Tune in to the Empower Mississippi podcast with Grant Callen. This week's guest is none other than Jason White, Speaker of the Mississippi House of Representatives. The time of the session draws nigh so if you want to hear what is coming down the turnpike, check out Speaker White has to say.
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Jason White is a great guy.
Finally someone who speaks clearly and compellingly about school choice. It's time to get this done. It's coming eventually, so why should we wait until every other southern state implements choice. Lets go.
@10:30 and 4:25 -Hi Jason, so you think the states with the worst education outcomes should be our model? A sane person would take the opposite approach, let’s see what the states at the top of the education rankings are doing so we aren’t striving to replicate failure. This school choice crap is such an obvious money grab being pushed by the typical grifters.
@8:20, elections have consequences. That ain't no crap.
Which school district do you work for?
MS has several State Choice programs such as Arkansas, to model from. Public education in Jxn sux. Only competition from better schools, as chosen by parents, can improve JPS.
School Choice is fair- it will make good schools worse and bad schools even worse. Brought to you by the same geniuses who said Charter Schools would be fantastic but have proven to be an unmitigated DISASTER.
This is so much political pandering it's pathetic. The term "School Choice" is another political manipulation to garner attention and possible votes.....the REAL issue is: TAXPAYER choice.....as in: Why do I have to pay property taxes to fund local schools where I have no children? Jason White is as slick as they come. He couldn't possibly have a serious conversation on this subject for fear of his precious political aspirations being tarnished with hard reality.
Picture yourself as the parent of public-school students in Clinton, Rankin County and Madison. How quickly are you going to jump on this social experiment and welcome an influx of JPS students?
Imagine the degradation that is about to descend on Madison Public when Canton and JPS parents opt to bring their social norms, attitudes, behavioral problems and lack of goal-setting ability into Madison schools. And the same is likely to occur in every non-JPS school within a fifteen-mile radius of that system.
If you want to see failure eat away at our well performing schools in the state, get behind the pied pipers of Jason White and Carswell.
For some reason, you people have bought into this Carswell boatload of bullshit which is nothing more than another of his social experiments destined to fail.
School choice has nothing to do with private schools or following the money - The primary result will be turning well-performing and exemplary public schools into average-performing pools of mediocrity with more DEI leadership and systemic behavioral problems.
Speaker White has bought into yet another pig in a poke and he's selling it off the back of a wagon like snake-oil.
A problem has never been solved by creating five more.
The US has been coasting on the inertia of "morals" for about six decades as a culture without having any real reference to where such were derived. Once the new "morals" of radical individual self-focus came on the stage over the last decade very few public schools had a toolbox to say no to the latest social contagion of tic-toc challenges of punching teachers or invading whatever private spaces one feels like for the day.
The speaker is getting out ahead of a question that is rapidly destroying communities in the NE, NW, and SW. Here in the SE, and in the Midwest, there are still a bit more residual cultural "morals" to be able to have functional public schools, but that is heading out the door fast. It makes sense to enact legislation while we still can give parents an option to choose a school using their own tax money that will teach the value system, they are convinced in their conscience is correct.
I really don't see any other way forward than parentally guided school choice and while it might not be popular to admit this, even parents who aren't very with it will observe quickly which school’s discipline standards work and which don't. Even if they don't fully subscribe to say a certain religious perspective on everything, they will gravitate to that school based on their moral stance.
As to those who claim this will just use public monies to teach religion you might want to consider that children are being taught some type of value system no manner what. There is no longer a pure reading, writing, and arithmetic option available; particularly as you move into higher level discussion in HS. To say that public funds can only go to teaching one set of value systems is in fact discriminatory.
Secondly, private schools tend to be a lot more efficient financially, making do with older buildings that are well kept, and investing the resources into instruction more than the institutional facilities. If a parent is only getting the state portion of the education dollar and then must figure out how to close the gap, many lower income parents will be able to do so by working at their own children’s school. While I have seen this work wonders for the overall family health, but it also saves tax dollars overall, a win-win for future generations of well-adjusted adults.
When I was working in CA this was the reality on the ground it seemed based on my discussions with parents of my same age bracket. They didn't seem overly religious but had chosen a religiously affiliated school to escape the cultural slide that would lead to their children otherwise becoming unproductive adults.
Lead on Speaker White, if you don’t someone else will. Old school R’s, get out of the way!
"Old school R's, get out of the way!"
Uh, surely you do realize the whole nation just emphatically voted for "old school R's"....hello?
9:13 Are you trying to compete in a " word salad contest " ? You win.
I notice 9:13 has a California background, otherwise I don't know what the hell he said. He lost me when he suggested 'a school...that will teach a value system'.
Pardon me, Hillary, but Mississippians don't sit around and wait for the village to teach our children a value system.
@9:13am is fooling you. Here’s how it works, and you haven’t been paying attention:
For folks spending twenty grand for high school education, their $6600 is vacation money. For those wishing to get their kids into a private school, the low cost schools (say $9,000/year) just got cheap and they better be ready to expand. For poor folk, well all the best public schools are already full and those parents have their $6600 too. So there’s no change.
Summary, rich folks get a vacation, upper middle class folks have more to brag about. For everybody else life’s the same. It’s just another government giveaway to rich folks, this one being more obvious than most.
@7:06 Actually – the rule of half would govern, with benefits split between the school pricing power and parents for whom there is a marginal decision to be made one way or the other. Remember most of the private schools have programs just like public colleges today where there is a list price and then various other means tested programs. I am such a parent where everything is fully marginal, as is most of the middle class. It is worth noting that studies from FL proved that public schools experiencing the possibility of loosing funds if children are allowed to take their funding elsewhere actually improve, imagine that a free market response!
So as an engineer born here, I traveled to CA to design or look after jobs from 2000-2019. CA went in this time period from being an eccentric but cool place with a deep history of innovation, to a society where parents were always playing defense against crazy social contagion by the time of my last job. As most know, those with portability in their work are heading out the door and not just because of tax policy but due to what the government wants to teach their children, i.e. Mr. Musk, where the doctors and those in the school pushed his child on. Also, the WSJ had an article recently about how out of state parents are sending their children to SE colleges to escape the atmosphere that has prevailed in NE colleges since C-19.
But this “moral” culture is not going to last forever in the SE. I can already see it slipping away even in the well performing Madison schools as their leaders mix with the “professional” teachers from other areas and the various content providers for classroom. If you think it is odd that I talk about morals, consider that state law cites that as one of the reasons for public schools. This isn’t a village raising children @3:52, but rather the founding convictions of the culture and schools that parents have to fight against when it turns against them.
@12:31 – I have no idea how all this aligned, but the nation actually voted for new school R’s aligned with unlikely fellows such as Mr. Musk and RFK, who both see damage being caused by the increasing pressure from the outgoing administration for people to ascent to a very confused ideology. I would imagine there is but 4 years, maybe 8 years, to get ahead of it before we are under the thumb of the next commie federal administration. Remember the outgoing administration is still trying to teach their own morals and get us all to say no such thing as Male and Female exists exclusively, parental choice in school funding is the only long-run answer.
So, lead on Speaker White, let's make the best of these 4 years! For all you old school R’s who haven’t experience the challenge of raising children in the last two decades, perhaps you should defer and get out of the way!
"...parental choice in school funding is the only long-run answer." Bullseye. THAT is the issue, and then let natural selection take its course.
Actually, 6:35, 'natural selection' is already taking its course, and without all this liberal/tarian BS social experimentation. If busing were not bad enough...You no doubt feel real fuzzy about CRT - Just a guess.
When an entire tribe gives not a hoot about its yoot, you will see natural selection at work.
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