardon of Nixon being the primary example. It is unlikely that the DOJ, under any President, will seek a conviction for a crime covered by a pardon, even if there is no prior conviction, thus we will never know whether it is constitutional. Presidents naturally want to preserve as much power as possible. Therefore, the DOJ will act accordingly and not seek to prosecute someone who has been pardoned even without conviction. And the only way to test the extent of the power is to seek to prosecute the person who has a claim of pardon, so it will never be tested in court.
If that's what the Jackson voters want ... give the water works back to them.
During the next ice storm this January, I want to see Stokes talking about "boo boo" won't flush.
Looking at that law firm's webpage they sure look a little...well...fair complected. How did that slip through the cracks? Right?
If the city does somehow get control of the water system again, and if they mess it up again, then the powers that be at the state, MEMA, or even the feds should let them stew in their own juice.
Call his bluff and produce the letter from Feds stating what the mayor said. Put up or shut up!
What the State wants is the money. In every city in the country that has a public water system and an airport, those are profits that go back into the city government to pay to run the city efficiently. Never in my life did I think I'd live to see the GOP care only about power and filling their own pockets or be so stupid about what good government is or isn't.
Some of you charge corruption but the only big time corruption in government and waste I've seen proven legally is that which happened in State government. What is it about TANF , you didn't understand? And, worse, instead of a money going to improve our local police and give them the tools and equipment they need, we get, faux force of less trained and less qualified police and equally poorly equipped Capitol police. A good start would be to get equipment made in this century for emergency response and government so I don't see 30 year old computer equipment in Jackson and state government offices!
Your ignorance is on full display. First, the airport revenue stays at the airport. Period. It does not count towards revenue on the city's books. You will rarely see airport profits taken by any city as they are used to maintain and make improvements to the airport.
As for water, you are a perfect example of why a city water system would go broke. A city IS NOT supposed to plow the water system profits into the rest of the city budget. The water system should be self supporting. That means determine what the costs of maintenance, improvements, and providing service are. Keep a cash reserve. Jackson used to have one of several million dollars in the water system until two Mayors cut off the cutoffs and the Siemens project blew up the water system. Siphoning off water/sewer profits is a great way to ensure the system can't take care of itself.
Given JPD's incompetent leadership and the inability of the city to manage anything, why should the state provide any funds for law enforcement. The Lumumba administration repeatedly UNDERSPENT its police budget while it whine it needed more cops. It was the Lumumba administration that ran off Vance and demoted his command staff, replacing them with egos and idiots. Thalia Mara Hall is just one example. The state gave the city the funds to start making repairs. When the AC system failed and the "microbial growth occurred", there was $400,000 sitting in the bank. Yup. How much money would've been saved if that money had been used to repair the HVAC system?
As for training, JPD officers go through the state academy, just as many Capitol Police officers do.
Good responses, KF. I will add that, when Chockwe first ascended to the throne, he cycled through numerous police chiefs in repaid succession, until everyone got the message about who was really calling the shots.
Lumumba set the tone at JPD 8 years ago, and we all see the results.
As for this guy: "Never in my life did I think I'd live to see the GOP care only about power and filling their own pockets or be so stupid about what good government is or isn't."
What planet has he been living on?
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